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[Doc] Add api test doc (#10499)

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# DolphinScheduler API Automation Test
## Preparatory knowledge
### The difference between API Test and Unit Test
API test, which imitates the user calling API, starts from a certain entry and performs operations step by step until a certain work is completed. Different from unit testing, the latter usually needs to test parameters, parameter types, parameter values, parameter numbers, return values, throw errors, etc. in order to ensure that a specific function can complete its work stably and reliably in any case. Unit tests assume that the entire product will work as long as all functions work properly.
In contrast, API testing focuses on whether a complete operation chain can be completed
For example, the API test of the tenant management interface focuses on whether users can log in normally; If the login fails, whether the error message can be displayed correctly. After logging in, you can perform tenant management operations through the sessionid you carry.
## API Test
### API-Pages
DolphinScheduler's API tests are deployed using docker-compose. The current tests are in standalone mode and are mainly used to check some basic functions such as "add, delete, change and check". For further cluster validation, such as collaboration between services or communication mechanisms between services, refer to `deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml` for configuration.
For API test, the [page model](https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/guidelines/page_object_models/) form is used, mainly to create a corresponding model for each page. The following is an example of a login page.
package org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.test.pages;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.test.entity.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.test.utils.RequestClient;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public final class LoginPage {
public HttpResponse login(String username, String password) {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("userName", username);
params.put("userPassword", password);
RequestClient requestClient = new RequestClient();
return requestClient.post("/login", null, params);
During the test process, we only test the interfaces we need to focus on, not all interfaces in the page. Therefore, we only declare the user name, password and interface path on the login page.
In addition, during the testing process, the interface are not requested directly. The general choice is to package the corresponding methods to achieve the effect of reuse. For example, if you want to log in, you input your username and password through the `public LoginPage login()` method to manipulate the elements you pass in to achieve the effect of logging in. That is, when the user finishes logging in, he or she achieve the effect of login.
On the login page, only the input parameter specification of the interface request is defined. For the output parameter of the interface request, only the unified basic response structure is defined. The data actually returned by the interface is tested in the actual test case. Whether the input and output of main test interfaces can meet the requirements of test cases.
### API-Cases
The following is an example of a tenant management test. As explained earlier, we use docker-compose for deployment, so for each test case, we need to import the corresponding file in the form of an annotation.
The interface is requested using the RemoteWebDriver provided with Selenium. Before each test case is started there is some preparation work that needs to be done. For example: logging in the user, jumping to the corresponding page (depending on the specific test case).
public static void setup() {
LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage();
HttpResponse loginHttpResponse = loginPage.login(user, password);
sessionId = JSONUtils.convertValue(loginHttpResponse.body().data(), LoginResponseData.class).sessionId();
When the preparation is complete, it is time for the formal test case writing. We use a form of @Order() annotation for modularity, to confirm the order of the tests. After the tests have been run, assertions are used to determine if the tests were successful, and if the assertion returns true, the tenant creation was successful. The following code can be used as a reference:
public void testCreateTenant() {
TenantPage tenantPage = new TenantPage();
HttpResponse createTenantHttpResponse = tenantPage.createTenant(sessionId, tenant, 1, "");
The rest are similar cases and can be understood by referring to the specific source code.
## Supplements
When running API tests locally, First, you need to start the local service, you can refer to this page:
When running API tests locally, the `-Dlocal=true` parameter can be configured to connect locally and facilitate changes to the UI.
The current default request timeout length is 10 seconds. This value should not be modified without special requirements.
# DolphinScheduler — API 测试
## 前置知识:
### API 测试与单元测试的区别
相对来说,API 测试关注的**一个完整的操作链是否能够完成**
比如,租户管理界面的 API 测试,关注用户是否能够正常登录;登陆失败的话,是否能够正确显示错误信息。登陆之后时候能够通过携带的 SessionId 进行租户管理的操作等等。
## API 测试
### API-Pages
DolphinScheduler 的 API 测试使用 docker-compose 部署,当前测试的为单机模式,主要用于检验一些例如“增删改查”基本功能,后期如需做集群验证,例如不同服务之间的协作,或者各个服务之间的通讯机制,可参考 `deploy/docker/docker-compose.yml`来配置。
对于 API 测试,使用 [页面模型](https://www.selenium.dev/documentation/guidelines/page_object_models/) 的形式,主要为每一个页面建立一个对应的模型。下面以登录页为例:
package org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.test.pages;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.test.entity.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.dolphinscheduler.api.test.utils.RequestClient;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public final class LoginPage {
public HttpResponse login(String username, String password) {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("userName", username);
params.put("userPassword", password);
RequestClient requestClient = new RequestClient();
return requestClient.post("/login", null, params);
此外,在测试过程中,并不会直接去操作接口,一般选择封装对应的方法,以达到复用的效果。例如想要登录的话,直接传入用户名和密码,通过 `public LoginPage login()` 方法去操作所传入的信息,从而达到实现登录的效果。
### API-Cases
下面以租户管理测试为例,前文已经说明,我们使用 docker-compose 进行部署,所以每个测试案例,都需要以注解的形式引入对应的文件。
使用 OkHttpClient 框架来进行 HTTP 请求。在每个测试案例开始之前都需要进行一些准备工作。比如:登录用户、创建对应的租户(根据具体的测试案例而定)。
public static void setup() {
LoginPage loginPage = new LoginPage();
HttpResponse loginHttpResponse = loginPage.login(user, password);
sessionId = JSONUtils.convertValue(loginHttpResponse.body().data(), LoginResponseData.class).sessionId();
在完成准备工作之后,就是正式的测试案例编写。我们使用 @Order() 注解的形式,用于模块化,确认测试顺序。在进行测试之后,使用断言来判断测试是否成功,如果断言返回 true,则表示创建租户成功。可参考创建租户的测试代码:
public void testCreateTenant() {
TenantPage tenantPage = new TenantPage();
HttpResponse createTenantHttpResponse = tenantPage.createTenant(sessionId, tenant, 1, "");
## 补充
在本地运行的时候,首先需要启动相应的本地服务,可以参考该页面: [环境搭建](https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/zh-cn/development/development-environment-setup.html)
在本地运行 API 测试的时候,可以配置 `-Dlocal=true` 参数,用于连接本地,方便对于 UI 界面的更改。
当前默认的请求超时时长为 10 秒,如无特殊需求不应修改此值。
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