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Update README.md (#5941)

上级 29cf896b
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ in Cloud Native architecture.
The core features are following.
- Service, service instance, endpoint metrics analysis
- Root cause analysis. Profile the code on the runtime. Read [Apache SkyWalking: Use Profiling to Fix the Blind Spot of Distributed Tracing](https://thenewstack.io/apache-skywalking-use-profiling-to-fix-the-blind-spot-of-distributed-tracing/).
- Root cause analysis. Profile the code on the runtime
- Service topology map analysis
- Service, service instance and endpoint dependency analysis
- Slow services and endpoints detected
......@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ SkyWalking supports to collect telemetry (traces and metrics) data from multiple
and multiple formats,
1. Java, .NET Core, NodeJS, PHP, and Python auto-instrument agents.
1. Go agent.
1. Go and C++ SDKs.
1. LUA agent especially for Nginx, OpenResty.
1. Service Mesh Observability. Support Istio telemetry metrics. Recommend to use Envoy Access Log Service (ALS) for better performance, first introduced at [KubeCon 2019](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tERm39ju9ew).
1. Service Mesh Observability. Control panel and data panel.
1. Metrics system, including Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, Spring Sleuth(Micrometer).
1. Browser application performance, including metrics and error logs.
1. Zipkin v1/v2 and Jaeger gRPC format with limited topology and metrics analysis.(Experimental).
......@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ for better performance. Read [the paper of STAM](https://wu-sheng.github.io/STAM
# Documentation
- [Official documentation](https://skywalking.apache.org/docs/)
- [The paper of STAM](https://wu-sheng.github.io/STAM/), Streaming Topology Analysis Method.
- [Blog](https://skywalking.apache.org/blog/2020-04-13-apache-skywalking-profiling/) about profiling the code performance in production.
- [Blog](https://skywalking.apache.org/blog/2020-04-13-apache-skywalking-profiling/) about Use Profiling to Fix the Blind Spot of Distributed Tracing
- [Blog](https://skywalking.apache.org/blog/2020-12-03-obs-service-mesh-with-sw-and-als/) about observing Istio + Envoy service mesh with ALS solution.
NOTICE, SkyWalking 8.0+ uses [v3 protocols](docs/en/protocols/README.md). They are incompatible with previous releases.
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