提交 3d7a613e 编写于 作者: W whs 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2242 from wanghaoshuang/flowers_reader

Add flowers dataset for image classification model
# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module will download dataset from
and parse train/test set intopaddle reader creators.
This set contains images of flowers belonging to 102 different categories.
The images were acquired by searching the web and taking pictures. There are a
minimum of 40 images for each category.
The database was used in:
Nilsback, M-E. and Zisserman, A. Automated flower classification over a large
number of classes.Proceedings of the Indian Conference on Computer Vision,
Graphics and Image Processing (2008)
import cPickle
import itertools
from common import download
import tarfile
import scipy.io as scio
from paddle.v2.image import *
import os
import numpy as np
import paddle.v2 as paddle
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
__all__ = ['train', 'test', 'valid']
DATA_URL = 'http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/flowers/102/102flowers.tgz'
LABEL_URL = 'http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/flowers/102/imagelabels.mat'
SETID_URL = 'http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/flowers/102/setid.mat'
DATA_MD5 = '52808999861908f626f3c1f4e79d11fa'
LABEL_MD5 = 'e0620be6f572b9609742df49c70aed4d'
SETID_MD5 = 'a5357ecc9cb78c4bef273ce3793fc85c'
def default_mapper(sample):
map image bytes data to type needed by model input layer
img, label = sample
img = paddle.image.load_image_bytes(img)
img = paddle.image.simple_transform(img, 256, 224, True)
return img.flatten().astype('float32'), label
def reader_creator(data_file,
1. read images from tar file and
merge images into batch files in 102flowers.tgz_batch/
2. get a reader to read sample from batch file
:param data_file: downloaded data file
:type data_file: string
:param label_file: downloaded label file
:type label_file: string
:param setid_file: downloaded setid file containing information
about how to split dataset
:type setid_file: string
:param dataset_name: data set name (tstid|trnid|valid)
:type dataset_name: string
:param mapper: a function to map image bytes data to type
needed by model input layer
:type mapper: callable
:param buffered_size: the size of buffer used to process images
:type buffered_size: int
:return: data reader
:rtype: callable
labels = scio.loadmat(label_file)['labels'][0]
indexes = scio.loadmat(setid_file)[dataset_name][0]
img2label = {}
for i in indexes:
img = "jpg/image_%05d.jpg" % i
img2label[img] = labels[i - 1]
file_list = batch_images_from_tar(data_file, dataset_name, img2label)
def reader():
for file in open(file_list):
file = file.strip()
batch = None
with open(file, 'r') as f:
batch = cPickle.load(f)
data = batch['data']
labels = batch['label']
for sample, label in itertools.izip(data, batch['label']):
yield sample, int(label)
return paddle.reader.xmap_readers(mapper, reader,
cpu_count(), buffered_size)
def train(mapper=default_mapper, buffered_size=1024):
Create flowers training set reader.
It returns a reader, each sample in the reader is
image pixels in [0, 1] and label in [1, 102]
translated from original color image by steps:
1. resize to 256*256
2. random crop to 224*224
3. flatten
:param mapper: a function to map sample.
:type mapper: callable
:param buffered_size: the size of buffer used to process images
:type buffered_size: int
:return: train data reader
:rtype: callable
return reader_creator(
download(DATA_URL, 'flowers', DATA_MD5),
download(LABEL_URL, 'flowers', LABEL_MD5),
download(SETID_URL, 'flowers', SETID_MD5), 'trnid', mapper,
def test(mapper=default_mapper, buffered_size=1024):
Create flowers test set reader.
It returns a reader, each sample in the reader is
image pixels in [0, 1] and label in [1, 102]
translated from original color image by steps:
1. resize to 256*256
2. random crop to 224*224
3. flatten
:param mapper: a function to map sample.
:type mapper: callable
:param buffered_size: the size of buffer used to process images
:type buffered_size: int
:return: test data reader
:rtype: callable
return reader_creator(
download(DATA_URL, 'flowers', DATA_MD5),
download(LABEL_URL, 'flowers', LABEL_MD5),
download(SETID_URL, 'flowers', SETID_MD5), 'tstid', mapper,
def valid(mapper=default_mapper, buffered_size=1024):
Create flowers validation set reader.
It returns a reader, each sample in the reader is
image pixels in [0, 1] and label in [1, 102]
translated from original color image by steps:
1. resize to 256*256
2. random crop to 224*224
3. flatten
:param mapper: a function to map sample.
