未验证 提交 f05098b5 编写于 作者: W wanghuancoder 提交者: GitHub

cache core.ops (#34058)

* cache core.ops, test=develop

* refine, test=develop
上级 2850391d
develop Ligoml-patch-1 ZHUI-patch-1 add_some_yaml_config addfile ascendrelease cherry_undefined_var delete_delete_addfile delete_disable_iterable_dataset_unittest delete_fix_retry_ci delete_fix_undefined_var delete_improve_sccache delete_paralleltest delete_prv-disable-more-cache delete_revert-34159-add_npu_bce_logical_dev delete_revert-34910-spinlocks_for_allocator delete_revert-35069-revert-34910-spinlocks_for_allocator delete_revert-36057-dev/read_flags_in_ut dingjiaweiww-patch-1 disable_iterable_dataset_unittest dy2static enable_eager_model_test final_state_gen_python_c final_state_intermediate fix-numpy-issue fix_concat_slice fix_npu_ci fix_op_flops fix_retry_ci fix_rnn_docs fix_tensor_type fix_undefined_var fixiscan fixiscan1 fixiscan2 fixiscan3 improve_sccache incubate/infrt inplace_addto make_flag_adding_easier move_embedding_to_phi move_histogram_to_pten move_sgd_to_phi move_slice_to_pten move_temporal_shift_to_phi move_yolo_box_to_phi npu_fix_alloc paralleltest preln_ernie prv-disable-more-cache prv-md-even-more prv-onednn-2.5 pten_tensor_refactor release/2.2 release/2.3 release/2.3-fc-ernie-fix release/2.4 revert-33475-fix_cifar_label_dimension revert-34159-add_npu_bce_logical_dev revert-34406-add_copy_from_tensor revert-34910-spinlocks_for_allocator revert-35069-revert-34910-spinlocks_for_allocator revert-36057-dev/read_flags_in_ut revert-36201-refine_fast_threaded_ssa_graph_executor revert-36985-add_license revert-37318-refactor_dygraph_to_eager revert-37926-eager_coreops_500 revert-37956-revert-37727-pylayer_support_tuple revert-38100-mingdong revert-38301-allocation_rearrange_pr revert-38703-numpy_bf16_package_reupload revert-38732-remove_useless_header_in_elementwise_mul_grad revert-38959-Reduce_Grad revert-39143-adjust_empty revert-39227-move_trace_op_to_pten revert-39268-dev/remove_concat_fluid_kernel revert-40170-support_partial_grad revert-41056-revert-40727-move_some_activaion_to_phi revert-41065-revert-40993-mv_ele_floordiv_pow revert-41068-revert-40790-phi_new revert-41944-smaller_inference_api_test revert-42149-do-not-reset-default-stream-for-stream-safe-cuda-allocator revert-43155-fix_ut_tempfile revert-43882-revert-41944-smaller_inference_api_test revert-45808-phi/simplify_size_op revert-46827-deform_comment support_weight_transpose zhiqiu-patch-1 v2.4.0-rc0 v2.3.2 v2.3.1 v2.3.0 v2.3.0-rc0 v2.2.2 v2.2.1 v2.2.0 v2.2.0-rc0 v2.2.0-bak0
# Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from paddle.fluid import core
__all__ = []
for name in dir(core.ops):
globals()[name] = getattr(core.ops, name)
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import paddle
from .fleet import fleet
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddle.fluid.core as core
from paddle import _C_ops
import paddle.fluid.dygraph_utils as dygraph_utils
__all__ = []
......@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ def barrier(group=None):
temp = fill_constant([1], dtype="int32", value="1")
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.barrier(temp, temp, 'ring_id', ring_id)
return _C_ops.barrier(temp, temp, 'ring_id', ring_id)
op_type = 'barrier'
......@@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ def wait(tensor, group=None, use_calc_stream=True):
def _sync_calc_stream(tensor):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.c_sync_calc_stream(tensor, tensor)
return _C_ops.c_sync_calc_stream(tensor, tensor)
op_type = 'c_sync_calc_stream'
......@@ -332,8 +333,7 @@ def _sync_calc_stream(tensor):
def _sync_comm_stream(tensor, ring_id=0):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.c_sync_comm_stream([tensor], [tensor], 'ring_id',
return _C_ops.c_sync_comm_stream([tensor], [tensor], 'ring_id', ring_id)
op_type = 'c_sync_comm_stream'
......@@ -391,9 +391,9 @@ def broadcast(tensor, src, group=None, use_calc_stream=True):
assert gsrc >= 0, ("src rank out of group, need global rank")
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.c_broadcast(tensor, tensor, 'root', gsrc,
'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream,
'ring_id', ring_id)
return _C_ops.c_broadcast(tensor, tensor, 'root', gsrc,
'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream, 'ring_id',
op_type = 'c_broadcast'
......@@ -453,17 +453,17 @@ def all_reduce(tensor, op=ReduceOp.SUM, group=None, use_calc_stream=True):
ring_id = 0 if group is None else group.id
if in_dygraph_mode():
if op == ReduceOp.SUM:
return core.ops.c_allreduce_sum_(
tensor, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id)
return _C_ops.c_allreduce_sum_(tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id)
elif op == ReduceOp.MAX:
return core.ops.c_allreduce_max_(
tensor, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id)
return _C_ops.c_allreduce_max_(tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id)
elif op == ReduceOp.MIN:
return core.ops.c_allreduce_min_(
tensor, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id)
return _C_ops.c_allreduce_min_(tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id)
elif op == ReduceOp.PROD:
return core.ops.c_allreduce_prod_(
tensor, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id)
return _C_ops.c_allreduce_prod_(tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id)
raise ValueError("Unknown parameter: {}.".format(op))
......@@ -539,21 +539,21 @@ def reduce(tensor, dst, op=ReduceOp.SUM, group=None, use_calc_stream=True):
if in_dygraph_mode():
if op == ReduceOp.SUM:
return core.ops.c_reduce_sum(tensor, tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id,
'root_id', gdst)
return _C_ops.c_reduce_sum(tensor, tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id,
'root_id', gdst)
elif op == ReduceOp.MAX:
return core.ops.c_reduce_max(tensor, tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id,
'root_id', gdst)
return _C_ops.c_reduce_max(tensor, tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id,
'root_id', gdst)
elif op == ReduceOp.MIN:
return core.ops.c_reduce_min(tensor, tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id,
'root_id', gdst)
return _C_ops.c_reduce_min(tensor, tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id,
'root_id', gdst)
elif op == ReduceOp.PROD:
return core.ops.c_reduce_prod(tensor, tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id,
'root_id', gdst)
return _C_ops.c_reduce_prod(tensor, tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id,
'root_id', gdst)
raise ValueError("Unknown parameter: {}.".format(op))
......@@ -637,8 +637,8 @@ def all_gather(tensor_list, tensor, group=None, use_calc_stream=True):
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype=tensor.dtype)
if in_dygraph_mode():
core.ops.c_allgather(tensor, out, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream,
'ring_id', ring_id, 'nranks', nranks)
_C_ops.c_allgather(tensor, out, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream,
'ring_id', ring_id, 'nranks', nranks)
if not isinstance(tensor_list, list):
raise ValueError("The type of 'tensor_list' for all_gather "
......@@ -725,9 +725,9 @@ def scatter(tensor, tensor_list=None, src=0, group=None, use_calc_stream=True):
temp = paddle.concat(tensor_list, axis=0)
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.c_scatter(temp, tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id, 'nranks',
nranks, 'root', gsrc)
return _C_ops.c_scatter(temp, tensor, 'use_calc_stream',
use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id, 'nranks',
nranks, 'root', gsrc)
op_type = 'c_scatter'
tensor, 'tensor', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -762,8 +762,8 @@ def _c_identity(tensor, group=None):
ring_id = 0 if group is None else group.id
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.c_identity(tensor, 'use_calc_stream', True, 'ring_id',
ring_id, 'use_model_parallel', True)
return _C_ops.c_identity(tensor, 'use_calc_stream', True, 'ring_id',
ring_id, 'use_model_parallel', True)
op_type = 'c_identity'
helper = LayerHelper(op_type, **locals())
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype=tensor.dtype)
......@@ -805,9 +805,9 @@ def _c_concat(tensor, group=None):
nranks = _get_global_env().world_size if group is None else group.nranks
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.c_concat(tensor, 'ring_id', ring_id, 'use_calc_stream',
True, 'rank', rank, 'nranks', nranks,
'use_model_parallel', True)
return _C_ops.c_concat(tensor, 'ring_id', ring_id, 'use_calc_stream',
True, 'rank', rank, 'nranks', nranks,
'use_model_parallel', True)
op_type = 'c_concat'
helper = LayerHelper(op_type, **locals())
......@@ -853,9 +853,9 @@ def _c_split(tensor, group=None):
nranks = _get_global_env().world_size if group is None else group.nranks
