未验证 提交 c7d0ace6 编写于 作者: K kezhenxu94

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上级 dd52c2b5
......@@ -6,13 +6,8 @@ Release Notes.
#### OAP Server
* Fix wrong (de)serializer of ElasticSearch client for OpenSearch storage.
* Fix that traces query with tags will report error.
* Replace e2e simple cases to e2e-v2.
* Fix endpoint dependency breaking.
#### UI
* Delete duplicate calls for endpoint dependency.
#### Documentation
Changes by Version
Release Notes.
#### OAP Server
* Fix wrong (de)serializer of ElasticSearch client for OpenSearch storage.
* Fix that traces query with tags will report error.
* Replace e2e simple cases to e2e-v2.
* Fix endpoint dependency breaking.
#### UI
* Delete duplicate calls for endpoint dependency.
#### Documentation
All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/101?closed=1)
Find change logs of all versions [here](changes).
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