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      Supported React plugins (#5801) · dae6dcb7
      Boris Sekachev 提交于
      <!-- Raise an issue to propose your change
      It helps to avoid duplication of efforts from multiple independent
      Discuss your ideas with maintainers to be sure that changes will be
      approved and merged.
      Read the [Contribution
      guide](https://opencv.github.io/cvat/docs/contributing/). -->
      <!-- Provide a general summary of your changes in the Title above -->
      ### Motivation and context
      <!-- Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? If it
      fixes an open
      issue, please link to the issue here. Describe your changes in detail,
      screenshots. -->
      ### How has this been tested?
      <!-- Please describe in detail how you tested your changes.
      Include details of your testing environment, and the tests you ran to
      see how your change affects other areas of the code, etc. -->
      ### Checklist
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      that apply.
      If an item isn't applicable for some reason, then ~~explicitly
      strikethrough~~ the whole
      line. If you don't do that, GitHub will show incorrect progress for the
      pull request.
      If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here
      to help! -->
      - [x] I submit my changes into the `develop` branch
      - [ ] I have added a description of my changes into the
      - [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly
      - [ ] I have added tests to cover my changes
      - [ ] I have linked related issues (see [GitHub docs](
      - [x] I have increased versions of npm packages if it is necessary
      ### License
      - [x] I submit _my code changes_ under the same [MIT License](
      https://github.com/opencv/cvat/blob/develop/LICENSE) that covers the
        Feel free to contact the maintainers if that's a concern.
      # How to add your own plugin
      **1. Write a ``PluginBuilder``**
      ``PluginBuilder`` is a function that accepts the following object as an
      This object is passed from the core application. Where:
      - ``dispatch`` is a redux function that can be used to add any React
      - ``REGISTER_ACTION`` is action name to append component
      - ``REMOVE_ACTION`` is action name to remove component
      - ``core`` core library to access to server and interaction with any
      available API, e.g. ``core.tasks.get()``,
      ``core.server.request('dummy/url/...', { method: 'POST', data: { param1:
      'value1', param2: 'value2' } })``
      If you want to include authorization headers to the request, you must do
      the request via the core library.
      ``PluginBuilder`` must return the following object
          name: string;
          destructor: CallableFunction;
      - ``name`` is a plugin name
      - ``destructor`` is a function that removes plugin from storage and does
      any destructive actions
      ``PluginBuilder`` might register additional components this way:
      const Component = () => <Button> Press me </Button>;
            type: REGISTER_ACTION,
            payload: {
                path: 'loginPage.loginForm', // path must be supported by the core application
                component: Component, 
                data: {
                    // optional method, define if necessary to render component conditionally, based on props, state of a target component
                    shouldBeRendered: (targetComponentProps, targetComponentState) => {
                        return true;
                    // optional field, define if necessary to affect rendering order
                    weight: 5,
      Destructor callback of a ``PluginBuilder`` must remove components this
          type: REMOVE_ACTION,
          payload: {
              path: 'loginPage.loginForm', // the same path as when register
              component: Component, // the same component as when register
      **2. Define plugin entrypoint**
      It must be in ``<plugin_directory>/src/ts/index.tsx``.
      Plugin entrypoint might register plugin in the core application when
      ``plugins.ready`` event is triggered.
      To achieve that, pass ``PluginBuilder`` to the exposed method:
      In general plugin can register itself anytime, but the above method must
      be available.
      Example code is below:
      function register() {
          if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(window, 'cvatUI')) {
              (window as any as { cvatUI: { registerComponent: PluginEntryPoint } })
      window.addEventListener('plugins.ready', register, { once: true });
      **3. Build/run core application together with plugins:**
      Just pass ``CLIENT_PLUGINS`` env variable to webpack. It can include
      multiple plugins:
      CLIENT_PLUGINS="path/to/plugin1:path/to/plugin2:path/to/plugin3" yarn start:cvat-ui
      CLIENT_PLUGINS="path/to/plugin1:path/to/plugin2:path/to/plugin3" yarn build:cvat-ui
      Path may be defined in two formats:
      - relative to ``cvat-ui`` directory: ``plugins/plugin1``,
      - absolute, including entrypoint file:
      **Webpack defines two aliases:**
      ``@modules`` -  to use dependencies of the core application
      For example React may be imported this way:
      import React from '@modules/react';
      ``@root`` - to import something from the core application
      import { CombinedState } from '@root/reducers';
      You can install other dependencies to plugin directory if necessary. 
      To avoid typescript errors in IDE and working with types, you can add
          "compilerOptions": {
            "target": "es2020",
            "baseUrl": ".",
            "paths": {
                "@modules/*": ["/path/to/cvat/node_modules/*"],
                "@root/*": ["path/to/cvat/cvat-ui/src/*"]
            "moduleResolution": "node",
            "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"],
            "jsx": "react",
    • M
      annotation with cuboids updated (#5861) · e5bf3ec3
      Mariia Acoca 提交于
      <!-- Raise an issue to propose your change
      It helps to avoid duplication of efforts from multiple independent
      Discuss your ideas with maintainers to be sure that changes will be
      approved and merged.
      Read the [Contribution
      guide](https://opencv.github.io/cvat/docs/contributing/). -->
      <!-- Provide a general summary of your changes in the Title above -->
      ### Motivation and context
      <!-- Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? If it
      fixes an open
      issue, please link to the issue here. Describe your changes in detail,
      screenshots. -->
      ### How has this been tested?
      <!-- Please describe in detail how you tested your changes.
      Include details of your testing environment, and the tests you ran to
      see how your change affects other areas of the code, etc. -->
      ### Checklist
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      that apply.
      If an item isn't applicable for some reason, then ~~explicitly
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      line. If you don't do that, GitHub will show incorrect progress for the
      pull request.
      If you're unsure about any of these, don't hesitate to ask. We're here
      to help! -->
      - [ ] I submit my changes into the `develop` branch
      - [ ] I have added a description of my changes into the
      - [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly
      - [ ] I have added tests to cover my changes
      - [ ] I have linked related issues (see [GitHub docs](
      - [ ] I have increased versions of npm packages if it is necessary
      ### License
      - [ ] I submit _my code changes_ under the same [MIT License](
      https://github.com/opencv/cvat/blob/develop/LICENSE) that covers the
        Feel free to contact the maintainers if that's a concern.
      Co-authored-by: NBoris Sekachev <boris.sekachev@yandex.ru>
    • A
      Update version to v2.5.0.alpha (#5868) · 7d8b5529
      Andrey Zhavoronkov 提交于