1. 30 7月, 2019 1 次提交
    • S
      [schema] KeyValue schema support using AUTO_CONSUME as key/value schema (#4839) · dd7cc890
      Sijie Guo 提交于
      Currently KeyValue schema doesn't support using AUTO_CONSUME.
      This PR is to add this support.
      This PR is based on #4836
      - refactor a bit on Schema interface to support fetching schema info for both AutoConsumeSchema and KeyValueSchema before subscribing
      - add AUTO_CONSUME support to KeyValueSchema
      - add tests
  2. 29 7月, 2019 1 次提交
  3. 24 7月, 2019 1 次提交
  4. 21 7月, 2019 1 次提交
    • M
      Allow to configure ack-timeout tick time (#4760) · f13af487
      Matteo Merli 提交于
      ### Motivation
      After the changes in #3118, there has a been a sharp increase of memory utilization for the UnackedMessageTracker due to the time buckets being created. 
      This is especially true when the acktimeout is set to a larger value (eg: 1h) where 3600 time-buckets are being created. This lead to use 20MB per partition even when no message is tracked.
      Allowing to configure the tick time so that application can tune it based on needs.
      Additionally, fixed the logic that keeps creating hash maps and throwing them away at each tick time iteration, since that creates a lot of garbage and doesn't take care of the fact that the hash maps are expanding based on the required capacity (so next time they are already of the "right" size). 
      On a final note: the current default of 1sec seems very wasteful. Something like 10s should be more appropriate as default.
  5. 13 7月, 2019 1 次提交
  6. 25 6月, 2019 1 次提交
    • S
      [client] Provide a clock for generating publish timestamp for producers (#4562) · 7397b960
      Sijie Guo 提交于
      Currently producers uses `System.currentTimeMillis()` as publish timestamp by default.
      However at some use cases, producers would like to a different way for generating publish timestamp.
      E.g. in a database use case, a producer might be use HLC (Hybrid Logic Clock) as publish timestamp;
      in integration tests, it might require the producer to use a deterministic way to generate publish timestamp.
      This PR introduces a `clock` in building the client. This allows applications to override the system clock
      with its own implementation.
      *Verify the change*
      Add unit test to test customized clock in both batch and non-batch cases.
  7. 20 6月, 2019 2 次提交
    • S
      [schema] key/value schema enhancement (#4548) · 82d9e716
      Sijie Guo 提交于
      - The code for encoding and decoding key/value schema is spreading over multiple places.
      - Make code changes to prepare supporting key/value schema in AUTO consumers
      - Make schema tools display key/value schema in a pretty format
      - Move the common logic of encoding and decoding key/value schema to a common class KeyValueSchemaInfo
      - Expose the common class in DefaultImplementation so that it can be available for public usage
      - Fix the display problem on displaying key/value schema
      *Verify this change*
      - Add bunch of the unit tests for key/value schemas
    • L
      Introduce batch message container framework and support key based batching container (#4435) · b45736ad
      lipenghui 提交于
      ### Motivation
      Introduce batch message container framework to support multiple ways to do message batch. 
      Currently, pulsar support a most basic batch message container, use the batch message container framework can quickly implement other types batch message container, even users can customize their own batch message container.
      Add a new batch message container named BatchMessageKeyBasedContainer to support batching message in key_shared subscription mode.
  8. 18 6月, 2019 1 次提交
  9. 15 6月, 2019 1 次提交
    • E
      Feature - reset cursor on Reader to current position (#4331) · 1c51adc7
      Ezequiel Lovelle 提交于
      * Feature - reset cursor on Reader to current position
      There are some cases in which is it useful to be able to include current
      position of message when reset of cursor was made.
      This was reported by a `vvy` on slack, no issue has been created to track this.
        - Add startMessageIdInclusive() to support include current position of
          reset on ReaderBuilder.
        - Add resetIncludeHead field for Reader and Consumer Configuration Data
        - Fix position of cursor for non durable consumer.
        - Improve discard if statement for batch enable mode.
        - Add discard if statement for batch disable mode.
        - Improve test case for latest Reader seek.
        - Add test case to assert the start of specific message id at the expected
          position with data provider scenarios:
