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## Apache Pulsar Release Notes

4 5 6 7 8 9
### 2.7.0 &mdash; Not Yet Released <a id=“2.7.0”></a>

##### Upgrade notes

* [IO] If Function Authorization is enabled, users have to be given the source/sink entitlement to run them. See

冉小龙 已提交
### 2.6.1 &mdash; 2020-08-21 <a id=“2.6.1”></a>
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114

The following lists fixes and enhancements in 2.6.1 release.

#### Broker

- [Broker] Limit batch size to the minimum of the `maxNumberOfMessages` and `maxSizeOfMessages` [#6865](
- [Broker] Fix hash range conflict issue in Key_Shared with sticky hash range [#7231](
- [Broker] Fix the issue that get lookup permission error [#7234](
- [Broker] Update Jetty to version 9.4.29 [#7235](
- [Broker] Fix readers backlog stats after data is skipped [#7236](
- [Broker] Fix the regression in `isSupperUser` [#7241](
- [Broker] Avoid introducing null read position for the managed cursor [#7264](
- [Broker] Fix permission operation check on setRetention admin operation [#7281](
- [Broker] Fix error in creation of non-durable cursor [#7355](
- [Broker] Fix bug related to managedLedger properties [#7357](
- [Broker] Add tenant name check in list namespaces function [#7369](
- [Broker] Avoid the NPE occurs in method `ManagedLedgerImpl.isOffloadedNeedsDelete` [#7389](
- [Broker] Fix producer stuck issue due to NPE thrown when creating a new ledger [#7401](
- [Broker] Avoid NPEs at ledger creation when DNS failures happen [#7403](
- [Broker] Support decompression payload if needed in KeyShared subscription [#7416](
- [Broker] Fix update-cluster cli updates proxy-url [#7422](
- [Broker] Handle `NotAllowed Exception` at the client side [#7430](
- [Broker] Shade jclouds to avoid Gson conflict [#7435](
- [Broker] Consumer is registered on dispatcher even if hash range conflicts on Key_Shared subscription [#7444](
- [Broker] Add pulsar-client-messagecrypto-bc into pulsar-client dependency to avoid method not found [#7447](
- [Broker] Fix update partitions error for non-persistent topic [#7459](
- [Broker] Use CGroup CPU usage when present [#7475](
- [Broker] Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when dispatch messages to consumer [#7483](
- [Broker] Get last entry is trying to read entry -1 [#7495](
- [Broker] Fix timeout opening managed ledger operation [#7506](
- [Broker] Fixes the exception that occurred when the geo-replication policy is updated [#7514](
- [Broker] Update Jackson to version 2.11.1 and ensure all dependencies are pinned [#7519](
- [Broker] Fix protobuf generation on handling repeated long number [#7540](
- [Broker] Add more logging to the auth operations on failure [#7567](
- [Broker] Use Consume/Produce/Lookup interfaces for specific operations in allowTopicOperation [#7587](
- [Broker] Support configuring `DeleteInactiveTopic` setting in namespace policy [#7598](
- [Broker] Fix NPE when using advertisedListeners [#7620](
- [Broker] Fix the issue that deduplication cursor can not be deleted after disabling message deduplication [#7656](
- [Broker] Add missing AuthenticationDataSource to canConsumeAsync method call [#7694](
- [Broker] Close the previous reader of the health check topic [#7724](
- [Broker] Change some WebApplicationException log level to debug [#7725](
- [Broker] Replay delayed messages in order [#7731](
- [Broker] Fix the wrong returned URL for lookup when specify advertised listener [#7737](
- [Broker] Fix topic getting recreated immediately after deletion [#7524](
- [Broker] Set default root log level to debug [#7789](
- [Broker] Fix producer stucks on creating ledger timeout [#7319](
- [Broker] AllowTopicOperationAsync should check the original role is super user [#7788](

#### Zookeeper

- [Zookeeper] Use hostname for bookie rackawareness mapping [#7361](

#### Pulsar SQL

- [Pulsar SQL] Make Pulsar SQL get correct offload configurations [#7701](

#### Pulsar Schema
- [Schema] Fix the error that occurs when getting schemaName by partitioned topic name [#7708](

#### Java Client

- [Java Client] Fix the issue that the HTTP header used in Athenz authentication can not be renamed [#7311](
- [Java Client] Add more detail information of retry errors [#7341](
- [Java Client] Check NPE when a tombstone (null value) is produced. [#7408](
- [Java Client] Fix batch ackset recycled multiple times. [#7409](
- [Java Client] Support Oauth2 authentication [#7420](
- [Java Client] Ensure the create subscription can be completed when the operation timeout happens [#7522](
- [Java Client] Fix race condition on the close consumer while reconnecting to the broker. [#7589](
- [Java Client] Fix validation never return false [#7593](
- [Java Client] Make OAuth2 auth plugin to use AsyncHttpClient [#7615](
- [Java Client] Support to set listener name for client CLI [#7621](
- [Java Client] Fix batch index filter issue in Consumer [#7654](
- [Java Client] Fix the backward compatibility issues with batch index acknowledgment. [#7655](
- [Java Client] Fix the issue that batchReceiveAsync is not completed exceptionally when closing consumer [#7661](
- [Java Client] Fix producer stats recorder time unit error [#7670](
- [Java Client] Fix shutdown AsyncHttpConnector.delayer [#7687](

#### CPP Client

- [CPP Client] Fix partition index error in closing callback [#7282](
- [CPP Client] Reduce log level for ack-grouping tracker [#7373](
- [CPP Client] Support Oauth2 authentication [#7467](
- [CPP Client] Fix segment crashes that caused by race condition of timer in cpp client [#7572](
- [CPP Client] Fix multitopic consumer segfault on connect error [#7588](
- [CPP Client] Add support to read credentials from file [#7606](
- [CPP Client] Fix the issuer_url parsing failure in oauth2 [#7791](
- [CPP Client] Fix reference leak when reader create [#7793](

#### Pulsar Functions

- [Pulsar Function] Use fully qualified hostname as default to advertise worker [#7360](
- [Pulsar Function] Fix the function BC issue introduced in release 2.6.0 [#7528](
- [Pulsar Function] Improve security setting of Pulsar Functions [#7578](
- [Pulsar Function] Differentiate authorization between source/sink/function operations [#7466](

#### Go Function

- [Go Function] Fix Go instance config port [#7322](
- [Go Function] Remove timestamp from metrics [#7539](

#### Pulsar Perf

- [Pulsar Perf] Supports `tlsAllowInsecureConnection` in pulsar-perf produce/consume/read [#7300](

### 2.6.0 &mdash; 2020-06-17 <a id=“2.6.0”></a>
lipenghui 已提交
116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235

#### Features

##### PIPs

* [PIP-37] Large message size support [#4400](
* [PIP-39] Namespace change events (System Topic) [#4955](
* [PIP-45] Switch ManagedLedger to use MetadataStore interface [#5358](
* [PIP 53] Contribute [DotPulsar]( to Apache Pulsar
* [PIP-54] Support acknowledgment at batch index level [#6052](
* [PIP-58] Support consumers set custom message retry delay [#6449](
* [PIP-60] Support SNI routing to support various proxy-server [#6566](
* [PIP-61] Advertise multiple addresses [#6903](
* [PIP-65] Adapting Pulsar IO Sources to support Batch Sources [#7090](

##### Broker 

* [Broker] Add threshold shedder strategy and metrics exporter for loadbalancer [#6772](
* [Broker] Add consistent hashing in the Key_Shared distribution [#6791](
* [Broker] Fixed ordering issue in KeyShared subscription dispatcher when adding consumer [#7106]( [#7108]( [#7188](
* [Broker] Add support for key hash range reading in Key_Shared subscription [#5928](
* [Broker] Allow for schema reader and writer registration on SchemaDefinition [#6905](
* [Broker] Support use null key and null value in KeyValue Schema [#7139](
* [Broker] Support multiple pulsar clusters to use the same bk cluster [#5985](
* [Broker] Add a flag to skip broker shutdown on transient OOM [#6634](
* [Broker] Make zookeeper cache expiry time configurable [#6668](
* [Broker] Check replicator periodically to avoid issue due to zookeeper missing watch [#6674](
* [Broker] Expose managedLedgerCache, managedLedger, loadBalance metrics to Prometheus [#6705](
* [Broker] Optimize consumer fetch messages in case of batch message [#6719](
* [Broker] Add configuration to limit max partitions for a partitioned topic [#6794](
* [Broker] Change default FlushEntryLogBytes to 256MB to improve bookie io throughput [#6915](
* [Broker] Introduce precise topic publish rate limiting [#7078](
* [Broker] Expose new entries check delay in the broker.conf [7154](
* [Broker] Add broker interceptor for intercepting all Pulsar command and REST API requests [#7143](
* [Broker] Only close active consumer for Failover subscription when seek() [#7141](
* [Broker] Allow to delete topics that are failing to recover [#7131](
* [Broker] Support set netty max frame size in bookkeeper.conf [#7116](
* [Broker] Trigger rollover when meeting maxLedgerRolloverTimeMinutes [#7111](
* [Broker] Cap the dispatcher batch size in bytes to fixed max [#7097](
* [Broker] Support specify managedLedgerMaxSizePerLedgerMbytes in broker.conf [#7085](
* [Broker] Allow to grant permissions when the authorization is disabled [#7074](
* [Broker] Add messages and bytes counter stats to broker-stats/topics [#7045](
* [Broker] Expose new entries check delay in the broker.conf [#7154](

##### Function

* [Function] Built-in functions support [#6895](
* [Function] Add Go Function heartbeat (and gRPC service) for production usage [#6031](
* [Function] Add custom property option to functions [#6348](
* [Function] Separate TLS configuration of function worker and broker [#6602](
* [Function] Added ability to build consumers in functions and sources [#6954](
* [Function] Support DLQ on sources and sinks [#7032](

##### Pulsar SQL

* [SQL] KeyValue schema support [#6325](
* [SQL] Multiple version schema support [#4847](
* [SQL] Fix presto SQL does not start metrics service before queue execute [#7030](

