TraceSegmentService.proto 1.5 KB
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syntax = "proto3";

option java_multiple_files = true;
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option java_package = "";
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import "Downstream.proto";

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service TraceSegmentService {
    rpc collect (stream TraceSegmentObject) returns (Downstream) {
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message UpstreamSegment {
    repeated string globalTraceIds = 1;
    bytes segment = 2; // the byte array of TraceSegmentObject

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message TraceSegmentObject {
19 20 21 22
    string traceSegmentId = 1;
    repeated TraceSegmentReference refs = 2;
    repeated SpanObject spans = 3;
    int32 applicationId = 4;
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23 24
    int32 applicationInstanceId = 5;
    repeated string globalTraceIds = 6;
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message TraceSegmentReference {
    string parentTraceSegmentId = 1;
    int32 parentSpanId = 2;
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30 31
    int32 parentApplicationId = 3;
    string networkAddress = 4;
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
    int32 networkAddressId = 5;

message SpanObject {
    int32 spanId = 1;
    int32 parentSpanId = 2;
    int64 startTime = 3;
    int64 endTime = 4;
    int32 operationNameId = 5;
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    string operationName = 6;
    int32 peerId = 7;
    string peer = 8;
    SpanType spanType = 9;
    SpanLayer spanLayer = 10;
    int32 componentId = 11;
    string component = 12;
    bool isError = 13;
    repeated KeyValue tags = 14;
    repeated LogMessage logs = 15;
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enum SpanType {
    Entry = 0;
    Exit = 1;
    Local = 2;

enum SpanLayer {
    Database = 0;
    RPCFramework = 1;
    Http = 2;
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    MQ = 3;
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message KeyValue {
    string key = 1;
    string value = 2;

message LogMessage {
    int64 time = 1;
    repeated KeyValue data = 2;
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