• Simplify the PxxMetrics and ThermodynamicMetrics to improve performance (#3162) · f658d9eb
    彭勇升 pengys 提交于
    * Feature of database session
    * Make it configurable.
    * Change the metrics process flow.
    before: metrics entrance -> aggregate worker -> remote worker -> trans worker -> minute, hour, day, month persistence worker -> storage
    after: metrics entrance -> aggregate worker -> remote worker -> minute persistence worker ->  trans worker -> hour, day, month persistence worker -> storage
    * IntKeyLongValueHashMap instead of IntKeyLongValueArray.
    * Make the OAP server can't startup.
    * Finish
    * Rename the method and fixed some test case issues.
    * Rename field.
    * no message
H2TableInstaller.java 4.3 KB