未验证 提交 5cadf4e4 编写于 作者: D dailidong 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #4892 from jbampton/fix-slack-links

Fix Slack invite links
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Dolphin Scheduler Official Website
### Design Features:
DolphinScheduler is a distributed and extensible workflow scheduler platform with powerful DAG visual interfaces, dedicated to solving complex job dependencies in the data pipeline and providing various types of jobs available `out of the box`.
DolphinScheduler is a distributed and extensible workflow scheduler platform with powerful DAG visual interfaces, dedicated to solving complex job dependencies in the data pipeline and providing various types of jobs available `out of the box`.
Its main objectives are as follows:
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ We would like to express our deep gratitude to all the open-source projects used
### Community
You are so much welcomed to communicate with the developers and users of Dolphin Scheduler freely. There are two ways to find them:
1. Join the slack channel by [this invitation link](https://join.slack.com/t/asf-dolphinscheduler/shared_invite/zt-l8k90ceu-wwUfobaDkJxjzMfZp4y1Ag).
1. Join the slack channel by [this invitation link](https://join.slack.com/t/asf-dolphinscheduler/shared_invite/zt-mzqu52gi-rCggPkSHQ0DZYkwbTxO1Gw).
2. Follow the [twitter account of Dolphin Scheduler](https://twitter.com/dolphinschedule) and get the latest news just on time.
......@@ -93,4 +93,3 @@ The community welcomes everyone to participate in contributing, please refer to
### License
Please refer to the [LICENSE](https://github.com/apache/incubator-dolphinscheduler/blob/dev/LICENSE) file.
......@@ -84,16 +84,8 @@ Dolphin Scheduler使用了很多优秀的开源项目,比如google的guava、g
2. 先订阅邮件开发列表:[订阅邮件列表](https://dolphinscheduler.apache.org/zh-cn/community/development/subscribe.html), 订阅成功后发送邮件到dev@dolphinscheduler.apache.org.
### 社区
1. 通过[该申请链接](https://join.slack.com/t/asf-dolphinscheduler/shared_invite/zt-l8k90ceu-wwUfobaDkJxjzMfZp4y1Ag)加入slack channel
1. 通过[该申请链接](https://join.slack.com/t/asf-dolphinscheduler/shared_invite/zt-mzqu52gi-rCggPkSHQ0DZYkwbTxO1Gw)加入slack channel
2. 关注[Apache Dolphin Scheduler的Twitter账号](https://twitter.com/dolphinschedule)获取实时动态
### 版权
请参考 [LICENSE](https://github.com/apache/incubator-dolphinscheduler/blob/dev/LICENSE) 文件.
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