提交 1fd449cd 编写于 作者: wu-sheng's avatar wu-sheng

Finish the refactor of agent-core.

上级 48b2164f
......@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
import org.skywalking.apm.util.StringUtil;
* {@link ContextCarrier} is a data carrier of {@link TracerContext}.
* It holds the snapshot (current state) of {@link TracerContext}.
* {@link ContextCarrier} is a data carrier of {@link TracingContext}.
* It holds the snapshot (current state) of {@link TracingContext}.
* <p>
* Created by wusheng on 2017/2/17.
......@@ -20,20 +20,10 @@ public class ContextCarrier implements Serializable {
private String traceSegmentId;
* {@link Span#spanId}
private int spanId = -1;
* {@link TraceSegment#applicationCode}
private String applicationCode;
* Either {@link Span#peerHost} + {@link Span#port} or {@link Span#peers},
* depend on which one of them is valid.
private String peerHost;
......@@ -120,6 +110,10 @@ public class ContextCarrier implements Serializable {
this.applicationCode = applicationCode;
public void setApplicationId(int applicationId) {
this.applicationCode = applicationId + "";
public String getPeerHost() {
return peerHost;
......@@ -128,6 +122,10 @@ public class ContextCarrier implements Serializable {
this.peerHost = peerHost;
public void setPeerId(int peerId) {
this.peerHost = peerId + "";
public List<DistributedTraceId> getDistributedTraceIds() {
return distributedTraceIds;
......@@ -10,13 +10,12 @@ import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.sampling.SamplingService;
import org.skywalking.apm.util.StringUtil;
* {@link TracerContext} controls the whole context of {@link TraceSegment}. Any {@link TraceSegment} relates to
* {@link ContextManager} controls the whole context of {@link TraceSegment}. Any {@link TraceSegment} relates to
* single-thread, so this context use {@link ThreadLocal} to maintain the context, and make sure, since a {@link
* TraceSegment} starts, all ChildOf spans are in the same context. <p> What is 'ChildOf'? {@see
* https://github.com/opentracing/specification/blob/master/specification.md#references-between-spans} <p> Also, {@link
* ContextManager} delegates to all {@link TracerContext}'s major methods: {@link TracerContext#createSpan(String,
* boolean)}, {@link TracerContext#activeSpan()}, {@link AbstractTracerContext#stopSpan(org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.AbstractSpan)}
* <p>
* https://github.com/opentracing/specification/blob/master/specification.md#references-between-spans}
* <p> Also, {@link ContextManager} delegates to all {@link AbstractTracerContext}'s major methods.
* @author wusheng
......@@ -37,10 +36,7 @@ public class ContextManager implements TracingContextListener, BootService, Igno
if (forceSampling || samplingService.trySampling()) {
context = new TracingContext();
} else {
* {@link ContextType#AGGREGATED_TRACING}
context = new IgnoredTracerContext();
......@@ -90,7 +86,9 @@ public class ContextManager implements TracingContextListener, BootService, Igno
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Injectable can't be null.");
AbstractTracerContext context = getOrCreate(operationName, false);
return context.createSpan(operationName, SpanType.EXIT);
AbstractSpan span = context.createSpan(operationName, SpanType.EXIT);
return span;
public static AbstractSpan activeSpan() {
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.AbstractSpan;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.NoopSpan;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.SpanType;
* The <code>IgnoredTracerContext</code> represent a context should be ignored.
......@@ -37,14 +38,14 @@ public class IgnoredTracerContext implements AbstractTracerContext {
public AbstractSpan createSpan(String operationName, boolean isLeaf) {
return NOOP_SPAN;
public AbstractSpan createSpan(String operationName, SpanType spanType) {
return createSpan(operationName, spanType, null);
public AbstractSpan createSpan(String operationName, long startTime, boolean isLeaf) {
return createSpan(operationName, isLeaf);
public AbstractSpan createSpan(String operationName, SpanType spanType, Injectable injectable) {
return NOOP_SPAN;
......@@ -60,11 +61,6 @@ public class IgnoredTracerContext implements AbstractTracerContext {
public void stopSpan(AbstractSpan span, Long endTime) {
public void dispose() {
......@@ -6,10 +6,7 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context;
* @author wusheng
public interface Injectable {
* @param injectedCarrier notify the <code>Injectable</code> the {@link ContextCarrier} has been injected.
void notify(ContextCarrier injectedCarrier);
ContextCarrier getCarrier();
* @return peer, represent ipv4, ipv6, hostname, or cluster addresses list.
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.AbstractSpan;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegmentRef;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.sampling.SamplingService;
* {@link TracerContext} maintains the context.
* You manipulate (create/finish/get) spans and (inject/extract) context.
