名称 最后提交 最后更新
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE Update issue templates
cmake remove unused gzstream.cmake (#18705)
doc remove unused doc folder
go recover glide for check_style
paddle add license, test=develop (#18709)
patches/grpc Add stopped sign for grpc client
python do some odd jobs (#18641)
tools fix the api.spec file does not get the class comment problem (#18439)
.clang-format fix develop build issue (#10978)
.dockerignore refine docker build
.gitignore Merge pull request #14479 from reyoung/feature/fix_macos_ut
.pre-commit-config.yaml enable cpplint, remove go_fmt
.style.yapf change python code style to pep8
.travis.yml remove legacy build_android and build_ios
AUTHORS.md remove async executor and add data_feed.proto to the deps of train demo (#18659)
CMakeLists.txt remove unused gzstream.cmake (#18705)
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Adding a Code of Conduct for Paddle open source project (#7579)
CODE_OF_CONDUCT_cn.md change CODE_OF_CONDUCT_cn.md from Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese
CONTRIBUTING.md fix 404, test=develop
Dockerfile Downgrade gcc to 4.8 (#18614)
ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md Revise one word in ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md (#371)
LICENSE Fix the grammar in copyright. (#8403)
README.md update readme to 1.5.1 (#18670)
README_cn.md update readme to 1.5.1 (#18670)
RELEASE.md update_release_1.4


PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)

:rocket: Github 镜像仓库 :rocket:

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贡献者 228



  • C++ 45.8 %
  • Python 45.5 %
  • Cuda 6.4 %
  • CMake 1.1 %
  • Shell 0.7 %
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