cluster.thrift 12.3 KB
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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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include "rpc.thrift"
namespace java org.apache.iotdb.cluster.rpc.thrift

typedef i32 int 
typedef i16 short
typedef i64 long

// TODO-Cluster: update rpc change list when ready to merge
// leader -> follower
struct HeartBeatRequest {
  1: required long term // leader's meta log
  2: required long commitLogIndex  // leader's meta log
  3: required long commitLogTerm
  4: required Node leader
  // if the leader does not know the follower's id, and require it reports to the leader, then true
  5: required bool requireIdentifier
  6: required bool regenerateIdentifier //if the leader finds the follower's id is conflicted,
  // then true
  // serialized partitionTable
  7: optional binary partitionTableBytes

  // because a data server may play many data groups members, this is used to identify which
  // member should process the request or response. Only used in data group communication.
  8: optional Node header

// follower -> leader
struct HeartBeatResponse {
  1: required long term
  2: optional long lastLogIndex // follower's meta log
  3: optional long lastLogTerm // follower's meta log
  // used to perform a catch up when necessary
  4: optional Node follower
  5: optional int followerIdentifier
  6: required bool requirePartitionTable

  // because a data server may play many data groups members, this is used to identify which
  // member should process the request or response. Only used in data group communication.
  7: optional Node header

// node -> node
struct ElectionRequest {
  1: required long term
  2: required long lastLogTerm
  3: required long lastLogIndex
  4: required Node elector

  // because a data server may play many data groups members, this is used to identify which
  // member should process the request or response. Only used in data group communication.
  5: optional Node header
  6: optional long dataLogLastIndex
  7: optional long dataLogLastTerm

// leader -> follower
struct AppendEntryRequest {
  1: required long term // leader's
  2: required Node leader
  3: required long prevLogIndex
  4: required long prevLogTerm
  5: required long leaderCommit
  6: required binary entry // data

  // because a data server may play many data groups members, this is used to identify which
  // member should process the request or response. Only used in data group communication.
  7: optional Node header

// leader -> follower
struct AppendEntriesRequest {
  1: required long term // leader's
  2: required Node leader
  3: required list<binary> entries // data
  4: required long prevLogIndex
  5: required long prevLogTerm
  6: required long leaderCommit

  // because a data server may play many data groups members, this is used to identify which
  // member should process the request or response. Only used in data group communication.
  7: optional Node header

struct AddNodeResponse {
  // -1: accept to add new node or the node is already in this cluster, otherwise: fail to
  // add new node
  1: required int respNum
  2: optional binary partitionTableBytes
  3: optional CheckStatusResponse checkStatusResponse

struct Node {
  1: required string ip
  2: required int metaPort
  3: required int nodeIdentifier
  4: required int dataPort

// leader -> follower
struct StartUpStatus {
  1: required long partitionInterval
  2: required int hashSalt
  3: required int replicationNumber

// follower -> leader
struct CheckStatusResponse {
  1: required bool partitionalIntervalEquals
  2: required bool hashSaltEquals
  3: required bool replicationNumEquals

struct SendSnapshotRequest {
  1: required binary snapshotBytes
  // for data group
  2: optional Node header

struct PullSnapshotRequest {
  1: required list<int> requiredSlots
  // for data group
  2: optional Node header
  // set to true if the previous holder has been removed from the cluster.
  // This will make the previous holder read-only so that different new
  // replicas can pull the same snapshot.
  3: required bool requireReadOnly

struct PullSnapshotResp {
  1: optional map<int, binary> snapshotBytes

struct ExecutNonQueryReq {
  1: required binary planBytes
  2: optional Node header

struct PullSchemaRequest {
  1: required list<string> prefixPaths
  2: optional Node header

struct PullSchemaResp {
  1: required binary schemaBytes

struct SingleSeriesQueryRequest {
  1: required string path
  2: optional binary timeFilterBytes
  3: optional binary valueFilterBytes
  4: required long queryId
  5: required Node requester
  6: required Node header
  7: required int dataTypeOrdinal
  8: required set<string> deviceMeasurements

struct PreviousFillRequest {
  1: required string path
  2: required long queryTime
  3: required long beforeRange
  4: required long queryId
  5: required Node requester
  6: required Node header
  7: required int dataTypeOrdinal
  8: required set<string> deviceMeasurements

// the spec and load of a node, for query coordinating
struct TNodeStatus {


struct GetAggrResultRequest {
  1: required string path
  2: required list<string> aggregations
  3: required int dataTypeOrdinal
  4: optional binary timeFilterBytes
  5: required Node header
  6: required long queryId
  7: required Node requestor
  8: required set<string> deviceMeasurements

struct GroupByRequest {
  1: required string path
  2: required int dataTypeOrdinal
  3: optional binary timeFilterBytes
  4: required long queryId
  5: required list<int> aggregationTypeOrdinals
  6: required Node header
  7: required Node requestor
  8: required set<string> deviceMeasurements

service RaftService {
  * Leader will call this method to all followers to ensure its authority.
  * <br>For the receiver,
  * The method will check the authority of the leader.
  * @param request information of the leader
  * @return if the leader is valid, HeartBeatResponse.term will set -1, and the follower will tell
  * leader its lastLogIndex; otherwise, the follower will tell the fake leader its term.
  HeartBeatResponse sendHeartbeat(1:HeartBeatRequest request);

