提交 5beba199 编写于 作者: Q qinzuoyan

add replay_fd_bug.sh

上级 4b33f36c
Subproject commit 38d7c02c89e22865e16775ed7e0f8e2f2f4732e5
Subproject commit a6f5d11a9c914acdb61b5c86732eddd4e9a83481
./run.sh clear_onebox
./run.sh start_onebox -r 6 -w -p 16
primary=`echo cluster_info | ./run.sh shell 2>&1 | grep primary_meta_server | awk '{print $3}'`
pid=`echo "app temp -d" | ./run.sh shell 2>&1 | grep " " | head -n 1 |awk '{print $1}'`
echo "set meta.fd.ignore ="
echo "remote_command -l $primary meta.fd.ignore" | ./run.sh shell &>/dev/null
echo "sleep 20 (to wait replica1 become unalive)"
sleep 20
echo "nodes -d" | ./run.sh shell 2>&1 | grep ""
echo "set meta.fd.ignore = none"
echo "remote_command -l $primary meta.fd.ignore none" | ./run.sh shell &>/dev/null
echo "sleep 5 (to wait replica1 become alive)"
sleep 5
echo "nodes -d" | ./run.sh shell 2>&1 | grep ""
echo "set meta.lb.assign_delay_ms = 1000"
echo "remote_command -l $primary meta.lb.assign_delay_ms 1000" | ./run.sh shell &>/dev/null
echo "sleep 5 (to wait replica1 coredump)"
sleep 5
echo "find core in onebox/replica1:"
echo "------------------------------"
grep "^F" onebox/replica1/data/log/log.1.txt
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ cli_remote = true
;aio_factory_name = dsn::tools::native_aio_provider
start_nfs = true
logging_start_level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
logging_start_level = LOG_LEVEL_INFORMATION
logging_factory_name = dsn::tools::simple_logger
;logging_factory_name = dsn::tools::screen_logger
;logging_factory_name = dsn::tools::hpc_logger
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ allow_inline = false
fast_execution_in_network_thread = false
rpc_call_header_format = NET_HDR_DSN
rpc_call_channel = RPC_CHANNEL_TCP
rpc_timeout_milliseconds = 5000
rpc_timeout_milliseconds = 1000
disk_write_fail_ratio = 0.0
disk_read_fail_ratio = 0.0
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ replica_assign_delay_ms_for_dropouts = 300000
node_live_percentage_threshold_for_update = 50
min_live_node_count_for_unfreeze = 3
hold_seconds_for_dropped_app = 604800
meta_function_level_on_start = lively
meta_function_level_on_start = steady
recover_from_replica_server = false
max_replicas_in_group = 4
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ staleness_for_commit = 20
max_mutation_count_in_prepare_list = 110
mutation_2pc_min_replica_count = 2
group_check_disabled = false
group_check_disabled = true
group_check_interval_ms = 100000
checkpoint_disabled = false
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ checkpoint_min_decree_gap = 10000
checkpoint_max_interval_hours = 1
gc_disabled = false
gc_interval_ms = 30000
gc_interval_ms = 2000
gc_memory_replica_interval_ms = 300000
gc_disk_error_replica_interval_seconds = 172800000
gc_disk_garbage_replica_interval_seconds = 86400
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ log_shared_force_flush = false
log_shared_pending_size_throttling_threshold_kb = 0
log_shared_pending_size_throttling_delay_ms = 0
config_sync_disabled = false
config_sync_disabled = true
config_sync_interval_ms = 30000
lb_interval_ms = 3000
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