未验证 提交 14db2ede 编写于 作者: wu-sheng's avatar wu-sheng 提交者: GitHub

Update Trace-Data-Protocol-v2.md (#2367)

上级 05b0498f
......@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ e.g. accessing DB by JDBC, reading Redis/Memcached are cataloged an ExitSpan.
3. Span parent info called Reference, which is included in span. Reference carries more fields besides
trace id, parent segment id, span id. Others are **entry service instance id**, **parent service instance id**,
**entry endpoint**, **parent endpoint** and **network address**. Follow [SkyWalking Trace Data Protocol v2](Trace-Data-Protocol-v2.md),
**entry endpoint**, **parent endpoint** and **network address**. Follow [Cross Process Propagation Headers Protocol v2](Skywalking-Cross-Process-Propagation-Headers-Protocol-v2.md),
you will know how to get all these fields.
### Step 3. Keep alive.
`ServiceInstancePing#doPing` should be called per several seconds. Make the backend know this instance is still
alive. Existed **service instance id** and **UUID** used in `doServiceInstanceRegister` are required.
\ No newline at end of file
alive. Existed **service instance id** and **UUID** used in `doServiceInstanceRegister` are required.
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