##### Pulsar IO

* Added ability for sources to publish messages on their own [#6941](
* [RabbitMQ] Allow routing key per message to RabbitMQ sink connector [#5890](
* [RabbitMQ] Add passive config options [#6679](
* [debezium] Upgrade from v0.10.0-Final to v1.0.0-Final [#5972](
* [debezium] Support avro schema for debezium connector [#6034](
* [influxdb2]  Add support for influxdb2 in pulsar-influxdb-sink [#6601](
* [jdbc] Add jdbc sinks: postgres, mariadb, clickhouse [#6835](

##### Pulsar Proxy

* [Proxy] Add REST API to get connection and topic stats [#6473](
* [Proxy] Add advertised address option [#6942](
* [Proxy] Add proxyLogLevel into config [#6948](

##### Clients

* [Java Client] Use pure-java Air-Compressor instead of JNI based libraries [#5390](
* [Java Client] Change the time unit of patternAutoDiscoveryPeriod to seconds [#5950](
* [Java Client] Support waiting for inflight messages while closing producer [#6648](
* [Java Client] Add support to load TLS certs/key dynamically from input stream [#6760](
* [Java Client] Support return sequence ID when throwing Exception for async send message [#6825](
* [Java Client] Change the default value of maxLookupRedirects of Java client to 20 [#7126](
* [Java Client] Limit the number of times lookup requests are redirected [#7096](
* [CPP Client] Support seek by time on partitioned topic [#7198](
* [CPP Client] Refresh authentication credentials [#7070](
* [CPP Client] Fix Result can't be serialized to string inside the library [#7034](
* [CPP Client] Support zstd and Snappy compression to C API [#7014](
* [Python Client] Add deliver_at and deliver_after for the producer [#6737]( 

##### Admin

* [Admin] Support delete inactive topic when subscriptions caught up [#6077](
* [Admin] Add configuration to disable auto-creation of subscriptions [#6456](
* [Admin] Add maxUnackedMessagesPerSubscription and maxUnackedMessagesPerConsumer on namespaces policies [#5936](
* [Admin] Support get a message by message ID in pulsar-admin [#6331](
* [Admin] Support delete subscription forcefully [#6383](
* [Admin] Add subscribe initial position for consumer CLI [#6442](
* [Admin] Support to get managed ledger info of a partitioned topic [#6532](
* [Admin] Support compact all partitions of a partitioned topic [#6537](
* [Admin] Support multi-hosts in PulsarAdmin [#6547](
* [Admin] Support to get internal stats for a partitioned topic [#6624](
* [Admin] Support enable or disable subscription auto-creation at namespace level [#6637](
* [Admin] Enable to set the subscription expiration time for each namespace [#6851](

#### Fixes

* [Broker] Fixed increasing number of partitions with attached readers [#7077](
* [Broker] Make ZkBookieRackAffinityMapping work as expected [#6917](
* [Broker] Fix backlog and backlog size stats keeps growing [#7082](
* [Java Client] Fix connection leak [#6524](
* [Java Client] Fix message id compare between MessageId and BatchMessageId [#6621](
* [Java Client] Fix memory leak when create producer with not exsits topic [#7120]( [#7124](
* [Java Client] Fix duplicated messages sent to dead letter topic [#7021](
* [CPP Client] Fix deadlock of consumer for topics auto discovery [#7206](
* [Managed Ledger] Fix NPE on opening non-durable cursors on an empty managed ledger [#7133](
* [Websocket] Fix incorrect topic URL parse [#6630](
* [Pulsar SQL] Fix problem with multiple zookeeper address [#6947](
* [Docker] Do not apply env values to and implicitly [6579](

Jia Zhai 已提交
236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299
### 2.5.2 &mdash; 2020-05-19 <a id=“2.5.2”></a>

#### Fixes and Enhancements

##### Broker
* [Broker] Implement AutoTopicCreation by namespace level override [#6471](
* [Broker] Add custom deletionLag and threshold for offload policies per namespace  [#6422](
* [Broker] Invalidate managed ledgers zookeeper cache instead of reloading on watcher triggered [#6659]( 
* [Broker] Retention policy should be respected when there is no traffic [#6676](
* [Broker] Fixed double delete on a namespace [#6713](
* [Broker] fix get batch message from http response, only get the first message[#6715](
* [Broker] Fix Deadlock by Consumer and Reader[#6728](
* [Broker] avoid backpressure by skipping dispatching if consumer channel is not writable [#6740](
* [Broker] fix when producing encrypted messages, MessageMetadata objects are not released after they are created. [#6745](
* [Broker] Bump netty version to 4.1.48.Final [#6746](
* [Broker] Increase timeout for loading topics [#6750](
* [Broker] Fix wrong cursor state for cursor without consumer  [#6766](
* [Broker] change nondurable cursor to active to improve performance [#6769](
* [Broker] register loadbalance znode should attempt to wait until session expired [#6788](
* [Broker] Fix some empty message related problems in the compacted topic. [#6795](
* [Broker] Avoid creating partitioned topic for partition name [#6846](
* [Broker] Add Tls with keystore type config support [#6853](
* [Broker] fix consumer stuck when batchReceivePolicy maxNumMessages > maxReceiverQueueSize [#6862](
* [Broker] use originalAuthMethod on originalAuthChecker in Proxy Authentication [#6870](
* [Broker] Close producer when the topic does not exists. [#6879](
* [Broker] Handle all exceptions from `topic.addProducer` [#6881](
* [Broker] fix topicPublishRateLimiter not effective after restart broker [#6893](
* [Broker] Expose pulsar_out_bytes_total and pulsar_out_messages_total for namespace/subscription/consumer. [#6918](
* [Broker] Policy ttlDurationDefaultInSeconds not applying  [#6920](
* [Broker] Fix pulsar admin thread number explode bug. [#6940](

##### Pulsar Schema

* [Schema] Fix long field parse in GenricJsonRecord [#6622]( 
* [Schema] Fix the leak of cursor reset if message encode fails in Avro schema. [#6695]( 
* [Schema] fix Get schema by version can get the deleted schema info #6754 [#6754](
* [Schema] Fix serialization of enums with json/avro schemas in python [#6808]( 
* [Schema] Pulsar SQL Support Avro Schema `ByteBuffer` Type [#6925]( 

##### CPP Client
* [CPP Client] Auto update topic partitions [#6732](
* [CPP Client] Subscription InitialPosition is not correctly set on regex consumers. [#6810](
* [CPP Client] Fix message id is always the default value in send callback [#6812](
* [CPP Client] Fix message id error if messages were sent to a partitioned topic [#6938](

##### Python Client
* [Python Client] Fix Python function protobuf missing field[#6641](

##### Pulsar Functions
* [Functions] Support function with format: Function<I, CompletableFuture<O>>[#6684](
* [Functions] Function endpoint admin/v3/functions/{tenant}/{namespace} always returns 404 [#6767](
* [Functions] Ensure that all dangling consumers are cleaned up during failures [#6778](
* [Functions] Fix localrunner netty dependency issue [#6779](
* [Functions] Fix SerDe validation of function's update [#6888](

##### Tiered Storage
* [Tiered Storage]  Extract common SerDe method in tiered storage to managed-ledger module [#6533](
* [Tiered Storage]  Make SchemaStorage accessible in Offloader [#6567](
* [Tiered Storage]  Avoid prefetch too much data causing OutOfMemory, when offloading data to HDFS [#6717](

##### Pulsar IO
* [IO] JDBC sink does not handle null in schema [#6848](

300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338
### 2.5.1 &mdash; 2020-04-20 <a id="2.5.1"></a>

#### Features

* PIP-55: Refresh Authentication Credentials [#6074](
* Namespace level support offloader [#6183](  
* Upgrade Avro to 1.9.1 [#5938](  
  * *Avro 1.9.1 enables the JSR310 datetimes by default, which might introduce some regression problems if users use generated source code by Avro compiler 1.8.x and contains datetimes fields. It's better to use Avro 1.9.x compiler to recompile.*
* Support `unload` all partitions of a partitioned topic [#6187](  
* Supports evenly distribute topics count when splits bundle [#6241](  
* KeyValue schema support for pulsar sql [#6325](  
* Bump netty version to 4.1.45.Final [#6424](  
* Support BouncyCastle FIPS provider [#6588](  
* Improve Key_Shared subscription message dispatching performance. [#6647](  
* Add JSR310 logical type conversion. [#6704](  
* Introduce maxMessagePublishBufferSizeInMB configuration to avoid broker OOM [#6178](  

#### Fixes

##### Broker
* [Broker] Fixed NPE occurs when getting partitioned topic stats [#6060](
* [Broker] Fixed zero queue consumer message redelivery [#6076](
* [Broker] Fixed message redelivery for zero queue consumer while using async api to receive messages [#6090](
* [broker] Fixed bug that backlog message that has not yet expired could be deleted due to TTL [#6211](
* [Broker] Remove problematic semicolon from conf [#6303](
* [Broker] Fixed broker to specify a list of bookie groups [#6349](
* [Broker] Fixed create consumer on partitioned topic while disable topic auto creation [#5572](
* [Broker] Fix maven broken link [#6068](
* [Broker] Fixed java code errors reported by lgtm. [#6398](
* [Broker] Fixed memory leak when running topic compaction. [#6485](
* [Broker] Fixed admin getLastMessageId return batchIndex [#6511](
* [Broker] Fixed topic with one partition cannot be updated [#6560](
* [Broker] Fixed negative un-ack messages in consumer stats [#5929](
* [broker] Fixed bug that tenants whose allowed clusters include global cannot be created/updated [#6275](
* [Broker] Fixed log compaction for flow control/empty topic/last deletion [#6237](
* [Broker] Fixed restore clusterDispatchRate policy for compatibility [#6176]( 
* [Broker] Fix some async method problems at PersistentTopicsBase. [#6483]( 
* [Broker] This "earlier" message should be avoided to emit when reset cursor.[#6393](
lipenghui 已提交
* [Broker] Change the permission level of managing subscription from super-user to tenant admin [#6122](
340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491

