提交 f60033cf 编写于 作者: B Ben

Add asprintf.c

上级 8c592517
#include <stdio.h> //vsnprintf
#include <stdlib.h> //malloc
#include <stdarg.h> //va_start et al
/* The declaration, to put into a .h file. The __attribute___ tells the compiler to check printf-style type-compliance.
It's not C standard, but a lot of compilers supprt it. Just remove it if yours doesn't */
int asprintf(char **str, char* fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf,2,3)));
int asprintf(char **str, char* fmt, ...){
va_list argp;
va_start(argp, fmt);
char one_char[1];
int len = vsnprintf(one_char, 1, fmt, argp);
if (len < 1){
fprintf(stderr, "An encoding error occurred. Setting the input pointer to NULL.\n");
*str = NULL;
return len;
*str = malloc(len+1);
if (!str) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate %i bytes.\n", len+1);
return -1;
va_start(argp, fmt);
vsnprintf(*str, len+1, fmt, argp);
return len;
#ifdef Test_asprintf
int main(){
char *s;
asprintf(&s, "hello, %s.", "—Reader—");
printf("%s\n", s);
asprintf(&s, "%c", '\0');
printf("blank string: [%s]\n", s);
int i = 0;
asprintf(&s, "%i", i++);
printf("Zero: %s\n", s);
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