* <p>
* Created by wusheng on 2017/2/17.
public final class TracerContext implements AbstractTracerContext {
private SamplingService samplingService;
private TraceSegment segment;
* Active spans stored in a Stack, usually called 'ActiveSpanStack'.
* This {@link LinkedList} is the in-memory storage-structure.
* <p>
* I use {@link LinkedList#removeLast()}, {@link LinkedList#addLast(Object)} and {@link LinkedList#last} instead of
* {@link #pop()}, {@link #push(Span)}, {@link #peek()}
private LinkedList<Span> activeSpanStack = new LinkedList<Span>();
private int spanIdGenerator;
* Create a {@link TraceSegment} and init {@link #spanIdGenerator} as 0;
TracerContext() {
this.segment = new TraceSegment(Config.Agent.APPLICATION_CODE);
this.spanIdGenerator = 0;
if (samplingService == null) {
samplingService = ServiceManager.INSTANCE.findService(SamplingService.class);
* Create a new span, as an active span, by the given operationName
* @param operationName {@link Span#operationName}
* @return the new active span.
public AbstractSpan createSpan(String operationName, boolean isLeaf) {
return this.createSpan(operationName, System.currentTimeMillis(), isLeaf);
* Create a new span, as an active span, by the given operationName and startTime;
* @param operationName {@link Span#operationName}
* @param startTime {@link Span#startTime}
* @param isLeaf is true, if the span is a leaf in trace tree.
* @return
public AbstractSpan createSpan(String operationName, long startTime, boolean isLeaf) {
Span parentSpan = peek();
Span span;
if (parentSpan == null) {
if (operationName != null) {
int suffixIdx = operationName.lastIndexOf(".");
if (suffixIdx > -1 && Config.Agent.IGNORE_SUFFIX.contains(operationName.substring(suffixIdx))) {
ContextManager.ContextSwitcher.INSTANCE.toNew(new IgnoredTracerContext(1));
return ContextManager.activeSpan();
if (isLeaf) {
span = new LeafSpan(spanIdGenerator++, operationName, startTime);
} else {
span = new Span(spanIdGenerator++, operationName, startTime);
} else {
* Don't have ref yet, means this isn't part of distributed trace.
* Use sampling mechanism
* Only check this on the second span,
* because the {@link #extract(ContextCarrier)} invoke before create the second span.
if (spanIdGenerator == 1) {
if (segment.hasRef()) {
} else {
if (!samplingService.trySampling()) {
* Don't sample this trace.
* Now, switch this trace as an {@link IgnoredTracerContext},
* further more, we will provide an analytic tracer context for all metrics in this trace.
ContextManager.ContextSwitcher.INSTANCE.toNew(new IgnoredTracerContext(2));
return ContextManager.activeSpan();
if (parentSpan.isLeaf()) {
span = parentSpan;
LeafSpan leafSpan = (LeafSpan)span;
} else {
if (isLeaf) {
span = new LeafSpan(spanIdGenerator++, parentSpan, operationName, startTime);
} else {
span = new Span(spanIdGenerator++, parentSpan, operationName, startTime);
return span;
* @return the active span of current context.
public AbstractSpan activeSpan() {
Span span = peek();
if (span == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No active span.");
return span;
* Stop the span. And finish the {@link #segment} if all {@link #activeSpanStack} elements are finished.
* @param span to finish. It must the the top element of {@link #activeSpanStack}.
public void stopSpan(AbstractSpan span) {
stopSpan(span, System.currentTimeMillis());
* @return the current trace id.
public String getGlobalTraceId() {
return segment.getRelatedGlobalTraces().get(0).get();
public void stopSpan(AbstractSpan span, Long endTime) {
Span lastSpan = peek();
if (lastSpan.isLeaf()) {
LeafSpan leafSpan = (LeafSpan)lastSpan;
if (!leafSpan.isFinished()) {
if (lastSpan == span) {
pop().finish(segment, endTime);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Stopping the unexpected span = " + span);
if (activeSpanStack.isEmpty()) {
public void dispose() {
this.segment = null;
this.activeSpanStack = null;
* Finish this context, and notify all {@link TracingContextListener}s, managed by {@link ListenerManager}
private void finish() {
TraceSegment finishedSegment = segment.finish();
* Recheck the segment if the segment contains only one span.
* Because in the runtime, can't sure this segment is part of distributed trace.
* @see {@link #createSpan(String, long, boolean)}
if (!segment.hasRef() && segment.isSingleSpanSegment()) {
if (!samplingService.trySampling()) {
* Give a snapshot of this {@link TracerContext},
* and save current state to the given {@link ContextCarrier}.