            A. Batch enable and start inclusive enable.
            B. Batch enable and start inclusive disable.
            C. Batch disable and start inclusive enable.
            D. Batch disable and start inclusive disable.
  10. 14 6月, 2019 1 次提交
  11. 30 5月, 2019 1 次提交
    • M
      Delayed message delivery implementation (#4062) · ba24d73b
      Matteo Merli 提交于
      * Delayed message delivery implementation
      * Fixed compilation
      * Allow to configure the delayed tracker implementation
      * Use int64 for timestamp
      * Address comments
      * More tests for TripleLongPriorityQueue
      * Removing useless sync block that causes deadlock with consumer close
      * Fixed merge conflict
      * Avoid new list when passing entries to consumer
      * Fixed test. Since entries are evicted from cache, they might be resent in diff order
      * Fixed context message builder
      * Fixed triggering writePromise when last entry was nullified
      * Moved entries filtering from consumer to dispatcher
      * Added Javadocs
      * Reduced synchronized scope to minimum
  12. 23 5月, 2019 1 次提交
    • S
      [schema] AutoConsume should use the schema associated with messages as both... · bf06ef3e
      Sijie Guo 提交于
      [schema] AutoConsume should use the schema associated with messages as both writer and reader schema (#4325)
      * [schema] AutoConsume should use the schema associated with messages for both writer and reader schema
      AutoConsume should use the schema associated with the messages for decoding the schemas.
      - provide a flag enable or disable using the provided schema as the reader schema
      - for AUTO_CONSUME schema, disable usnig the provided schema as the reader schema. so it can use the right
        schema version for decoding messages into right generic records
      - provide a few util methods for displaying schema data
      * Handle 64 bytes schema version
      * Addressed review comments
  13. 21 5月, 2019 3 次提交
  14. 19 5月, 2019 1 次提交
    • E
      Feature / interceptor for ack timeout (#4300) · 6485ccf7
      Ezequiel Lovelle 提交于
      Provide proper interceptor for messages being redelivered due to ack timeout.
        - Add test case for onAckTimeoutSend interceptor.
        - Add onAckTimeoutSend() method in ConsumerInterceptor interface.
        - Add handler for onAckTimeoutSend() interceptor in ConsumerBase.
        - Add method call to onAckTimeoutSend() in UnAckedMessageTracker.
  15. 08 5月, 2019 1 次提交
    • T
      [pulsar-clients] Support nested struct for GenericRecord (#4177) · 78502a3c
      tuteng 提交于
      ### Motivation
      Currently, GenericRecordBuilder only supports primitive types, e.g. int, long, string. But it doesn’t support struct type. 
      ### Modifications
      Support nested struct for GenericRecordBuilder, for example AVRO
      ### Verifying this change
      Unit Test Pass
  16. 01 5月, 2019 1 次提交
    • T
      [pulsar-clients]Store key part of a KeyValue schema into pulsar message keys (#4117) · 7f21501e
      tuteng 提交于
      ### Motivation
      The current implementation of KeyValue schema stores key and value together as part of message payload. Ideally the key should be stored as part of message key.
      It can be done by introducing a property in KeyValue schema to indicate whether store key in payload or as message key.
      ### Modifications
      * Add keyIsStoredToMessage for encode and decode of KeyValueSchema
      ### Verifying this change
      Unit test pass
  17. 28 4月, 2019 1 次提交
    • C
      Add the multi version schema support (#3876) · d5ff0828
      congbo 提交于
      ### Motivation
      Fix #3742
      In order to decode the message correctly by AVRO schema, we need to know the schema what the message is.
      ### Modification
      - Introduced Schema Reader and Schema Writer for StructSchema.
         - Reader is used to decode message
         - Writer is used to encode message
      - The implementations of StructSchema, provides their schema reader and writer implementations. 
      - Introduced a schema reader cache for caching the readers for different schema versions. 
  18. 25 4月, 2019 1 次提交
    • J
      Issue #3653: Kerberos authentication for web resource support (#4097) · 2777b0e4
      Jia Zhai 提交于
      Fixes #3653
      Master Issue: #3491
      ** Motivation
      Add kerberos support for web resource support.
      This mainly include 2 parts:
      - the HttpClient that works for HttpLookup.
      - the BaseResource that works for admin rest end point.
      *** Modifications
      For kerberos authentication, there need several back/forth requests to do the negotiation between client and server.
      This change add a method authenticationStage in AuthenticationSasl, and a method authenticateHttpRequest in AuthenticationProviderSasl to do the mutual negotiation.
      And a saslRoleToken is cached in AuthenticationSasl once the authentication get success.
      When do the sasl authentication, it will first use saslRoleToken cache, and if sever check this token failed, do real sasl authentication.
      Changed unit test SaslAuthenticateTest, which enable sasl authentication in admin and also use http lookup to verify the change.
  19. 24 4月, 2019 1 次提交
    • E
      Feature - support seek() on Reader (#4031) · c70438c6
      Ezequiel Lovelle 提交于
       fix #3976
      According to what was discussed in pull #3983 it would be an acceptable solution
      to add seek() command to Reader in order to reset a non durable cursor after
      Reader instance was build.
        - Bugfix reset() by timestamp on a non-durable consumer, previously the
          cached cursor was not present, therefore the state set by reset() was missed
          resulting in a reset() at the beginning of the cursor instead of a reset()
          at the expected position.
        - Copy seek() commands to Reader interface from Consumer interface.
