提交 97c1fc3b 编写于 作者: Z zhangxin10


上级 9d47acbf
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
......@@ -40,6 +40,12 @@
......@@ -64,5 +70,10 @@
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package com.ai.cloud.skywalking.plugin.spring;
import com.ai.cloud.skywalking.buriedpoint.LocalBuriedPointSender;
import com.ai.cloud.skywalking.model.Identification;
import javassist.*;
import javassist.bytecode.*;
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanPostProcessor;
......@@ -10,12 +11,17 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class TracingEnhanceProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TracingEnhanceProcessor.class.getName());
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
List<Method> methods = new ArrayList<Method>();
for (Method method : bean.getClass().getMethods()) {
if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Tracing.class)) {
......@@ -24,9 +30,12 @@ public class TracingEnhanceProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
if (methods.size() > 0) {
try {
ClassPool mPool = new ClassPool(true);
ClassPool mPool = ClassPool.getDefault();
mPool.appendClassPath(new ClassClassPath(bean.getClass()));
CtClass mCtc = createProxyClass(bean, mPool);
copyClassesAnnotations(bean, mPool, mCtc);
inheritanceAllInterfaces(bean, mPool, mCtc);
......@@ -45,9 +54,13 @@ public class TracingEnhanceProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
// 生成方法体
result.append(generateMethodBody(bean, method));
// TODO 注解
// TODO 参数注解
mCtc.addMethod(CtMethod.make(result.toString(), mCtc));
CtMethod dest = CtMethod.make(result.toString(), mCtc);
// 拷贝方法上的注解
CtMethod origin = convertMethod2CtMethod(bean, mPool, method);
copyAllAnnotation(origin.getMethodInfo(), dest.getMethodInfo());
mCtc.addConstructor(CtNewConstructor.make("public " + mCtc.getSimpleName() + "(" + LocalBuriedPointSender.class
.getName() + " buriedPoint, " + bean.getClass().getName() + " realBean){" +
......@@ -57,23 +70,69 @@ public class TracingEnhanceProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
Constructor<?> constructor = classes.getConstructor(LocalBuriedPointSender.class, bean.getClass());
return constructor.newInstance(new LocalBuriedPointSender(), bean);
} catch (CannotCompileException e) {
logger.log(Level.ALL, "Failed to create the instance of the class[" + beanName + "]", e);
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
logger.log(Level.ALL, "Failed to create the instance of the class[" + beanName + "]", e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
logger.log(Level.ALL, "Failed to create the instance of the class[" + beanName + "]", e);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
logger.log(Level.ALL, "Failed to create the instance of the class[" + beanName + "]", e);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
logger.log(Level.ALL, "Failed to create the instance of the class[" + beanName + "]", e);
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
logger.log(Level.ALL, "Failed to create the instance of the class[" + beanName + "]", e);
return bean;
public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
return bean;
private CtMethod convertMethod2CtMethod(Object bean, ClassPool mPool, Method method) throws NotFoundException {
int i = 0;
CtClass ctClass = mPool.get(bean.getClass().getName());
CtClass[] parameterClass = new CtClass[method.getParameterTypes().length];
for (Class methodClass : method.getParameterTypes()) {
parameterClass[i++] = mPool.get(methodClass.getName());
return ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(method.getName(), parameterClass);
private void copyClassesAnnotations(Object bean, ClassPool mPool, CtClass mCtc) throws NotFoundException {
// 拷贝类上注解
CtClass originCtClass = mPool.get(bean.getClass().getName());
AnnotationsAttribute annotations = (AnnotationsAttribute) originCtClass.getClassFile().
AttributeInfo newAnnotations = annotations.copy(mCtc.getClassFile().getConstPool(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
private void copyAllAnnotation(MethodInfo origin, MethodInfo dest) {
AnnotationsAttribute annotations = (AnnotationsAttribute) origin.getAttribute(AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag);
ParameterAnnotationsAttribute pannotations = (ParameterAnnotationsAttribute) origin.getAttribute(ParameterAnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag);
ExceptionsAttribute exAt = (ExceptionsAttribute) origin.getAttribute(ExceptionsAttribute.tag);
SignatureAttribute sigAt = (SignatureAttribute) origin.getAttribute(SignatureAttribute.tag);
if (annotations != null) {
AttributeInfo newAnnotations = annotations.copy(dest.getConstPool(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
if (pannotations != null) {
AttributeInfo newAnnotations = pannotations.copy(dest.getConstPool(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
if (sigAt != null) {
AttributeInfo newAnnotations = sigAt.copy(dest.getConstPool(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
if (exAt != null) {
AttributeInfo newAnnotations = exAt.copy(dest.getConstPool(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
private String generateMethodBody(Object bean, Method method) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
......@@ -160,7 +219,7 @@ public class TracingEnhanceProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
private CtClass createProxyClass(Object bean, ClassPool mPool) {
return mPool.makeClass(bean.getClass().getSimpleName() + "$EnhanceBySWTracing$" + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100));
return mPool.makeClass(bean.getClass().getName() + "$EnhanceBySWTracing$" + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100));
private void inheritanceAllInterfaces(Object bean, ClassPool mPool, CtClass mCtc) throws NotFoundException {
......@@ -168,8 +227,4 @@ public class TracingEnhanceProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
return bean;
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