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Add documentation about replacing Zipkin server with SkyWalking OAP (#10255)

上级 4df62b62
......@@ -92,5 +92,6 @@
* Update `monitoring MySQL document` to add the `MariaDB` part.
* Reorganize the protocols docs to a more clear API docs.
* Add documentation about replacing Zipkin server with SkyWalking OAP.
All issues and pull requests are [here](https://github.com/apache/skywalking/milestone/160?closed=1)
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ full logs on routed RPC, including HTTP and TCP.
## Background
The solution was initialized and first implemented by [Sheng Wu](https://github.com/wu-sheng), [Hongtao Gao](https://github.com/hanahmily), [Lizan Zhou](https://github.com/lizan),
The solution was initialized and first implemented by [Sheng Wu](https://github.com/wu-sheng), [Hongtao Gao](https://github.com/hanahmily), [Lizan Zhou](https://github.com/lizan),
and [Dhi Aurrahman](https://github.com/dio) on May 17, 2019, and was presented at [KubeCon China 2019](https://kccncosschn19eng.sched.com/event/NroB/observability-in-service-mesh-powered-by-envoy-and-apache-skywalking-sheng-wu-lizan-zhou-tetrate).
Here is a [video recording of the presentation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tERm39ju9ew).
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ In Istio version 1.6.0+, if Istio is installed with [`demo` profile](https://ist
Note: Replace `<skywalking-oap.skywalking.svc:11800>` with the real address where SkyWalking OAP is deployed.
- Activate SkyWalking Envoy Receiver. (activated in default)
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ envoy-metric:
selector: ${SW_ENVOY_METRIC:default}
acceptMetricsService: ${SW_ENVOY_METRIC_SERVICE:true}
alsHTTPAnalysis: ${SW_ENVOY_METRIC_ALS_HTTP_ANALYSIS:""} # Setting the system env variable would override this.
alsHTTPAnalysis: ${SW_ENVOY_METRIC_ALS_HTTP_ANALYSIS:""} # Setting the system env variable would override this.
# Observe Service Mesh through Zipkin traces
Istio has built-in support to generate Zipkin traces from Envoy proxy sidecar,
and SkyWalking can serve as a Zipkin server to collect and provide query APIs for these traces,
you can deploy SkyWalking to replace Zipkin server in Istio, and point the Zipkin address to
SkyWalking. SkyWalking also embeds Zipkin Lens UI as part of SkyWalking UI,
you can use it to query Zipkin traces.
## Enable Zipkin Traces Receiver
SkyWalking has built-in Zipkin receiver, you can enable it by setting `receiver-zipkin` to `default`
in `application.yml`, or by setting environment variable `SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN=default` before
starting OAP server:
selector: ${SW_RECEIVER_ZIPKIN:default}
# Other configurations...
After enabling the Zipkin receiver, SkyWalking listens on port 9411 for Zipkin traces, you can just
change the Zipkin server address to SkyWalking's address with 9411 as the port.
## Enable Zipkin Traces Query Module
If you want to query Zipkin traces from SkyWalking, you need to enable the Zipkin traces query module
by setting `query-zipkin` to `default` in `application.yml`, or by setting environment variable
`SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN=default` before starting OAP server:
selector: ${SW_QUERY_ZIPKIN:default}
# Other configurations
After enabling Zipkin query module, SkyWalking listens on port 9412 for Zipkin query APIs, you can
also query the Zipkin traces from SkyWalking UI, menu `Service Mesh --> Services --> Zipkin Trace`.
## Set Up Zipkin Traces in Istio
When installing Istio, you can enable Zipkin tracing and point it to SkyWalking by setting
istioctl install -y --set profile=demo \
--set meshConfig.defaultConfig.tracing.sampling=100 \
--set meshConfig.defaultConfig.tracing.zipkin.address=oap.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:9411 \
--set meshConfig.enableTracing=true
so that Istio proxy (Envoy) can generate traces and sent them to SkyWalking.
For more details about Zipkin on Istio, refer to [the Istio doc](https://istio.io/latest/docs/tasks/observability/distributed-tracing/zipkin/).
......@@ -161,8 +161,10 @@ catalog:
path: "/en/setup/service-agent/virtual-mq"
- name: "Service Mesh"
- name: "Observe Service Mesh"
- name: "Observe Service Mesh through Access Log Service (ALS)"
path: "/en/setup/envoy/als_setting"
- name: "Observe Service Mesh through Zipkin traces"
path: "/en/setup/zipkin/tracing"
- name: "Observe Control Plane (Istio)"
path: "/en/setup/istio/readme"
- name: "Observe Data Plane (Envoy)"
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