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# Alarm
Alarm core is driven by a collection of rules, which are defined in `config/alarm-settings.yml`.
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There are two parts in alarm rule definition.
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1. [Alarm rules](#rules). They define how metrics alarm should be triggered, what conditions should be considered.
1. [Webhooks](#webhook). The list of web service endpoint, which should be called after the alarm is triggered.
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## Rules
Alarm rule is constituted by following keys
- **Rule name**. Unique name, show in alarm message. Must end with `_rule`.
10 11
- **Metrics name**. A.K.A. metrics name in oal script. Only long, double, int types are supported. See
[List of all potential metrics name](#list-of-all-potential-metrics-name).
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12 13
- **Include names**. The following entity names are included in this rule. Such as Service name,
endpoint name.
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- **Exclude names**. The following entity names are excluded in this rule. Such as Service name,
  endpoint name.
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- **Threshold**. The target value.
- **OP**. Operator, support `>`, `<`, `=`. Welcome to contribute all OPs.
- **Period**. How long should the alarm rule should be checked. This is a time window, which goes with the
backend deployment env time.
- **Count**. In the period window, if the number of **value**s over threshold(by OP), reaches count, alarm
should send.
- **Silence period**. After alarm is triggered in Time-N, then keep silence in the **TN -> TN + period**.
By default, it is as same as **Period**, which means in a period, same alarm(same ID in same 
metrics name) will be trigger once. 
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  # Rule unique name, must be ended with `_rule`.
31 32
    # Metrics value need to be long, double or int
    metrics-name: endpoint_percent
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33 34
    threshold: 75
    op: <
    # The length of time to evaluate the metrics
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    period: 10
    # How many times after the metrics match the condition, will trigger alarm
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38 39 40
    count: 3
    # How many times of checks, the alarm keeps silence after alarm triggered, default as same as period.
    silence-period: 10
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41 42
43 44
    metrics-name: service_percent
    # [Optional] Default, match all services in this metrics
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45 46 47
      - service_a
      - service_b
48 49
      - service_c
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50 51 52 53
    threshold: 85
    op: <
    period: 10
    count: 4
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### Default alarm rules
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We provided a default `alarm-setting.yml` in our distribution only for convenience, which including following rules
1. Service average response time over 1s in last 3 minutes.
1. Service success rate lower than 80% in last 2 minutes.
1. Service 90% response time is over 1s in last 3 minutes
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1. Service Instance average response time over 1s in last 2 minutes.
1. Endpoint average response time over 1s in last 2 minutes.

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### List of all potential metrics name
65 66
The metrics names are defined in official [OAL scripts](../../guides/, right now 
metrics from **Service**, **Service Instance**, **Endpoint** scopes could be used in Alarm, we will extend in further versions. 
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67 68

Submit issue or pull request if you want to support any other scope in alarm.
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69 70 71

## Webhook
Webhook requires the peer is a web container. The alarm message will send through HTTP post by `application/json` content type. The JSON format is based on `List<org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.core.alarm.AlarmMessage` with following key information.
- **scopeId**, **scope**. All scopes are defined in org.apache.skywalking.oap.server.core.source.DefaultScopeDefine.
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- **name**. Target scope entity name.
- **id0**. The ID of scope entity, matched the name.
- **id1**. Not used today.
- **ruleName**. The rule name you configured in `alarm-settings.yml`.
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- **alarmMessage**. Alarm text message.
- **startTime**. Alarm time measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.

Example as following
	"scopeId": 1, 
        "scope": "SERVICE",
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85 86 87
        "name": "serviceA", 
	"id0": 12,  
	"id1": 0,  
        "ruleName": "service_resp_time_rule",
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89 90 91 92
	"alarmMessage": "alarmMessage xxxx",
	"startTime": 1560524171000
}, {
	"scopeId": 1,
        "scope": "SERVICE",
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94 95 96
        "name": "serviceB",
	"id0": 23,
	"id1": 0,
        "ruleName": "service_resp_time_rule",
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98 99 100 101
	"alarmMessage": "alarmMessage yyy",
	"startTime": 1560524171000
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109

## Update the settings dynamically
Since 6.5.0, the alarm settings can be updated dynamically at runtime by [Dynamic Configuration](,
which will override the settings in `alarm-settings.yml`.

In order to determine that whether an alarm rule is triggered or not, SkyWalking needs to cache the metrics of a time window for
each alarm rule, if any attribute (`metrics-name`, `op`, `threshold`, `period`, `count`, etc.) of a rule is changed,
the sliding window will be destroyed and re-created, causing the alarm of this specific rule to restart again.