##### Managed Ledger
* [Managed Ledger] Fixed consumer received duplicated delayed messages upon restart [#6404](

##### Pulsar Proxy

* [Proxy] Fixed correct name for proxy thread executor name [#6460](
* [Proxy] Fixed logging for published messages [#6474](
* [Proxy] Fixed proxy routing to functions worker [#6486](

##### Zookeeper

* [Zookeeper] Fixed casting in ZooKeeperCache.getDataIfPresent() [#6313](

##### Pulsar Functions
* [Function] remove future.join() from PulsarSinkEffectivelyOnceProcessor [#6361](

##### Pulsar SQL
* [SQL] Fixed integration Pulsar SQL test failed [#6279](

##### Security
* Fixed publish buffer limit does not take effect [#6431](
* Fixed the bug of authenticationData is't initialized. [#6440](

##### Pulsar Schema

* [Schema] Fixed get schema version in HttpLookupService. [#6193]( 
* [Schema] Fixed avro schema decode error `ClassCastException` in Pulsar Function [#6662](
* [Schema] Fixed channel write error handling for send get raw schema request [#6650](

##### Java client
* [Client] Fixed available permits may be greater than 1 even though queue size is 0. [#6106](
* [Client] Fixed broker client tls settings error [#6128](
* [Client]Fixed hasMessageAvailable() [#6362](
* [Client] Fixed duplicate key to send propertys [#6390](
* [Client] fixed deadlock on send failure [#6488](
* [Client] Fixed NPE while call getLastMessageId [#6562]( 
* [Client] Fixed the max backoff configuration for lookups [#6444](

##### C++ client
* [C++] Fixed static linking on C++ lib on MacOS [#5581](
* [C++] Fixed memory corruption on ExecutorService destructor [#6270](
* [C++] Fixed handling of canceled timer events on NegativeAcksTracker [#6272](
* [C++] Fixed for possible deadlock when closing Pulsar client [#6277](
* [C++] Fixed Unacked Message Tracker by Using Time Partition on C++ [#6391](
* [C++] Fixed Redelivery of Messages on UnackedMessageTracker When Ack Messages . [#6498](

##### Python Client
* [Python Client]Fixed the enum34 package not found [#6401](

##### Pulsar Websocket
* [Websocket] Fixed Websocket doesn't set the correct cluster data [#6102](

##### Deployments
* [Helm] Autorecovery - Fixed could not find or load main class [#6373](
* [Helm]: Start proxy pods when at least one broker pod is running [#6158](

#### Enhancements

##### Pulsar Broker
* [Broker] close managed-ledgers before giving up bundle ownership to avoid bad zk-version [#5599](
* [Broker] Add timeout to search for web service URLs to avoid web threads getting stuck [#6124](
* [Broker] Flush the potential duplicated message when add messages to a batch. [#6326](
* [Broker] Avoid getting partition metadata while the topic name is a partition name. [#6339](
* [Broker] Fixed create partitioned topic with a substring of an existing topic name. [#6478](
* [Broker] Do not retry on authorization failure [#6577](
* [Broker]Handle BadVersionException thrown by updateSchemaLocator() [#6683](
* [Broker] Expose bookkeeper expose explicit lac configuration in broker.conf [#5822](
* [Broker] Allow to enable/disable delayed delivery for messages on namespace [#5915](
* [Broker] Prevent creation of regular topic with the same name as existing partitioned topic [#5943](
* [Broker] Reset cursor with a non-exists position [#6120](
* [Broker] Use fully qualified hostname as default to advertise brokers [#6235](
* [broker] Timeout API calls in BrokerService [#6489](
* [Broker] Start namespace service and schema registry service before start broker. [#6499](
* [Broker] Disable channel auto read when publish rate or publish buffer exceeded [#6550](
* [Broker] Resume some servercnx method to public [#6581](
* [Broker] Enable get precise backlog and backlog without delayed messages. [#6310](
* [Broker] Avoid using same OpAddEntry between different ledger handles [#5942](
* [Broker] Clean up closed producer to avoid publish-time for producer [#5988](
* [Broker] Support delete inactive topic when subscriptions caught up [#6077](
* [Broker] Add a message on how to make log refresh immediately when starting a component [#6078](
* [Pulsar Admin] allow tenant admin to manage subscription permission [#6122](
* [Broker] Output resource usage rate to log on broker [#6152](
* [Broker] Creating a topic does not wait for creating cursor of replicators [#6364](
* [Broker] Stop increase unacked messages for the consumer with Exclusive/Failover subscription mode. [#6558](
* [Broker] Not allow sub auto create by admin when disable topic auto create [#6685](

##### Zookeeper
* [Zookeeper] Close ZK before canceling future with exception [#6399](
* [ZooKeeper] Upgrade ZooKeeper to 3.5.7 [#6329](

##### Pulsar IO
* [IO] Adds integration test for RabbitMQ [#6033](

##### Pulsar Functions
* [Function] remove future.join() from PulsarSinkEffectivelyOnceProcessor [#6361](

##### Stats & Monitoring 
* [Broker] Add backlogSize in topicStats [#5914](
* [Broker] Expose lastConsumedTimestamp and lastAckedTimestamp to consumer stats [#6051](
* Improve backlogSize stats in the topic. [#6700](

##### Security
* Validate tokens for binary connections [#6233](
* Create namespace failed when TLS is enabled in PulsarStandalone [#6457]( 
* Use more granular permissions for topics [#6504](

##### Pulsar Schema

* [Schema] Independent schema is set for each consumer generated by topic [#6356](
* [Schema] Extract an original avro schema from the "$SCHEMA" field using reflection. If it doesn't work, the process falls back generation of the schema from POJO.[#6406](
* [Schema] Add verification for [#6405](

##### Java client
* [Client] Start reader inside batch result in read first message in batch. [#6345](
* [Client] Stop shade snappy-java in pulsar-client-shaded [#6375](
* [Client] MultiTopics discovery is broken due to discovery task scheduled twice instead of pendingBatchReceiveTask [#6407](
* [Client] Make SubscriptionMode a member of ConsumerConfigurationData [#6337](
* [Client] Should set either start message id or start message from roll back duration. [#6392](
* [Client] BatchReceivePolicy implements Serializable. [#6423](
* [Client] Remove duplicate cnx method [#6490](
* [Client] Pulsar Java client: Use System.nanoTime() instead of System.currentTimeMillis() to measure elapsed time [#6454](
* [Client] Make tests more stable by using JSONAssert equals [#6247](
* [Client] make acker in BatchMessageIdImpl transient [#6064](

##### C++ client
* [C++] Windows CMake corrections [#6336](
* [C++] Avoid calling redeliverMessages() when message list is empty [#6480](
* [C++] Improve cpp-client-lib: provide another `libpulsarwithdeps.a` in dep/rpm [#6458](

##### Python Client
* [Python Client] Support generate pulsar-client for python3.8[#6741]( 

##### Deployments
* [Helm] Explicit statement env-var 'BOOKIE_MEM' and 'BOOKIE_GC' for values-mini.yaml [#6340](
* [Helm] Add missing check to dashboard-ingress [#6160](
* Make kubernetes yamls for aws operational [#6192](
* Ensure JVM memory and GC options are set for bookie [#6201](
* Default functionAuthProvider when running in k8s [#6203](

##### Adaptors
* [Adaptor] Skip javadoc task for pulsar-client-kafka-compact modules [#5836](
* [Flink-Connector] Get PulsarClient from cache should always return an open instance [#6436](

492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536
### 2.5.0 &mdash; 2019-12-06 <a id="2.5.0"></a>

#### PIPs

- [PIP-41] Introduce Protocol Handler API [#5130]( [#5743]( 
- [PIP-45] Pluggable metadata interface [#5330]( 
- [PIP-44] Separate schema compatibility checker for producer and consumer [#5227](
- [PIP-43] Producer send messages with different schema [#5141]( [#5517]( 
- [PIP-51] Introduce sticky consumer [#5388](
- [PIP-38] Support batch receive in java client. [#4621](
- [PIP-52] PIP-52: [pulsar-sever] Add support of dispatch throttling relative to publish-rate [#5797](

#### Fixes

- [Broker] Avoid retrying deleting namespace when topic is already deleted/fenced [#4665](
- [Broker] Fix expiry monitor to continue on non-recoverable error [#4818]( 
- [Broker] fix ns-isolation api to fetch policy for specific broker [#5314](
- [Broker] external protocols not set to local broker data [#5749](
- [Broker] Add handle exception KeeperException.BadVersionException  [#5563](
- [Broker] Fix message deduplicate issue while using external sequence id with batch produce [#5491](
- [Broker] Remove cursor while remove non-durable subscription [#5719]( 
- [Broker] Fix potential read 0 entries cause dispatcher stop dispatch [#5894](
- [Proxy] Proxy doesn't use the right ca certicate to connect to brokers [#5971](
- [Client] Add SentConnectFrame state check when running `handleError` [#5913](

#### Enhancements

- [Zookeeper] Bump zookeeper to version 3.5.6 [#5043](
- [BookKeeper] Upgrade bk version to 4.10.0 [#5607](
- [Broker] Process requests asynchronously on some REST APIs [4765]( [4778]( [4795]( 
- [Broker] Fixes not owned bundles got selected when broker overloading [#5002](
- [Broker] Support update partition for global topic  [#5306](
- [Broker] Ensure the handling of PartitionMetadataRequest is async end-to-end [#5307](
- [Broker] Allow to automatically assign TCP ports when starting a broker  [#3555]( 
- [Broker] Introduce publish rate-limiting on topic [#3986](
- [Broker] Add publish rate limit for each broker to avoid OOM [#5710](
- [Broker] Allow for namespace default of offload threshold [#5872](
- [Broker] Avoid unsafe split when validate hostname which might be ipv6 address [#5713](
- [Broker] Support batch authorization of partitioned topic [#5767](
- [Client][Java] Introduce `batchingMaxBytes` setting in pulsar producer [#5045](
- [Client][Java] Add epoch for connection handler to handle create producer timeout [#5571](
- [Performance] Reduce char[] creation on jvm heap [#5055](
- [CLI] Add a broker tool for operations of a specific broker [#5768](
- [CLI] Validate topic name before creating partition/non partition topic via admin cli [#5148](
- [CLI] Make PulsarClusterMetadataSetup idempotent [#5879](
- [CLI] Allow for topic deletions with regex consumers [#5230](
538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626

