未验证 提交 b48b55bd 编写于 作者: K kezhenxu94

Fix wrong rules for checking lists in E2E

上级 ebd040eb
......@@ -108,4 +108,4 @@ services:
condition: service_healthy
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,35 +14,18 @@
# limitations under the License.
{{- range .nodes }}
{{- if eq .name "User" }}
- id: {{ b64enc "User" }}.0
name: User
type: USER
isreal: false
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "e2e-service-provider" }}
{{- contains .nodes }}
- id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider"}}.1
name: e2e-service-provider
type: Tomcat
isreal: true
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "e2e-service-consumer" }}
- id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-consumer"}}.1
name: e2e-service-consumer
type: Tomcat
isreal: true
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "localhost:-1" }}
- id: {{ b64enc "localhost:-1" }}.0
name: localhost:-1
type: H2
isreal: false
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- range .calls }}
{{- if eq .source "ZTJlLXNlcnZpY2UtY29uc3VtZXI=.1" }}
{{- contains .calls }}
- source: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-consumer"}}.1
sourcecomponents: []
target: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider"}}.1
......@@ -52,22 +35,3 @@ calls:
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .source "ZTJlLXNlcnZpY2UtcHJvdmlkZXI=.1" }}
- source: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1
sourcecomponents: []
target: {{ b64enc "localhost:-1"}}.0
targetcomponents: []
id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1-{{ b64enc "localhost:-1"}}.0
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .source "VXNlcg==.0" }}
- source: {{ b64enc "User" }}.0
sourcecomponents: []
target: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-consumer"}}.1
targetcomponents: []
id: {{ b64enc "User" }}.0-{{ b64enc "e2e-service-consumer"}}.1
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
......@@ -14,29 +14,36 @@
# limitations under the License.
{{- range .events }}
{{- contains .events }}
- uuid: {{ notEmpty .uuid }}
{{- if eq .source.service "e2e-service-provider" }}
service: e2e-service-provider
serviceinstance: provider1
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .source.service "e2e-service-consumer" }}
endpoint: ""
name: Start
type: Normal
message: Start Java Application
{{- contains .parameters }}
- key: OPTS
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
starttime: {{ gt .starttime 0 }}
endtime: {{ gt .endtime 0 }}
- uuid: {{ notEmpty .uuid }}
service: e2e-service-consumer
serviceinstance: consumer1
{{- end }}
endpoint: ""
name: Start
type: Normal
message: Start Java Application
{{- range .parameters }}
{{- if eq .key "OPTS"}}
{{- contains .parameters }}
- key: OPTS
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
starttime: {{ gt .starttime 0 }}
endtime: {{ gt .endtime 0 }}
{{- end }}
total: {{ gt .total 0 }}
\ No newline at end of file
total: {{ gt .total 0 }}
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# limitations under the License.
{{- range .logs }}
{{- contains .logs }}
- servicename: e2e-service-provider
serviceid: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1
serviceinstancename: provider1
......@@ -27,19 +27,13 @@ logs:
content: |
{{ notEmpty .content }}
{{- range .tags }}
{{- if eq .key "level"}}
{{- contains .tags }}
- key: level
value: INFO
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .key "logger" }}
- key: logger
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .key "thread" }}
- key: thread
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
total: {{ gt .total 0 }}
\ No newline at end of file
total: {{ gt .total 0 }}
......@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
# limitations under the License.
{{- contains . }}
- key: {{ notEmpty .key }}
value: {{ ge .value 0 }}
- key: {{ notEmpty .key }}
value: {{ ge .value 1 }}
{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
{{- end }}
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
{{- range . }}
{{- contains . }}
- id: {{ notEmpty .id }}
serviceid: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1
servicename: ""
......@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
dumpperiod: 10
maxsamplingcount: 9
{{- range .logs }}
{{- contains .logs }}
- id: {{ notEmpty .id }}
instanceid: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1_{{ b64enc "provider1" }}
operationtype: {{ notEmpty .operationtype }}
instancename: ""
operationtime: {{ gt .operationtime 0 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
{{- end }}
......@@ -15,26 +15,14 @@
tip: null
{{- range .trees }}
{{- contains .trees }}
- elements:
{{- contains .elements }}
- id: "{{ notEmpty .id }}"
parentid: "{{ notEmpty .parentid }}"
{{- if eq .codesignature "java.lang.Thread.sleep:-2" }}
{{- end }}
codesignature: java.lang.Thread.sleep:-2
duration: {{ gt .duration 0 }}
durationchildexcluded: {{ gt .durationchildexcluded 0 }}
count: {{ gt .count 0 }}
- id: "{{ notEmpty .id }}"
parentid: "{{ notEmpty .parentid }}"
{{- if ne .codesignature "java.lang.Thread.sleep:-2" }}
{{ notEmpty .codesignature }}
{{- end}}
duration: {{ ge .duration 0 }}
durationchildexcluded: {{ ge .durationchildexcluded 0 }}
count: {{ gt .count 0 }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# limitations under the License.
