提交 affdb518 编写于 作者: oldratlee's avatar oldratlee 🔥

use mvnw instead of mvn in scripts

上级 a501401f
......@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ runCmd() {
cleanInstall() {
[ "$1" = 'skip' ] || {
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip && mvn test-compile
./mvnw clean install -Dmaven.test.skip && ./mvnw test-compile
copyDeps() {
[ "$1" = 'skip' ] || {
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DincludeScope=test
./mvnw dependency:copy-dependencies -DincludeScope=test
# remove repackaged and shaded javassist lib
rm target/dependency/javassist*
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- `git push origin v2.x.x`
1. 等待Tag的CI通过 <https://travis-ci.org/alibaba/transmittable-thread-local/builds>
1. 发布版本到Maven中央库
`mvn deploy -DperformRelease`
`./mvnw deploy -DperformRelease`
1. 更新JavaDoc
1. 生成JavaDoc,更新到分支gh-pages
`mv target/apidocs apidocs/2.x.x`
......@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ $deploy_maven && {
echo '================================================================================'
echo 'deploy to maven center repo...'
echo '================================================================================'
mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true
./mvnw deploy -DperformRelease=true
$deploy_java_doc && {
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -PsrcDoc
./mvnw install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -PsrcDoc
git checkout gh-pages
mv target/apidocs "apidocs/$new_version"
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