1. 20 9月, 2019 2 次提交
    • Z
      modified interpolate op to support tensor attribute, test=develop, test=document_preview (#19287) · 439d95e1
      Zhang Ting 提交于
      modified interpolate_op to support tensor attribute
      1. the parameter out_shape of image_resize、resize_nearest/bilinear/trilinear can be a list or a 1-D tensor variable. If a list, each element can be an integer or a tensor variable with shape: [1].
      2. the parameter scale of above Ops can be a 1-D tensor variable.
      modified document of image_resize, resize_nearest, resize_bilinear, resize_trilinear and add some code example.
    • Z
      add crop_tensor_op, test=develop, test=document_preview (#19314) · b3888941
      Zhang Ting 提交于
      add crop_tensor op. The main difference with crop is :
      1. If the argument shape is a list, each element is an integer or a tensor variable with shape: [1]. This way is suitable for the case that the shape may be changed each iteration.
      2. If the argument shape is a variable. Its rank must be 1. In crop op, the rank of shape must be the same as x
      offsets can be a list, in which each element is an integer or a tensor variavle with shape: [1].
  2. 19 9月, 2019 2 次提交
    • W
      add precise roi pooling op test=develop (#18960) · a7c440d3
      wopeizl 提交于
      * add precise roi pooling op test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * test=develop
      * detail the description test=develop
      * test=develop
      * elaborate the doc for return type test=develop
      * test=develop
    • W
      Strided slice (#19642) · 47af618f
      wangchaochaohu 提交于
      * strided_slice op basic function test=develop
      * test=develop rewrite and fix
      * fix bug test=develop
      * fix for the PADDLE_ENFORCE usage
      * add some unit testw
      * fix for the aip  test and copright and fix test=develop
      * fix API.spec test=develop
      * fix API.spec test=develop
      * add axis parameter test=develop
      * fix for the build error test=develop
      * fix python api  test=develop
      * fix the build test=develop
      * fix build test=develop
      * fix API spec test=develop
      * test=develop add some comment and single op test
      * fix API spece test=develop
      * fix test=develop
      * fix test=develop
      * fix api test=develop
      * fix api test=develop
      * fix API.spec test=develop
      * fix typo test=develop
      * fix API.spec test=develop
      * fix API typo test=develop
      * fix doc and API.spec test=develop
  3. 18 9月, 2019 1 次提交
  4. 17 9月, 2019 5 次提交
    • C
      add deformable conv v1 op and cpu version of deformable conv v2 (#18500) · 00efd1d8
      chengjuntao 提交于
      * add deformable conv v1 op, test=develop
    • L
      fix pow op, support tensor for agument factor. (#19313) · 677e7144
      liym27 提交于
      improve pow op according to reviews:
      1. Delete unnecessary judgement statements in PowGradOpDescMaker;
      2. Improve test of test_api;
      overload GetKernelTypeForVar
      add stop_gradient=True when attr(factor) is tensor Variable, change examples in API pow.
    • L
      add tensor support for argument shape in reshape op; (#19268) · bd89a273
      liym27 提交于
      add support parameter inference when argument shape is a list containing integer and tensor variable;
      fix reshape op according to reviews:
      1. improve or message;
      2. improve test of test_api.
      fix reshape op: Add error message in nn.py, test=develop
      add stop_gradient=True when attr(shape) is tensor Variable.
      change examples in API reshape.
    • L
      add tensor(tensor and tensor in list) support for argument starts and ends in slice op; (#19208) · 88628016
      liym27 提交于
      add support parameter inference when arguments starts or ends is a list containing integer and tensor variable;
      improve slice op according to review(from hongyu). test=develop
      fix slice op according to review: infer_flags, test=develop
      fix slice op: improve overload operator __getitem__ to support attrs(starts and ends) are Variable.
      fix test_slice_op: add TestSliceOp_decs_dim_6 to resolve conflict with test_slice_ngraph_op. test=develop
      add stop_gradient=True when attr(starts) or attr(ends) is tensor Variable.
