提交 03d52ef3 编写于 作者: wu-sheng's avatar wu-sheng

Readme for master branch, guide people to 5.x release and documents.

上级 1f2a6f22
......@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ microservices, cloud native and container-based (Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos) arch
[![OpenTracing-1.x Badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/OpenTracing--1.x-enabled-blue.svg)](http://opentracing.io)
# Abstract
**SkyWalking** is an open source APM system, including monitoring, tracing, diagnosing capabilities for distributed system.
**SkyWalking** is an open source APM system, including monitoring, tracing, diagnosing capabilities for distributed system
in Cloud Native architecture.
The core features are following.
- Service, service instance, endpoint metrics analysis
......@@ -33,18 +34,18 @@ The core features are following.
SkyWalking supports to collect telemetry (traces and metrics) data from different sources,
in order to provide more options
for different scenarios. For better understanding, read our documents.
for different scenarios.
# Document
- [Documents in English](docs/README.md)
- [6.x Documents](docs/README.md). In these documents, you will understand
5.x is still supported by SkyWalking community, and the agent-backend protocol is compatible with 6.x.
You can go to 5.x branch. At there, you have everything you need.
- Go to [5.x pages](https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/tree/5.x)
- Go to [5.x pages](https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/tree/5.x). Also 5.x document is [here](https://github.com/apache/incubator-skywalking/blob/master/docs/README.md).
# Downloads
......@@ -52,7 +53,8 @@ Please head to the [releases page](http://skywalking.apache.org/downloads/) to d
# Code of conduct
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant [code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to wusheng@apache.org.
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant [code of conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). By participating, you are expected to uphold this code.
Please report unacceptable behavior to dev@skywalking.apache.org .
# Live Demo
- Host in Beijing. [goto](
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