* @param carrier holds the snapshot
public void inject(ContextCarrier carrier) {
Span span = (Span)this.activeSpan();
String host = span.getPeerHost();
if (host != null) {
Integer port = span.getPort();
carrier.setPeerHost(host + ":" + port);
} else {
* Ref this {@link ContextCarrier} to this {@link TraceSegment}
* @param carrier holds the snapshot, if get this {@link ContextCarrier} from remote, make sure {@link
* ContextCarrier#deserialize(String)} called.
public void extract(ContextCarrier carrier) {
if (carrier.isValid()) {
private TraceSegmentRef getRef(ContextCarrier carrier) {
TraceSegmentRef ref = new TraceSegmentRef();
return ref;
* @return the top element of 'ActiveSpanStack', and remove it.
private Span pop() {
return activeSpanStack.removeLast();
* Add a new Span at the top of 'ActiveSpanStack'
* @param span
private void push(Span span) {
* @return the top element of 'ActiveSpanStack' only.
private Span peek() {
if (activeSpanStack.isEmpty()) {
return null;
return activeSpanStack.getLast();
public static class ListenerManager {
private static List<TracingContextListener> LISTENERS = new LinkedList<TracingContextListener>();
* Add the given {@link TracingContextListener} to {@link #LISTENERS} list.
* @param listener the new listener.
public static synchronized void add(TracingContextListener listener) {
* Notify the {@link ListenerManager} about the given {@link TraceSegment} have finished.
* And trigger {@link ListenerManager} to notify all {@link #LISTENERS} 's
* {@link TracingContextListener#afterFinished(TraceSegment)}
* @param finishedSegment
static void notifyFinish(TraceSegment finishedSegment) {
for (TracingContextListener listener : LISTENERS) {
* Clear the given {@link TracingContextListener}
public static synchronized void remove(TracingContextListener listener) {
......@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.LocalSpan;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.SpanType;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegmentRef;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary.DictionaryManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary.DictionaryUtil;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary.PossibleFound;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.sampling.SamplingService;
......@@ -42,12 +45,29 @@ public class TracingContext implements AbstractTracerContext {
public void inject(ContextCarrier carrier) {
AbstractTracingSpan span = this.activeSpan();
if (span.isExit()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Inject can be done only in Exit Span");
ExitSpan exitSpan = (ExitSpan)span;
if (DictionaryUtil.isNull(exitSpan.getPeerId())) {
} else {
public void extract(ContextCarrier carrier) {
this.segment.ref(new TraceSegmentRef(carrier));
......@@ -69,23 +89,71 @@ public class TracingContext implements AbstractTracerContext {
return span.start();
private AbstractTracingSpan createByType(int spanId, int parentSpanId,
String operationName, SpanType spanType,
String peerHost, AbstractTracingSpan parentSpan) {
private AbstractTracingSpan createByType(final int spanId, final int parentSpanId,
final String operationName, SpanType spanType,
final String peerHost, AbstractTracingSpan parentSpan) {
switch (spanType) {
case LOCAL:
return new LocalSpan(spanId, parentSpanId, operationName);
return (AbstractTracingSpan)DictionaryManager.findOperationNameCodeSection()
.find(segment.getApplicationId(), operationName)
.doInCondition(new PossibleFound.FoundAndObtain() {
public Object doProcess(int operationId) {
return new LocalSpan(spanId, parentSpanId, operationId);
}, new PossibleFound.NotFoundAndObtain() {
public Object doProcess() {
return new LocalSpan(spanId, parentSpanId, operationName);
case EXIT:
if (parentSpan != null && parentSpan.isExit()) {
return parentSpan;
} else {
return new ExitSpan(spanId, parentSpanId, operationName, peerHost);
return (AbstractTracingSpan)DictionaryManager.findApplicationCodeSection()
new PossibleFound.FoundAndObtain() {
public Object doProcess(final int applicationId) {
return DictionaryManager.findOperationNameCodeSection()
.find(applicationId, operationName)
new PossibleFound.FoundAndObtain() {
public Object doProcess(int peerId) {
return new ExitSpan(spanId, parentSpanId, applicationId, peerId);
}, new PossibleFound.NotFoundAndObtain() {
public Object doProcess() {
return new ExitSpan(spanId, parentSpanId, applicationId, peerHost);
new PossibleFound.NotFoundAndObtain() {
public Object doProcess() {
return new ExitSpan(spanId, parentSpanId, operationName, peerHost);
case ENTRY:
if (parentSpan.isEntry()) {
return parentSpan;
} else if (parentSpan == null) {
return new EntrySpan(spanId, parentSpanId, operationName);
return (AbstractTracingSpan)DictionaryManager.findOperationNameCodeSection()
.find(segment.getApplicationId(), operationName)
.doInCondition(new PossibleFound.FoundAndObtain() {
@Override public Object doProcess(int operationId) {
return new EntrySpan(spanId, parentSpanId, operationId);
}, new PossibleFound.NotFoundAndObtain() {
@Override public Object doProcess() {
return new EntrySpan(spanId, parentSpanId, operationName);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("The Entry Span can't be the child of Non-Entry Span");
......@@ -121,7 +189,7 @@ public class TracingContext implements AbstractTracerContext {
* Finish this context, and notify all {@link TracingContextListener}s, managed by {@link
* TracerContext.ListenerManager}
* TracingContext.ListenerManager}
private void finish() {
TraceSegment finishedSegment = segment.finish();
......@@ -136,7 +204,7 @@ public class TracingContext implements AbstractTracerContext {
......@@ -158,8 +226,8 @@ public class TracingContext implements AbstractTracerContext {
* Notify the {@link TracerContext.ListenerManager} about the given {@link TraceSegment} have finished.