:type mapper: callable
:param buffered_size: the size of buffer used to process images
:type buffered_size: int
:return: test data reader
:rtype: callable
return reader_creator(
download(DATA_URL, 'flowers', DATA_MD5),
download(LABEL_URL, 'flowers', LABEL_MD5),
download(SETID_URL, 'flowers', SETID_MD5), 'valid', mapper,
def fetch():
download(DATA_URL, 'flowers', DATA_MD5)
download(LABEL_URL, 'flowers', LABEL_MD5)
download(SETID_URL, 'flowers', SETID_MD5)
# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import paddle.v2.dataset.flowers
import unittest
class TestFlowers(unittest.TestCase):
def check_reader(self, reader):
sum = 0
label = 0
size = 224 * 224 * 3
for l in reader():
self.assertEqual(l[0].size, size)
if l[1] > label:
label = l[1]
sum += 1
return sum, label
def test_train(self):
instances, max_label_value = self.check_reader(
self.assertEqual(instances, 1020)
self.assertEqual(max_label_value, 102)
def test_test(self):
instances, max_label_value = self.check_reader(
self.assertEqual(instances, 6149)
self.assertEqual(max_label_value, 102)
def test_valid(self):
instances, max_label_value = self.check_reader(
self.assertEqual(instances, 1020)
self.assertEqual(max_label_value, 102)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import numpy as np import numpy as np
try: try:
import cv2 import cv2
except: except ImportError:
print( cv2 = None
"import cv2 error, please install opencv-python: pip install opencv-python" import os
) import tarfile
import cPickle
__all__ = [ __all__ = [
"load_image", "resize_short", "to_chw", "center_crop", "random_crop", "load_image_bytes", "load_image", "resize_short", "to_chw", "center_crop",
"left_right_flip", "simple_transform", "load_and_transform" "random_crop", "left_right_flip", "simple_transform", "load_and_transform",
] ]
""" """
This file contains some common interfaces for image preprocess. This file contains some common interfaces for image preprocess.
...@@ -28,6 +30,90 @@ the image layout as follows. ...@@ -28,6 +30,90 @@ the image layout as follows.
""" """
def batch_images_from_tar(data_file,
Read images from tar file and batch them into batch file.
param data_file: path of image tar file
type data_file: string
param dataset_name: 'train','test' or 'valid'
type dataset_name: string
param img2label: a dic with image file name as key
and image's label as value
type img2label: dic
param num_per_batch: image number per batch file
type num_per_batch: int
return: path of list file containing paths of batch file
rtype: string
batch_dir = data_file + "_batch"
out_path = "%s/%s" % (batch_dir, dataset_name)
meta_file = "%s/%s.txt" % (batch_dir, dataset_name)
if os.path.exists(out_path):
return meta_file
tf = tarfile.open(data_file)
mems = tf.getmembers()
data = []
labels = []
file_id = 0
for mem in mems:
if mem.name in img2label:
if len(data) == num_per_batch:
output = {}
output['label'] = labels
output['data'] = data
open('%s/batch_%d' % (out_path, file_id), 'w'),
file_id += 1
data = []
labels = []
if len(data) > 0:
output = {}
output['label'] = labels
output['data'] = data
open('%s/batch_%d' % (out_path, file_id), 'w'),
with open(meta_file, 'a') as meta:
for file in os.listdir(out_path):
meta.write(os.path.abspath("%s/%s" % (out_path, file)) + "\n")
return meta_file
def load_image_bytes(bytes, is_color=True):
Load an color or gray image from bytes array.
Example usage:
.. code-block:: python
with open('cat.jpg') as f:
im = load_image_bytes(f.read())
:param bytes: the input image bytes array.
:type file: str
:param is_color: If set is_color True, it will load and
return a color image. Otherwise, it will
load and return a gray image.
flag = 1 if is_color else 0
file_bytes = np.asarray(bytearray(bytes), dtype=np.uint8)
img = cv2.imdecode(file_bytes, flag)
return img
def load_image(file, is_color=True): def load_image(file, is_color=True):
""" """
Load an color or gray image from the file path. Load an color or gray image from the file path.
...@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ ...@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
__all__ = [ __all__ = [
'map_readers', 'buffered', 'compose', 'chain', 'shuffle', 'map_readers', 'buffered', 'compose', 'chain', 'shuffle',
'ComposeNotAligned', 'firstn' 'ComposeNotAligned', 'firstn', 'xmap_readers'
] ]
import itertools import itertools
...@@ -224,3 +224,74 @@ def firstn(reader, n): ...@@ -224,3 +224,74 @@ def firstn(reader, n):
yield item yield item
return firstn_reader return firstn_reader
class XmapEndSignal():
def xmap_readers(mapper, reader, process_num, buffer_size):
Use multiprocess to map samples from reader by a mapper defined by user.
And this function contains a buffered decorator.
:param mapper: a function to map sample.
:type mapper: callable
:param reader: the data reader to read from
:type reader: callable
:param process_num: process number to handle original sample
:type process_num: int
:param buffer_size: max buffer size
:type buffer_size: int
:return: the decarated reader
:rtype: callable
end = XmapEndSignal()
in_queue = Queue(buffer_size)
out_queue = Queue(buffer_size)
# define a worker to read samples from reader to in_queue
def read_worker(reader, in_queue):
for i in reader():
# start a read worker in a thread
t = Thread(target=read_worker, args=(reader, in_queue))
t.daemon = True
# define a worker to handle samples from in_queue by mapper
# and put mapped samples into out_queue
def handle_worker(in_queue, out_queue, mapper):
sample = in_queue.get()
while not isinstance(sample, XmapEndSignal):
r = mapper(sample)
sample = in_queue.get()
# start several handle_workers
workers = []
for i in xrange(process_num):
worker = Thread(
target=handle_worker, args=(in_queue, out_queue, mapper))
worker.daemon = True
for w in workers:
def xreader():
sample = out_queue.get()
while not isinstance(sample, XmapEndSignal):
yield sample
sample = out_queue.get()
finish = 1
while finish < process_num:
sample = out_queue.get()
if isinstance(sample, XmapEndSignal):
finish += 1
yield sample
return xreader
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