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Allen Wang 已提交
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layout: LayoutHome
description: 'Application performance monitor tool for distributed systems, especially designed for microservices, cloud native and container-based (Docker, K8s, Mesos) architectures.'
start: Quick Start
  title: What is SkyWalking
    - SkyWalking is Observalibity Analysis Platform and Application Performance Management system.
    - Provide distributed tracing, service mesh telemetry analysis, metric aggregation and visualization all-in-one solution.

  title: Feature List
    - Consistent in multiple scenarios. supported telemetry sources from language agents and service mesh.
    - Multiple language agents, Java, .Net Core and NodJS auto instrument agents.
    - Light. No big data platform required, even observing the high payload cluster.
    - Modulization. Have multiple options for UI, storage, cluster managements.
    - Alarm supported.
    - Cool visualization solution.

  title: Who is using SkyWalking
  content: Various companies and organizations use SkyWalking for research, production and commercial products. This is SkyWalking's user wall.

  title: Events & News
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  - header: Welcome Yao Wang as a new PPMC.
    content: Based on his contributions. Including created RocketBot as our secondary UI, new website and very cool trace view page in next release. he has been accepted as SkyWalking PPMC. Welcome aboard.
    time: Dec. 22th, 2018
Allen Wang 已提交
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  - header: Welcome Yixiong Cao as a new committer.
    content: Based on his contributions to the project, he has been accepted as SkyWalking committer. Welcome aboard.
    time: Dec. 10th, 2018
  - header: Welcome Lang Li as a new committer.
    content: Based on his contributions to the project, he has been accepted as SkyWalking committer. Welcome aboard.
    time: Dec. 6th, 2018
  - header: Welcome Jian Tan as a new committer.
    content: Based on his contributions to the project, he has been accepted as SkyWalking committer. Welcome aboard.
    time: Dec. 2rd, 2018