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.c_split(tensor, 'use_calc_stream', True, 'ring_id',
ring_id, 'rank', rank, 'nranks', nranks,
'use_model_parallel', True)
return _C_ops.c_split(tensor, 'use_calc_stream', True, 'ring_id',
ring_id, 'rank', rank, 'nranks', nranks,
'use_model_parallel', True)
op_type = 'c_split'
helper = LayerHelper(op_type, **locals())
......@@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ def _mp_allreduce(tensor,
if in_dygraph_mode():
if op == ReduceOp.SUM:
return core.ops.c_allreduce_sum_(
return _C_ops.c_allreduce_sum_(
tensor, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream, 'ring_id', ring_id,
"use_model_parallel", use_model_parallel)
......@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ def _c_lookup_table(table, index, start_index=0, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.c_embedding(table, index, "start_index", start_index)
return _C_ops.c_embedding(table, index, "start_index", start_index)
op_type = 'c_embedding'
helper = LayerHelper(op_type, **locals())
......@@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ def _c_softmax_with_cross_entropy(logits,
label = paddle.unsqueeze(label, axis=-1)
if in_dygraph_mode():
softmax, loss = core.ops.c_softmax_with_cross_entropy(
softmax, loss = _C_ops.c_softmax_with_cross_entropy(
logits, label, 'ring_id', ring_id, 'rank', rank, 'nranks', nranks)
if not return_softmax:
return loss
......@@ -1043,8 +1043,8 @@ def _linear(x, weight, bias=None, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
pre_bias = _varbase_creator(dtype=x.dtype)
core.ops.matmul(x, weight, pre_bias, 'transpose_X', False,
'transpose_Y', False, "alpha", 1)
_C_ops.matmul(x, weight, pre_bias, 'transpose_X', False, 'transpose_Y',
False, "alpha", 1)
return dygraph_utils._append_bias_in_dygraph(
pre_bias, bias, axis=len(x.shape) - 1)
......@@ -1491,8 +1491,8 @@ def alltoall(in_tensor_list, out_tensor_list, group=None, use_calc_stream=True):
ring_id = 0 if group is None else group.id
temp = paddle.concat(in_tensor_list, axis=0)
if in_dygraph_mode():
core.ops.alltoall_(temp, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream, 'ring_id',
_C_ops.alltoall_(temp, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream, 'ring_id',
op_type = 'alltoall'
helper = LayerHelper(op_type, **locals())
......@@ -1557,8 +1557,8 @@ def send(tensor, dst=0, group=None, use_calc_stream=True):
ring_id = 0 if group is None else group.id
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.send_v2(tensor, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream,
'ring_id', ring_id, 'peer', dst)
return _C_ops.send_v2(tensor, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream,
'ring_id', ring_id, 'peer', dst)
op_type = 'send_v2'
tensor, 'tensor', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -1607,9 +1607,9 @@ def recv(tensor, src=0, group=None, use_calc_stream=True):
ring_id = 0 if group is None else group.id
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.recv_v2(tensor, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream,
'ring_id', ring_id, 'peer', src, 'dtype',
tensor.dtype, 'out_shape', tensor.shape)
return _C_ops.recv_v2(tensor, 'use_calc_stream', use_calc_stream,
'ring_id', ring_id, 'peer', src, 'dtype',
tensor.dtype, 'out_shape', tensor.shape)
op_type = 'recv_v2'
tensor, 'tensor', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from paddle.fluid.framework import Variable
import types
from paddle.fluid import core
import paddle
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -64,8 +65,8 @@ class HybridParallelGradScaler:
param._grad_ivar() for param in optimizer._parameter_list
if param._grad_ivar() is not None
core.ops.check_finite_and_unscale(param_grads, self._scale, param_grads,
_C_ops.check_finite_and_unscale(param_grads, self._scale, param_grads,
# allreduce_max found_inf in check_group
if not self._use_dp_mode:
self._found_inf = paddle.cast(self._found_inf, dtype="int32")
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import numpy as np
import warnings
from .fluid.data_feeder import convert_dtype, check_variable_and_dtype, check_type, check_dtype
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = ['Distribution', 'Uniform', 'Normal', 'Categorical']
......@@ -151,8 +152,8 @@ class Distribution(object):
"dtype of input 'value' needs to be the same as parameters of distribution class. dtype of 'value' will be converted."
return core.ops.cast(value, 'in_dtype', value.dtype,
'out_dtype', param.dtype)
return _C_ops.cast(value, 'in_dtype', value.dtype, 'out_dtype',
return value
check_variable_and_dtype(value, 'value', ['float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -328,10 +329,10 @@ class Uniform(Distribution):
lb_bool = self.low < value
ub_bool = value < self.high
lb = core.ops.cast(lb_bool, 'in_dtype', lb_bool.dtype, 'out_dtype',
ub = core.ops.cast(ub_bool, 'in_dtype', ub_bool.dtype, 'out_dtype',
lb = _C_ops.cast(lb_bool, 'in_dtype', lb_bool.dtype, 'out_dtype',
ub = _C_ops.cast(ub_bool, 'in_dtype', ub_bool.dtype, 'out_dtype',
return nn.log(lb * ub) - nn.log(self.high - self.low)
name = self.name + '_log_prob'
......@@ -357,10 +358,10 @@ class Uniform(Distribution):
lb_bool = self.low < value
ub_bool = value < self.high
lb = core.ops.cast(lb_bool, 'in_dtype', lb_bool.dtype, 'out_dtype',
ub = core.ops.cast(ub_bool, 'in_dtype', ub_bool.dtype, 'out_dtype',
lb = _C_ops.cast(lb_bool, 'in_dtype', lb_bool.dtype, 'out_dtype',
ub = _C_ops.cast(ub_bool, 'in_dtype', ub_bool.dtype, 'out_dtype',
return (lb * ub) / (self.high - self.low)
name = self.name + '_probs'
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ from paddle.fluid.param_attr import ParamAttr
from paddle.fluid.framework import Variable, convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_
from paddle.fluid.layers import slice, reshape
import warnings
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = [
'fused_elemwise_activation', 'sequence_topk_avg_pooling', 'var_conv_2d',
......@@ -1540,7 +1541,7 @@ def bilateral_slice(x, guide, grid, has_offset, name=None):
if paddle.fluid.in_dygraph_mode():
attrs = ('has_offset', has_offset)
return getattr(core.ops, "bilateral_slice")(x, grid, guide, *attrs)
return getattr(_C_ops, "bilateral_slice")(x, grid, guide, *attrs)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64'], 'bilateral_slice')
check_variable_and_dtype(guide, 'guide', ['float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -1616,7 +1617,7 @@ def correlation(x,
attrs = ("pad_size", pad_size, "kernel_size", kernel_size,
"max_displacement", max_displacement, "stride1", stride1,
"stride2", stride2, "corr_type_multiply", corr_type_multiply)
output = getattr(core.ops, "correlation")(x, y, *attrs)
output = getattr(_C_ops, "correlation")(x, y, *attrs)
helper = LayerHelper("correlation", **locals())
output = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype=x.dtype)
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from paddle.fluid import unique_name
from paddle.fluid import layers
from paddle.fluid.layer_helper import LayerHelper
import warnings
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = ['Momentum']
......@@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ class Momentum(Optimizer):
lr = self._create_param_lr(param_and_grad)
if framework.in_dygraph_mode():
_, _ = core.ops.momentum(
_, _ = _C_ops.momentum(
param_and_grad[0], param_and_grad[1], velocity_acc, lr,
param_and_grad[0], velocity_acc, 'mu', self._momentum,
'use_nesterov', self._use_nesterov, 'regularization_method',
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from paddle.fluid.data_feeder import check_type
from ...wrapped_decorator import signature_safe_contextmanager, wrap_decorator
import warnings
import numpy as np
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = ['AmpScaler']
......@@ -215,8 +216,8 @@ class AmpScaler(object):
param._grad_ivar() for param in optimizer._parameter_list
if param._grad_ivar() is not None
core.ops.check_finite_and_unscale(param_grads, self._scale, param_grads,
_C_ops.check_finite_and_unscale(param_grads, self._scale, param_grads,
def _update(self):
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from paddle.fluid.dygraph.dygraph_to_static.return_transformer import RETURN_NO_
from paddle.fluid.layers.utils import flatten
from paddle.fluid.layers.utils import pack_sequence_as
import paddle.compat as cpt
from paddle import _C_ops
class NestSequence(object):
......@@ -228,7 +229,7 @@ class PartialProgramLayer:
attrs = ('global_block', self.program.desc.block(0), 'start_op_index',
0, 'end_op_index', self._infer_program.desc.block(0).op_size(),
'is_test', not self.training)
self._valid_vars(out_vars), self._tmp_scope_vec, self._double_grads,
......@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ from ..wrapped_decorator import wrap_decorator