        - Fix inconsistency with lastDequeuedMessage field after seek() command was
          performed successfully.
        - Fix consumer discarding messages on receive (after seek() command) due to
          messages being present on acknowledge grouping tacker.
  20. 23 4月, 2019 1 次提交
    • E
      Feature / Interceptor for negative ack redelivery (#3962) · 78907501
      Ezequiel Lovelle 提交于
      * Feature / Interceptor for negative ack redelivery
      In some scenarios is it helpful to be able to set interceptor for redeliveries
      being happening due to negative acknowledge.
        - Add onNegativeAcksSend() method in ConsumerInterceptor interface.
        - Add handler for onNegativeAcksSend() interceptor in ConsumerBase.
        - Favor forEach on ConsumerInterceptor instead of classic for loop by index.
        - Optimization for each by index to avoid compute size() every iteration.
        - Add call method to onNegativeAckRedelivery() from NegativeAcksTracker.
      * Add test case for onNegativeAcksSend interceptor
  21. 22 4月, 2019 1 次提交
    • L
      PIP-34 Key_Shared subscription core implementation. (#4079) · 2373ca36
      lipenghui 提交于
      ## Motivation
      This is a core implementation for PIP-34 and there is a task tracker ISSUE-4077 for this PIP
      ## Modifications
      Add a new subscription type named Key_Shared
      Add PersistentStickyKeyDispatcherMultipleConsumers to handle the message dispatch
      Add a simple hash range based consumer selector
      Verifying this change
      Add new unit tests to verifying the hash range selector and Key_Shared mode message consume.
      * PIP-34 Key_Shared subscription core implementation.
      * PIP-34 Add more unit test.
      1.test redelivery with Key_Shared subscription
      2.test none key dispatch with Key_Shared subscription
      3.test ordering key dispatch with Key_Shared subscription
      * PIP-34 Fix alignment issue of Pulsar.proto
      * PIP-34 Fix TODO: format
      * PIP-34 Fix hash and ordering key issues
      * PIP-34 documentation for Key_Shared subscription
      * PIP-34 Fix cpp test issue.
      * PIP-34 Fix cpp format issue.
  22. 11 4月, 2019 1 次提交
  23. 03 4月, 2019 1 次提交
  24. 30 3月, 2019 1 次提交
    • S
      [schema] store schema type correctly in schema registry (#3940) · 7e7175db
      Sijie Guo 提交于
      Fixes #3925
      We have 3 places of defining schema type enums. We kept adding
      new schema type in pulsar-common. However we don't update the schema type
      in wire protocol and schema storage.
      This causes `SchemaType.NONE` is stored in SchemaRegistry.
      It fails debeizum connector on restarting.
      Make sure all 3 places have consistent schema type definitions.
      Record the correct schema type.
  25. 28 3月, 2019 1 次提交
  26. 19 3月, 2019 2 次提交
    • C
      revise the schema default type not null (#3752) · 1a1c557b
      congbo 提交于
      ### Motivation
      Fix #3741 
      ### Modifications
      Support define not not allow null field in schema
      ### Verifying this change
      Add not allow null field schema verify
      Does this pull request potentially affect one of the following parts:
      If yes was chosen, please highlight the changes
      Dependencies (does it add or upgrade a dependency): (no)
      The public API: (no)
      The schema: (yes)
      The default values of configurations: (no)
      The wire protocol: (no)
      The rest endpoints: (no)
      The admin cli options: (no)
      Anything that affects deployment: (no)
    • J
      kerberos: authentication between client and broker (#3821) · 7064285c
      Jia Zhai 提交于
      Fixes #3652
      Currently both Zookeeper and BookKeeper could be secured by using Kerberos, It would be good to support Kerberos in Pulsar Broker and Client.
      This is the sub-task for issue in #3491 to support Kerberos in Pulsar Broker and Client.
      Will add proxy and web resource support in following prs.
      The Kerberos authentication is similar to that in Zookeeper and BookKeeper, which leverage SASL and GSSAPI, so reused some of the code there.
      PR #3658 is the first version of PR before #3677 .
      provide both client and broker side support for authentication api;
      add unit test.
  27. 14 3月, 2019 1 次提交
    • S
      Support passing schema definition for JSON and AVRO schemas (#3766) · da68b23c
      Sijie Guo 提交于
      * Support passing schema definition for JSON and AVRO schemas
      Currently AVRO and Schema generated schemas from POJO directly.
      Sometime people would like to use pre-generated/defined schemas,
      so allow passing in schema definitions would clear the confusions
      on parsing schemas from POJO.