{{- range .spans }}
{{- contains .spans }}
- spanid: 0
parentspanid: -1
servicecode: e2e-service-provider
......@@ -28,15 +28,11 @@ spans:
iserror: false
layer: Http
{{- range .tags }}
{{- if eq .key "url" }}
{{- contains .tags }}
- key: url
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .key "http.method" }}
- key: http.method
value: POST
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
logs: []
{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
{{- end }}
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
{{- range . }}
{{- contains . }}
- segmentid: {{ notEmpty .segmentid }}
- POST:/info
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
start: "{{ notEmpty .start }}"
iserror: false
{{- range .traceids }}
{{- contains .traceids }}
- {{ notEmpty . }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
{{- end }}
......@@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
{{- range .}}
{{- if eq .name "POST:/info" }}
{{- contains .}}
- id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1_{{ b64enc "POST:/info" }}
name: POST:/info
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -15,40 +15,26 @@
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
{{- range .}}
{{- contains .}}
- id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1_{{ b64enc "provider1" }}
name: {{ notEmpty .name }}
{{- range .attributes }}
{{- if eq .name "OS Name" }}
{{- contains .attributes }}
- name: OS Name
value: Linux
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "hostname" }}
- name: hostname
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "Process No." }}
- name: Process No.
value: "1"
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "Start Time" }}
- name: Start Time
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "JVM Arguments" }}
- name: JVM Arguments
value: '{{ notEmpty .value }}'
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "Jar Dependencies" }}
- name: Jar Dependencies
value: '{{ notEmpty .value }}'
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "ipv4s" }}
- name: ipv4s
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- end}}
language: JAVA
instanceuuid: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1_{{ b64enc "provider1" }}
{{- end}}
\ No newline at end of file
{{- end}}
......@@ -13,15 +13,11 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
{{- range . }}
{{- if eq .name "e2e-service-provider" }}
{{- contains . }}
- id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1
name: e2e-service-provider
group: ""
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "e2e-service-consumer" }}
- id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-consumer" }}.1
name: e2e-service-consumer
group: ""
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
# limitations under the License.
{{- range .spans}}
{{- contains .spans }}
- traceid: {{ notEmpty .traceid }}
segmentid: {{ notEmpty .segmentid }}
spanid: {{ .spanid }}
parentspanid: {{ .parentspanid }}
{{- if eq .servicecode "e2e-service-provider" }}
{{- range .refs }}
{{- contains .refs }}
- traceid: {{ notEmpty .traceid }}
parentsegmentid: {{ notEmpty .parentsegmentid }}
parentspanid: 1
......@@ -58,15 +58,11 @@ spans:
iserror: false
layer: Http
{{- range .tags }}
{{- if eq .key "http.method" }}
{{- contains .tags }}
- key: http.method
value: POST
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .key "url" }}
- key: url
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
logs: []
{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
{{- end }}
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# limitations under the License.
{{- range .spans}}
{{- contains .spans }}
- traceid: {{ notEmpty .traceid }}
segmentid: {{ notEmpty .segmentid }}
spanid: 0
......@@ -31,15 +31,11 @@ spans:
iserror: false
layer: Http
{{- range .tags }}
{{- if eq .key "http.method" }}
{{- contains .tags }}
- key: http.method
value: POST
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .key "url" }}
- key: url
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
logs: []
{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
{{- end }}
......@@ -14,23 +14,21 @@
# limitations under the License.
{{- range .traces }}
{{- contains .traces }}
- segmentid: {{ notEmpty .segmentid }}
{{- if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "H2/JDBI/Statement/execute" }}
- H2/JDBI/Statement/execute
{{- end}}
{{- if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "H2/JDBI/Statement/executeQuery" }}
{{- else if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "H2/JDBI/Statement/executeQuery" }}
- H2/JDBI/Statement/executeQuery
{{- end}}
{{- if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "H2/JDBI/PreparedStatement/executeQuery" }}
{{- else if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "H2/JDBI/PreparedStatement/executeQuery" }}
- H2/JDBI/PreparedStatement/executeQuery
{{- end }}
{{- if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "POST:/info" }}
{{- else if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "POST:/info" }}
- POST:/info
{{- end }}
{{- if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "POST:/users" }}
{{- else if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "POST:/users" }}
- POST:/users
{{- else }}
- Unexpected
{{- end }}
duration: {{ ge .duration 0 }}
start: "{{ notEmpty .start}}"
......@@ -38,4 +36,4 @@ traces:
- {{ (index .traceids 0) }}
{{- end }}
total: {{ gt .total 0 }}
\ No newline at end of file
total: {{ gt .total 0 }}
......@@ -72,4 +72,4 @@ verify:
expected: ../expected/traces-list.yml
# trace detail
- query: swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql trace $(swctl --display yaml --base-url=http://${oap_host}:${oap_12800}/graphql trace ls|grep -A 5 '/info'|tail -n1|awk -F ' ' '{print $2}')
