提交 0d9cf348 编写于 作者: C Cary Xu

SKVRow offset bug fix

上级 8f58cb6c
......@@ -1667,7 +1667,7 @@ int32_t tscGetDataBlockFromList(SHashObj* pHashList, int64_t id, int32_t size, i
// pBuilder->size = 0;
// }
#define KvRowNColsThresh 1 // default value: 32 TODO: for test, restore to 32 after test finished
#define KvRowNColsThresh 1 // default value: 128 TODO: for test, restore to default value after test finished
static FORCE_INLINE uint8_t tdRowTypeJudger(SSchema* pSchema, void* pData, int32_t nCols, int32_t flen,
uint16_t* nColsNotNull) {
......@@ -1724,7 +1724,6 @@ SMemRow tdGenMemRowFromBuilder(SMemRowBuilder* pBuilder) {
uint16_t nColsNotNull = 0;
uint8_t memRowType = tdRowTypeJudger(pSchema, p, pBuilder->nCols, pBuilder->flen, &nColsNotNull);
tscDebug("prop:memType is %d", memRowType);
memRowType = SMEM_ROW_DATA;
SMemRow* memRow = (SMemRow)pBuilder->pDataBlock;
memRowSetType(memRow, memRowType);
......@@ -1744,12 +1743,10 @@ SMemRow tdGenMemRowFromBuilder(SMemRowBuilder* pBuilder) {
pBuilder->buf = p;
} else if (memRowType == SMEM_ROW_KV) {
ASSERT(nColsNotNull < pBuilder->nCols);
uint16_t tlen = TD_KV_ROW_HEAD_SIZE + sizeof(SColIdx) * nColsNotNull + pBuilder->size;
SKVRow kvRow = (SKVRow)memRowBody(memRow);
kvRowSetNCols(kvRow, nColsNotNull);
uint16_t tlen = TD_KV_ROW_HEAD_SIZE + sizeof(SColIdx) * nColsNotNull;
kvRowSetLen(kvRow, tlen);
kvRowSetNCols(kvRow, nColsNotNull);
int toffset = 0;
p = (char*)pBuilder->buf;
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ typedef void *SMemRow;
#define TD_DATA_ROW_HEAD_SIZE (sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(int16_t))
#define dataRowLen(r) (*(uint16_t *)(r))
#define dataRowVersion(r) *(int16_t *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, sizeof(int16_t))
#define dataRowVersion(r) (*(int16_t *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, sizeof(int16_t)))
#define dataRowTuple(r) POINTER_SHIFT(r, TD_DATA_ROW_HEAD_SIZE)
#define dataRowTKey(r) (*(TKEY *)(dataRowTuple(r)))
#define dataRowKey(r) tdGetKey(dataRowTKey(r))
......@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ typedef struct {
#define kvRowNCols(r) (*(int16_t *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, sizeof(uint16_t)))
#define kvRowSetLen(r, len) kvRowLen(r) = (len)
#define kvRowSetNCols(r, n) kvRowNCols(r) = (n)
#define kvRowColIdx(r) (SColIdx *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, TD_KV_ROW_HEAD_SIZE)
#define kvRowColIdx(r) ((SColIdx *)POINTER_SHIFT(r, TD_KV_ROW_HEAD_SIZE))
#define kvRowValues(r) POINTER_SHIFT(r, TD_KV_ROW_HEAD_SIZE + sizeof(SColIdx) * kvRowNCols(r))
#define kvRowCpy(dst, r) memcpy((dst), (r), kvRowLen(r))
#define kvRowColVal(r, colIdx) POINTER_SHIFT(kvRowValues(r), (colIdx)->offset)
......@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int tdAppendKvColVal(SKVRow row, const void *value, int16_t
char * ptr = (char *)POINTER_SHIFT(row, kvRowLen(row));
pColIdx->colId = colId;
pColIdx->offset = kvRowLen(row);
pColIdx->offset = kvRowLen(row); // offset of pColIdx including the TD_KV_ROW_HEAD_SIZE
if (IS_VAR_DATA_TYPE(type)) {
memcpy(ptr, value, varDataTLen(value));
......@@ -527,7 +527,8 @@ static void tdAppendKvRowToDataCol(SKVRow row, STSchema *pSchema, SDataCols *pCo
int nRowColsMatched = 0;
STColumn stColumn[nRowCols];
tdGetKVRowColInfo(pSchema, kvRowColIdx(row), nRowCols, stColumn, &nRowColsMatched);
uDebug("kvRow: nRowCols=%d, nRowColsMatched=%d, nSchemaCols=%d", nRowCols, nRowColsMatched, schemaNCols(pSchema));
uDebug("prop:kvRow: nRowCols=%d, nRowColsMatched=%d, nSchemaCols=%d", nRowCols, nRowColsMatched,
while (dcol < pCols->numOfCols) {
SDataCol *pDataCol = &(pCols->cols[dcol]);
......@@ -1550,7 +1550,8 @@ static void copyOneRowFromMem(STsdbQueryHandle* pQueryHandle, int32_t capacity,
if (pColIdx->colId == pColInfo->info.colId) {
STColumn* pSTColumn = tdGetColOfID(pSchema, pColIdx->colId);
if (pSTColumn != NULL) {
void* value = tdGetKvRowDataOfCol(row, pSTColumn->type, TD_MEM_ROW_HEAD_SIZE + pColIdx->offset);
// offset of pColIdx including the TD_KV_ROW_HEAD_SIZE
void* value = tdGetKvRowDataOfCol(kvRow, pSTColumn->type, pColIdx->offset);
switch (pColInfo->info.type) {
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