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import GUI from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lil-gui@0.17/+esm'
import * as THREE from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/three@0.144.0'
import { OrbitControls } from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/three@0.132.2/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls.js'
const settings = {
seed: 91651088029,
fps: 0,
dimensions: 500,
atoms: {
count: 500, // Per Color
radius: 0.5
drawings: { // Drawing options can be expensive on performance
lines: false, // draw lines between atoms that arr effecting each other
circle: false, // draw atoms as circles
background: {
active: false,
color: 'black'
rules: {},
rulesArray: [],
colors: ['green', 'red', 'yellow', 'blue'],
time_scale: 1.0,
cutOff: 6400 * 2, // interaction distance cut-off
viscosity: 0.7, // speed-dampening
pulseDuration: 10,
reset: () => resetScene(),
randomRules: () => {
randomAtoms(settings.atoms.count, true)
symmetricRules: () => {
randomAtoms(settings.atoms.count, true)
gui: null,
scene: {
camera: null,
scene: null,
renderer: null,
controls: null,
atomsGroup: null,
gridHelper: null
const resetScene = () => {
randomAtoms(settings.atoms.count, true)
settings.scene.controls.target = new THREE.Vector3(settings.dimensions / 2, settings.dimensions / 2, settings.dimensions / 2)
const addGridHelper = () => {
if (settings.scene.gridHelper) {
settings.scene.gridHelper = new THREE.GridHelper(settings.dimensions, 10)
settings.scene.gridHelper.position.x = settings.dimensions / 2
settings.scene.gridHelper.position.y = 0
settings.scene.gridHelper.position.z = settings.dimensions / 2
const initScene = () => {
const container = document.createElement('div');
const aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
settings.scene.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, aspect, 0.1, 5000);
settings.scene.camera.position.x = settings.dimensions * 2
settings.scene.camera.position.y = settings.dimensions * 2
settings.scene.camera.position.z = settings.dimensions * 2
settings.scene.scene = new THREE.Scene();
settings.scene.atomsGroup = new THREE.Group()
settings.scene.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer()
settings.scene.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
settings.scene.controls = new OrbitControls(settings.scene.camera, settings.scene.renderer.domElement)
settings.scene.controls.target = new THREE.Vector3(settings.dimensions / 2, settings.dimensions / 2, settings.dimensions / 2)
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
settings.scene.camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight
settings.scene.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
const updateGUIDisplay = () => {
console.log('gui', settings.gui)
Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 'capitalise', {
value: function() {
return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1);
enumerable: false
// Build GUI
const setupGUI = () => {
settings.gui = new GUI({
title: 'Particle Life Config'
// Configs
const configFolder = settings.gui.addFolder('Config')
configFolder.add(settings, 'reset').name('Reset')
configFolder.add(settings, 'randomRules').name('Random Rules')
configFolder.add(settings, 'symmetricRules').name('Symmetric Rules')
configFolder.add(settings, 'seed').name('Seed').listen()
configFolder.add(settings, 'fps').name('FPS - (Live)').listen().disable()
configFolder.add(settings.atoms, 'count', 1, 1000, 1).name('Atoms per-color').listen().onFinishChange(v => {
randomAtoms(v, true)
configFolder.add(settings, 'dimensions', 200, 5000, 100).name('Cube Dimensions').listen().onFinishChange(v => settings.reset())
configFolder.add(settings, 'time_scale', 0.1, 5, 0.01).name('Time Scale').listen()
configFolder.add(settings, 'cutOff', 1, 20000 * 2, 50).name('Max Distance').listen()
configFolder.add(settings, 'viscosity', 0.1, 2, 0.1).name('Viscosity').listen()
configFolder.add(settings, 'pulseDuration', 1, 100, 1).name('Click Pulse Duration').listen()
// Drawings
const drawingsFolder = settings.gui.addFolder('Drawings')