* And trigger {@link TracerContext.ListenerManager} to notify all {@link #LISTENERS} 's
* Notify the {@link TracingContext.ListenerManager} about the given {@link TraceSegment} have finished.
* And trigger {@link TracingContext.ListenerManager} to notify all {@link #LISTENERS} 's
* {@link TracingContextListener#afterFinished(TraceSegment)}
* @param finishedSegment
......@@ -204,13 +272,4 @@ public class TracingContext implements AbstractTracerContext {
return activeSpanStack.getLast();
private TraceSegmentRef getRef(ContextCarrier carrier) {
TraceSegmentRef ref = new TraceSegmentRef();
return ref;
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.AbstractSpan;
* Do the same thing as {@link StringTag}, just with a {@link Boolean} value.
* <p>
* Created by wusheng on 2017/2/17.
public class BooleanTag extends AbstractTag<Boolean> {
private boolean defaultValue;
public BooleanTag(String key, boolean defaultValue) {
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
public void set(AbstractSpan span, Boolean tagValue) {
span.setTag(key, tagValue);
public boolean defaultValue() {
return defaultValue;
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag;
* The tag item with String key and Boolean value.
* @author wusheng
public class BooleanTagItem {
private String key;
private boolean value;
public BooleanTagItem(String key, boolean value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public String getKey() {
return key;
public boolean getValue() {
return value;
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.AbstractSpan;
* Do the same thing as {@link StringTag}, just with a {@link Integer} value.
* <p>
* Created by wusheng on 2017/2/18.
public class IntTag extends AbstractTag<Integer> {
public IntTag(String key) {
public void set(AbstractSpan span, Integer tagValue) {
span.setTag(super.key, tagValue);
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag;
* The tag item with String key and Int value.
* @author wusheng
public class IntTagItem {
private String key;
private int value;
public IntTagItem(String key, int value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public String getKey() {
return key;
public int getValue() {
return value;
......@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ public class StringTag extends AbstractTag<String> {
public void set(AbstractSpan span, String tagValue) {
span.setTag(key, tagValue);
span.tag(key, tagValue);
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag;
* The tag item with String key and String value.
* @author wusheng
public final class StringTagItem {
private String key;
private String value;
public StringTagItem(String key, String value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public String getKey() {
return key;
public String getValue() {
return value;
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public final class Tags {
* STATUS_CODE records the http status code of the response.
public static final IntTag STATUS_CODE = new IntTag("status_code");
public static final StringTag STATUS_CODE = new StringTag("status_code");
* SPAN_KIND hints at the relationship between spans, e.g. client/server.
......@@ -71,11 +71,6 @@ public final class Tags {
public static final StringTag COMPONENT = new StringTag("component");
* ERROR indicates whether a Span ended in an error state.
public static final BooleanTag ERROR = new BooleanTag("error", false);
* DB_TYPE records database type, such as sql, redis, cassandra and so on.
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.util.KeyValuePair;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.util.ThrowableTransformer;
* The <code>AbstractSpan</code> represents the span's skeleton,
......@@ -11,39 +7,13 @@ import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.util.ThrowableTransformer;
* @author wusheng
public abstract class AbstractSpan {
protected String operationName;
* The start time of this Span.
protected long startTime;
* The end time of this Span.
protected long endTime;
* Log is a concept from OpenTracing spec.
* <p>
* {@see https://github.com/opentracing/specification/blob/master/specification.md#log-structured-data}
protected List<LogDataEntity> logs;
protected AbstractSpan(String operationName) {
this.operationName = operationName;
public AbstractSpan start() {
this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
return this;
public interface AbstractSpan {
* Set a key:value tag on the Span.
* @return this Span instance, for chaining
public abstract AbstractSpan tag(String key, String value);
AbstractSpan tag(String key, String value);
* Record an exception event of the current walltime timestamp.
......@@ -51,31 +21,22 @@ public abstract class AbstractSpan {
* @param t any subclass of {@link Throwable}, which occurs in this span.