from ..framework import in_dygraph_mode
import warnings
import paddle
from paddle import _C_ops
# NOTE(pangyoki): The Inplace APIs with underline(`_`) is only valid for the method of calling `core.ops`
# NOTE(pangyoki): The Inplace APIs with underline(`_`) is only valid for the method of calling `_C_ops`
# in dygraph mode. If static mode is used, the inplace mechanism will not be used, and the static method
# of the original API will be called.
def _inplace_apis_in_dygraph_only_(func):
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from . import no_grad
import numpy as np
import warnings
from paddle import _C_ops
_supported_int_dtype_ = [
......@@ -67,8 +68,8 @@ def monkey_patch_math_varbase():
def create_tensor(value, dtype, shape):
out = _varbase_creator(dtype=dtype)
out = core.ops.fill_constant(out, 'dtype', dtype, 'shape', shape,
'value', value, 'force_cpu', False)
out = _C_ops.fill_constant(out, 'dtype', dtype, 'shape', shape, 'value',
value, 'force_cpu', False)
out.stop_gradient = True
return out
......@@ -100,10 +101,10 @@ def monkey_patch_math_varbase():
if not isinstance(dtype, core.VarDesc.VarType):
dtype = convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_(dtype)
return core.ops.cast(self, 'in_dtype', self.dtype, 'out_dtype', dtype)
return _C_ops.cast(self, 'in_dtype', self.dtype, 'out_dtype', dtype)
def _scalar_elementwise_op_(var, scale, bias):
return core.ops.scale(var, 'scale', scale, 'bias', bias)
return _C_ops.scale(var, 'scale', scale, 'bias', bias)
def _neg_(var):
return _scalar_elementwise_op_(var, -1.0, 0.0)
......@@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ def monkey_patch_math_varbase():
# 4. calculation
axis = -1
math_op = getattr(core.ops, op_type)
math_op = getattr(_C_ops, op_type)
return math_op(self, other_var, 'axis', axis)
comment = OpProtoHolder.instance().get_op_proto(op_type).comment
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import numbers
import logging
import os
import paddle.utils.deprecated as deprecated
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = [
'Conv2D', 'Conv3D', 'Pool2D', 'Linear', 'BatchNorm', 'Dropout', 'Embedding',
......@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ class Conv2D(layers.Layer):
'dilations', self._dilation, 'groups', self._groups
if self._groups else 1, 'use_cudnn', self._use_cudnn,
'use_mkldnn', self._use_mkldnn)
out = core.ops.conv2d(input, self.weight, *attrs)
out = _C_ops.conv2d(input, self.weight, *attrs)
pre_bias = out
pre_act = dygraph_utils._append_bias_in_dygraph(
......@@ -866,7 +867,7 @@ class Pool2D(layers.Layer):
'use_cudnn', self._use_cudnn, 'ceil_mode', self._ceil_mode,
'use_mkldnn', self._use_mkldnn, 'exclusive',
self._exclusive, 'data_format', self._data_format)
return core.ops.pool2d(input, *attrs)
return _C_ops.pool2d(input, *attrs)
input, 'input', ['int8', 'uint8', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -971,9 +972,9 @@ class Linear(layers.Layer):
def forward(self, input):
if in_dygraph_mode():
pre_bias = _varbase_creator(dtype=input.dtype)
core.ops.matmul(input, self.weight, pre_bias, 'transpose_X', False,
'transpose_Y', False, "alpha", 1, "use_mkldnn",
_C_ops.matmul(input, self.weight, pre_bias, 'transpose_X', False,
'transpose_Y', False, "alpha", 1, "use_mkldnn",
pre_act = dygraph_utils._append_bias_in_dygraph(
......@@ -1116,8 +1117,8 @@ class InstanceNorm(layers.Layer):
def forward(self, input):
if in_dygraph_mode():
out, _, _ = core.ops.instance_norm(input, self.scale, self.bias,
'epsilon', self._epsilon)
out, _, _ = _C_ops.instance_norm(input, self.scale, self.bias,
'epsilon', self._epsilon)
return out
check_variable_and_dtype(input, 'input', ['float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -1337,7 +1338,7 @@ class BatchNorm(layers.Layer):
"fuse_with_relu", self._fuse_with_relu, "use_global_stats",
self._use_global_stats, 'trainable_statistics',
batch_norm_out, _, _, _, _, _ = core.ops.batch_norm(
batch_norm_out, _, _, _, _, _ = _C_ops.batch_norm(
input, self.weight, self.bias, self._mean, self._variance,
mean_out, variance_out, *attrs)
return dygraph_utils._append_activation_in_dygraph(
......@@ -1488,7 +1489,7 @@ class Dropout(layers.Layer):
if in_dygraph_mode():
attrs = sum(attrs.items(), ())
out, mask = core.ops.dropout(input, *attrs)
out, mask = _C_ops.dropout(input, *attrs)
return out
out = self._helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype=input.dtype)
......@@ -1640,7 +1641,7 @@ class Embedding(layers.Layer):
def forward(self, input):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.lookup_table_v2(
return _C_ops.lookup_table_v2(
self.weight, input, 'is_sparse', self._is_sparse,
'is_distributed', self._is_distributed, 'remote_prefetch',
self._remote_prefetch, 'padding_idx', self._padding_idx)
......@@ -1794,7 +1795,7 @@ class LayerNorm(layers.Layer):
1:] + ', but got input shape ' + str(input_shape))
if in_dygraph_mode():
pre_act, _, _ = core.ops.layer_norm(
pre_act, _, _ = _C_ops.layer_norm(
input, self.weight, self.bias, 'epsilon', self._epsilon,
'begin_norm_axis', self._begin_norm_axis)
return dygraph_utils._append_activation_in_dygraph(
......@@ -1979,7 +1980,7 @@ class GRUUnit(layers.Layer):
def forward(self, input, hidden):
if in_dygraph_mode():
gate, reset_hidden_pre, updated_hidden = core.ops.gru_unit(
gate, reset_hidden_pre, updated_hidden = _C_ops.gru_unit(
input, hidden, self.weight, self.bias, 'activation',
self.activation, 'gate_activation', self.gate_activation)
return updated_hidden, reset_hidden_pre, gate
......@@ -2665,7 +2666,7 @@ class Conv2DTranspose(layers.Layer):
def forward(self, input):
if in_dygraph_mode():
op = getattr(core.ops, self._op_type)
op = getattr(_C_ops, self._op_type)
out = op(input, self.weight, 'output_size', self._output_size,
'strides', self._stride, 'paddings', self._padding,
'dilations', self._dilation, 'groups', self._groups,
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
from . import core
from .framework import dygraph_only
from paddle import _C_ops
......@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ def _append_activation_in_dygraph(input,
if use_mkldnn:
attrs += ('use_mkldnn', use_mkldnn)
act_op = getattr(core.ops, act)
act_op = getattr(_C_ops, act)
return act_op(input, *attrs)
......@@ -59,5 +60,5 @@ def _append_bias_in_dygraph(input, bias=None, axis=1, use_mkldnn=False):
if bias is None:
return input
return core.ops.elementwise_add(input, bias, 'axis', axis, 'use_mkldnn',
return _C_ops.elementwise_add(input, bias, 'axis', axis, 'use_mkldnn',
......@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ from functools import reduce, partial
from ..data_feeder import convert_dtype, check_variable_and_dtype, check_type, check_dtype
from ... import compat as cpt
from ..backward import _infer_var_data_type_shape_
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = [
'While', 'Switch', 'increment', 'array_write', 'create_array', 'less_than',
......@@ -3805,7 +3806,7 @@ def is_empty(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.is_empty(x)
return _C_ops.is_empty(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
from ..data_feeder import convert_dtype, check_variable_and_dtype, check_type, check_dtype
from paddle.utils import deprecated
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = [
......@@ -2990,7 +2991,7 @@ def generate_proposals(scores,
assert return_rois_num, "return_rois_num should be True in dygraph mode."
attrs = ('pre_nms_topN', pre_nms_top_n, 'post_nms_topN', post_nms_top_n,
'nms_thresh', nms_thresh, 'min_size', min_size, 'eta', eta)
rpn_rois, rpn_roi_probs, rpn_rois_num = core.ops.generate_proposals(
rpn_rois, rpn_roi_probs, rpn_rois_num = _C_ops.generate_proposals(
scores, bbox_deltas, im_info, anchors, variances, *attrs)
return rpn_rois, rpn_roi_probs, rpn_rois_num
......@@ -3756,7 +3757,7 @@ def distribute_fpn_proposals(fpn_rois,
assert rois_num is not None, "rois_num should not be None in dygraph mode."