expected: ../expected/trace-info-detail.yml
\ No newline at end of file
expected: ../expected/trace-info-detail.yml
......@@ -14,35 +14,26 @@
# limitations under the License.
{{- range .nodes }}
{{- if eq .name "User" }}
{{- contains .nodes }}
- id: {{ b64enc "User" }}.0
name: User
type: USER
isreal: false
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "e2e-service-provider" }}
- id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider"}}.1
name: e2e-service-provider
type: Tomcat
isreal: true
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "e2e-service-consumer" }}
- id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-consumer"}}.1
name: e2e-service-consumer
type: Tomcat
isreal: true
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "localhost:-1" }}
- id: {{ b64enc "localhost:-1" }}.0
name: localhost:-1
type: H2
isreal: false
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- range .calls }}
{{- if eq .source "ZTJlLXNlcnZpY2UtY29uc3VtZXI=.1" }}
{{- contains .calls }}
- source: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-consumer"}}.1
sourcecomponents: []
target: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider"}}.1
......@@ -51,8 +42,6 @@ calls:
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .source "ZTJlLXNlcnZpY2UtcHJvdmlkZXI=.1" }}
- source: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1
sourcecomponents: []
target: {{ b64enc "localhost:-1"}}.0
......@@ -60,8 +49,6 @@ calls:
id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1-{{ b64enc "localhost:-1"}}.0
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .source "VXNlcg==.0" }}
- source: {{ b64enc "User" }}.0
sourcecomponents: []
target: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-consumer"}}.1
......@@ -70,4 +57,3 @@ calls:
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
......@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
# limitations under the License.
{{- contains . }}
- key: {{ notEmpty .key }}
value: {{ ge .value 0 }}
- key: {{ notEmpty .key }}
value: {{ ge .value 1 }}
{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
{{- end }}
......@@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
{{- range .}}
{{- if eq .name "POST:/info" }}
{{- contains . }}
- id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1_{{ b64enc "POST:/info" }}
name: POST:/info
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -15,40 +15,26 @@
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
{{- range .}}
{{- contains . }}
- id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1_{{ b64enc "provider1" }}
name: {{ notEmpty .name }}
{{- range .attributes }}
{{- if eq .name "OS Name" }}
{{- contains .attributes }}
- name: OS Name
value: Linux
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "hostname" }}
- name: hostname
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "Process No." }}
- name: Process No.
value: "1"
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "Start Time" }}
- name: Start Time
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "JVM Arguments" }}
- name: JVM Arguments
value: '{{ notEmpty .value }}'
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "Jar Dependencies" }}
- name: Jar Dependencies
value: '{{ notEmpty .value }}'
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "ipv4s" }}
- name: ipv4s
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- end}}
language: JAVA
instanceuuid: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1_{{ b64enc "provider1" }}
{{- end}}
\ No newline at end of file
{{- end}}
......@@ -13,15 +13,11 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
{{- range . }}
{{- if eq .name "e2e-service-provider" }}
{{- contains . }}
- id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-provider" }}.1
name: e2e-service-provider
group: ""
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .name "e2e-service-consumer" }}
- id: {{ b64enc "e2e-service-consumer" }}.1
name: e2e-service-consumer
group: ""
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# limitations under the License.
{{- range .spans}}
{{- contains .spans}}
- traceid: {{ notEmpty .traceid }}
segmentid: {{ notEmpty .segmentid }}
spanid: {{ .spanid }}
......@@ -58,15 +58,11 @@ spans:
iserror: false
layer: Http
{{- range .tags }}
{{- if eq .key "http.method" }}
{{- contains .tags }}
- key: http.method
value: POST
{{- end }}
{{- if eq .key "url" }}
- key: url
value: {{ notEmpty .value }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
logs: []
{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
{{- end }}
......@@ -14,23 +14,21 @@
# limitations under the License.
{{- range .traces }}
{{- contains .traces }}
- segmentid: {{ notEmpty .segmentid }}
{{- if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "H2/JDBI/Statement/execute" }}
- H2/JDBI/Statement/execute
{{- end}}
{{- if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "H2/JDBI/Statement/executeQuery" }}
{{- else if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "H2/JDBI/Statement/executeQuery" }}
- H2/JDBI/Statement/executeQuery
{{- end}}
{{- if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "H2/JDBI/PreparedStatement/executeQuery" }}
{{- else if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "H2/JDBI/PreparedStatement/executeQuery" }}
- H2/JDBI/PreparedStatement/executeQuery
{{- end }}
{{- if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "POST:/info" }}
{{- else if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "POST:/info" }}
- POST:/info
{{- end }}
{{- if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "POST:/users" }}
{{- else if eq (index .endpointnames 0) "POST:/users" }}
- POST:/users
{{- else }}
- Unexpected endpoint name
{{- end }}
duration: {{ ge .duration 0 }}
start: "{{ notEmpty .start}}"
......@@ -38,4 +36,4 @@ traces:
- {{ (index .traceids 0) }}
{{- end }}
total: {{ gt .total 0 }}
\ No newline at end of file
total: {{ gt .total 0 }}
Markdown is supported
0% .
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