    • L
      fix expand op: (#19302) · e9e3c087
      liym27 提交于
      1. add tensor support for argument expand_times in expand op;
      2. add support parameter inference when argument expand_times is a list containing integer and tensor variable;
      improve expand op according to reviews:
      1. add doc of ExpandTimes in expand_op.cc;
      2. improve the test of test_api.
      add stop_gradient=True when attr(expand_times) is tensor Variable, change code examples.
  5. 12 9月, 2019 1 次提交
  6. 11 9月, 2019 2 次提交
  7. 10 9月, 2019 1 次提交
    • W
      merge empty lod tensor, test=develop (#19228) · 25dcd74d
      wangguanzhong 提交于
      * merge_empty_lod_tensor, test=develop
      * fix multiclass_nms, test=develop
      * refine API.spec, test=develop
      * add unittest case for fetch, test=develop
      * add lod tensor test, test=develop
      * return index for multiclass_nms, test=develop
      * add api for multiclass_nms2
      * update API.spc, test=develop
      * refine api doc, test=develop
      * fix test_detection.py, test=develop
      * polish code, test=develop
      * add more unittest case, test=develop
  8. 09 9月, 2019 1 次提交
    • J
      delete transmission args in linear_chain_crf op (#19619) · 0b06db94
      JesseyXujin 提交于
      * delete args on linear_chain_crf_op doc
      * delete args on linear_chain_crf_op doc
      * delete args on linear_chain_crf_op doc
      * add code example
      * fix api doc
      * fix doc of crf
      * fix doc of crf
      * add test=develop
      * modify API.spec, test=develop
  9. 06 9月, 2019 1 次提交
  10. 05 9月, 2019 2 次提交
    • A
      Add distributions of Categorical and MultivariateNormal (#18263) · 6364ebc4
      Aurelius84 提交于
      * add_distributions_of_normal_and_uniform
      * paddle/fluid/API.spec
      * modify API.spec
      * modified paddle/fluid/API.spec, test=develop
      * modify paddle/fluid/API.spec, test=develop
      * modify paddle/fluid/API.spec, test=develop
      * fix some comment, test=develop
      * modify API.spec, test=develop
      * Add distributions of Categorical and MultivariateNormal test=develop
      * fix pylint codestyle test=develop
      * fix conflict file test=develop
      * edit API.spec test=develop
      * improve sample code test=develop
      * modify api.spec test=develop
    • F
      add a argument for softshrink python api (#19396) · a18cf5e1
      FDInSky 提交于
      * test=develop add a argument for softshrink python api
      * test=develop fix doc format 
      test=develop fix doc format
      * test=develop fix API.spec
      test=develop fix API.spec
  11. 04 9月, 2019 1 次提交
    • S
      add scatter_nd op and scatter_nd_add op (#19571) · 2cd3fa3e
      ShenLiang 提交于
      * add scatter_nd op, test=document_preview test=develop
      * fixed the document, test=document_preview test=develop
      * modify the notes, test=document_preview test=develop
      * remove the ShareDataWith, test=develop
  12. 02 9月, 2019 2 次提交
    • X
      modified multiclass_nms example (#19553) · 7a867063
      xiaoting 提交于
      test=develop, test=document_preview
    • J
      add padding in linear_chain_crf op (#19583) · 4a7e6deb
      JesseyXujin 提交于
      * add padding in linear_chain_crf op
      * modify API.spec
      * add linear_chain_crf_op.cc and linear_chain_crf_op.h
      * remove useless unit test , test=develop
      * modify API.spec, test=develop
      * remove some blanks in nn.py , test=develop
      * fix some bugs on nn.py and API.spec ,test=develop
      * fix nn.py, test=develop
      * fix API.spec ,test=develop
      * fix bug of CI test in test_linear_chain_crf_op.py
      * fix bug of CI test in test_linear_chain_crf_op.py, test=develop
      * remove paddle_enforce, test=develop
      * remove paddle_enforce, test=develop