* @return the Span, for chaining
public AbstractSpan log(Throwable t) {
if (logs == null) {
logs = new LinkedList<LogDataEntity>();
logs.add(new LogDataEntity.Builder()
.add(new KeyValuePair("event", "error"))
.add(new KeyValuePair("error.kind", t.getClass().getName()))
.add(new KeyValuePair("message", t.getMessage()))
.add(new KeyValuePair("stack", ThrowableTransformer.INSTANCE.convert2String(t, 4000)))
return this;
AbstractSpan log(Throwable t);
void errorOccurred();
* @return true if the actual span is an entry span.
public abstract boolean isEntry();
boolean isEntry();
* @return true if the actual span is a local span.
public abstract boolean isLocal();
boolean isLocal();
* @return true if the actual span is an exit span.
public abstract boolean isExit();
boolean isExit();
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.util.KeyValuePair;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.util.ThrowableTransformer;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary.DictionaryUtil;
* The <code>AbstractTracingSpan</code> represents a group of {@link AbstractSpan} implementations,
......@@ -10,17 +12,51 @@ import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.util.KeyValuePair;
* @author wusheng
public abstract class AbstractTracingSpan extends AbstractSpan {
public abstract class AbstractTracingSpan implements AbstractSpan {
protected int spanId;
protected int parentSpanId;
protected List<KeyValuePair> tags;
protected String operationName;
protected int operationId;
* The start time of this Span.
protected long startTime;
* The end time of this Span.
protected long endTime;
* Error has occurred in the scope of span.
protected boolean errorOccurred = false;
* Log is a concept from OpenTracing spec.
* <p>
* {@see https://github.com/opentracing/specification/blob/master/specification.md#log-structured-data}
protected List<LogDataEntity> logs;
protected AbstractTracingSpan(int spanId, int parentSpanId, String operationName) {
this.operationName = operationName;
this.operationId = DictionaryUtil.nullValue();
this.spanId = spanId;
this.parentSpanId = parentSpanId;
protected AbstractTracingSpan(int spanId, int parentSpanId, int operationId) {
this.operationName = null;
this.operationId = operationId;
this.spanId = spanId;
this.parentSpanId = parentSpanId;
* Set a key:value tag on the Span.
* @return this Span instance, for chaining
public AbstractTracingSpan tag(String key, String value) {
if (tags == null) {
......@@ -41,4 +77,40 @@ public abstract class AbstractTracingSpan extends AbstractSpan {
return true;
public AbstractSpan start() {
this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
return this;
* Record an exception event of the current walltime timestamp.
* @param t any subclass of {@link Throwable}, which occurs in this span.
* @return the Span, for chaining
public AbstractSpan log(Throwable t) {
if (logs == null) {
logs = new LinkedList<LogDataEntity>();
logs.add(new LogDataEntity.Builder()
.add(new KeyValuePair("event", "error"))
.add(new KeyValuePair("error.kind", t.getClass().getName()))
.add(new KeyValuePair("message", t.getMessage()))
.add(new KeyValuePair("stack", ThrowableTransformer.INSTANCE.convert2String(t, 4000)))
return this;
public void errorOccurred() {
this.errorOccurred = true;
public int getSpanId() {
return spanId;
public int getOperationId() {
return operationId;
......@@ -12,10 +12,18 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace;
public class EntrySpan extends AbstractTracingSpan {
private int stackDepth;
private int currentMaxDepth;
public EntrySpan(int spanId, int parentSpanId, String operationName) {
super(spanId, parentSpanId, operationName);
this.stackDepth = 0;
this.currentMaxDepth = 0;
public EntrySpan(int spanId, int parentSpanId, int operationId) {
super(spanId, parentSpanId, operationId);
this.stackDepth = 0;
this.currentMaxDepth = 0;
......@@ -23,7 +31,7 @@ public class EntrySpan extends AbstractTracingSpan {
public EntrySpan start() {
if (++stackDepth == 1) {
if ((currentMaxDepth = ++stackDepth) == 1) {
......@@ -32,7 +40,7 @@ public class EntrySpan extends AbstractTracingSpan {
public EntrySpan tag(String key, String value) {
if (stackDepth == 1) {
if (stackDepth == currentMaxDepth) {
super.tag(key, value);
return this;
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary.DictionaryUtil;
* The <code>ExitSpan</code> represents a service consumer point, such as Feign, Okhttp client for a Http service.
