提交 4caa49c4 编写于 作者: oldratlee's avatar oldratlee 🔥

add DistributedTracerUseDemo

上级 68e1d3b5
package com.alibaba.mtc.demo.distributed_tracer;
import com.alibaba.mtc.MtContextThreadLocal;
import com.alibaba.mtc.Utils;
import com.alibaba.mtc.threadpool.MtContextExecutors;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* DistributedTracer(DT) use demo.
* @author Jerry Lee (oldratlee at gmail dot com)
public class DistributedTracerUseDemo {
static ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactory() {
public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
Thread thread = new Thread(r, "Executors");
return thread;
static ExecutorService executorService = MtContextExecutors.getMtcExecutorService(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1, threadFactory));
static {
// 挤满线程, 保证线程不是用的时候new的, 确保验证MTC的传递功能
static class DtTransferInfo {
public String traceId;
public String baseSpanId;
public DtTransferInfo(String traceId, String baseSpanId) {
this.traceId = traceId;
this.baseSpanId = baseSpanId;
private static MtContextThreadLocal<DtTransferInfo> transferInfo = new MtContextThreadLocal<DtTransferInfo>() {
protected DtTransferInfo copy(DtTransferInfo parentValue) {
return super.childValue(parentValue);
protected void afterExecute() {
static class LeafSpanIdInfo {
AtomicInteger current = new AtomicInteger(1);
AtomicInteger refCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
private static Map<String, LeafSpanIdInfo> traceId2LeafSpanIdInfo = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, LeafSpanIdInfo>();
static void increaseSpanIdRefCounter() {
DtTransferInfo dtTransferInfo = transferInfo.get();
String traceId = dtTransferInfo.traceId;
int refCounter = traceId2LeafSpanIdInfo.get(traceId).refCounter.incrementAndGet();
System.out.printf("DEBUG: Increase reference counter(%s) for traceId %s in thread %s\n", refCounter, traceId, Thread.currentThread().getName());
static void decreaseSpanIdRefCounter() {
DtTransferInfo dtTransferInfo = transferInfo.get();
String traceId = dtTransferInfo.traceId;
LeafSpanIdInfo leafSpanIdInfo = traceId2LeafSpanIdInfo.get(traceId);
int refCounter = leafSpanIdInfo.refCounter.decrementAndGet();
System.out.printf("DEBUG: Decrease reference counter(%s) for traceId %s in thread %s\n", refCounter, traceId, Thread.currentThread().getName());
if (refCounter == 0) {
System.out.printf("DEBUG: Clear traceId2LeafSpanIdInfo for traceId %s in thread %s\n", traceId, Thread.currentThread().getName());
} else if (refCounter < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Leaf Span Id Info Reference counter has Bug!!");
static int increaseLeafSpanCurrentAndReturn() {
DtTransferInfo dtTransferInfo = transferInfo.get();
String traceId = dtTransferInfo.traceId;
LeafSpanIdInfo leafSpanIdInfo = traceId2LeafSpanIdInfo.get(traceId);
return leafSpanIdInfo.current.getAndIncrement();
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
static void rpcInvokeIn() {
// DistributedTracer Framework Code
// Get Trace Id and Span Id from RPC Context
String traceId = "traceId_XXXYYY";
String baseSpanId = "1.1";
transferInfo.set(new DtTransferInfo(traceId, baseSpanId));
traceId2LeafSpanIdInfo.put(traceId, new LeafSpanIdInfo());
// Biz Code
// DistributedTracer Framework Code
static void syncMethod() {
// async call by MTC Executor, Test OK!
executorService.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// async call by new Thread
// FIXME Bug!! 没有 Increase/Decrease reference counter操作!
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, "Thread-by-new").start();
invokeServerWithRpc("server 1");
static void asyncMethod() {
invokeServerWithRpc("server 2");
static void syncMethod_ByNewThread() {
invokeServerWithRpc("server 3");
// RPC invoke
static void invokeServerWithRpc(String server) {
// DistributedTracer Framework Code
int leafSpanCurrent = increaseLeafSpanCurrentAndReturn();
// Set RpcContext
// Mocked, should use RPC util to get Rpc Context instead
Map<String, String> rpcContext = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>();
rpcContext.put("traceId", transferInfo.get().traceId);
rpcContext.put("spanId", transferInfo.get().baseSpanId + "." + leafSpanCurrent);
// Do Rpc
// ...
System.out.printf("Do Rpc invocation to server %s with %s\n", server, rpcContext);
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