attrs = ('min_level', min_level, 'max_level', max_level, 'refer_level',
refer_level, 'refer_scale', refer_scale)
multi_rois, restore_ind, rois_num_per_level = core.ops.distribute_fpn_proposals(
multi_rois, restore_ind, rois_num_per_level = _C_ops.distribute_fpn_proposals(
fpn_rois, rois_num, num_lvl, num_lvl, *attrs)
return multi_rois, restore_ind, rois_num_per_level
......@@ -3952,7 +3953,7 @@ def collect_fpn_proposals(multi_rois,
if in_dygraph_mode():
assert rois_num_per_level is not None, "rois_num_per_level should not be None in dygraph mode."
attrs = ('post_nms_topN', post_nms_top_n)
output_rois, rois_num = core.ops.collect_fpn_proposals(
output_rois, rois_num = _C_ops.collect_fpn_proposals(
input_rois, input_scores, rois_num_per_level, *attrs)
check_type(multi_rois, 'multi_rois', list, 'collect_fpn_proposals')
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from ..proto import framework_pb2
from ..framework import OpProtoHolder, Variable, core, convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_, in_dygraph_mode
from ..layer_helper import LayerHelper
from ..data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = [
'generate_layer_fn', 'generate_activation_fn', 'generate_inplace_fn',
......@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ def generate_activation_fn(op_type):
def func(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
op = getattr(core.ops, op_type)
op = getattr(_C_ops, op_type)
return op(x)
if op_type not in ["abs", "exp", "square"]:
......@@ -297,7 +298,7 @@ def generate_inplace_fn(inplace_op_type):
def func(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
op = getattr(core.ops, inplace_op_type)
op = getattr(_C_ops, inplace_op_type)
return op(x)
"In static mode, {}() is the same as {}() and does not perform inplace operation.".
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from ..param_attr import ParamAttr
from ..initializer import NumpyArrayInitializer, Constant
from .. import core
import warnings
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = [
......@@ -261,8 +262,8 @@ def cross_entropy(input, label, soft_label=False, ignore_index=kIgnoreIndex):
return cross_entropy2(input, label, ignore_index)
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.cross_entropy(input, label, "soft_label", soft_label,
"ignore_index", ignore_index)
return _C_ops.cross_entropy(input, label, "soft_label", soft_label,
"ignore_index", ignore_index)
inputs = {'X': [input], 'Label': [label]}
attrs = {"soft_label": soft_label, "ignore_index": ignore_index}
......@@ -278,8 +279,8 @@ def cross_entropy(input, label, soft_label=False, ignore_index=kIgnoreIndex):
def cross_entropy2(input, label, ignore_index=kIgnoreIndex):
if in_dygraph_mode():
loss, _, _ = core.ops.cross_entropy2(input, label, 'ignore_index',
loss, _, _ = _C_ops.cross_entropy2(input, label, 'ignore_index',
return loss
inputs = {'X': [input], 'Label': [label]}
......@@ -335,8 +336,8 @@ def square_error_cost(input, label):
if in_dygraph_mode():
minus_out = core.ops.elementwise_sub(input, label)
square_out = core.ops.square(minus_out)
minus_out = _C_ops.elementwise_sub(input, label)
square_out = _C_ops.square(minus_out)
return square_out
check_variable_and_dtype(input, "input", ['float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -600,7 +601,7 @@ def warpctc(input,
raise ValueError(
"input_length and label_length must not be None in dygraph mode!"
grad, loss_out = core.ops.warpctc(
grad, loss_out = _C_ops.warpctc(
......@@ -1260,12 +1261,12 @@ def softmax_with_cross_entropy(logits,
if in_dygraph_mode():
if core.is_compiled_with_npu():
softmax, backprop, loss = core.ops.softmax_with_cross_entropy(
softmax, backprop, loss = _C_ops.softmax_with_cross_entropy(
logits, label, 'soft_label', soft_label, 'ignore_index',
ignore_index, 'numeric_stable_mode', numeric_stable_mode,
'axis', axis)
softmax, loss = core.ops.softmax_with_cross_entropy(
softmax, loss = _C_ops.softmax_with_cross_entropy(
logits, label, 'soft_label', soft_label, 'ignore_index',
ignore_index, 'numeric_stable_mode', numeric_stable_mode,
'axis', axis)
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from .. import core
from ..param_attr import ParamAttr
from . import nn
from ..data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = ['accuracy', 'auc']
......@@ -84,8 +85,8 @@ def accuracy(input, label, k=1, correct=None, total=None):
total = _varbase_creator(dtype="int32")
topk_out, topk_indices = nn.topk(input, k=k)
_acc, _, _ = core.ops.accuracy(topk_out, topk_indices, label, correct,
_acc, _, _ = _C_ops.accuracy(topk_out, topk_indices, label, correct,
return _acc
helper = LayerHelper("accuracy", **locals())
......@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ from ...utils import deprecated
from ..data_feeder import convert_dtype, check_variable_and_dtype, check_type, check_dtype
import paddle
from paddle.utils import deprecated
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = [
......@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ def _elementwise_op_in_dygraph(x,
op = getattr(core.ops, op_name)
op = getattr(_C_ops, op_name)
out = op(x, y, 'axis', axis, 'use_mkldnn', use_mkldnn)
return dygraph_utils._append_activation_in_dygraph(
......@@ -1029,7 +1030,7 @@ def dropout(x,
seed = default_main_program().random_seed
if is_test is None:
is_test = not _dygraph_tracer()._train_mode
out, mask = core.ops.dropout(
out, mask = _C_ops.dropout(
x, 'dropout_prob', dropout_prob, 'is_test', is_test, 'fix_seed',
seed is not None, 'seed', seed if seed is not None else 0,
'dropout_implementation', dropout_implementation)
......@@ -1333,7 +1334,7 @@ def softmax(input, use_cudnn=True, name=None, axis=-1):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.softmax(input, 'axis', axis, 'use_cudnn', use_cudnn)
return _C_ops.softmax(input, 'axis', axis, 'use_cudnn', use_cudnn)
inputs = {"X": [input]}
attrs = {"axis": axis, "use_cudnn": use_cudnn}
......@@ -4415,8 +4416,8 @@ def reduce_sum(input, dim=None, keep_dim=False, name=None):
reduce_all = True if dim == None or dim == [] or len(dim) == len(
input.shape) else False
dim = dim if dim != None and dim != [] else [0]
return core.ops.reduce_sum(input, 'dim', dim, 'keep_dim', keep_dim,
'reduce_all', reduce_all)
return _C_ops.reduce_sum(input, 'dim', dim, 'keep_dim', keep_dim,
'reduce_all', reduce_all)
attrs = {
'dim': dim if dim != None and dim != [] else [0],
'keep_dim': keep_dim,
......@@ -4898,7 +4899,7 @@ def split(input, num_or_sections, dim=-1, name=None):
raise TypeError(
"The type of 'num_or_sections' in split must be int, list or tuple in imperative mode, but "
"received %s." % (type(num_or_sections)))
return core.ops.split(input, num, *attrs)
return _C_ops.split(input, num, *attrs)
input, 'input',
......@@ -5133,8 +5134,8 @@ def matmul(x, y, transpose_x=False, transpose_y=False, alpha=1.0, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
out = _varbase_creator(dtype=x.dtype)
core.ops.matmul(x, y, out, 'transpose_X', transpose_x, 'transpose_Y',
transpose_y, 'alpha', float(alpha))
_C_ops.matmul(x, y, out, 'transpose_X', transpose_x, 'transpose_Y',
transpose_y, 'alpha', float(alpha))
return out
def __check_input(x, y):
......@@ -5265,7 +5266,7 @@ def topk(input, k, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
_k = k.numpy().item(0) if isinstance(k, Variable) else k
out, indices = core.ops.top_k(input, 'k', _k)
out, indices = _C_ops.top_k(input, 'k', _k)
out.stop_gradient = True
indices.stop_gradient = True
return out, indices
......@@ -5508,7 +5509,7 @@ def transpose(x, perm, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
out, _ = core.ops.transpose2(x, 'axis', perm)
out, _ = _C_ops.transpose2(x, 'axis', perm)
return out
......@@ -5790,7 +5791,7 @@ def multiplex(inputs, index, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.multiplex(index, inputs)
return _C_ops.multiplex(index, inputs)
helper = LayerHelper('multiplex', **locals())
check_type(inputs, 'inputs', (list), 'multiplex')
......@@ -5976,8 +5977,8 @@ def one_hot(input, depth, allow_out_of_range=False):
assert depth.shape == (
1, ), "depth of type Variable should have shape [1]"
depth = depth.item(0)
out = core.ops.one_hot(input, 'depth', depth, 'allow_out_of_range',
out = _C_ops.one_hot(input, 'depth', depth, 'allow_out_of_range',
out.stop_gradient = True
return out
......@@ -6158,10 +6159,10 @@ def reshape(x, shape, actual_shape=None, act=None, inplace=False, name=None):
item.numpy().item(0) if isinstance(item, Variable) else item
for item in shape
out, _ = core.ops.reshape2(x, None, 'shape', shape)
out, _ = _C_ops.reshape2(x, None, 'shape', shape)
elif isinstance(shape, Variable):
shape.stop_gradient = True
out, _ = core.ops.reshape2(x, shape)
out, _ = _C_ops.reshape2(x, shape)
return dygraph_utils._append_activation_in_dygraph(out, act)
......@@ -6282,7 +6283,7 @@ def squeeze(input, axes, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
out, _ = core.ops.squeeze2(input, 'axes', axes)
out, _ = _C_ops.squeeze2(input, 'axes', axes)
return out
helper = LayerHelper("squeeze", **locals())
......@@ -6342,7 +6343,7 @@ def unsqueeze(input, axes, name=None):
item.numpy().item(0) if isinstance(item, Variable) else item
for item in axes
out, _ = core.ops.unsqueeze2(input, 'axes', axes)
out, _ = _C_ops.unsqueeze2(input, 'axes', axes)
return out
check_type(axes, 'axis/axes', (int, list, tuple, Variable), 'unsqueeze')
......@@ -6865,8 +6866,7 @@ def label_smooth(label,
raise ValueError("The value of epsilon must be between 0 and 1.")