......@@ -12,12 +14,28 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace;
public class ExitSpan extends AbstractTracingSpan {
private int stackDepth;
private String peerPoint;
private String peer;
private int peerId;
public ExitSpan(int spanId, int parentSpanId, String operationName, String peerPoint) {
public ExitSpan(int spanId, int parentSpanId, String operationName, String peer) {
super(spanId, parentSpanId, operationName);
this.stackDepth = 0;
this.peerPoint = peerPoint;
this.peer = peer;
this.peerId = DictionaryUtil.nullValue();
public ExitSpan(int spanId, int parentSpanId, int operationId, int peerId) {
super(spanId, parentSpanId, operationId);
this.stackDepth = 0;
this.peer = null;
this.peerId = peerId;
public ExitSpan(int spanId, int parentSpanId, int operationId, String peer) {
super(spanId, parentSpanId, operationId);
this.stackDepth = 0;
this.peer = peer;
this.peerId = DictionaryUtil.nullValue();
......@@ -43,7 +61,7 @@ public class ExitSpan extends AbstractTracingSpan {
public boolean finish(TraceSegment owner) {
if (--stackDepth == 0) {
return super.finish(owner);
} else {
return false;
......@@ -56,6 +74,14 @@ public class ExitSpan extends AbstractTracingSpan {
return this;
public int getPeerId() {
return peerId;
public String getPeer() {
return peer;
@Override public boolean isEntry() {
return false;
......@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace;
public class LocalSpan extends AbstractTracingSpan {
public LocalSpan(int spanId, int parentSpanId, int operationId) {
super(spanId, parentSpanId, operationId);
public LocalSpan(int spanId, int parentSpanId, String operationName) {
super(spanId, parentSpanId, operationName);
......@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ public class LogDataEntity {
logs = new LinkedList<KeyValuePair>();
public Builder add(KeyValuePair... fields){
public Builder add(KeyValuePair... fields) {
for (KeyValuePair field : fields) {
return this;
public LogDataEntity build(){
public LogDataEntity build() {
return new LogDataEntity(logs);
......@@ -8,19 +8,14 @@ import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.IgnoredTracerContext;
* @author wusheng
public class NoopSpan extends AbstractSpan {
public class NoopSpan implements AbstractSpan {
public NoopSpan() {
public void start() {
public AbstractSpan log(Throwable t) {
return super.log(t);
return this;
public void finish(){
......@@ -29,7 +24,7 @@ public class NoopSpan extends AbstractSpan {
public AbstractSpan tag(String key, String value) {
return null;
return this;
@Override public boolean isEntry() {
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ids.DistributedTraceIds;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ids.GlobalIdGenerator;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ids.NewDistributedTraceId;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary.DictionaryManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary.IDictionaryCompressible;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary.PossibleFound;
import org.skywalking.apm.logging.ILog;
import org.skywalking.apm.logging.LogManager;
......@@ -20,9 +19,10 @@ import org.skywalking.apm.logging.LogManager;
* TraceSegment} means the segment, which exists in current {@link Thread}. And the distributed trace is formed by multi
* {@link TraceSegment}s, because the distributed trace crosses multi-processes, multi-threads.
* <p>
* Created by wusheng on 2017/2/17.
* @author wusheng
public class TraceSegment implements IDictionaryCompressible {
public class TraceSegment {
private static final ILog logger = LogManager.getLogger(TraceSegment.class);
private static final String ID_TYPE = "Segment";
......@@ -89,14 +89,20 @@ public class TraceSegment implements IDictionaryCompressible {
* and generate a new segment id.
public TraceSegment() {
.find(Config.Agent.APPLICATION_CODE, this)
.ifFound(new PossibleFound.Setter() {
public void set(int value) {
applicationId = value;
this.applicationId = (Integer)DictionaryManager.findApplicationCodeSection()
new PossibleFound.FoundAndObtain() {
@Override public Object doProcess(int applicationId) {
return applicationId;
new PossibleFound.NotFoundAndObtain() {
@Override public Object doProcess() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Application id must not NULL.");
this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.traceSegmentId = GlobalIdGenerator.generate(ID_TYPE);
this.spans = new LinkedList<AbstractTracingSpan>();
......@@ -164,6 +170,10 @@ public class TraceSegment implements IDictionaryCompressible {
return endTime;
public int getApplicationId() {
return applicationId;
public boolean hasRef() {
return !(refs == null || refs.size() == 0);
......@@ -196,15 +206,4 @@ public class TraceSegment implements IDictionaryCompressible {
", relatedGlobalTraces=" + relatedGlobalTraces +
* If compress is incomplete, this segment will be ignored.
public void incomplete(String notFoundKey) {
if (logger.isDebugEnable()) {
logger.debug("Segment[{}] ignored, cause by compress key [{}] not found.", this.traceSegmentId, notFoundKey);
this.ignore = true;
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace;
import java.util.List;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ContextCarrier;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ids.DistributedTraceId;
* {@link TraceSegmentRef} is like a pointer, which ref to another {@link TraceSegment},
* use {@link #spanId} point to the exact span of the ref {@link TraceSegment}.
