提交 590fe369 编写于 作者: J Jinrui.Zhang

fix NPE issue in lazy reader

上级 5b32d503
......@@ -60,7 +60,10 @@ public class LazyLoadAlignedPagePointReader implements IPointReader {
boolean someValueNotNull = false;
TsPrimitiveType[] valuesInThisRow = new TsPrimitiveType[valueReaders.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < valueReaders.size(); i++) {
TsPrimitiveType value = valueReaders.get(i).nextValue(currentTime, timeIndex);
TsPrimitiveType value =
valueReaders.get(i) == null
? null
: valueReaders.get(i).nextValue(currentTime, timeIndex);
someValueNotNull = someValueNotNull || (value != null);
valuesInThisRow[i] = value;
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