未验证 提交 97f08429 编写于 作者: R ruanwenjun 提交者: GitHub

[Improvement] Change the status box text (#5421)

上级 2114b632
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import i18n from '@/module/i18n'
const stateType = [
code: '',
label: `${i18n.$t('None')}`
label: `${i18n.$t('AllStatus')}`
}, {
label: `${i18n.$t('Submitted successfully')}`
......@@ -440,6 +440,7 @@ export default {
'Process instance details': 'Process instance details',
'Create Resource': 'Create Resource',
'User Center': 'User Center',
AllStatus: 'All',
None: 'None',
Name: 'Name',
'Process priority': 'Process priority',
......@@ -440,6 +440,7 @@ export default {
'Process instance details': '流程实例详情',
'Create Resource': '创建资源',
'User Center': '用户中心',
AllStatus: '全部状态',
None: '',
Name: '名称',
'Process priority': '流程优先级',
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