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.label_smooth(label, prior_dist, 'epsilon',
return _C_ops.label_smooth(label, prior_dist, 'epsilon', float(epsilon))
check_variable_and_dtype(label, 'label', ['float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -6957,7 +6957,7 @@ def roi_pool(input,
if in_dygraph_mode():
assert rois_num is not None, "rois_num should not be None in dygraph mode."
pool_out, argmaxes = core.ops.roi_pool(
pool_out, argmaxes = _C_ops.roi_pool(
input, rois, rois_num, "pooled_height", pooled_height,
"pooled_width", pooled_width, "spatial_scale", spatial_scale)
return pool_out, argmaxes
......@@ -7045,7 +7045,7 @@ def roi_align(input,
if in_dygraph_mode():
assert rois_num is not None, "rois_num should not be None in dygraph mode."
align_out = core.ops.roi_align(
align_out = _C_ops.roi_align(
input, rois, rois_num, "pooled_height", pooled_height,
"pooled_width", pooled_width, "spatial_scale", spatial_scale,
"sampling_ratio", sampling_ratio)
......@@ -8314,7 +8314,7 @@ def gather(input, index, overwrite=True):
output = fluid.layers.gather(x, index)
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.gather(input, index, None, 'overwrite', overwrite)
return _C_ops.gather(input, index, None, 'overwrite', overwrite)
input, 'x',
......@@ -8405,7 +8405,7 @@ def gather_nd(input, index, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.gather_nd(input, index)
return _C_ops.gather_nd(input, index)
check_variable_and_dtype(input, 'input',
['bool', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -8578,7 +8578,7 @@ def scatter_nd_add(ref, index, updates, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
op = getattr(core.ops, 'scatter_nd_add')
op = getattr(_C_ops, 'scatter_nd_add')
return op(ref, index, updates)
if ref.dtype != updates.dtype:
......@@ -8724,7 +8724,7 @@ def log(x, name=None):
# [[0.693147, 1.09861, 1.38629], [1.94591, 2.07944, 2.19722]]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.log(x)
return _C_ops.log(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64'], "log")
inputs = {'X': [x]}
......@@ -8764,7 +8764,7 @@ def relu(x, name=None):
# [1. 2.6]]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.relu(x)
return _C_ops.relu(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'relu')
......@@ -8890,7 +8890,7 @@ def mean_iou(input, label, num_classes):
mean_iou, out_wrong, out_correct = paddle.metric.mean_iou(predict, label, num_classes)
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.mean_iou(input, label, 'num_classes', num_classes)
return _C_ops.mean_iou(input, label, 'num_classes', num_classes)
helper = LayerHelper('mean_iou', **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(input, 'Predictions', ['int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -9390,8 +9390,8 @@ def pad2d(input,
if in_dygraph_mode():
_paddings = paddings.numpy().tolist() if isinstance(
paddings, Variable) else paddings
return core.ops.pad2d(input, 'mode', mode, 'pad_value', pad_value,
'data_format', data_format, 'paddings', _paddings)
return _C_ops.pad2d(input, 'mode', mode, 'pad_value', pad_value,
'data_format', data_format, 'paddings', _paddings)
input, 'input', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -9587,7 +9587,7 @@ def stanh(x, scale_a=0.67, scale_b=1.7159, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.stanh(x, 'scale_a', scale_a, 'scale_b', scale_b)
return _C_ops.stanh(x, 'scale_a', scale_a, 'scale_b', scale_b)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'stanh')
......@@ -9629,7 +9629,7 @@ def hard_sigmoid(x, slope=0.2, offset=0.5, name=None):
result = fluid.layers.hard_sigmoid(data) # [[0.6, 0.6], [0.6, 0.6], [0.6, 0.6]]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.hard_sigmoid(x, 'slope', slope, 'offset', offset)
return _C_ops.hard_sigmoid(x, 'slope', slope, 'offset', offset)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -9839,7 +9839,7 @@ def brelu(x, t_min=0.0, t_max=24.0, name=None):
#[ 1. 10.]]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.brelu(x, 't_min', t_min, 't_max', t_max)
return _C_ops.brelu(x, 't_min', t_min, 't_max', t_max)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'brelu')
......@@ -10098,7 +10098,7 @@ def stack(x, axis=0, name=None):
axis = 0 if axis is None else axis
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.stack(x, 'axis', axis)
return _C_ops.stack(x, 'axis', axis)
if not isinstance(x, list) and not isinstance(x, tuple):
# NOTE:(zhiqiu) Only support Variable as input if the Variable is a LOD_TENSOR_ARRAY create by create_array, array_write, array_read, etc.