drawingsFolder.add(settings.atoms, 'radius', 0.1, 10, 0.1).name('Radius').listen().onFinishChange(v => {
for (const mesh of settings.scene.atomsGroup.children) mesh.scale.set(v, v, v)
// drawingsFolder.add(settings.drawings, 'circle').name('Circle Shape').listen()
// drawingsFolder.add(settings.drawings, 'lines').name('Draw Lines').listen()
// drawingsFolder.add(settings.drawings.background, 'active').name('Background Color').listen()
// drawingsFolder.addColor(settings.drawings.background, 'color').name('Background Color').listen()
// Colors
for (const atomColor of settings.colors) {
const colorFolder = settings.gui.addFolder(`Rules: ${atomColor.capitalise()}`)
for (const ruleColor of settings.colors) {
colorFolder.add(settings.rules[atomColor], ruleColor, -1, 1, 0.001).name(`${atomColor.capitalise()} x ${ruleColor.capitalise()}`).listen().onFinishChange(v => {
// Seedable 'decent' random generator
function mulberry32() {
var t = settings.seed += 0x6D2B79F5;
t = Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 15, t | 1);
t ^= t + Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 7, t | 61);
return ((t ^ t >>> 14) >>> 0) / 4294967296.;
function loadSeedFromUrl() {
var hash = window.location.hash;
if (hash != undefined && hash[0] == '#') {
var param = Number(hash.substr(1)); // remove the leading '#'
if (isFinite(param)) {
settings.seed = param;
console.log("Using seed " + settings.seed);
function randomRules() {
if (!isFinite(settings.seed)) settings.seed = 0xcafecafe;
console.log("Seed=" + settings.seed);
window.location.hash = "#" + settings.seed;
for (var i of settings.colors) {
settings.rules[i] = {};
for (var j of settings.colors) {
settings.rules[i][j] = mulberry32() * 2 - 1;
function symmetricRules() {
for (var i of settings.colors) {
for (var j of settings.colors) {
if (j < i) {
let v = 0.5 * (settings.rules[i][j] + settings.rules[j][i]);
settings.rules[i][j] = settings.rules[j][i] = v;
function flattenRules() {
settings.rulesArray = []
for (let i = 0; i < settings.colors.length; i++) {
const ruleRow = []
for (let j = 0; j < settings.colors.length; j++) {
// Initiate Random locations for Atoms ( used when atoms created )
function randomX() {
return mulberry32() * (settings.dimensions - 100) + 50;
function randomY() {
return mulberry32() * (settings.dimensions - 100) + 50;
const sphereGeom = new THREE.SphereGeometry(2, 5, 5)
const meshMaterials = settings.colors.map(color => new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color: color,
side: THREE.DoubleSide
/* Create an Atom - Use matrices for x4/5 performance improvement
atom[0] = x
atom[1] = y
atom[2] = z
atom[3] = ax
atom[4] = ay
atom[5] = az
atom[6] = color (index)
atom[6] = mesh
const create = (number, color) => {
for (let i = 0; i < number; i++) {
const atom = [randomX(), randomY(), randomX(), 0, 0, 0, color]
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(sphereGeom, meshMaterials[color]);
mesh.position.set(atom[0], atom[1], atom[2])
mesh.scale.set(settings.atoms.radius, settings.atoms.radius, settings.atoms.radius)
function randomAtoms(number_of_atoms_per_color, clear_previous) {
if (clear_previous) {
atoms.length = 0
// Clear existing atoms
while (settings.scene.atomsGroup.children.length) {
for (let c = 0; c < settings.colors.length; c++) {
create(number_of_atoms_per_color, c)
// Run Application
// Params for click-based pulse event
var pulse = 0;
var pulse_x = 0,
pulse_y = 0;
var total_v; // global velocity as a estimate of on-screen activity
// Apply Rules ( How atoms interact with each other )
const applyRules = () => {
total_v = 0.;
// update velocity first
for (var a of atoms) {
let fx = 0;
let fy = 0;
let fz = 0;
const r2 = settings.cutOff;
for (var b of atoms) {
const g = settings.rulesArray[a[6]][b[6]];
const dx = a[0] - b[0];
const dy = a[1] - b[1];
const dz = a[2] - b[2];
if (dx !== 0 || dy !== 0 || dz !== 0) {
const d = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
if (d < r2) {
const F = g / Math.sqrt(d);
fx += F * dx;
fy += F * dy;
fz += F * dz;
// Draw lines between atoms that are effecting each other.
