未验证 提交 155c181a 编写于 作者: Z Zhijia Cao 提交者: GitHub

fix (#10993)

上级 35736cc6
......@@ -267,7 +267,10 @@ public class WALNode implements IWALNode {
public void run() {
// The intent of the loop execution here is to try to get as many memTable flush or snapshot
// as possible when the valid information ratio is less than the configured value.
while (recursionTime < MAX_RECURSION_TIME) {
// In addition, if the disk space used by wal exceeds the limit threshold, resulting in a
// write rejection, the task will continue to attempt to delete expired files until the
// threshold is no longer exceeded
while (recursionTime < MAX_RECURSION_TIME || WALManager.getInstance().shouldThrottle()) {
// init delete outdated file task fields
......@@ -282,8 +285,9 @@ public class WALNode implements IWALNode {
// decide whether to snapshot or flush based on the effective info ration and throttle
// threshold
if (!snapshotOrFlushMemTable()
&& safelyDeletedSearchIndex != DEFAULT_SAFELY_DELETED_SEARCH_INDEX) {
if (trySnapshotOrFlushMemTable()
&& !WALManager.getInstance().shouldThrottle()) {
......@@ -427,7 +431,7 @@ public class WALNode implements IWALNode {
* @return true if snapshot or flush is executed successfully
private boolean snapshotOrFlushMemTable() {
private boolean trySnapshotOrFlushMemTable() {
if (!shouldSnapshotOrFlush()) {
return false;
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