......@@ -10251,7 +10251,7 @@ def unstack(x, axis=0, num=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
if num == None:
num = x.shape[axis]
return core.ops.unstack(x, num, 'axis', int(axis), 'num', num)
return _C_ops.unstack(x, num, 'axis', int(axis), 'num', num)
helper = LayerHelper('unstack', **locals())
if num is None:
......@@ -10347,7 +10347,7 @@ def expand(x, expand_times, name=None):
expand_times_tensor = expand_times
expand_times_tensor.stop_gradient = True
return core.ops.expand(x, expand_times_tensor, *attrs)
return _C_ops.expand(x, expand_times_tensor, *attrs)
inputs = {"X": [x]}
attrs = {}
......@@ -10455,7 +10455,7 @@ def expand_as(x, target_tensor, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.expand_as(x, target_tensor)
return _C_ops.expand_as(x, target_tensor)
x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64', 'bool'], 'expand_as')
......@@ -10671,10 +10671,9 @@ def gaussian_random(shape,
if in_dygraph_mode():
shape = utils.convert_shape_to_list(shape)
return core.ops.gaussian_random('shape', shape, 'mean',
float(mean), 'std',
float(std), 'seed', seed, 'dtype',
return _C_ops.gaussian_random('shape', shape, 'mean',
float(mean), 'std',
float(std), 'seed', seed, 'dtype', dtype)
check_type(shape, 'shape', (list, tuple, Variable), 'gaussian_random/randn')
check_dtype(dtype, 'dtype', ['float32', 'float64'], 'gaussian_random/randn')
......@@ -10979,8 +10978,8 @@ def slice(input, axes, starts, ends):
ends_tensor.stop_gradient = True
infer_flags = list(-1 for i in range(len(axes)))
return core.ops.slice(input, starts_tensor, ends_tensor, 'axes', axes,
'infer_flags', infer_flags, *attrs)
return _C_ops.slice(input, starts_tensor, ends_tensor, 'axes', axes,
'infer_flags', infer_flags, *attrs)
if not isinstance(starts, (list, tuple, Variable)):
raise ValueError(
......@@ -11370,7 +11369,7 @@ def size(input):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.size(input)
return _C_ops.size(input)
input, 'input',
['bool', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'], "size")
......@@ -11459,9 +11458,9 @@ def scale(x, scale=1.0, bias=0.0, bias_after_scale=True, act=None, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
_scale = scale.numpy().item(0) if isinstance(scale, Variable) else scale
out = core.ops.scale(x, 'scale',
float(_scale), 'bias',
float(bias), 'bias_after_scale', bias_after_scale)
out = _C_ops.scale(x, 'scale',
float(_scale), 'bias',
float(bias), 'bias_after_scale', bias_after_scale)
return dygraph_utils._append_activation_in_dygraph(out)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, "x", [
......@@ -12147,7 +12146,7 @@ Examples:
def _logical_op(op_name, x, y, out=None, name=None, binary_op=True):
if in_dygraph_mode():
op = getattr(core.ops, op_name)
op = getattr(_C_ops, op_name)
if binary_op:
return op(x, y)
......@@ -12404,7 +12403,7 @@ def clip_by_norm(x, max_norm, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.clip_by_norm(x, 'max_norm', max_norm)
return _C_ops.clip_by_norm(x, 'max_norm', max_norm)
helper = LayerHelper("clip_by_norm", **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'X', ['float32'], 'clip_by_norm')
......@@ -12449,7 +12448,7 @@ def mean(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.mean(x)
return _C_ops.mean(x)
helper = LayerHelper("mean", **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'mean')
......@@ -12530,8 +12529,8 @@ def mul(x, y, x_num_col_dims=1, y_num_col_dims=1, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.mul(x, y, 'x_num_col_dims', x_num_col_dims,
'y_num_col_dims', y_num_col_dims)
return _C_ops.mul(x, y, 'x_num_col_dims', x_num_col_dims,
'y_num_col_dims', y_num_col_dims)
inputs = {"X": [x], "Y": [y]}
attrs = {"x_num_col_dims": x_num_col_dims, "y_num_col_dims": y_num_col_dims}
......@@ -13156,8 +13155,7 @@ def add_position_encoding(input, alpha, beta, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.add_position_encoding(input, "alpha", alpha, "beta",
return _C_ops.add_position_encoding(input, "alpha", alpha, "beta", beta)
helper = LayerHelper('add_position_encoding', **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(input, 'input', ['float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -13411,8 +13409,8 @@ def temporal_shift(x, seg_num, shift_ratio=0.25, name=None, data_format="NCHW"):
raise ValueError("Attr(data_format) should be 'NCHW' or 'NHWC'. "
"Received Attr(data_format): {}.".format(data_format))
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.temporal_shift(x, 'seg_num', seg_num, 'shift_ratio',
shift_ratio, 'data_format', data_format)
return _C_ops.temporal_shift(x, 'seg_num', seg_num, 'shift_ratio',
shift_ratio, 'data_format', data_format)
helper = LayerHelper("temporal_shift", **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64'], 'temporal_shift')
......@@ -14107,7 +14105,7 @@ def where(condition):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.where_index(condition)
return _C_ops.where_index(condition)
helper = LayerHelper("where_index", **locals())
......@@ -14890,8 +14888,8 @@ def hard_swish(x, threshold=6.0, scale=6.0, offset=3.0, name=None):
print(out) # [[0.66666667, 1.66666667,3., 4.]]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.hard_swish(x, 'threshold', threshold, 'scale', scale,
'offset', offset)
return _C_ops.hard_swish(x, 'threshold', threshold, 'scale', scale,
'offset', offset)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -15045,7 +15043,7 @@ def gather_tree(ids, parents):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.gather_tree(ids, parents)
return _C_ops.gather_tree(ids, parents)
helper = LayerHelper('gather_tree', **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(ids, 'ids', ['int32', 'int64'], 'gather_tree')
......@@ -15143,9 +15141,9 @@ def uniform_random(shape, dtype='float32', min=-1.0, max=1.0, seed=0,
if in_dygraph_mode():
shape = utils.convert_shape_to_list(shape)
return core.ops.uniform_random('shape', shape, 'min',
float(min), 'max',
float(max), 'seed', seed, 'dtype', dtype)
return _C_ops.uniform_random('shape', shape, 'min',
float(min), 'max',
float(max), 'seed', seed, 'dtype', dtype)
check_type(shape, 'shape', (list, tuple, Variable), 'uniform_random/rand')
check_dtype(dtype, 'dtype', ('float32', 'float64', 'uint16'),
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ from ..data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype, check_type, check_dtype, con
from paddle.utils import deprecated
from .utils import check_shape
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = [
......@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ def cast(x, dtype):
if in_dygraph_mode():
if not isinstance(dtype, core.VarDesc.VarType):
dtype = convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_(dtype)
out = core.ops.cast(x, 'in_dtype', x.dtype, 'out_dtype', dtype)
out = _C_ops.cast(x, 'in_dtype', x.dtype, 'out_dtype', dtype)
return out
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', [
......@@ -313,7 +314,7 @@ def concat(input, axis=0, name=None):
if isinstance(axis, Variable):
axis = axis.numpy()
axis = axis.item(0)
return core.ops.concat(input, 'axis', axis)
return _C_ops.concat(input, 'axis', axis)
check_type(input, 'input', (list, tuple, Variable), 'concat')
if not isinstance(input, Variable):
......@@ -721,10 +722,10 @@ def fill_constant(shape, dtype, value, force_cpu=False, out=None, name=None):
attrs['str_value'] = str(float(value.numpy().item(0)))
core.ops.fill_constant(out, 'value',
float(value), 'force_cpu', force_cpu, 'dtype',
out.dtype, 'str_value', attrs['str_value'],
'shape', shape)
_C_ops.fill_constant(out, 'value',
float(value), 'force_cpu', force_cpu, 'dtype',
out.dtype, 'str_value', attrs['str_value'],
'shape', shape)
out.stop_gradient = True
return out
......@@ -1281,7 +1282,7 @@ def has_inf(x):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.isinf(x)
return _C_ops.isinf(x)
check_type(x, 'x', (Variable), 'has_inf')
helper = LayerHelper("isinf", **locals())
......@@ -1310,7 +1311,7 @@ def has_nan(x):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.isnan(x)
return _C_ops.isnan(x)
check_type(x, 'x', (Variable), 'has_nan')
helper = LayerHelper("isnan", **locals())
......@@ -1422,7 +1423,7 @@ def range(start, end, step, dtype, name=None):
step = cast(step, dtype)
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.range(start, end, step)
return _C_ops.range(start, end, step)
out_shape = None
if not isinstance(start, Variable) and not isinstance(
......@@ -1491,8 +1492,8 @@ def linspace(start, stop, num, dtype=None, name=None):
with device_guard("cpu"):
tensor_num = fill_constant([1], 'int32', num)
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.linspace(tensor_start, tensor_stop, tensor_num, 'dtype',
return _C_ops.linspace(tensor_start, tensor_stop, tensor_num, 'dtype',
helper = LayerHelper("linspace", **locals())
......@@ -1679,8 +1680,8 @@ def eye(num_rows,
num_columns = num_rows
if in_dygraph_mode():
out = core.ops.eye('dtype', dtype, 'num_rows', num_rows, 'num_columns',
out = _C_ops.eye('dtype', dtype, 'num_rows', num_rows, 'num_columns',
helper = LayerHelper("eye", **locals())
......@@ -1705,8 +1706,8 @@ def eye(num_rows,
re_shape = re_shape + [num_rows, num_columns]
expand_times = batch_shape + [1, 1]
if in_dygraph_mode():
out = core.ops.reshape(out, 'shape', re_shape)
return core.ops.expand(out, None, 'expand_times', expand_times)
out = _C_ops.reshape(out, 'shape', re_shape)
return _C_ops.expand(out, None, 'expand_times', expand_times)
if not isinstance(batch_shape, list):
