未验证 提交 92e50273 编写于 作者: E Eric Gao 提交者: GitHub

[doc] Change release process base on new tool (#12324) (#12783)

ref: #11478 we already have a new tool for releasing
Co-authored-by: NJiajie Zhong <zhongjiajie955@gmail.com>
上级 cd7218da
......@@ -28,5 +28,4 @@ to finish PyPI release.
## Get All Contributors
You might need all contributors in current release when you want to publish the release news or announcement, you could
use the git command `git log --pretty="%an" <PREVIOUS-RELEASE-SHA>..<CURRENT-RELEASE-SHA> | sort | uniq` to auto generate
the git author name.
use command `python release.py contributor` in directory `tools/release` to auto generate contributor GitHub id.
......@@ -388,8 +388,10 @@ to check the following items:
You should create a release note in GitHub by [new release note](https://github.com/apache/dolphinscheduler/releases/new).
It should be done before vote mail because we need the release note in the mail. You could use command
`git log --pretty="- %s" <PREVIOUS-RELEASE-SHA>..<CURRENT-RELEASE-SHA> > changelog.md` to creat the changelog(some log
maybe not correct, you should filter them by yourself) and classify them and paste them to GitHub release note page
`python release.py changelog` in directory `tools/release` to creat the changelog.
> NOTE: Or if you prefer to create manually, you can use command `git log --pretty="- %s" <PREVIOUS-RELEASE-SHA>..<CURRENT-RELEASE-SHA> > changelog.md`
> (some log maybe not correct, you should filter them by yourself) and classify them and paste them to GitHub release note page
### Vote procedure
......@@ -26,5 +26,4 @@
## 获取全部的贡献者
当您想要发布新版本的新闻或公告时,您可能需要当前版本的所有贡献者,您可以使用 git 命令 `git log --pretty="%an" <PREVIOUS-RELEASE-SHA>..<CURRENT-RELEASE-SHA> | sort | uniq`
(将对应的版本改成两个版本的 tag 值)自动生成 git 作者姓名。
\ No newline at end of file
当您想要发布新版本的新闻或公告时,您可能需要当前版本的所有贡献者,您可以在 `tools/release` 中使用命令 `python release.py contributor` 自动生成贡献者 Github id。
......@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ gpg --verify apache_dolphinscheduler-python-"${VERSION}"-py3-none-any.whl.asc
cd ../
> 注意:当你找不到你的 `asc` 文件时,你必须手动创建 gpg 签名,命令
> 注意:当你找不到你的 `asc` 文件时,你必须手动创建 gpg 签名,命令
> `gpg --armor --detach-sign --digest-algo=SHA512 apache-dolphinscheduler-"${VERSION}"-bin.tar.gz` 和
> `gpg --armor --detach-sign --digest-algo=SHA512 apache-dolphinscheduler-"${VERSION}"-src.tar.gz` 将创建它们
......@@ -386,8 +386,11 @@ cd ../
### 更新版本说明
在 GitHub 中通过 [创建新的 release note](https://github.com/apache/dolphinscheduler/releases/new) 创建一个 release note。 这要在
投票邮件开始之前完成,因为我们需要在邮件中使用 release note。你可以通过命令 `git log --pretty="- %s" <PREVIOUS-RELEASE-SHA>..<CURRENT-RELEASE-SHA> > changelog.md`
自动生成 changelog(部分可以不太准确,需要人为过滤一遍),然后将他们分类并粘贴到 GitHub 的 release note 中
投票邮件开始之前完成,因为我们需要在邮件中使用 release note。你可以在 `tools/release` 目录中运行 `python release.py changelog` 自动创建
> 备注: 如果你更加倾向于手动创建 changelog,你可以通过命令 `git log --pretty="- %s" <PREVIOUS-RELEASE-SHA>..<CURRENT-RELEASE-SHA> > changelog.md`
> 生成 changelog(部分可以不太准确,需要人为过滤一遍),然后将他们分类并粘贴到 GitHub 的 release note 中
### 投票阶段
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