[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag 2.0.3

Download: https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/en-us/download/download.html

Feature [#7804] DingTalk alert plugin adds signature. [#7857] Problems caused by modifying the administrator user information. [#7675] Supports whether SQL is placed in one session [#7571] Add dependent tips about success or failure

Improvement [#7990] zkRoot in conf/config/install_ config does not take effect [#7713] The data source password in the log is not encrypted

Bug: [#8131] add delete workflow instance when delete process definition [#8098] udf sub resource manage edit modal cant close [#8081] process is always running: netty writeAndFlush without retry when failed leads to worker response to master failed [#7986] After deleting the running workflow, the master keeps brushing the error log [#8056] Edit the bug of worker grouping in environment management. [#7512] dependent node ui dislocation [#7913] Error in querying historical version information of workflow [#7982] common task log in master no need to print separately [#7962] The global parameters of the sub_process node are not passed to the associated workflow task [#7953] query log can not show contents when task log in master on k8s [#7815] There are duplicate processes in the process definition list [#7698] process instance is always running: task is failure when process instance FailureStrategy.END [#7732] field ‘is_directory’ in t_ds_resources table has error type in PostgreSQL database [#7883] Repair JDBC connection of Oracle [#7538] when there is a forbidden node in dag, the execution flow is abnormal [#7789] querySimpleList return wrong projectCode


Apache DolphinScheduler is the modern data workflow orchestration platform with powerful user interface, dedicated to solving complex task dependencies in the data pipeline and providing various types of jobs available out of the box

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发行版本 35



贡献者 211



  • Java 80.7 %
  • TypeScript 17.4 %
  • Shell 0.6 %
  • PLpgSQL 0.5 %
  • SCSS 0.5 %