raise TypeError("batch_shape should be a list")
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ from functools import cmp_to_key
from .wrapped_decorator import signature_safe_contextmanager
from .. import compat as cpt
import warnings
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = [
'SGD', 'Momentum', 'Adagrad', 'Adam', 'Adamax', 'Dpsgd', 'DecayedAdagrad',
......@@ -915,7 +916,7 @@ class Optimizer(object):
assert regularization_term is not None
if framework.in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.sum([grad, regularization_term])
return _C_ops.sum([grad, regularization_term])
new_grad = grad
if grad.type == core.VarDesc.VarType.SELECTED_ROWS:
......@@ -1295,8 +1296,8 @@ class SGDOptimizer(Optimizer):
def _append_optimize_op(self, block, param_and_grad):
lr = self._create_param_lr(param_and_grad)
if framework.in_dygraph_mode():
core.ops.sgd(param_and_grad[0], lr, param_and_grad[1],
_C_ops.sgd(param_and_grad[0], lr, param_and_grad[1],
return None
assert isinstance(block, framework.Block)
......@@ -1420,10 +1421,10 @@ class MomentumOptimizer(Optimizer):
lr = self._create_param_lr(param_and_grad)
if framework.in_dygraph_mode():
_, _ = core.ops.momentum(param_and_grad[0], param_and_grad[1],
velocity_acc, lr, param_and_grad[0],
velocity_acc, 'mu', self._momentum,
'use_nesterov', self._use_nesterov)
_, _ = _C_ops.momentum(param_and_grad[0], param_and_grad[1],
velocity_acc, lr, param_and_grad[0],
velocity_acc, 'mu', self._momentum,
'use_nesterov', self._use_nesterov)
return None
attrs = {"mu": self._momentum, "use_nesterov": self._use_nesterov}
......@@ -2447,7 +2448,7 @@ class AdamOptimizer(Optimizer):
self._beta1, Variable) else self._beta1.numpy().item(0)
_beta2 = self._beta2 if not isinstance(
self._beta2, Variable) else self._beta2.numpy().item(0)
_, _, _, _, _ = core.ops.adam(
_, _, _, _, _ = _C_ops.adam(
param_and_grad[0], param_and_grad[1], lr, moment1, moment2,
beta1_pow_acc, beta2_pow_acc, param_and_grad[0], moment1,
moment2, beta1_pow_acc, beta2_pow_acc, 'epsilon', self._epsilon,
......@@ -3510,7 +3511,7 @@ class LambOptimizer(AdamOptimizer):
lr = self._create_param_lr(param_and_grad)
if framework.in_dygraph_mode():
_, _, _, _, _ = core.ops.lamb(
_, _, _, _, _ = _C_ops.lamb(
param_and_grad[0], param_and_grad[1], lr, moment1, moment2,
beta1_pow_acc, beta2_pow_acc, param_and_grad[0], moment1,
moment2, beta1_pow_acc, beta2_pow_acc, 'beta1', self._beta1,
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import logging
from . import framework
from .framework import in_dygraph_mode, _varbase_creator
from . import core
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = ['L1Decay', 'L2Decay', 'L1DecayRegularizer', 'L2DecayRegularizer']
......@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ class L2DecayRegularizer(WeightDecayRegularizer):
assert isinstance(block, framework.Block)
if framework.in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.scale(param, "scale", self._regularization_coeff)
return _C_ops.scale(param, "scale", self._regularization_coeff)
decay = block.create_var(
dtype=param.dtype, shape=param.shape, lod_level=param.lod_level)
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import paddle.fluid.core as core
import sys
import warnings
import paddle.utils.deprecated as deprecated
from paddle import _C_ops
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import paddle
import numpy as np
from paddle.fluid.dygraph import base as imperative_base
from paddle.fluid.wrapped_decorator import signature_safe_contextmanager
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ class ModelAverage(Optimizer):
num_updates = self._get_accumulator('num_updates', param_and_grad[0])
if framework.in_dygraph_mode():
_, _, _, _, _, _ = core.ops.average_accumulates(
_, _, _, _, _, _ = _C_ops.average_accumulates(
param_and_grad[0], sum_1, sum_2, sum_3, num_accumulates,
old_num_accumulates, num_updates, sum_1, sum_2, sum_3,
num_accumulates, old_num_accumulates, num_updates,
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from ..fluid.layer_helper import LayerHelper
from ..fluid.layers.nn import topk
from ..fluid.framework import core, _varbase_creator, in_dygraph_mode
import paddle
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -798,8 +799,8 @@ def accuracy(input, label, k=1, correct=None, total=None, name=None):
total = _varbase_creator(dtype="int32")
topk_out, topk_indices = topk(input, k=k)
_acc, _, _ = core.ops.accuracy(topk_out, topk_indices, label, correct,
_acc, _, _ = _C_ops.accuracy(topk_out, topk_indices, label, correct,
return _acc
helper = LayerHelper("accuracy", **locals())
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from ...fluid.framework import in_dygraph_mode, convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_
from ...fluid import core
from ...fluid.data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype, check_dtype
import paddle
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ def elu(x, alpha=1.0, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.elu(x, 'alpha', alpha)
return _C_ops.elu(x, 'alpha', alpha)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'elu')
helper = LayerHelper("elu", **locals())
......@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ def elu_(x, alpha=1.0, name=None):
Inplace version of ``elu`` API, the output Tensor will be inplaced with input ``x``.
Please refer to :ref:`api_nn_cn_elu`.
return core.ops.elu_(x, 'alpha', alpha)
return _C_ops.elu_(x, 'alpha', alpha)
def gelu(x, approximate=False, name=None):
......@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ def gelu(x, approximate=False, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.gelu(x, 'approximate', approximate)
return _C_ops.gelu(x, 'approximate', approximate)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'gelu')
helper = LayerHelper("gelu", **locals())
......@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ def hardshrink(x, threshold=0.5, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.hard_shrink(x, 'threshold', threshold)
return _C_ops.hard_shrink(x, 'threshold', threshold)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ def hardtanh(x, min=-1.0, max=1.0, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.brelu(x, 't_min', min, 't_max', max)
return _C_ops.brelu(x, 't_min', min, 't_max', max)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ def hardsigmoid(x, slope=0.1666667, offset=0.5, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.hard_sigmoid(x, 'slope', slope, 'offset', offset)
return _C_ops.hard_sigmoid(x, 'slope', slope, 'offset', offset)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ def hardswish(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.hard_swish(x)
return _C_ops.hard_swish(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -373,7 +374,7 @@ def leaky_relu(x, negative_slope=0.01, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.leaky_relu(x, 'alpha', negative_slope)
return _C_ops.leaky_relu(x, 'alpha', negative_slope)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -447,7 +448,7 @@ def prelu(x, weight, name=None):
mode = 'channel'
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.prelu(x, weight, 'mode', mode)
return _C_ops.prelu(x, weight, 'mode', mode)
helper = LayerHelper('prelu', **locals())
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(x.dtype)
......@@ -488,7 +489,7 @@ def relu(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.relu(x)
return _C_ops.relu(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'relu')
helper = LayerHelper('relu', **locals())
......@@ -503,7 +504,7 @@ def relu_(x, name=None):
Inplace version of ``relu`` API, the output Tensor will be inplaced with input ``x``.
Please refer to :ref:`api_nn_cn_relu`.
return core.ops.relu_(x)
return _C_ops.relu_(x)
def log_sigmoid(x, name=None):
......@@ -533,7 +534,7 @@ def log_sigmoid(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.logsigmoid(x)
return _C_ops.logsigmoid(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -597,7 +598,7 @@ def maxout(x, groups, axis=1, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.maxout(x, 'groups', groups, 'axis', axis)
return _C_ops.maxout(x, 'groups', groups, 'axis', axis)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64'], 'maxout')
if axis not in [1, -1, 3]:
......@@ -646,7 +647,7 @@ def relu6(x, name=None):
threshold = 6.0
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.relu6(x, 'threshold', threshold)
return _C_ops.relu6(x, 'threshold', threshold)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'relu6')
helper = LayerHelper('relu6', **locals())
......@@ -703,7 +704,7 @@ def selu(x,
"The alpha must be no less than zero. Received: {}.".format(alpha))
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.selu(x, 'scale', scale, 'alpha', alpha)
return _C_ops.selu(x, 'scale', scale, 'alpha', alpha)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'selu')
helper = LayerHelper('selu', **locals())
......@@ -741,7 +742,7 @@ def silu(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.silu(x)
return _C_ops.silu(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'silu')
helper = LayerHelper("silu", **locals())
......@@ -872,8 +873,8 @@ def softmax(x, axis=-1, dtype=None, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
outs_cast = x if dtype is None \
else core.ops.cast(x, 'in_dtype', x.dtype, 'out_dtype', dtype)
return core.ops.softmax(outs_cast, 'axis', axis, 'use_cudnn', use_cudnn)
else _C_ops.cast(x, 'in_dtype', x.dtype, 'out_dtype', dtype)
