提交 e7753404 编写于 作者: X xywang

[TD-2574]<enhance>: added general heapsort algorithm

上级 0ef76e0c
......@@ -2201,99 +2201,35 @@ static void valuePairAssign(tValuePair *dst, int16_t type, const char *val, int6
memcpy((dst)->pTags, (src)->pTags, (size_t)(__l)); \
} while (0)
static void heapSwap(tValuePair *a, tValuePair *b, const int16_t tagLen) {
char tag[32768];
tValuePair temp;
static int32_t topBotComparFn(const void *p1, const void *p2, const void *param)
uint16_t type = *(uint16_t *) param;
tValuePair *val1 = *(tValuePair **) p1;
tValuePair *val2 = *(tValuePair **) p2;
memset(tag, 0, sizeof(tag));
temp.pTags = tag;
VALUEPAIRASSIGN(&temp, a, tagLen);
VALUEPAIRASSIGN(b, &temp, tagLen);
static void heapAdjust(tValuePair **pList, uint16_t type, int16_t tagLen, int32_t start, int32_t end, bool minRoot) {
int32_t parent = start;
int32_t child = 2 * parent + 1;
while (child <= end) {
if (minRoot) {
if (child + 1 <= end && pList[child]->v.i64 < pList[child + 1]->v.i64) {
if (pList[parent]->v.i64 > pList[child]->v.i64) {
} else {
if (child + 1 <= end && pList[child]->v.i64 >= pList[child + 1]->v.i64) {
if (pList[parent]->v.i64 <= pList[child]->v.i64) {
} else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type)) {
if (minRoot) {
if (child + 1 <= end && pList[child]->v.u64 < pList[child + 1]->v.u64) {
if (pList[parent]->v.u64 > pList[child]->v.u64) {
} else {
if (child + 1 <= end && pList[child]->v.u64 >= pList[child + 1]->v.u64) {
if (pList[parent]->v.u64 <= pList[child]->v.u64) {
} else {
if (minRoot) {
if (child + 1 <= end && pList[child]->v.dKey < pList[child + 1]->v.dKey) {
if (pList[parent]->v.dKey > pList[child]->v.dKey) {
} else {
if (child + 1 <= end && pList[child]->v.dKey >= pList[child + 1]->v.dKey) {
if (pList[parent]->v.dKey <= pList[child]->v.dKey) {
heapSwap(pList[parent], pList[child], tagLen);
parent = child;
child = parent * 2 + 1;
return val1->v.i64 - val2->v.i64;
} else if (IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type)) {
return val1->v.u64 - val2->v.u64;
return val1->v.dKey - val2->v.dKey;
void heapSort(tValuePair **pList, uint16_t type, int16_t tagLen, int32_t len, bool minRoot) {
int32_t i;
static void topBotSwapFn(void *dst, void *src, const void *param)
char tag[32768];
tValuePair temp;
uint16_t tagLen = *(uint16_t *) param;
tValuePair *vdst = *(tValuePair **) dst;
tValuePair *vsrc = *(tValuePair **) src;
for (i = len / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
heapAdjust(pList, type, tagLen, i, len - 1, minRoot);
memset(tag, 0, sizeof(tag));
temp.pTags = tag;
for (i = len - 1; i > 0; i--) {
heapSwap(pList[0], pList[i], tagsLen);
heapAdjust(pList, type, 0, tagsLen, i - 1, minRoot);
VALUEPAIRASSIGN(&temp, vdst, tagLen);
VALUEPAIRASSIGN(vdst, vsrc, tagLen);
VALUEPAIRASSIGN(vsrc, &temp, tagLen);
static void do_top_function_add(STopBotInfo *pInfo, int32_t maxLen, void *pData, int64_t ts, uint16_t type,
......@@ -2303,11 +2239,11 @@ static void do_top_function_add(STopBotInfo *pInfo, int32_t maxLen, void *pData,
tValuePair **pList = pInfo->res;
assert(pList != NULL);
if (pInfo->num < maxLen) {
valuePairAssign(pList[pInfo->num], type, (const char *)&val.i64, ts, pTags, pTagInfo, stage);
heapSort(pList, type, pTagInfo->tagsLen, pInfo->num + 1, 0);
taosheapsort((void *) pList, sizeof(tValuePair **), pInfo->num + 1, (const void *) &type, topBotComparFn, (const void *) &pTagInfo->tagsLen, topBotSwapFn, 0);
} else {
......@@ -2315,7 +2251,7 @@ static void do_top_function_add(STopBotInfo *pInfo, int32_t maxLen, void *pData,
(IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type) && val.u64 > pList[0]->v.u64) ||
(IS_FLOAT_TYPE(type) && val.dKey > pList[0]->v.dKey)) {
valuePairAssign(pList[0], type, (const char *)&val.i64, ts, pTags, pTagInfo, stage);
heapAdjust(pList, type, pTagInfo->tagsLen, 0, maxLen - 1, 0);
taosheapadjust((void *) pList, sizeof(tValuePair **), 0, maxLen - 1, (const void *) &type, topBotComparFn, (const void *) &pTagInfo->tagsLen, topBotSwapFn, 0);
......@@ -2331,7 +2267,7 @@ static void do_bottom_function_add(STopBotInfo *pInfo, int32_t maxLen, void *pDa
if (pInfo->num < maxLen) {
valuePairAssign(pList[pInfo->num], type, (const char *)&val.i64, ts, pTags, pTagInfo, stage);
heapSort(pList, type, pTagInfo->tagsLen, pInfo->num + 1, 1);
taosheapsort((void *) pList, sizeof(tValuePair **), pInfo->num + 1, (const void *) &type, topBotComparFn, (const void *) &pTagInfo->tagsLen, topBotSwapFn, 1);
} else {
......@@ -2339,7 +2275,7 @@ static void do_bottom_function_add(STopBotInfo *pInfo, int32_t maxLen, void *pDa
