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# How to build project
This document helps people to compile and build the project in your maven and set your IDE.
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## Build Project
**Because we are using Git submodule, we recommend don't use `GitHub` tag or release page to download source codes for compiling.**

### Build from GitHub
1. Prepare git, JDK8 and maven3
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1. `git clone`
1. `cd skywalking/`
1. Switch to the tag by using `git checkout [tagname]` (Optional, switch if want to build a release from source codes)
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12 13
1. `git submodule init`
1. `git submodule update`
1. Run `./mvnw clean package -DskipTests`
1. All packages are in `/dist` (.tar.gz for Linux and .zip for Windows).

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### Build from Apache source code release
- What is `Apache source code release`?

For each official Apache release, there is a complete and independent source code tar, which is including all source codes. You could download it from [SkyWalking Apache download page]( No git related stuff required when compiling this. Just follow these steps.

1. Prepare JDK8 and maven3
1. Run `./mvnw clean package -DskipTests`
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1. All packages are in `/dist`.(.tar.gz for Linux and .zip for Windows).
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### Advanced compile
SkyWalking is a complex maven project, including many modules, which could cause long compiling time. 
If you just want to recompile part of the project, you have following options
- Compile agent and package
>  ./mvnw package -Pagent,dist
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> make build.agent

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- Compile backend and package
>  ./mvnw package -Pbackend,dist
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> make build.backend

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- Compile UI and package
>  ./mvnw package -Pui,dist

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> make build.ui

### Build docker images
We can build docker images of `backend` and `ui` with `Makefile` located in root folder.

- Build all docker images
> make docker.all

- Build oap server docker image
> make docker.oap

- Build ui docker image
> make docker.ui

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`HUB` and `TAG` variables ares used to setup `REPOSITORY` and `TAG` of a docker image. To get
a oap image with name `bar/oap:foo`, run the following command
> HUB=bar TAG=foo make docker.oap

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## Setup your IntelliJ IDEA
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**NOTICE**: If you clone the codes from GitHub, please make sure that you had finished step 1 to 7 in section **[Build from GitHub](#build-from-github)**, if you download the source codes from the official website of SkyWalking, please make sure that you had followed the steps in section **[Build from Apache source code release](#build-from-apache-source-code-release)**.

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1. Import the project as a maven project
1. Run `./mvnw compile -Dmaven.test.skip=true` to compile project and generate source codes. Because we use gRPC and protobuf.
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1. Set **Generated Source Codes** folders.
    * `grpc-java` and `java` folders in **apm-protocol/apm-network/target/generated-sources/protobuf**
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    * `grpc-java` and `java` folders in **oap-server/server-core/target/generated-sources/protobuf**
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    * `grpc-java` and `java` folders in **oap-server/server-receiver-plugin/receiver-proto/target/generated-sources/protobuf**
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    * `grpc-java` and `java` folders in **oap-server/exporter/target/generated-sources/protobuf**
    * `grpc-java` and `java` folders in **oap-server/server-configuration/grpc-configuration-sync/target/generated-sources/protobuf**
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    * `antlr4` folder in **oap-server/generate-tool-grammar/target/generated-sources**
    * `oal` folder in **oap-server/generated-analysis/target/generated-sources**
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## Setup your Eclipse IDE
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**NOTICE**: If you clone the codes from GitHub, please make sure that you had finished step 1 to 7 in section **[Build from GitHub](#build-from-github)**, if you download the source codes from the official website of SkyWalking, please make sure that you had followed the steps in section **[Build from Apache source code release](#build-from-apache-source-code-release)**.

1. Import the project as a maven project
2. For supporting multiple source directories, you need to add the following configuration in `skywalking/pom.xml` file:
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3. Add the following configuration under to let eclipse's M2e plug-in supports execution's solution configuration
    <!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings 
    only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
4. Adding Google guava dependency to apm-collector-remote/collector-remote-grpc-provider/pom.xml files
5. Run `./mvnw compile -Dmaven.test.skip=true`
6. Run `maven update`. Must remove the clean projects item before maven update(This will be clear the proto conversion Java file generated by the complie)
7. Run `./mvnw compile` compile collector-remote-grpc-provider and apm-protocol
8. Refresh project