......@@ -7,9 +11,6 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace;
* Created by wusheng on 2017/2/17.
public class TraceSegmentRef {
* {@link TraceSegment#traceSegmentId}
private String traceSegmentId;
private int spanId = -1;
......@@ -19,51 +20,16 @@ public class TraceSegmentRef {
private String peerHost;
* Create a {@link TraceSegmentRef} instance, without any data.
* {@link DistributedTraceId}
public TraceSegmentRef() {
public String getTraceSegmentId() {
return traceSegmentId;
public void setTraceSegmentId(String traceSegmentId) {
this.traceSegmentId = traceSegmentId;
public int getSpanId() {
return spanId;
public void setSpanId(int spanId) {
this.spanId = spanId;
public String getApplicationCode() {
return applicationCode;
private List<DistributedTraceId> distributedTraceIds;
public void setApplicationCode(String applicationCode) {
this.applicationCode = applicationCode;
public String getPeerHost() {
return peerHost;
public void setPeerHost(String peerHost) {
this.peerHost = peerHost;
public String toString() {
return "TraceSegmentRef{" +
"traceSegmentId='" + traceSegmentId + '\'' +
", spanId=" + spanId +
", applicationCode='" + applicationCode + '\'' +
", peerHost='" + peerHost + '\'' +
public TraceSegmentRef(ContextCarrier carrier) {
this.traceSegmentId = carrier.getTraceSegmentId();
this.spanId = carrier.getSpanId();
this.applicationCode = carrier.getApplicationCode();
this.peerHost = carrier.getPeerHost();
this.distributedTraceIds = carrier.getDistributedTraceIds();
......@@ -73,13 +39,17 @@ public class TraceSegmentRef {
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
TraceSegmentRef that = (TraceSegmentRef) o;
TraceSegmentRef ref = (TraceSegmentRef)o;
return traceSegmentId != null ? traceSegmentId.equals(that.traceSegmentId) : that.traceSegmentId == null;
if (spanId != ref.spanId)
return false;
return traceSegmentId.equals(ref.traceSegmentId);
public int hashCode() {
return traceSegmentId != null ? traceSegmentId.hashCode() : 0;
int result = traceSegmentId.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + spanId;
return result;
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary;
import io.netty.util.internal.ConcurrentSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Map of application id to application code, which is from the collector side.
......@@ -7,8 +12,16 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary;
public enum ApplicationDictionary {
private Map<String, Integer> applicationDictionary = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>();
private Set<String> unRegisterApplication = new ConcurrentSet<String>();
public PossibleFound find(String applicationCode, IDictionaryCompressible compressedOwner) {
public PossibleFound find(String applicationCode) {
Integer applicationId = applicationDictionary.get(applicationCode);
if (applicationId != null) {
return new Found(applicationId);
} else {
return new NotFound();
......@@ -5,9 +5,16 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary;
public class DictionaryManager {
* @return {@link ApplicationDictionary} to find applicationId
* @return {@link ApplicationDictionary} to find application id for application code and network address.
public static ApplicationDictionary findApplicationCodeSection(){
public static ApplicationDictionary findApplicationCodeSection() {
return ApplicationDictionary.INSTANCE;
* @return {@link OperationNameDictionary} to find service id.
public static OperationNameDictionary findOperationNameCodeSection() {
return OperationNameDictionary.INSTANCE;
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary;
* @author wusheng
public class DictionaryUtil {
public static int nullValue() {
return -1;
public static boolean isNull(int value) {
return value == nullValue();
public static boolean isNull(String text) {
return text == null;
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary;
* @author wusheng
public class DictionaryValueHolder {
private int value = DictionaryUtil.nullValue();
public int getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(int value) {
this.value = value;
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary;
* @author wusheng
public class Found extends PossibleFound {
public Found(int value) {
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary;
* The <code>IDictionaryCompressible</code> implementation are objects which supported compressing by dictionary.
* @author wusheng
public interface IDictionaryCompressible {
* The Dictionary notifies, when compress key isn't found,
* means compress fail this time.