      - Abstract a common base class `StructSchema` for AVRO/PROTOBUF/JSON
      - Standarize on using avro schema for defining schema (we already did that. this change only makes it clearer)
      - Add methods to pass schema definition for JSON and AVRO schemas
      We don't support passing schema definition for PROTOBUF. since we only supported generated messages as POJO
      class for protobuf schema, and we generate schema definition from the generated messages. it doesn't make sense
      to pass in a different schema definition.
      * Add missing license header
  28. 13 3月, 2019 1 次提交
    • J
      PIP-30: interface for mutual authentication (#3677) · 09e3ed8a
      Jia Zhai 提交于
      This is to implement the mutual auth api discussed in "PIP-30: change authentication provider API to support mutual authentication"
      Mainly provide 2 new command CommandAuthResponse and  CommandAuthChallenge in proto, to support it.
  29. 09 3月, 2019 1 次提交
    • S
      NullPointerException at using BytesSchema.of() (#3754) · 85afd6e4
      Sijie Guo 提交于
      Fixes #3734
      Exception occurred when using `BytesSchema.of()`
      Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
      	at org.apache.pulsar.examples.simple.ProducerExample.main(ProducerExample.java:32)
      Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
      	at org.apache.pulsar.client.internal.ReflectionUtils.catchExceptions(ReflectionUtils.java:36)
      	at org.apache.pulsar.client.internal.DefaultImplementation.newKeyValueSchema(DefaultImplementation.java:158)
      	at org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Schema.<clinit>(Schema.java:123)
      	... 1 more
      Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
      	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
      	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
      	at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
      	at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:423)
      	at org.apache.pulsar.client.internal.DefaultImplementation.lambda$newKeyValueSchema$16(DefaultImplementation.java:160)
      	at org.apache.pulsar.client.internal.ReflectionUtils.catchExceptions(ReflectionUtils.java:34)
      	... 3 more
      Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
      	at org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.schema.KeyValueSchema.<init>(KeyValueSchema.java:68)
      	... 9 more
      The problem introduced because the weird class loading and reflection sequence.
      When accessing `BytesSchema`, `BytesSchema` will try to initialize `Schema`. When initializing Schema, it will attempts
      to initialize `KV_BYTES` using reflection, and initializing KV_BYTES requires `BytesSchema`. Hence it causes KV_BYTES not being
      initialized correctly.
      The change is to avoid this recursive class loading.
  30. 08 3月, 2019 2 次提交
    • S
      [schema] Introduce GenericRecordBuilder and the avro implementation (#3690) · 0e48029b
      Sijie Guo 提交于
      In order to introduce `GenericRecordBuilder`, we need to know the fields in a `GenericSchema`.
      Otherwise, there is no way for us to build a GenericRecord.
      This proposal refactors current generic schema by introducing a `GenericSchema`. This generic schema
      provides interfaces to retrieve the fields of a `GenericRecordSchema`.
      This proposal adding the primitive schemas into `Schema` class. So people can program primitive schemas
      using Schema interface rather than specific implementations.
    • M
      Added support for "negative acks" in Java client (#3703) · 1da21612
      Matteo Merli 提交于
      * Added support for "negative acks" in Java client
      * Fixed redelivery delay to be >= than configured
      * Fixed redelivery after timeout
      * Fixed timeout interval calculation
      * Removed the 1.1 nonsense
      * Fixed test cleanup
      * Avoid failure when passing empty set of msg ids
  31. 06 3月, 2019 1 次提交
  32. 05 3月, 2019 1 次提交
  33. 28 2月, 2019 2 次提交
    • add reset cousor to a specific publish time (#3622) · 1f376e10
      冉小龙 提交于
      Signed-off-by: xiaolong.ran ranxiaolong716@gmail.com
      Fixes #3446 #3565
      Reset the subscription associated with this consumer to a specific publish time.
    • S
      [schema] Introduce `GenericSchema` interface (#3683) · f4d56624
      Sijie Guo 提交于
      In order to introduce `GenericRecordBuilder`, we need to know the fields in a `GenericSchema`.
      Otherwise, there is no way for us to build a GenericRecord.
      This proposal refactors current generic schema by introducing a `GenericSchema`. This generic schema
      provides interfaces to retrieve the fields of a `GenericRecordSchema`.
      This proposal adding the primitive schemas into `Schema` class. So people can program primitive schemas
      using Schema interface rather than specific implementations.
  34. 26 2月, 2019 1 次提交
    • S
      [schema] Introduce schema builder to build schema. (#3682) · d46474b2
      Sijie Guo 提交于
      Currently we are supporting POJO based schema in java clients.
      POJO schema is only useful when the POJO is predefined. However
      in applications like a CDC pipeline, POJO is no predefined, there
      is no other way to define a schema.
      Since we are using avro schema for schema management, this PR
      is proposing a simple schema builder wrapper on avro schema builder.
      Introduce schema builder to build a record schema.
      Currently we only support primitives in defining fields in a record schema in this PR.
      We will add nested types in future PRs.