#### Stats & Monitoring 

- [Broker] Added delayed messages in Prometheus when using namespace-level metrics aggregation [#4691](
- [Dashboard] Increasing Dashboard consumerName field to 256 varchar [4716](
- [Dashboard] integrate peek into messages page [#4966](
- [Dashboard] Support parse batch entry [#4992](

#### Security

- [Broker] Add broker-bookie mTLS support [#5042](

#### Tiered Storage

- HDFS Offloader [#4403](
- Fix the problem of repeated storage of offload driver metadata [#5834](

#### Pulsar Schema

- [Broker] Pulsar schema api should respect to namespace level compatibility [#4821](
- [Client][Java] NPE is thrown when a consumer consumes a partitioned topic with struct schema
- [Broker] Add compatibility check for primitive schema types [#5051](
- [Broker] Support uploading key/value schema using Pulsar admin [#5000](
- [Client][Java] Schema support encoding & encoding ByteBuf [#5123](

#### Pulsar IO

- [Broker] Support reload Source and Sink for Pulsar IO [5008](
- [Connector] Added Kinesis Source Connector [#3784](
- [Connector] Add a source connector for MongoDB [#5316](
- [Connector] Support CDC Connector for MongoDB [#5590](
- [Connector] Improve hbase sink performance [#5705](

#### Pulsar Functions

- [Function Worker] Allow resource overcommitting when running functions in Kubernetes [4829](
- [Function Worker] Make Function Authentication Provider pluggable [#5404](
- [Function Worker] Added deletion of state for Functions [#5469]( 
- [Function Worker] Distribute the CA for KubernetesSecretsTokenAuthProvider [#5398](
- [Function Runtime] Function runtime pluggable [#5463](
- [Function Runtime] Allow functions to pass runtime specific options [#5400](

#### Pulsar SQL

- Support for other schema name separators in pulsar SQL [4732](
- Reuse ManagedLedgerFactory instances across SQL queries [4813]( 
- Using pulsar SQL query messages will appear `NoSuchLedger` when zk root directory changed [#5001](

#### Java client

- Not allow use acknowledgeCumulative on Key_shared subscription [#5339](
- Fix bug that beforeConsume() of interceptor is not called when receiver queue size is 0 [#5777](

#### Go client

- Use buffered channels to avoid blocking on callback  [#5336](

#### C++ client

- Change state_ to closed when resultOk is returned [#5446](
- Expose redelivery count [#5677](

#### Adaptors

- Add support of pulsar-kafka-adapter for kafka-0.9 API [#4886](
- Add support of pulsar-kafka-adapter for kafka-0.8 API [#4797]( 
- Make client keepalive interval configurable on pulsar-client-kafka [#5131](

#### Transaction

> The development of Pulsar Transaction is still ongoing

- [Buffer] Add new marker to show which message belongs to transaction [#4776](
- [Buffer] Add data ledger position in txn commit marker [#4826](
- [Buffer] Add basic operation of transaction [#4738](
- [Buffer] Add new commands for the transaction [#4866](
- [Protocol] Add default handler to handle transaction related commands [#4891](
- [Client] Introduce Transaction Client API [#4952](
- [Client] Add transaction coordinator client [#4953](
- [Broker] Ownership change listeners [#5457](
- [Coordinator] Bootstrap pulsar system namespace and create TC assign topic [#5515](
- [Coordinator] Add transaction metadata store service [#5504]( 

For a complete list of issues fixed, see 

628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726
### 2.4.2 &mdash; 2019-12-04 <a id="2.4.2"></a>

#### Fixes

* Fixed don't set interrupt flag again after catching interrupt exception in Pulsar Client [#5643](
* Fixed data is not deleted after expiration due to connected readers [#5621](
* Fixed the go client docs missing in website [#5595](
* Fixed schema def build error with protobuf schema [#5569](
* Fixed docs about reset cursor [#5551](
* Fixed repeated initialization of connectorsManager [#5545](
* Fixed Functions unnecessarily restart during FunctionRuntimeManager init phase [#5527](
* Fixed list non-persistent topics shows the persistent topics [#5502](
* Return after triggering callback with empty result [#5500](
* Fixed dispatcher skipping delivery of a batch during concurrent replays [#5499](
* Fixed reader_listener option for Python API [#5487](
* Fixed wrongly report "3600 messages have timed-out" [#5477](
* Fixed broken custom auth-provider that uses authenticationData [#5462](
* Fixed negative ack tracker constructor sequence [#5453](
* Fixed StringSchema static initialization  [#5445](
* Fixed message corruption on OOM for batch messages [#5443](
* Fixed couple functions related integration tests [#5434](
* Fixed bug that namespace policies does not take effect due to NPE [#5408](
* Fixed race condition : Failed to read-more entries on dispatcher [#5391](
* Fixed potential deadlock that can occur in addConsumer [#5371](
* Fixed proxy to be able to re-send request body [#5361](
* Fixed pulsar can't load the customized SerDe [#5357](
* Fixed instability in Pulsar Function window integration test [#5337](
* Fixed bk write failure, use signals to resume writing [#5322](
* Fixed bad_weak_ptr error when closing producer [#5315](
* Fixed typo(massage->message) causing prometheus metrics display error [#5299](
* Fixed invalidate cache on zk-cache timeout [#5298](
* Fixed memory leak caused by not being executed ClientConnection destructor [#5286](
* Fixed producer blocked after send an over size message while batch enabled [#5282](
* Fixed race condition while triggering message redelivery after an ack-timeout event [#5276](
* Fixed behavior when getting a key from functions state that doesn't exist [#5272](
* Fixed Cmake to build _pulsar for osx [#5263](
* Fixed client backoff setting does not take effect [#5261](
* Fixed memory leak caused by deadline_timer holding object reference [#5246](
* Fixed in Message Deduplication that may cause incorrect client/broker interaction [#5243](
* Fixed bug that fails to search namespace bundle due to NPE [#5191](
* Fixed bug that message delivery stops after resetting cursor for failover subscription [#5185](
* Fixed exception type check order bug [#5174](
* Fixed spark receiver to account for all the consumer config options [#5152](
* Fixed broker fails to start with function worker enabled and broker client using TLS [#5151](
* Fixed deadlock when resetting cursor [#5136](
* Fixed windowed functions were broken when we changed java function instance to use classloaders [#5117](
* Fixed storage size always 0 without subscription [#5108](

#### Enhancements

* Add subscribe position param for consumer of sink [#5532](
* Efficiency improvements for delay delivery tracker [#5498](
* Add is_read_compacted to create_reader() in python API [#5483](
* Make some common use method of ManagedLedger public [#5472](
* Avoid leak on publish failure on batch message [#5442](
* Record message failure and avoid exiting from process on publish failure [#5441](
* Add support for partitioned topic consumer seek by time [#5435](
* Add default loader for latest pyyaml [#5432](
* Trim messages which less than mark delete position for message redelivery [#5378](
* Make skip all messages async [#5375](
* Set default ensemble size to 2 in service conf, to match broker.conf [#5339](
* Only seek when reading unexpected entry [#5356](
* Don't require both region and endpoint to be specified [#5355](
* If cursor is not durable, close dispatcher when all consumers are removed from subscription [#5340](
* Disable stickyRead by default [#5321](
* Allow to specify delivery delay in C++ client [#5317](
* Add debug log + fix thread-factory name  [#5302](
* Don't attempt to append on read-only cursor ledger [#5297](
* Close previous dispatcher when subscription type changes [#5288](
* Improve error handling logic for effectively once [#5271](
* Upgrade dependencies for security fixes [#5232](
* Ensure consumer background tasks are cancelled after subscribe failures [#5204](
* Added missing enum value KeyShared on the python wrapper [#5196](
* Make some member variables of Dispatcher volatile [#5193](
* Ensure getting list of topics for namespace is handled asynchronously [#5188](
* Close RateLimiter instance [#5155](
* Throw an error if the key was not specified for querying state [#5145](
* Allow configuring region aware placement related settings [#5100](
* DeleteBookieRack should remove the rack info from zookeeper [#5084](
* Use "info" as the default root logger level [#5079](
* Modify BatcherBuilder interface and it's subs to implement, otherwise occurs when we use plusar-flink-connector [#5068](
* Don't return DEFAULT_RACK if ZkBookieRackAffinityMapping can't resolve network location [#5067](
* Reload zk cache asynchronously [#5049](
* Add different cache flags to ConcurrentOpenLongPairRangeSet for size() and toString() [#5040](
* Introduce number of threads in perf producer program [#5036](
* Completing connector configuration [#4999](
* Add checkstyle validation and fix style violations in the common module [#4989](
* Trim deleted entries after recover cursor [#4987](
* Expose getLastMessageId method in ConsumerImpl [#4911](
* Add a documentation page for metrics reference [#4910](
* Provide a convenient method for C++ client producer batch container [#4885](
* Add schema admin api get schema info with schema version [#4877](
* Return Message ID for send for cpp and cgo client [#4811](
* Add the schema admin api [#4800](
* Clarify how retention interacts with readers [#4780](
* Get schema info with topic partition [#4751](
* Remove failed stale producer from the connection [#4741](
* Update logic for picking active consumer for failover subscription on non-partitioned topic [#4604](

Jia Zhai 已提交
727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819
### 2.4.1 &mdash; 2019-08-30 <a id="2.4.1"></a>

