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......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ SkyWalking: Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure, also known D
# Abstract
* An open source Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure, also known a ditributed tracer.
* Based on [Google Dapper Paper: Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure](http://research.google.com/pubs/pub36356.html), [read Simplified Chinese Version](http://duanple.blog.163.com/blog/static/70971767201329113141336/)
* Based on [Google Dapper Paper: Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure](http://research.google.com/pubs/pub36356.html), read [Simplified Chinese Version](http://duanple.blog.163.com/blog/static/70971767201329113141336/)
* Support popular rpc frameworks, such as [dubbo](https://github.com/alibaba/dubbo), [dubbox](https://github.com/dangdangdotcom/dubbox), [motan](https://github.com/weibocom/motan) etc., trigger email-alert when application occurs unexpected exception.
* Auto-instrumentation mechenism, **no need to CHANGE any application source code**.
* Easy to deploy, **even in product mode** (since 2.0) . No need of Hadoop, HBase, or Cassandra Cluster.
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