      * remove paddle_enforce, test=develop
      * remove paddle_enforce, test=develop
      * remove paddle_enforce, test=develop
      * remove paddle_enforce, test=develop
      * modify nn.py, test=develop
      * fix API.spec, test=develop
      * fix unittest bug, test=develop
  13. 31 8月, 2019 2 次提交
  14. 30 8月, 2019 4 次提交
  15. 27 8月, 2019 2 次提交
    • A
      improve sequence_conv api doc (#19316) · a9cd5136
      Aurelius84 提交于
      * improve sequence_conv api doc test=develop
      * add warning for padding param test=develop
      modify into deprecated
    • V
      Support Tensor input with padding for warpctc op (#19322) · 482ce818
      vincentXiyu 提交于
      * support tensor input with padding for warpctc op
      * merge with develop
      * test=develop
      * modified python API examples test=develop
      * nn.py is modified for code coverage test=develop
      * update documents info about warpctc op in API.spec test=develop
      * add test_warpctc_with_padding in test_layers test=develop
      * add warning log for cuda_version back to warpctc_op.cc
      * modify API.spec for warpctc op test=develop
      * modify API.spec
      * update warpctc test to new CompiledProgram API test=develop
      * modify code examples for warpctc op test=develop
      * modify API.spec for warpctc op test=develop
      * modify API.spec for warpctc op test=develop
  16. 22 8月, 2019 1 次提交
  17. 20 8月, 2019 1 次提交
  18. 19 8月, 2019 3 次提交
  19. 15 8月, 2019 4 次提交
  20. 13 8月, 2019 2 次提交
    • J
      Instag Implemention (#18394) · 6ac32d09
      Jiawei Wang 提交于
      * instag lod tensor impl
      * First PR for instag
      * First PR for instag
      * Before adding Selection Rows.
      * Change name from instag to filter_instag, add upgrade the impl of filter_instag
      * Change name from instag to filter_instag, add upgrade the impl of filter_instag
      * Fix yapf error in gradient_checker.py to pass Travis-CI
      * Fix Filter Instag Grad test=develop
      * Fix Filter Instag Grad test=develop
      * 1) Fix API.spec, add filter_instag Op. 2) Add Vector Support for CUDA. test=develop
      * Impl Loss_weight and empty output handler
      * change Loss Weight datatype to Float32, and add Loss Weight as 2nd output
      * 1) Support Tensor Input(without LOD) 2) Add Unit test
      * Filter By Instag Final test=develop
      * Update API.spec for filter_by_instag test=develop
      * Update API.spec for filter_by_instag 2 test=develop
      * Add Filter By Instag Coverage
      * code format of test_layers.py
      * code format test_layers.py test=develop
      * Make API args more readable test=develop
      * Make API args more readable and pass code format test=develop
      * Filter By Instag Op, Rename Map to Index Map test=develop
      * Filter By Instag Op, code format err in filter_by_instag_op.cc  test=develop
      * Filter by instag op: code format of cpp files test=develop
      * Filter by instag Op: Api spec modification test=develop
      * Filter by instag Op: Api spec doc id modification test=develop
      * Filter by instag Op: Api spec and doc preview  test=develop test=document_preview
      * Filter By Instag Op, fix doc erro test=document_preview test=develop
      * Filter By Instag Op, fix doc err and Api spec test=document_preview test=develop
      * Filter By Instag Op, fix Api spec test=document_preview test=develop
      * Filter By Instag Op, fix Paddle Encoforce deprecated warning test=document_preview test=develop
      * Filter By Instag Op, fix Paddle Encoforce deprecated and code format warning test=document_preview test=develop
    • W
      Fix the error of op `ones_like` document,change the output variable · 0019eb37
      wawltor 提交于
      Fix the error of op `ones_like` document, change the output variable from x to out.