#### Fixes

* Fixed wrong serialize of batchBuilder in ProducerConfigurationData [#4620](
* Fixed SchemaInfo properties losing when registering schema using admin api [#4617](
* Fixed wrong topic domain returned by get partitioned topic [#4613](
* Fixed pulsar-dashboard wrong count number of bundles [#4637](
* Fixed partitionIndex error in consumer for a single partitioned topic [#4591](
* Fixed deadlock on get-status rest-api call in broker [#4616](
* Fixed deadlock in subscribeAsync demo [#4649](
* Fixed C++ client lookup error over HTTP in standalone [#4625](
* Fixed NPE at managed-ledger when fetch reader internal-stats [#4615](
* Fixed C++ client producer sendAsync() hang when no enough batched message [#4657](
* Fixed issue when submitting NAR via file url [#4577](
* Renamed C++ logger enum names to avoid conflicts with compiler macros [#4664](
* Fixed leaking of pulsar-io-influxdb in distribution [#4678](
* Fixed the default port for https and http in admin client [#4623](
* Fixed wrong schema delete when checking compatibility [#4669](
* Fixed `docker/` doesn't work for pulsar-all and pulsar-standalone images [#4705](
* Fixed integration-test failure when execute pip3 install pulsar_client [#4754](
* Added log folder in `pulsa-function-go` back [#4736](
* Fixed Pulsar SQL NPE when predicate pushdown for publish_time [#4744](
* Fixed redelivered message logic of partition topic [#4653](
* Fixed C++ log level names in Log4cxxLogger [#4735](
* Fixed go function package not executable [#4743](
* Added anonymous role to proxy configuration [#4733](
* Added kubernetes namespace to function instance url [#4701](
* Fixed go function not parse conf content first [#4746](
* Made PulsarKafkaProducer thread safe [#4745](
* Fixed messages not get acked if there is not sink topic [#4815](
* Fixed bug when function package jar/py/go and runtime is not set [#4814](
* Fixed topic loading in rest-api not time out in zooKeeperOperationTimeoutSeconds [#4805](
* Fixed default retention policy miss upload to zk [#4810](
* Added checking function implements correct interface [#4844](
* Fixed retention size policy bug [#4825](
* Catch throwable in interceptors of consumer and producer [#4860](
* Fixed first position in managedLedger is ahead of the last [#4853](
* Fixed concurrent access of `uninitializedCursors` in `ManagedLedgerImpl.asyncOpenCursor` [#4837](
* Fixed schema not found handling in pulsar-sql [#4890](
* Fixed requests not respect no_proxy env variable in dashboard [#4867](
* Fixed broken replication msg to specific cluster [#4930](
* Fixed dashboard peek parse message error [#4918](
* Fixed StructSchema reader cache loading logic [#4962](
* Fixed fd leakage in FunctionActioner.downloadFile [#4970](
* Fixed python function str bytes convert in example [#4946](
* Fixed NPE while cleaning up namespace node [#4965](
* Fixed the getSchema logic in pulsar proxy [#4975](
* Fixed warning by add default loader for latest pyyaml [#4974](
* Fixed snappy compressor compile error in pulsar-client-cpp [#4972](
* Reinitialize certain components for externally managed runtimes when moving functions [#5007](
* Upgraded jackson-databind [#5011](
* Fixed the problem of missing dependencies less in docker [#5034](
* Fixed duplicated Prometheus TYPE in broker metrics [#4183](
* Fixed pulsar sink and source state by init state earlier [#5046](

#### Enhancements

* Re-factored Component implementation [#4541](
* Provided a clock for generating publish timestamp for producers [#4562](
* Reduced unnecessary track message calls [#4595](
* Supported dynamic configure with escape char [#4611](
* Added null check for function/source/sink configs [#4627](
* Added delete dynamic config api [#4614](
* Made broker replication mtls configuration dynamic [#4609](
* Added authorization to function worker REST endpoints [#4628](
* Improved and add authorization to function download and upload [#4644](
* Allowed consumer retrieve the sequence id that the producer set [#4645](
* Added perPartition parameter to partitioned-stats API [#4639](
* Supported Pulsar schema for pulsar kafka client wrapper [#4534](
* Supported delete and update event for JDBC Sink [#4358](
* Cleaned up tests in the presto module [#4683](
* Added allowAutoTopicCreation to broker.conf and related configuration [#4694](
* Changed to use classloaders to load Java functions [#4685](
* Removed fixed server type check in kerberos [#4758](
* Changed type of publish_time to timestamp [#4757](
* Added read-timeout to admin-request [#4762](
* Added checking of deleted schema when adding schema [#4731](
* Added strand to C++ client for exclusive control [#4750](
* Added support to create partitioned topic with 1 partition [#4764](
* Added getters and setters to PulsarService & BrokerService [#4709](
* Added configure ack-timeout tick time [#4760](
* Added options to rewrite namespace delimiter for pulsar sql [#4749](
* Made Pulsar SQL supports pulsar's primitive schema [#4728](
* Added basic authentication capabilities to Pulsar SQL [#4779](
* Improved SchemaInfoProvider to fetch schema info asynchronously [#4836](
* Supported KeyValue schema use AUTO_CONSUME as key/value schema [#4839](
* Provided action type for insert in pulsar-io-jdbc [#4862](
* Made partition as internal column in pulsar-sql [#4888](
* Added option to disable authentication for proxy /metrics [#4921](

lipenghui 已提交
820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952
### 2.4.0 &mdash; 2019-06-30 <a id="2.4.0"></a>

#### PIPs

* PIP-26: [Added support for delayed message delivery](
[#4062](, note that messages are only delayed on shared subscriptions.
* PIP-28: [Pulsar Proxy Gateway Improvement]( [#3915](
* PIP-29: [One package for both pulsar client and pulsar admin]( [#3662](<>)
* PIP-30: [Change authentication provider API to support mutual authentication for Kerberos Authentication]( [#3677](
[#3821]( [#3997](
* PIP-32: [Go Function API, Instance and LocalRun]( [#3854]( [#4008]( [#4174](
* PIP-33: [Replicated subscriptions]( to keep subscription state in-sync across multiple geographical regions [#4299]( [#4340]( [#4354]( [#4396](
* PIP-34: [Key_Shared]( subscription, [Architecture for Key_Shared](  [#4079]( [#4120]( [#4335]( [#4372]( [#4407]( [#4406]( [4462](
* PIP-36: [Support set message size in broker.conf]( [#4247](

#### Fixes

* Fix possible message loss using peer-cluster feature [#3426](
* Fix pulsar standalone does not read zk port from conf/standalone.conf [#3790](
* Fix some issues of ZkIsolatedBookieEnsemblePlacementPolicy [#3917]( [#3918](
* Fix NPE when unload non-existent topic [#3946](
* Fix race condition while deleting global topic [#4173](
* Fix deadlock on skip messages [#4411](
* Fix NPE when closing batch during a reconnection [#4427](
* Fix race condition of read-timeout task in managed ledger [#4437](
* Disable sticky read by default [#4526](
* Fix race condition between timeout-task and add-call complete [#4455](

#### Enhancements

* Optimize message replay for large backlog consumer [#3732](
* Added support for websocket produce/consume command [#3835](
* Added support for TTL config in broker.conf [#3898](
* Reduce memory used in ClientCnx for pending lookups [#4104](
* Reduce number of hashmap sections for ledger handles cache [#4102](
* Added backlog and offloaded size in Prometheus stats [#4150](
* Added support for configure the managed ledger cache eviction frequency [#4066](
* Added support to avoid payload copy when inserting into managed ledger cache [#4197](
* Added support to cache unack-messageId into OpenRangeSet [#3819](
* Added support configure static PulsarByteBufAllocator to handle OOM errors [#4196](
* Auto refresh new tls certs for jetty webserver [#3645](<>)
* Create non-persistent topic by pulsar-admin/rest api [#3625](<>)
* Consumer priority-level in Failover subscription [#2954](

#### Security

* Added support for other algorithms in token auth [#4528](

#### Namespace Policies

* Added support for tenant based bookie isolation [#3933](
* Added support for secondary bookie isolation group at namespace [#4458](
* Added support for secondary bookie-isolation-group  [#4261](
* Added support for replicator rate limit between clusters [#4273](
* Disable backlog quota check by default [#4320](

#### Tiered Storage

* Added support for Pulsar SQL to read data from tiered storage [#4045](

#### Pulsar Schema

* Added schema versioning to support multi version messages produce and consume [#3876]( [#3670]( [#4211]( [#4325]( [#4548](
* Added `TRANSITIVE` schema check strategies to support compatibility check over all existing schemas  [#4214](
* Added schema data validator [#4360](
* Added support for delete schema when deleting a topic [#3941](
* Added generic record builder [#3690](

#### Pulsar IO

* Added IO connector for flume source and sink [#3597](<>)
* Added IO connector for redis sink [#3700](
* Added IO connector for solr sink [#3885](
* Hide kafka-connecter details for easy use debezium connector [#3825](
* Added  IO connector for debezium PostgreSQL source [#3924](
* Enhancements for RabbitMQ source configuration [#3937](
* Added IO connector for RabbitMQ sink [#3967](
* Added IO connector for InfluxDB sink [#4017](

#### Pulsar functions

* Added support for authentication [#3735]( [#3874]( [#4198](
* Fix NPE when stats manager not initialized [#3891](
* Added async state manipulation methods [#3798](
* Fix fail to update functions in effectively-once mode [#3993](
* Added labels to function statefulsets and services [#4038](
* Added support for set key for message when using function publish [#4005](
* Use negative acknowledge to instead ackTimeout [#4103](
* Fix backward compatibility with 2.2 auth not working [#4241](

#### Java client

* Added negative acks [#3703](
* Added support for backoff strategy configuration [#3848](
* Added support for configure TypedMessageBuilder through a Map conf object [#4015](
* Added interceptor for negative ack send [#3962](
* Added support for seek operate on reader [#4031](
* Store key part of KeyValue schema into pulsar message keys [#4117](
* Added interceptor for ack timeout  [#4300](
* Added support for snappy compression [#4259](
* Added support for key based batcher [#4435](