if (settings.drawings.lines) DrawLineBetweenAtoms(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], settings.colors[b[4]]);
if (pulse != 0) {
const dx = a[0] - pulse_x;
const dy = a[1] - pulse_y;
const d = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (d > 0) {
const F = 100. * pulse / (d * settings.time_scale);
fx += F * dx;
fy += F * dy;
const vmix = (1. - settings.viscosity);
a[3] = a[3] * vmix + fx * settings.time_scale;
a[4] = a[4] * vmix + fy * settings.time_scale;
a[5] = a[5] * vmix + fz * settings.time_scale;
// record typical activity, so that we can scale the
// time_scale later accordingly
total_v += Math.abs(a[3]);
total_v += Math.abs(a[4]);
total_v += Math.abs(a[5]);
// update positions now
for (var a of atoms) {
a[0] += a[3]
a[1] += a[4]
a[2] += a[5]
// When Atoms touch or bypass canvas borders
if (a[0] < 0) {
a[0] = -a[0];
a[3] *= -1;
if (a[0] >= settings.dimensions) {
a[0] = 2 * settings.dimensions - a[0];
a[3] *= -1;
if (a[1] < 0) {
a[1] = -a[1];
a[4] *= -1;
if (a[1] >= settings.dimensions) {
a[1] = 2 * settings.dimensions - a[1];
a[4] *= -1;
if (a[2] < 0) {
a[2] = -a[2];
a[5] *= -1;
if (a[2] >= settings.dimensions) {
a[2] = 2 * settings.dimensions - a[2];
a[5] *= -1;
a[7].position.set(a[0], a[1], a[2])
total_v /= atoms.length;
// Generate Rules
// Generate Atoms
const atoms = []
randomAtoms(settings.atoms.count, true)
console.log('settings', settings)
// Update Frames
var lastT = Date.now();
function update() {
// Apply Rules
// Draw Atoms
settings.scene.renderer.render(settings.scene.scene, settings.scene.camera)
// Update Params
// post-frame stats and updates
function updateParams() {
// record FPS
var curT = Date.now();
if (curT > lastT) {
const new_fps = 1000. / (curT - lastT);
settings.fps = Math.round(settings.fps * 0.8 + new_fps * 0.2)
lastT = curT;
// adapt time_scale based on activity
if (total_v > 30. && settings.time_scale > 5.) settings.time_scale /= 1.1;
if (settings.time_scale < 0.9) settings.time_scale *= 1.01;
if (settings.time_scale > 1.1) settings.time_scale /= 1.01;
if (pulse > 0) pulse -= 1;
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81.8536 20.8228 80.9052 21.3419C79.9568 21.8611 78.8931 22.1333 77.812 22.1336H75.8241C74.1159 22.1336 72.4776 21.455 71.2697 20.2471C70.0618 19.0392 69.3832 17.401 69.3832 15.6928V10.292C69.3825 9.446 69.5486 8.60813 69.872 7.82636C70.1955 7.0446 70.6699 6.33427 71.2681 5.73604C71.8663 5.13781 72.5766 4.66341 73.3584 4.33999C74.1402 4.01657 74.978 3.85047 75.8241 3.8512H77.812C78.9039 3.84997 79.9782 4.1267 80.9336 4.65532C81.889 5.18395 82.6941 5.94708 83.2732 6.87282L79.7681 9.07066C79.6143 8.82592 79.4164 8.61184 79.1844 8.4393C78.7873 8.14395 78.3053 7.98496 77.8104 7.98605H75.8225Z" fill="#26294B"/>
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