未验证 提交 90de24c7 编写于 作者: Y yang-7777 提交者: GitHub

Update the video section in english (#8056)

* Create Newfeature.cn.md

add video resource

* Create Newfeature.en.md

add video source

* Update OpenSource.en.md

* Update Newfeature.cn.md

* Update Newfeature.en.md

* Update build.en.md

* Update ecosystem.en.md

* Update evolution.en.md

* Update new_SQL.en.md
上级 9cf24e62
title = "Apache ShardingSphere 5.x 的新功能"
weight = 6
chapter = true
Apache ShardingSphere 5.x 的首个版本发布在即。Apache ShardingSphere 从架构设计理念到产品定位都有重大革新。采用了可插拔的方式,使其具备高度灵活、可插拔和可扩展的能力;在产品定位方面,不再以数据分片为内核,而是转向分布式数据库生态的打造。5.x 版本将数据分片、分布式事务、数据库治理等核心功能从项目内核中完全抽离,成为其可插拔生态的一部分。并且通过 SPI 的方式完全开放其生态,将数据迁移、弹性调度、数据加密、影子表等功能完全融入至产品生态中。
{{< bilibili BV1Qa4y1s7WK >}}
title = "New feature of Apache ShardingSphere 5.x"
weight = 6
chapter = true
The first version of Apache ShardingSphere 5.x will be released soon. In version 5.x, Apache ShardingSphere has made significant innovations from architecture design to product scope. Apache ShardingSphere 5.x follow pluggable architecture design concept to build a flexible, embeddable and extensible project. Apache ShardingSphere 5. X no longer takes data sharding as kernel, but turns to building distributed database ecosystem. In the new version, core functions such as data sharding, distributed transaction and database governance are completely separated from the kernel and become a part of its pluggable component. Through SPI, the ecosystem is fully opened, and the functions of data migration, elastic scheduling, data encryption, shadow table are fully integrated into the product ecology. This presentation will comprehensively introduce the new features of Apache ShardingSphere 5.x.
{{< bilibili BV1Qa4y1s7WK >}}
...@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ weight = 1 ...@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ weight = 1
chapter = true chapter = true
+++ +++
## TODO Apache sharingsphere is the only database middleware project of Apache foundation. It is mainly used in distributed database related scenarios such as data fragmentation, distributed transaction and distributed governance. This live broadcast will share why we want to participate in open source; the Apache software foundation, the core principles of Apache shardingsphere and how to embark on the road of open source.
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{{< bilibili BV16K4y1b7CZ >}}
...@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ weight = 2 ...@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ weight = 2
chapter = true chapter = true
+++ +++
## TODO Apache shardingsphere VP: Liang Zhang gives a wonderful explanation of shardingsphere project and open source. Liang Zhang, architecture expert of Technical Center, JD Digital Technology(JD.com), Apache ShardingSphere PMC Chair. Shardingsphere has entered the Apache incubator. It is the first open source project of JD to enter the Apache software foundation, and it is also the first distributed database of Apache software foundation.
{{< bilibili BV1aC4y1W7DA >}}
...@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ weight = 5 ...@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ weight = 5
chapter = true chapter = true
+++ +++
## TODO With the rapid development of the Internet, the scale of Internet data is also explosive growth. In this scenario, how to transform and upgrade the traditional database to meet the data needs of the new Internet? How to build an ecosystem of distributed database cluster with the help of NewSQL concept to meet the business needs of query performance, large amount of data storage, data security, elastic expansion, etc? This sharing will analyze these problems in detail and provide a relatively complete NewSQL solution.
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{{< bilibili BV19z411e743 >}}
...@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ weight = 4 ...@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ weight = 4
chapter = true chapter = true
+++ +++
## TODO This sharing will start with NewSQL, focusing on the evolution and planning of ShardingSphere architecture, and fall into the relationship and development between open source and contributors. From the perspective of product ecology, open source power, personal growth and development, it brings us interpretation and sharing.
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{{< bilibili BV1av41167ny >}}
...@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ weight = 3 ...@@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ weight = 3
chapter = true chapter = true
+++ +++
## TODO NewSQL is popular in recent years, and companies all over the world have different interpretations of NewSQL. This sharing will bring you the interpretation of NewSQL concept and product architecture around the world. The architecture, characteristics, planning and open source community of Apache ShardingSphere, a popular open source distributed database middleware service platform, are analyzed in detail from the perspective of NewSQL.
{{< bilibili BV12t4y117GC >}}
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