#### Python client

* Added negative acks [#3816]( 
* Added support for snappy compression [#4319](

#### Go client

* Added negative acks [#3817](
* Added support for go schema [#3904](
* Added support for snappy compression [#4319](
* Added support for Key_Shared subscription [#4465](

#### C++ client

* Added negative acks [#3750](
* Fix ack timeout when subscribing to regex topic [#3897](
* Added support for Key_Shared subscription [#4366](

#### Adaptors

* In Kafka client wrapper, added some configurations [#3753]( [#3797]( [#3843]( [#3887]( [#3991](
* In Apache Flink connector, allow to specify a custom Pulsar producer [#3894]( and client authentication [#3949](
* In Apache Flink connector, added support for accept ClientConfigurationData, ProducerConfigurationData, ConsumerConfigurationData [#4232](
* In Apache Storm connector, fix NPE while emitting next tuple [#3991]( and some add some enhancements [#4280]( [#4239](   [#4238]( [#4236]( [#4495]( [#4494](

For a complete list of issues fixed, see

953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998
### 2.3.2 &mdash; 2019-05-30 <a id="2.3.2"></a>

#### Fixes

* Validate admin operation on topic with authoritative parameter [#4270](
* fix bug with source local run [#4278](
* fix cannot use size (type _Ctype_int) as type _Ctype_ulong [#4212](
* Fix segfault in c++ producer [#4219](
* AlwaysCompatible doesn't use AlwaysSchemaValidator in 2.3.1 component/schemaregistry [#4181](
* Avoid potentially blocking method during topic ownership check [#4190](
* [pulsar-broker]Fix: client-producer can't reconnect due to failed producer-future on cnx cache [#4138](
* Removing # TYPE comment from topic metrics in Prometheus [#4136](
* For functions metrics in prometheus also remove TYPE [#4081](
* Fix: set receive queue size for sinks [#4091](
* Fix: Exception when switch cluster from auth enabled to auth disabled [#4069](
* Fix update cli source sink [#4061](
* Fix connectors nested configs [#4067](
* For functions metrics, avoid having HELP [#4029](
* Fix Python functions state which is completely broken [#4027](
* [issue #3975] Bugfix NPE on non durable consumer [#3988](
* Fix: Function auth should ignore exception because it might be anonymous user [#4185](
* [pulsar-function] fix worker-stats broken admin-api [#4068](
* fix errors in sql doc [#4030](
* Fix the swagger files generated by removing troublesome class [#4024](
* [pulsar-function] fix broken backward compatibility with v1-namespace while registering function [#4224](
* Revert dup consumer and related code [#4142](
* [issue 4274][pulsar-io]Add double quotation marks for metrics with remote_cluster [#4295](

#### Enhancements

* By default, auto configure the size of Bookie read/write cache [#4297](
* Upgrade to BookKeeper 4.9.2 [#4288](
* [pulsar-function] support bookie authentication from function-worker [#4088](
* Optimizing performance for Pulsar function archive download [#4082](
* allow users to update output topics for functions and sources [#4092](
* improve data-generator source performance [#4058](
* [client] Set actual topic name to partitioned consumer [#4064](
* ack records in datagenerator print sink [#4052](
* [security] Upgrade athenz libraries [#4056](
* [python client] Handle subrecords in JsonSchema encoding [#4023](
* [Issue 3987][pulsar-broker]Handle config is null when create tenant [#4019](
* Add bookkeeper client version constraint [#4013](
* Improve error handling for triggering function when there is a schema mismatch [#3995](
* [pulsar-broker] add producer/consumer id in error-logging [#3961](

999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028
### 2.3.1 &mdash; 2019-04-12 <a id="2.3.1"></a>

#### Fixes

 * Fixed C++ batch acks tracker to evict message from sendList array. This was causing a slowdown in
   C++ consumers [#3618](
 * Allow publishing messages >5MB with batching (when they compress to <5MB) [#3673]( and [#3718](
 * Use at least 8 threads in Jetty thread pool. This fixed deadlocks in Jetty requests handling [#3776](
 * Fixed Reader.HasNext() in Go client [#3764](
 * Fixed increasing consumer permits after ack dedup operation. [#3787](
 * Set the dedup cursor as "inactive" after recovery [#3612](
 * Fix read batching message by pulsar reader [#3830](
 * Fix submit function with code specified via URL [#3934](
 * Fixed reader reading from a partition [#3960](
 * Fixed issue with Authorization header missing after client gets redirected [#3869](

#### Enhancements
 * Added `producer.flush()` on Python [#3685](
 * Introduced schema builder to define schema [#3682](
 * Support passing schema definition for JSON and AVRO schemas [#3766](
 * Exposing InitialPosition setting in Python consumer [#3714](

 For a complete list of issues fixed, see

Matteo Merli 已提交
1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062
### 2.3.0 &mdash; 2019-02-20 <a id="2.3.0"></a>

#### General

 * Support for schema definitions in the Pulsar [Python client library](
 * PIP-25: [Token based authentication]( [#2888](,
   [#3067]( and [#3089](
 * Updated to [Apache BookKeeper 4.9.0](
 * ZStandard compression codec [#3159]( Note that
   when a producer choose Zstd compression, a consumer will need to be at least at version 2.3.0
   to be able to correctly receive the messages.
 * Support for Java 11 [#3006](
 * Added `Schema.AUTO_PRODUCE` type to allow to publish serialized data and validate it against the
   topic schema [#2685](
 * Added `Schema.KeyValue` to allow for schema to be validated on message keys as well as payloads. [#2885](
 * Support TLS authentication and authorization in standalone mode [#3360](
 * When creating namespace, use local cluster by default [#3571](
 * Tag BookKeeper ledgers created by Pulsar with topic/subscription names for info/debug purposes
 * Enabled sticky reads in BooKeeper reads to increase IO efficiency with read-ahead [#3569](
 * Several optimization in Pulsar SQL Presto connector ([#3128](,
    [#3135](, [#3139](,
    [#3144](, [#3143](
 * Configure Pulsar broker data cache automatically from JVM settings [#3573](
 * Reuse the SSL context objects [#3550](
 * Automatic schema update can be disabled through admin interface [#2691](
 * Support Dead-Letter-Queue from WebSocket proxy [#2968](
 * Pull-mode for WebSocket proxy [#3058](
 * Export Jetty stats to Prometheus [#2804](
 * Added stats for Pulsar proxy [#2740](
 * Allow subscribers to access subscription admin-api [#2981](
 * Make brokers read on closest Bookie in a multi-region deployment [#3171](

#### Fixes
 * Fixed deadlock in reusing ZooKeeper event thread [#3591](
Matteo Merli 已提交
1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152
 * In functions log topic appender, don't set producer name [#3544](
 * When cursor recovery encounters empty cursor ledger, fallback to latest snapshot [#3487](
 * Fixed C++ regex-consumer when using HTTP service URL [#3407](
 * Fix race condition: broker not scheduling read for active consumer [#3411](

#### Pulsar IO
 * Added Debezium connector for Change-Data-Capture into Pulsar [#2791](
 * Added MongoDB connector [#3561](
 * Added Elastic Search connector [#2546](
 * Added HBase sink [#3368](
 * Added Local files connector [#2869](
 * Report source/sink stats in Prometheus [#3261](
 * Allow filtering in Twitter Firehose connector [#3298](
 * Sources/Sinks can be launched using fat jars as well [#3166](

#### Pulsar Functions
 * Added Kubernetes runtime [#1950](
 * Secrets interface [#2826](
 * Cleanup subscriptions when deleting functions [#3299](
 * Add Windowfunction interface to functions api [#3324](
 * Support for accessing state in Python [#2714](
 * Support submitting Python functions as wheel file
 * Support submitting Python functions as Zip file with dependencies included [#3321](
 * Add minimum amount of resources to run setting for functions [#3536](
 * Fixed the behavior of Function start/stop [#3477](

#### Java client
 * Moved Pulsar v1 client API into separate artifact [#3228](<br />
   Applications that are using the Pulsar v1 API, deprecated since 2.0 release, need to update the
   Maven dependency to use the `pulsar-client-1x` artifact instead of `pulsar-client`. Eg.
 * Fixed shading issues with Javadoc bundled in client jars by separating the API in a different
   Maven module [#3309](
 * Improve Javadocs [#3592](
 * Support specifying multiple hosts in pulsar service url and web url [#3249](  
 * Automatically discover when partitions on a topic are increased [#3513](
 * Added `Client.getPartitionsForTopic()` [#2972](
 * Added `Consumer.pauseMessageListener()` and `Consumer.resumeMessageListener()` [#2961](
 * Removed shading relocations for Circe-checksum and lz4 libraries, to ensure native libraries
   are correctly loaded when using shaded client lib. [#2191](

#### Python client
 * Fixed `` [#3595](

#### Go client
 * Added `Producer.flush()` to flush all outstanding messages [#3469](
 * Support `Consumer.Seek()` [#3478](
 * Added `Message.Topic()` [#3346](
 * Allow to specify `SubscriptionInitPos` option in `ConsumerOptions` [#3588](
 * Added TLS hostname verification [#3580](
 * Allow to link statically against `libpulsar.a`[#3488](
 * Expose `Producer.LastSequenceID()` and `Message.SequenceID()` [#3416](

#### C++ client
 * Enable batching by default when using `sendAsync()` [#2949](
 * Allow to specify schema info in Avro format [#3354](
 * Added `Producer.flush()` to flush all outstanding messages [#3020](
 * Added TLS hostname verification [#2475](
 * Allow to specify `SubscriptionInitialPosition` [#3567](
 * Added `Message.getTopicName()` [#3326](
 * Added `Cosnsumer.receiveAsync()` [#3389](
 * Build `libpulsar.a` with all required dependencies [#3488](
 * Removed Boost from Pulsar API headers [#3374](

