提交 4f3e2337 编写于 作者: 何延龙 提交者: wu-sheng

🎉 PHP agent (#2159)

* 🎉 PHP agent

* Update powered-by.md

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上级 cee0525f
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ The core features are following.
SkyWalking supports to collect telemetry (traces and metrics) data from multiple sources
and multiple formats,
1. Java, .NET Core and NodeJS auto-instrument agents in SkyWalking format
1. Java, .NET Core, NodeJS and PHP auto-instrument agents in SkyWalking format
1. Istio telemetry format
1. Zipkin v1/v2 formats
......@@ -9,12 +9,14 @@ Setup based on which kind of probes are you going to use. If you don't understan
- Backend, UI and Java agent are Apache official release, you could find them at [Apache SkyWalking DOWNLOAD page](http://skywalking.apache.org/downloads/).
- Download .Net agent by following [Getting started document](https://github.com/OpenSkywalking/skywalking-netcore#getting-started).
- Download Nodejs agent by following [English document](https://github.com/OpenSkywalking/skywalking-nodejs/blob/master/docs/README.md#documents).
- Download PHP agent by following [English document](https://github.com/SkywalkingContrib/skywalking-php-sdk/blob/master/docs/README.md#documents).
## Language agents in Service
- [Java agent](service-agent/java-agent/README.md). Introduce how to install java agent to your service, without change any codes.
- [.NET Core agent](https://github.com/OpenSkywalking/skywalking-netcore). See .NET Core agent project document for more details.
- [Node.js agent](https://github.com/OpenSkywalking/skywalking-nodejs). See Node.js server side agent project document for more details.
- [PHP agent](https://github.com/SkywalkingContrib/skywalking-php-sdk). See PHP agent project document for more details.
## On Service Mesh
- Istio
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ or providing commercial products including Apache SkyWalking.
1. Dangdang.com. 当当网. http://www.dangdang.com/
1. DaoCloud. https://www.daocloud.io/
1. Deyoushenghuo in WeChat app. 河南有态度信息科技有限公司,微信小程序:得有生活
1. Dianfubao.com 垫富宝 https://www.dianfubao.com/
1. Eqxiu.com. 北京中网易企秀科技有限公司 http://www.eqxiu.com/
1. GTrace System. (No company provided)
1. Gdeng.cn 深圳谷登科技有限公司 http://www.gdeng.cn/
......@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ or providing commercial products including Apache SkyWalking.
1. Moji 墨叽(深圳)科技有限公司 https://www.mojivip.com
1. Mypharma.com 北京融贯电子商务有限公司 https://www.mypharma.com
1. Primeton.com 普元信息技术股份有限公司 http://www.primeton.com . Integrated in Primeton EOS PLATFORM 8.
1. Qingyidai.com 轻易贷 https://www.qingyidai.com/
1. Qsdjf.com 浙江钱宝网络科技有限公司 https://www.qsdjf.com/index.html
1. Qk365.com 上海青客电子商务有限公司 https://www.qk365.com
1. Rongjinbao. 深圳融金宝互联网金融服务有限公司. http://www.rjb777.com
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