void incomplete(String notFoundKey);
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary;
* @author wusheng
public class NotFound extends PossibleFound {
public NotFound() {
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary;
import io.netty.util.internal.ConcurrentSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* @author wusheng
public enum OperationNameDictionary {
private Map<OperationNameKey, Integer> operationNameDictionary = new ConcurrentHashMap<OperationNameKey, Integer>();
private Set<OperationNameKey> unRegisterOperationName = new ConcurrentSet<OperationNameKey>();
public PossibleFound find(int applicationId, String operationName) {
OperationNameKey key = new OperationNameKey(applicationId, operationName);
Integer operationId = operationNameDictionary.get(key);
if (operationId != null) {
return new Found(applicationId);
} else {
return new NotFound();
private class OperationNameKey {
private int applicationId;
private String operationName;
public OperationNameKey(int applicationId, String operationName) {
this.applicationId = applicationId;
this.operationName = operationName;
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
OperationNameKey key = (OperationNameKey)o;
if (applicationId != key.applicationId)
return false;
return operationName.equals(key.operationName);
@Override public int hashCode() {
int result = applicationId;
result = 31 * result + operationName.hashCode();
return result;
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.dictionary;
* @author wusheng
public class PossibleFound {
public abstract class PossibleFound {
private boolean found;
private int value;
......@@ -18,13 +18,35 @@ public class PossibleFound {
this.found = false;
public void ifFound(Setter setter) {
public void doInCondition(Found condition1, NotFound condition2) {
if (found) {
} else {
public interface Setter {
void set(int value);
public Object doInCondition(FoundAndObtain condition1, NotFoundAndObtain condition2) {
if (found) {
return condition1.doProcess(value);
} else {
return condition2.doProcess();
public interface Found {
void doProcess(int value);
public interface NotFound {
void doProcess();
public interface FoundAndObtain {
Object doProcess(int value);
public interface NotFoundAndObtain {
Object doProcess();
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.StatusBootService;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracingContextListener;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
import org.skywalking.apm.logging.ILog;
......@@ -2,11 +2,7 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.tags.BooleanTagReader;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.tags.IntTagReader;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.tags.StringTagReader;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.BooleanTag;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.IntTag;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.StringTag;
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.tags.BooleanTagReader;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.tags.StringTagReader;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.Tags;
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import org.junit.Test;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ContextManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracingContextListener;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.Tags;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.AbstractSpan;
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.tags;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.List;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.BooleanTag;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.BooleanTagItem;
* @author wusheng
public class BooleanTagReader {
public static Boolean get(Span span, BooleanTag tag) {
List<BooleanTagItem> tagsWithBoolList = null;
try {
Field tagsWithBool = Span.class.getDeclaredField("tagsWithBool");
tagsWithBoolList = (List<BooleanTagItem>)tagsWithBool.get(span);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
for (BooleanTagItem item : tagsWithBoolList) {
if (tag.key().equals(item.getKey())) {
return item.getValue();
return tag.defaultValue();
package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.tags;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.List;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.IntTag;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.IntTagItem;
* @author wusheng
public class IntTagReader {
public static Integer get(Span span, IntTag tag) {
List<IntTagItem> tagsWithIntList = null;
try {
Field tagsWithInt = Span.class.getDeclaredField("tagsWithInt");
tagsWithIntList = (List<IntTagItem>)tagsWithInt.get(span);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
for (IntTagItem item : tagsWithIntList) {
if (tag.key().equals(item.getKey())) {
return item.getValue();
return null;
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.tags;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.List;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.StringTag;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.StringTagItem;
* @author wusheng
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.ContextCarrier;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstanceMethodInvokeContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.MethodInterceptResult;
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstanceMethodInvokeContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.MockTracingContextListener;
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstanceMethodInvokeContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.MockTracingContextListener;
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import org.mockito.Matchers;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.MockTracingContextListener;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.SegmentAssert;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.MockTracingContextListener;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.SegmentAssert;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.MockTracingContextListener;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.SegmentAssert;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import org.mockito.Matchers;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.MockTracingContextListener;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.SegmentAssert;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstanceMethodInvokeContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.MockTracingContextListener;
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstanceMethodInvokeContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.MockTracingContextListener;
......@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstanceMethodInvokeContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.MockTracingContextListener;
......@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstanceMethodInvokeContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.MockTracingContextListener;
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.ConstructorInvokeContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstanceMethodInvokeContext;
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.ConstructorInvokeContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstanceMethodInvokeContext;
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstanceMethodInvokeContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.MethodInterceptResult;
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstanceMethodInvokeContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.MethodInterceptResult;
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.boot.ServiceManager;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.conf.Config;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.EnhancedClassInstanceContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.InstanceMethodInvokeContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.plugin.interceptor.enhance.MethodInterceptResult;
package org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracingContextListener;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
package org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.trace;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.TracerContext;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.context.MockTracingContextListener;
import org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.trace.builders.trace.*;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.trace.TraceSegment;
......@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.trace.tags;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.List;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.BooleanTag;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.BooleanTagItem;
* @author wusheng
......@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.trace.tags;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.List;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.IntTag;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.IntTagItem;
* @author wusheng
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package org.skywalking.apm.sniffer.mock.trace.tags;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.List;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.StringTag;
import org.skywalking.apm.agent.core.context.tag.StringTagItem;
* @author wusheng
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