#### Adaptors

 * Kafka client wrapper, added support for explicit partitioning and custom partitioner [#3462](
 * Support config `auto.offset.reset` to Pulsar KafkaConsumer [#3273](
 * In Apache Flink connector, added support for Batch Sink API ([2979#](,
   [#3039]( and [#3046](
 * Added [Java batch examples]( for Flink adaptor
 * Added [Java streaming examples]( for Flink adaptor
 * Added [Scala examples]( for Flink adaptor

For a complete list of issues fixed, see

1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170
### 2.2.1 &mdash; 2018-12-31 <a id="2.2.1"></a>

This release includes fixes for 2.2.0 release. In particular:

* Fixed issue when proxy HTTP admin API requests Pulsar proxy [#3022](

* Fixed `Consumer.unsubscribe()` in Python client library [#3093](

* Fixed ZLib decompression in C++ client [#2854](

* Fixed Pulsar functions context publish in Python [#2844](

For a complete list of issues fixed, see

joefk 已提交
1171 1172 1173

### 2.2.0 &mdash; 2018-10-24 <a id="2.2.0"></a>

This is the first release of Pulsar as an Apache Top Level Project
joefk 已提交
1175 1176 1177

This is a feature release, including several new features, improvements and fixes for  issues reported for 2.1.1-incubating.
chrismiller 已提交
* [Pulsar Java Client Interceptors](
joefk 已提交

* [Integration of functions and io with schema registry](
joefk 已提交

* [Dead Letter Topic](
joefk 已提交

* [Flink Source connector](
joefk 已提交

* [JDBC Sink Connector](
joefk 已提交

* [HDFS Sink Connector](
joefk 已提交

* [Google Cloud Storage Offloader](
joefk 已提交

* [Pulsar SQL](
joefk 已提交
1193 1194

For a complete list of issues fixed, see
joefk 已提交
1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206

1207 1208
## Apache incubator

1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225
### 2.1.1-incubating &mdash; 2018-09-17 <a id="2.1.1-incubating"></a>

This release fixes issues reported for 2.1.0-incubating.

 * [#2473]( - Downgrading ZK to stable version 3.4.13
 * [#2219]( - Cpp client: add PatternMultiTopicsConsumerImpl to support regex subscribe
 * [#2387]( - Fixed race condition during expansion of concurrent open hash maps
 * [#2348]( - Fix NPE when splitting and unloading bundle
 * [#2223]( - fix bug in FunctionRuntimeManager involving not cleaning up old invalid assignments
 * [#2367]( - [compaction] make topic compaction works with partitioned topic
 * [#2203]( - Make sure schema is initialized before the topic is loaded

The complete list of changes can be found at:

1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232
### 2.1.0-incubating &mdash; 2018-08-02 <a id="2.1.0-incubating"></a>

This is the seventh release of Apache Pulsar since entering the ASF incubator.

It is a feature release, including several new features and major improvements:

- [Pulsar IO](/docs/en/io-overview/): A connector framework for moving data in and out of Apache Pulsar leveraging [Pulsar Functions](/docs/en/functions-overview/) runtime.
- A list of [Builtin Connectors](/docs/en/io-connectors):
1234 1235 1236 1237 1238
  - [Aerospike Connector](/docs/en/io-aerospike/)
  - [Cassandra Connector](/docs/en/io-cassandra/)
  - [Kafka Connector](/docs/en/io-kafka/)
  - [Kinesis Connector](/docs/en/io-kinesis/)
  - [RabbitMQ Connector](/docs/en/io-rabbitmq/)
  - [Twitter Firehose Connector](/docs/en/io-twitter/)
1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249
- [Tiered Storage](/docs/en/concepts-tiered-storage/): An extension in Pulsar segment store to offload older segments into long term storage (e.g. HDFS, S3).
  S3 support is supported in 2.1 release.
- [Stateful function](/docs/en/functions-state/): Pulsar Functions is able to use [State API](/docs/en/functions-state#api) for storing state within Pulsar.
- Pulsar [Go Client](/docs/en/client-libraries-go/)
- [Avro]( and
  [Protobuf]( Schema support

The complete list of changes can be found at:
1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648

### 2.0.1-incubating &mdash; 2018-06-18 <a id="2.0.1-incubating"></a>

This release fixes issues reported for 2.0.0-rc1-incubating.

 * [#1893]( - Fixed issues with Python packages on PyPI
 * [#1797]( - Proxy doesn't strip the request
    URL for admin requests correctly
 * [#1862]( - Fix REST APIs provided by Pulsar proxy

The complete list of changes can be found at:

### 1.22.1-incubating &mdash; 2018-06-18 <a id="1.22.1-incubating"></a>

This is the sixth release of Apache Pulsar since entering the ASF incubator.

This release addresses issues reported in 1.22.0-incubating version.

 * [#1660]( Deadlock while closing non persistent topic
 * [#1591]( Deadlock while closing non shared consumer
 * [#1554]( Handle invalid mark delete position at managed cursor
 * [#1262]( Broker should not start replicator for root partitioned topic
 * [#1662]( NPE when cursor failed to close empty subscription
 * [#1370]( Relocate service files for shading pulsar-client-admin module
 * [#1265]( Fixed lookup redirect logic on Proxyside
 * [#1428]( Handle Race condition in concurrent bundle split
 * [#1817]( Fixed mem leak when acknowledging while disconnected from broke
 * [#1851]( Fixing resource leak due to open file descriptors in SecurityUtility.

The complete list of changes can be found at:

### 2.0.0-rc1-incubating &mdash; 2018-05-29 <a id="2.0.0-rc1-incubating"></a>

This is the fifth release of Apache Pulsar since entering the ASF incubator and the
first time we increase major release number.

There are several new features and major improvements:

 * [Pulsar functions]( Lightweight
   compute framework
 * New type-safe [Java API]( for producer/consumers
 * [Schema registry]( &mdash; Enforce schema on topics
 * Topic compaction &mdash; Out of band compaction of messages to allow consumer to fetch a
   snapshot with last published message for each message key.
 * Upgraded to [Apache BookKeeper]( 4.7.0
 * Performance improvements &mdash; Up to 3x throughput improvements compared to Pulsar-1.22 and
   99.9 Pct publish latencies <10ms
 * [Simplified terminology]( and admin tools
   - Renamed "property" into "tenants"
   - Short topic names: `my-topic`
   - Topics independent of cluster names: `my-tenant/my-namespace/my-topic`

The complete list of changes can be found at:

### 1.22.0-incubating &mdash; 2018-03-06 <a id="1.22.0-incubating"></a>

This is the fourth of Apache Pulsar since entering the ASF incubator.

Major changes in this release include:

#### Features
 * [#896]( PIP-7 Introduce Failure-domain and Anti-affinity-namespace group
 * [#1031]( Add optional key/value metadata to producers/consumers
 * [#1129]( Added end to end encryption in C++ client
 * [#1151]( Added REST handler to create a subscription on a topic
 * [#1087]( Add basic authentication plugin
 * [#1200]( Add pluggable authorization mechanism
 * [#1208]( Add hostname-verification at client tls connection
 * [#950]( Provided an DCOS Universe package for pulsar
 * [#1046]( Introduce config to skip non-recoverable data-ledger
 * [#899]( Add subscription auth mode by prefix
 * [#1135]( Added infinite time retention configuration option

#### Enhancements

 * [#1094]( Include BoringSSL native implementation for faster TLS
 * [#1204]( Reduce size of buffer used to assemble batches
 * [#930]( Perform async DNS resolution
 * [#1124]( Support Pulsar proxy from C++/Python client library
 * [#1012]( Made load shedding for load manager Dynamically configurable
 * [#962]( Raw Reader for Pulsar Topics
 * [#941]( Upgraded Jackson version
 * [#1002](, [#1169](, [#1168]( Making Pulsar Proxy more secure
 * [#1029]( Fix MessageRouter hash inconsistent on C++/Java client

#### Fixes

 * [#1153]( Fixed increase partitions on a partitioned topic
 * [#1195]( Ensure the checksum is not stripped after validation in the broker
 * [#1203]( Use duplicates when writing from ByteBuf pair to avoid multiple threads issues
 * [#1210]( Cancel keep-alive timer task after the proxy switch to TCP proxy
 * [#1170]( Upgrade BK version: BK- (fix: stats + DoubleByteBuf)
 * [#875]( Bug fixes for Websocket proxy

The complete list of changes can be found at:

### 1.21.0-incubating &mdash; 2017-12-17 <a id="1.21.0-incubating"></a>

This is the third of Apache Pulsar since entering the ASF incubator.

Major changes in this release include:

 * [#689]( Upgrade to Netty 4.1
 * [#846]( Publish the shaded pulsar-client as the default dependency
 * [#832]( [#833]( [#849]( [#852]( Enhancements to Kafka API wrapper to have it work with Kafka's own benchmark tools
 * [#836]( Fix to C++ partitioned consumer client
 * [#822]( [#826]( Several fixes and improvements related to the namespace bundles
 * [#848]( Allow consumer to seek to message id from within Pulsar client
 * [#903]( PIP-8: Scale Pulsar beyond 1M topics
 * [#824]( Enable secure replication over TLS
 * [#923]( Upgrade to bk- to expose journalSyncData option
 * [#807]( Prevent message duplication when active consumer is changed

Complete list of changes can be found at:

### 1.20.0-incubating &mdash; 2017-08-08 <a id="1.20.0-incubating"></a>

This is the second of Apache Pulsar since entering the ASF incubator.

Major changes in this release include:

 * [#620]( [#717]( [#718]( Reader API support for C++ , Python & Websocket Proxy
 * [#634]( Added [Message dispatch throttling](
 * [#731]( Added [End to End Encryption](
 * [#732]( Support for [Event Time]( for messages
 * [#751]( Guaranteed [Deduplication of Messages](
 * [#761]( Kafka API wrapper for Pulsar client library

Complete list of changes can be found at:

### 1.19.0-incubating &mdash; 2017-08-08 <a id="1.19.0-incubating"></a>

This is the first of Apache Pulsar since entering the ASF incubator.

