提交 34455d39 编写于 作者: L Liangliang He

Add op stats tool

上级 5b14efee
......@@ -19,3 +19,12 @@ py_binary(
name = "tf_ops_stats",
srcs = ["tf_ops_stats.py"],
srcs_version = "PY2AND3",
deps = [
import argparse
import sys
import six
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import gfile
# ./bazel-bin/mace/python/tools/tf_ops_stats --input model.pb
FLAGS = None
def hist_inc(hist, key):
if key in hist:
hist[key] += 1
hist[key] = 1
def to_int_list(long_list):
int_list = []
for value in long_list:
return int_list
def main(unused_args):
if not FLAGS.input or not gfile.Exists(FLAGS.input):
print('Input graph file ' + FLAGS.input + ' does not exist!')
return -1
input_graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
with gfile.Open(FLAGS.input, 'rb') as f:
data = f.read()
with tf.Session() as session:
with session.graph.as_default() as graph:
tf.import_graph_def(input_graph_def, name='')
stats = {}
ops = graph.get_operations()
# extract kernel size for conv_2d
tensor_shapes = {}
tensor_values = {}
for op in ops:
if op.type == 'Const':
for output in op.outputs:
tensor_name = output.name
tensor = output.eval()
tensor_shape = list(tensor.shape)
tensor_shapes[tensor_name] = tensor_shape
if len(tensor_shape) == 1 and tensor_shape[0] < 10:
tensor_values[tensor_name] = list(tensor)
for op in ops:
if op.type in ['Conv2D']:
padding = op.get_attr('padding')
strides = to_int_list(op.get_attr('strides'))
data_format = op.get_attr('data_format')
ksize = 'Unknown'
for input in op.inputs:
input_name = input.name
if input_name.endswith('weights/read:0'):
ksize = input.shape.as_list()
if input_name.endswith('weights:0') and input_name in tensor_shapes:
ksize = tensor_shapes[input_name]
key = '%s(padding=%s, strides=%s, ksize=%s, format=%s)' % (op.type, padding, strides, ksize, data_format)
hist_inc(stats, key)
elif op.type in ['FusedResizeAndPadConv2D']:
padding = op.get_attr('padding')
strides = to_int_list(op.get_attr('strides'))
resize_align_corners = op.get_attr('resize_align_corners')
ksize = 'Unknown'
for input in op.inputs:
input_name = input.name
if input_name.endswith('weights:0') and input_name in tensor_shapes:
ksize = tensor_shapes[input_name]
key = '%s(padding=%s, strides=%s, ksize=%s, resize_align_corners=%s)' % (op.type, padding, strides, ksize, resize_align_corners)
hist_inc(stats, key)
elif op.type in ['ResizeBilinear']:
align_corners = op.get_attr('align_corners')
size = 'Unknown'
for input in op.inputs:
input_name = input.name
if input_name.endswith('size:0') and input_name in tensor_values:
size = tensor_values[input_name]
key = '%s(size=%s, align_corners=%s)' % (op.type, size, align_corners)
hist_inc(stats, key)
elif op.type in ['AvgPool', 'MaxPool']:
padding = op.get_attr('padding')
strides = to_int_list(op.get_attr('strides'))
ksize = to_int_list(op.get_attr('ksize'))
data_format = op.get_attr('data_format')
key = '%s(padding=%s, strides=%s, ksize=%s)' % (op.type, padding, strides, ksize)
hist_inc(stats, key)
elif op.type in ['SpaceToBatchND', 'BatchToSpaceND']:
block_shape = 'Unknown'
for input in op.inputs:
input_name = input.name
if input_name.endswith('block_shape:0') and input_name in tensor_values:
block_shape = tensor_values[input_name]
paddings = 'Unknown'
for input in op.inputs:
input_name = input.name
if input_name.endswith('paddings:0') and input_name in tensor_values:
paddings = tensor_values[input_name]
crops = 'Unknown'
for input in op.inputs:
input_name = input.name
if input_name.endswith('crops:0') and input_name in tensor_values:
paddings = tensor_values[input_name]
if op.type == 'SpaceToBatchND':
key = '%s(block_shape=%s, paddings=%s)' % (op.type, block_shape, paddings)
key = '%s(block_shape=%s, crops=%s)' % (op.type, block_shape, crops)
hist_inc(stats, key)
elif op.type == 'Pad':
paddings = 'Unknown'
for input in op.inputs:
input_name = input.name
if input_name.endswith('paddings:0') and input_name in tensor_values:
paddings = tensor_values[input_name]
key = '%s(paddings=%s)' % (op.type, paddings)
hist_inc(stats, key)
hist_inc(stats, op.type)
for key, value in sorted(six.iteritems(stats)):
print('%s: %d' % (key, value))
def parse_args():
'''Parses command line arguments.'''
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='TensorFlow \'GraphDef\' file to load.')
return parser.parse_known_args()
if __name__ == '__main__':
FLAGS, unparsed = parse_args()
main(unused_args=[sys.argv[0]] + unparsed)
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