  * If a node wants to be a leader, it'll call the method to other nodes to get a vote.
  * <br>For the receiver,
  * The method will check whether the node can be a leader.
  * @param voteRequest a candidate that wants to be a leader.
  * @return -1 means agree, otherwise return the voter's term
  long startElection(1:ElectionRequest request);

  * Leader will call this method to send a batch of entries to all followers.
  * <br>For the receiver,
  * The method will check the authority of the leader and if the local log is complete.
  * If the leader is valid and local log is complete, the follower will append these entries to local log.
  * @param request entries that need to be appended and the information of the leader.
  * @return -1: agree, -2: log index mismatch , otherwise return the follower's term
  long appendEntries(1:AppendEntriesRequest request)

  * Leader will call this method to send a entry to all followers.
  * <br>For the receiver,
  * The method will check the authority of the leader and if the local log is complete.
  * If the leader is valid and local log is complete, the follower will append the entry to local log.
  * @param request entry that needs to be appended and the information of the leader.
  * @return -1: agree, -2: log index mismatch , otherwise return the follower's term
  long appendEntry(1:AppendEntryRequest request)

  void sendSnapshot(1:SendSnapshotRequest request)

  * Execute a binarized non-query PhysicalPlan
  rpc.TSStatus executeNonQueryPlan(1:ExecutNonQueryReq request)

  * Ask the leader for its commit index, used to check whether the node has caught up with the
  * leader.
  long requestCommitIndex(1:Node header)

  binary readFile(1:string filePath, 2:i64 offset, 3:i32 length)

service TSDataService extends RaftService {

  * Query a time series without value filter.
  * @return a readerId >= 0 if the query succeeds, otherwise the query fails
  * TODO-Cluster: support query multiple series in a request
  long querySingleSeries(1:SingleSeriesQueryRequest request)

  * Fetch at max fetchSize time-value pairs using the resultSetId generated by querySingleSeries.
  * @return a ByteBuffer containing the serialized time-value pairs or an empty buffer if there
  * are not more results.
  binary fetchSingleSeries(1:Node header, 2:long readerId)

   * Query a time series and generate an IReaderByTimestamp.
   * @return a readerId >= 0 if the query succeeds, otherwise the query fails
  long querySingleSeriesByTimestamp(1:SingleSeriesQueryRequest request)

   * Fetch one value at given timestamp using the resultSetId generated by
   * querySingleSeriesByTimestamp.
   * @return a ByteBuffer containing the serialized value or an empty buffer if there
   * are not more results.
   binary fetchSingleSeriesByTimestamp(1:Node header, 2:long readerId, 3:long timestamp)

  * Find the local query established for the remote query and release all its resource.
  void endQuery(1:Node header, 2:Node thisNode, 3:long queryId)

  * Given path patterns (paths with wildcard), return all paths they match.
  list<string> getAllPaths(1:Node header, 2:list<string> path)

   * Given path patterns (paths with wildcard), return all devices they match.
  set<string> getAllDevices(1:Node header, 2:list<string> path)

  list<string> getNodeList(1:Node header, 2:string path, 3:int nodeLevel)

  set<string> getChildNodePathInNextLevel(1: Node header, 2: string path)

  binary getAllMeasurementSchema(1: Node header, 2: binary planBinary)

  list<binary> getAggrResult(1:GetAggrResultRequest request)

  PullSnapshotResp pullSnapshot(1:PullSnapshotRequest request)

  * Create a GroupByExecutor for a path, executing the given aggregations.
  * @return the executorId
  long getGroupByExecutor(1:GroupByRequest request)

  * Fetch the group by result in the interval [startTime, endTime) from the given executor.
  * @return the serialized AggregationResults, each is the result of one of the previously
  * required aggregations, and their orders are the same.
  list<binary> getGroupByResult(1:Node header, 2:long executorId, 3:long startTime, 4:long endTime)

  * Pull all timeseries schemas prefixed by a given path.
  PullSchemaResp pullTimeSeriesSchema(1: PullSchemaRequest request)

  * Perform a previous fill and return the timevalue pair in binary.
  binary previousFill(1: PreviousFillRequest request)

service TSMetaService extends RaftService {
  * Node which is not leader will call this method to try to add itself into the cluster as a new node.
  * <br>For the receiver,
  * If the local node is leader, it'll check whether the cluster can add this new node;
  * otherwise, the local node will transfer the request to the leader.
  * @param node a new node that needs to be added
  AddNodeResponse addNode(1: Node node, 2: StartUpStatus startUpStatus)

  * Remove a node from the cluster. If the node is not in the cluster or the cluster size will
  * less than replication number, the request will be rejected.
  long removeNode(1: Node node)

  * When a node is removed from the cluster, if it is not the meta leader, it cannot receive
  * the commit command by heartbeat since it has been removed, so the leader should tell it
  * directly that it is no longer in the cluster.
  void exile()

  TNodeStatus queryNodeStatus()

  Node checkAlive()