Major changes included in this release are:

 * [#524]( Moved APIs from `` to `org.apache.pulsar`
 * [#548]( Added stateless [Pulsar proxy](
 * [#538]( Support for [non-persistent topics](
 * [#587]( Upgraded RocksDB to comply with ASF policy
 * [#507]( Instrumentation of ZooKeeper client to expose metrics
 * Various fixes for TLS auth in WebSocket proxy

Complete list of changes can be found at:

## Pre-Apache

### 1.18 &mdash; 2017-06-17 <a id="1.18"></a>

Main changes:
 * [#325]( Add Modular load manager documentation
 * [#329]( Add api to get list of partitioned topics
 * [#296]( Added spark streaming custom receiver for pulsar
 * [#317]( HTTP lookups for c++ client lib
 * [#332]( Fix: Modular load manager bug fixes
 * [#352]( Fix: Delete local-policies and invalidate cache when namespace is dele
 * [#356]( Fix: WebSocket TLS connection bug
 * [#363]( Use binary protocol lookup for connection between WebSocket proxy and broker
 * [#375]( Fix: Bug fixes on deadlock while topic loading failure
 * [#376]( Fix: Avoid incrementing unack-msg count for non-shared sub and not show it on stats
 * [#329]( Fix: Handle zkCache failures
 * [#387]( Pass client library version to broker and show on stats
 * [#345]( Add load shedding strategy
 * [#393]( Change default mark-delete rate limit from 10s to 1s
 * [#392]( Upgrade to netty-4.0.46
 * [#366]( NonDurable cursor for managed ledger
 * [#371]( Introduce topic reader in client API
 * [#341]( Add stats and monitoring for websocket proxy
 * [#299]( Add api to increase partitions of existing non-global partitioned-topic
 * [#294]( Add endpoint to fetch stats for Prometheus
 * [#440]( Enable PulsarAdmin to trust multiple certificates
 * [#442]( Fix: Remove broker weights for ModularLoadManager
 * [#446]( Fix: Recover cursor with correct readPosition and replay unackedMessages
 * [#441]( Set Block If queue full to false by default
 * [#447]( Fix: DoubleByteBuf to send large size messages in TLS mode
 * [#443]( Add topic termination option
 * [#436]( Added ZooKeeper instrumentation for enhanced stats
 * [#448]( WebSocket proxy should not make a consumer/producer when authorization is failed
 * [#443]( Add Docker images definition and instruction to deploy on Kubernetes
 * [#474]( Fix: message rate out with batches to count messages/s
 * [#482]( Allow client(producer/consumer) to check topic stats
 * [#468]( Pulsar Python client library
 * [#386]( Increment bookkeeper version to

Full list of changes:

### 1.17.5 &mdash; 2017-05-02 <a id="1.17.5"></a>

 * [#343]( Fix ModularLoadManager to select broker from current available-broker list
 * [#384]( Fix Send replay entries read callback from background thread, to avoid recursive stack calls
 * [#390]( Fix Shaded AsyncHttpClient in pulsar client
 * [#374]( Fix Remove Exceptionally Completed Topic Futures

### 1.17.4 &mdash; 2017-04-25 <a id="1.17.4"></a>

 * [#362]( Fix add timeout on blocking ZookeeperCache get call
 * [#375]( Fix possible deal lock on topic loading if broker fails to get MLConfiguration from zk
 * [#377]( Fix zkCache error handling and zk-callback processing on separate dedicated thread

### 1.17.3 &mdash; 2017-04-20 <a id="1.17.3"></a>

 * [#367]( Fix dispatcher correctly finds available consumer from list of shared-subscription consumers

### 1.17.2 &mdash; 2017-04-06 <a id="1.17.2"></a>

 * [#327]( Create znode for dynamic configuration if not present
 * [#336]( Fix prevent creation of topic when bundle is disable
 * [#338]( Fix deserialize load report based on load-manager

### 1.17.1 &mdash; 2017-03-30 <a id="1.17.1"></a>

 * [#326]( Fix memory leak while duplicating entry data from existing entry

### 1.17 &mdash; 2017-03-30 <a id="1.17"></a>

Main changes:

 * [#188]( Pulsar Dashboard
 * [#276]( Broker persist individually deleted messages
 * [#282]( Support binary format to persist managed-ledger info in ZK
 * [#292]( Added REST and CLI tool to expose ManagedLedger metadata
 * [#285]( Add documentation in japanese
 * [#178]( Add Athenz authentication plugin
 * [#186]( Update Broker service configuration dynamically
 * [#215]( Fix Broker disconnects unsupported batch-consumer on batch-message topic
 * [#165]( Message dispatching on consumer priority-level
 * [#303]( Introduce new load manager implementation
 * [#306]( Add topic loading throttling at broker
 * [#302]( Update BK version to to include: 64bit ledger-ids, fix: memory leak on read-only bookie and datasketches concurrency issue
 * [#216]( Binary proto api to get consumer stats
 * [#225]( Server lookup throttling
 * [#182]( Client lookup request throttling and server-error handling
 * [#265]( Fix client handling on http server error
 * [#204]( Fix discovery service redirection
 * [#311]( Fix netty package conflict at binary distribution
 * [#221]( Fixed race condition on client reconnection logic
 * [#239]( Fix replicator handling on closed cursor
 * [#318]( GC improvements: Recyclable entry and reduce collection on stats generation

Full list of changes:

### 1.16.5 &mdash; 2017-03-10 <a id="1.16.5"></a>

 * [#311]( Exclude netty individual jars from binary distribution. This issue was causing binary distribution to have conflicting netty dependencies.

### 1.16.4 &mdash; 2017-03-10 <a id="1.16.4"></a>

 * [#265]( Fix client closes http-connection on internal-server error
 * [#283]( Fix recycle keep alive command-object properly
 * [#284]( Reduce usage of collections in managed-ledger metrics-generation to reduce GC impact

### 1.16.3 &mdash; 2017-03-01 <a id="1.16.3"></a>

 * [#275]( Fix for Infinite loop in PersistentReplicator.startProducer()

### 1.16.2 &mdash; 2017-02-24 <a id="1.16.2"></a>

 * [#250]( : Disconnect consumers without closing dispatcher on cursor-reset

### 1.16.1 &mdash; 2017-02-24 <a id="1.16.1"></a>

 * [#221]( Fixed race condition while creating client connection
 * [#223]( Fixed broker's direct memory usage count
 * [#220]( Fixed stuck replicator producer on backlog quota exception
 * [#239]( Fixed replicator stop reading on already closed cursor

### 1.16 &mdash; 2017-02-02 <a id="1.16"></a>

Main changes:
 * [#76]( Async Zookeeper cache implementation
 * [#105]( Support topic lookup using pulsar binary protocol
 * [#164]( Fixed handling failure of unloading namespace bundle
 * [#166]( Support websocket proxy deployment without passing globalZK
 * [#161]( Fixed avoiding creation of duplicate replicator
 * [#160]( Add support uri encoding on broker admin rest api
 * [#143]( Include DataSketches metrics provider for bookie stats
 * [#127]( Updated BK- to include bookie/bookkeeper-client bug-fixes and DataSketch metrics provider
 * [#124]( Consumer-stats: Add blockedConsumer flag
 * [#95]( Consumer-stats: Add message redelivery rate
 * [#123]( Fixed Batch message replication
 * [#106]( Fixed Partitioned consumer should avoid blocking call to fill shared queue
 * [#139]( Support online consumer cursor reset
 * [#187]( Support custom advertised address in pulsar standalone

Full list of changes:

### 1.15.7 &mdash; 2017-01-25 <a id="1.15.7"></a>

 * [#174]( Handling bundle unloading failure

### 1.15.6 &mdash; 2017-01-20 <a id="1.15.6"></a>

 * [#171]( Fix: Consumer redelivery should not wipeout availablePermits

### 1.15.5 &mdash; 2017-01-03 <a id="1.15.5"></a>

 * [#159]( Fix: Replicator-cleanup while closing replicator at broker.
 * [#160]( Fix: Http lookup for topic with special character

### 1.15.4 &mdash; 2016-12-14 <a id="1.15.4"></a>

 * [#146]( Fix: Partitioned consumer can consume messages with receiverQueueSize 1.

### 1.15.3 &mdash; 2016-12-13 <a id="1.15.3"></a>

 * [#145]( Fixed issue Partitioned-consumer aggregate messages without blocking internal listener thread

### 1.15.2 &mdash; 2016-11-03 <a id="1.15.2"></a>

 * [#102]( Fixed issue with message dispatching while message-replay at broker

### 1.15.1 &mdash; 2016-10-27 <a id="1.15.1"></a>

 * [#89]( Fixed issue with replication in a mixed
   environment with 1.14 and 1.15 brokers

### 1.15 &mdash; 2016-10-18 <a id="1.15"></a>

- [#39]( Updated BookKeeper version to to include bookie storage improvements
- [#17]( Fixed memory leak in stats generation buffer rollover
- [#27]( Fixed issues with discovery service component when HTTPS is enabled
- [#43]( Add end-to-end crc32c checksum verification on message header and payload, rather than just payload. Support for intel hardware instructions to speed up computation.
- [#26]( Added ability to configure the address that the broker uses to advertise itself. Needed in cases where the public hostname/ip is different than the machine interface ip (eg: in AWS EC2 instances).
- [#38]( Prevent message-replay of already acknowledged messages
- [#51]( Per message unacknowledged redelivery. When ack-timeout is configured, only request redelivery of messages that effectively have the timeout expired, instead of all the messages dispatched to the consumer.
- [#48]( Add unacknowledged messages threshold to stop delivery to consumer that are not acknowledging messages
- [#59]( Added admin method to do a one-time messages time expiration for a given subscription (independently from the TTL configured at the namespace level)

Full list of changes:

### 1.14 &mdash; 2016-08-31 <a id="1.14"></a>

First public release of Pulsar