(IS_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC_TYPE(type) && val.u64 < pList[0]->v.u64) ||
(IS_FLOAT_TYPE(type) && val.dKey < pList[0]->v.dKey)) {
valuePairAssign(pList[0], type, (const char *)&val.i64, ts, pTags, pTagInfo, stage);
heapAdjust(pList, type, pTagInfo->tagsLen, 0, maxLen - 1, 1);
taosheapadjust((void *) pList, sizeof(tValuePair **), 0, maxLen - 1, (const void *) &type, topBotComparFn, (const void *) &pTagInfo->tagsLen, topBotSwapFn, 1);
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ typedef int (*__compar_fn_t) (const void *, const void *);
#define elePtrAt(base, size, idx) (void *)((char *)(base) + (size) * (idx))
typedef int32_t (*__ext_compar_fn_t)(const void *p1, const void *p2, const void *param);
typedef void (*__ext_swap_fn_t)(void *p1, void *p2, const void *param);
* quick sort, with the compare function requiring additional parameters support
......@@ -59,6 +60,38 @@ void taosqsort(void *src, size_t numOfElem, size_t size, const void* param, __ex
void *taosbsearch(const void *key, const void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size, __compar_fn_t fn, int flags);
* adjust heap
* @param base: the start address of array
* @param size: size of every item in array
* @param start: the first index
* @param end: the last index
* @param parcompar: parameters for compare function
* @param compar: user defined compare function
* @param parswap: parameters for swap function
* @param swap: user defined swap function, the default swap function doswap will be used if swap is NULL
* @param maxroot: if heap is max root heap
* @return
void taosheapadjust(void *base, int32_t size, int32_t start, int32_t end, const void *parcompar, __ext_compar_fn_t compar, const void *parswap, __ext_swap_fn_t swap, bool maxroot);
* sort heap to make sure it is a max/min root heap
* @param base: the start address of array
* @param size: size of every item in array
* @param len: the length of array
* @param parcompar: parameters for compare function
* @param compar: user defined compare function
* @param parswap: parameters for swap function
* @param swap: user defined swap function, the default swap function doswap will be used if swap is NULL
* @param maxroot: if heap is max root heap
* @return
void taosheapsort(void *base, int32_t size, int32_t len, const void *parcompar, __ext_compar_fn_t compar, const void *parswap, __ext_swap_fn_t swap, bool maxroot);
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -225,3 +225,89 @@ void * taosbsearch(const void *key, const void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
return NULL;
void taosheapadjust(void *base, int32_t size, int32_t start, int32_t end, const void *parcompar, __ext_compar_fn_t compar, const void *parswap, __ext_swap_fn_t swap, bool maxroot)
int32_t parent;
int32_t child;
char *buf;
if (base && size > 0 && compar) {
parent = start;
child = 2 * parent + 1;
if (swap == NULL) {
buf = calloc(1, size);
if (buf == NULL) {
if (maxroot) {
while (child <= end) {
if (child + 1 <= end && (*compar)(elePtrAt(base, size, child), elePtrAt(base, size, child + 1), parcompar) < 0) {
if ((*compar)(elePtrAt(base, size, parent), elePtrAt(base, size, child), parcompar) > 0) {
if (swap == NULL) {
doswap(elePtrAt(base, size, parent), elePtrAt(base, size, child), size, buf);
} else {
(*swap)(elePtrAt(base, size, parent), elePtrAt(base, size, child), parswap);
parent = child;
child = 2 * parent + 1;
} else {
while (child <= end) {
if (child + 1 <= end && (*compar)(elePtrAt(base, size, child), elePtrAt(base, size, child + 1), parcompar) > 0) {
if ((*compar)(elePtrAt(base, size, parent), elePtrAt(base, size, child), parcompar) < 0) {
if (swap == NULL) {
doswap(elePtrAt(base, size, parent), elePtrAt(base, size, child), size, buf);
} else {
(*swap)(elePtrAt(base, size, parent), elePtrAt(base, size, child), parswap);
parent = child;
child = 2 * parent + 1;
if (swap == NULL) {
void taosheapsort(void *base, int32_t size, int32_t len, const void *parcompar, __ext_compar_fn_t compar, const void *parswap, __ext_swap_fn_t swap, bool maxroot)
int32_t i;
if (base && size > 0) {
for (i = len / 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
taosheapadjust(base, size, i, len - 1, parcompar, compar, parswap, swap, maxroot);
char *buf = calloc(1, size);
for (i = len - 1; i > 0; i--) {
doswap(elePtrAt(base, size, 0), elePtrAt(base, size, i));
taosheapadjust(base, size, 0, i - 1, parcompar, compar, parswap, swap, maxroot);
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