未验证 提交 3d5397b5 编写于 作者: H huawei 提交者: GitHub

update CHANGELOG (#70)

Co-authored-by: Nhuawei <huawei@bit-s.cn>
上级 a59a8dd2
## Change Logs
### 0.3.0
- New plugins
- Urllib3 Plugin (#69)
- Elasticsearch Plugin (#64)
- PyMongo Plugin (#60)
- Rabbitmq Plugin (#53)
- Make plugin compatible with Django (#52)
- Add process propagation (#67)
- Add tags to decorators (#65)
- Add Check version of packages when install plugins (#63)
- Add thread propagation (#62)
- Add trace ignore (#59)
- Support snapshot context (#56)
- Support correlation context (#55)
- Chores and tests
- Test: run multiple versions of supported libraries (#66)
- Chore: add pull request template for plugin (#61)
- Chore: add dev doc and reorganize the structure (#58)
- Test: update test health check (#57)
- Chore: add make goal to package release tar ball (#54)
### 0.2.0
- New plugins
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