return _C_ops.softmax(outs_cast, 'axis', axis, 'use_cudnn', use_cudnn)
if dtype is None:
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -913,7 +914,7 @@ def softmax_(x, axis=-1, dtype=None, name=None):
if (dtype is not None) and (not isinstance(dtype, core.VarDesc.VarType)):
dtype = convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_(dtype)
use_cudnn = True
return core.ops.softmax_(x, 'axis', axis, 'use_cudnn', use_cudnn)
return _C_ops.softmax_(x, 'axis', axis, 'use_cudnn', use_cudnn)
def softplus(x, beta=1, threshold=20, name=None):
......@@ -946,7 +947,7 @@ def softplus(x, beta=1, threshold=20, name=None):
out = F.softplus(x) # [0.513015, 0.598139, 0.744397, 0.854355]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.softplus(x, 'beta', beta, 'threshold', threshold)
return _C_ops.softplus(x, 'beta', beta, 'threshold', threshold)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -998,7 +999,7 @@ def softshrink(x, threshold=0.5, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.softshrink(x, 'lambda', threshold)
return _C_ops.softshrink(x, 'lambda', threshold)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -1039,7 +1040,7 @@ def softsign(x, name=None):
out = F.softsign(x) # [-0.285714, -0.166667, 0.0909091, 0.230769]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.softsign(x)
return _C_ops.softsign(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -1077,7 +1078,7 @@ def swish(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.swish(x, 'beta', 1.0)
return _C_ops.swish(x, 'beta', 1.0)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'swish')
helper = LayerHelper('swish', **locals())
......@@ -1117,7 +1118,7 @@ def tanhshrink(x, name=None):
out = F.tanhshrink(x) # [-0.020051, -0.00262468, 0.000332005, 0.00868739]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.tanh_shrink(x)
return _C_ops.tanh_shrink(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -1159,7 +1160,7 @@ def thresholded_relu(x, threshold=1.0, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.thresholded_relu(x, 'threshold', threshold)
return _C_ops.thresholded_relu(x, 'threshold', threshold)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -1234,8 +1235,8 @@ def log_softmax(x, axis=-1, dtype=None, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
if dtype is not None:
x = core.ops.cast(x, 'in_dtype', x.dtype, 'out_dtype', dtype)
return core.ops.log_softmax(x, 'axis', axis)
x = _C_ops.cast(x, 'in_dtype', x.dtype, 'out_dtype', dtype)
return _C_ops.log_softmax(x, 'axis', axis)
if dtype is None:
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ from ...fluid.framework import in_dygraph_mode
from ...fluid import core, dygraph_utils
from ...fluid import core, layers
from ...fluid.data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -452,15 +453,15 @@ def interpolate(x,
dy_attr = tuple(attr_list)
if resample_type == "linear":
out = core.ops.linear_interp_v2(x, *dy_attr)
out = _C_ops.linear_interp_v2(x, *dy_attr)
elif resample_type == "bilinear":
out = core.ops.bilinear_interp_v2(x, *dy_attr)
out = _C_ops.bilinear_interp_v2(x, *dy_attr)
elif resample_type == "trilinear":
out = core.ops.trilinear_interp_v2(x, *dy_attr)
out = _C_ops.trilinear_interp_v2(x, *dy_attr)
elif resample_type == "nearest":
out = core.ops.nearest_interp_v2(x, *dy_attr)
out = _C_ops.nearest_interp_v2(x, *dy_attr)
elif resample_type == "bicubic":
out = core.ops.bicubic_interp_v2(x, *dy_attr)
out = _C_ops.bicubic_interp_v2(x, *dy_attr)
return out
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype)
......@@ -710,7 +711,7 @@ def bilinear(x1, x2, weight, bias=None, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.bilinear_tensor_product(x1, x2, weight, bias)
return _C_ops.bilinear_tensor_product(x1, x2, weight, bias)
check_variable_and_dtype(x1, 'x1', ['float32', 'float64'], 'bilinear')
check_variable_and_dtype(x2, 'x2', ['float32', 'float64'], 'bilinear')
......@@ -884,7 +885,7 @@ def dropout(x,
if in_dygraph_mode():
if default_main_program().random_seed != 0:
seed = default_main_program().random_seed
out, mask = core.ops.dropout(
out, mask = _C_ops.dropout(
x, 'dropout_prob', p, 'is_test', not training, 'fix_seed',
seed is not None, 'seed', seed
if seed is not None else 0, 'dropout_implementation', mode)
......@@ -1316,8 +1317,8 @@ def pad(x, pad, mode='constant', value=0, data_format="NCHW", name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
if isinstance(pad, Variable):
pad = pad.numpy()
out = core.ops.pad3d(x, "paddings", pad, "mode", mode, "value", value,
"data_format", data_format, "name", name)
out = _C_ops.pad3d(x, "paddings", pad, "mode", mode, "value", value,
"data_format", data_format, "name", name)
attrs = {'mode': mode, 'value': value, 'data_format': data_format}
inputs = {'X': [x]}
......@@ -1447,13 +1448,13 @@ def linear(x, weight, bias=None, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
pre_bias = _varbase_creator(dtype=x.dtype)
core.ops.matmul(x, weight, pre_bias, 'transpose_X', False,
'transpose_Y', False, "alpha", 1)
_C_ops.matmul(x, weight, pre_bias, 'transpose_X', False, 'transpose_Y',
False, "alpha", 1)
if bias is None:
return pre_bias
return core.ops.elementwise_add(pre_bias, bias)
return _C_ops.elementwise_add(pre_bias, bias)
helper = LayerHelper('linear', **locals())
dtype = x.dtype
......@@ -1546,8 +1547,7 @@ def label_smooth(label, prior_dist=None, epsilon=0.1, name=None):
raise ValueError("The value of epsilon must be between 0 and 1.")
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.label_smooth(label, prior_dist, 'epsilon',
return _C_ops.label_smooth(label, prior_dist, 'epsilon', float(epsilon))
check_variable_and_dtype(label, 'label', ['float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from ...fluid.layers import nn, utils
from ...fluid.data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype
from ...fluid.param_attr import ParamAttr
from ...fluid.layer_helper import LayerHelper
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ def _conv_nd(x,
use_mkldnn, 'fuse_relu_before_depthwise_conv', False,
"padding_algorithm", padding_algorithm, "data_format",
pre_bias = getattr(core.ops, op_type)(x, weight, *attrs)
pre_bias = getattr(_C_ops, op_type)(x, weight, *attrs)
if bias is not None:
out = nn.elementwise_add(pre_bias, bias, axis=channel_dim)
......@@ -339,7 +340,7 @@ def conv1d(x,
'groups', groups, 'use_cudnn', use_cudnn, 'use_mkldnn', False,
'fuse_relu_before_depthwise_conv', False, "padding_algorithm",
padding_algorithm, "data_format", conv2d_data_format)
out = getattr(core.ops, l_type)(x, weight, *attrs)
out = getattr(_C_ops, l_type)(x, weight, *attrs)
if bias is not None:
out = nn.elementwise_add(out, bias, axis=channel_dim)
......@@ -775,7 +776,7 @@ def conv1d_transpose(x,
'strides', stride, 'paddings', padding, 'padding_algorithm',
padding_algorithm, 'dilations', dilation, 'groups', groups,
'use_cudnn', use_cudnn, 'data_format', conv2d_data_format)
out = getattr(core.ops, op_type)(x, weight, *attrs)
out = getattr(_C_ops, op_type)(x, weight, *attrs)
if bias is not None:
out = nn.elementwise_add(out, bias, axis=channel_dim)
......@@ -1010,7 +1011,7 @@ def conv2d_transpose(x,
'strides', stride, 'paddings', padding, 'padding_algorithm',
padding_algorithm, 'dilations', dilation, 'groups', groups,
'use_cudnn', use_cudnn, 'data_format', data_format)
pre_bias = getattr(core.ops, op_type)(x, weight, *attrs)
pre_bias = getattr(_C_ops, op_type)(x, weight, *attrs)
if bias is not None:
out = nn.elementwise_add(pre_bias, bias, axis=channel_dim)
......@@ -1402,7 +1403,7 @@ def conv3d_transpose(x,
'paddings', padding, "padding_algorithm", padding_algorithm,
'strides', stride, 'dilations', dilation, 'groups', groups,
'use_cudnn', use_cudnn, "data_format", data_format_)
pre_bias = getattr(core.ops, op_type)(x, weight, *attrs)
pre_bias = getattr(_C_ops, op_type)(x, weight, *attrs)
if bias is not None:
out = nn.elementwise_add(pre_bias, bias, axis=channel_dim)
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from ...fluid.framework import Variable, in_dygraph_mode
from ...fluid.layer_helper import LayerHelper
from ...fluid.layers import core
from ...fluid.data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype, check_dtype
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -86,8 +87,8 @@ def one_hot(x, num_classes, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.one_hot_v2(x, 'depth', num_classes,
'allow_out_of_range', False)
return _C_ops.one_hot_v2(x, 'depth', num_classes, 'allow_out_of_range',
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'input', ['int32', 'int64'], 'one_hot_v2')
helper = LayerHelper("one_hot_v2", **locals())
......@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ def embedding(x, weight, padding_idx=None, sparse=False, name=None):
weight.shape[0], weight.shape[0]))
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.lookup_table_v2(
return _C_ops.lookup_table_v2(
weight, x, 'is_sparse', sparse, 'is_distributed', False,
'remote_prefetch', False, 'padding_idx', padding_idx)
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ from ...fluid.framework import in_dygraph_mode
from ...fluid.framework import _varbase_creator
from ...fluid.framework import Variable
from paddle.utils import deprecated
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -115,15 +116,15 @@ def binary_cross_entropy(input, label, weight=None, reduction='mean',
if in_dygraph_mode():
out = core.ops.bce_loss(input, label)
out = _C_ops.bce_loss(input, label)
if weight is not None:
out = core.ops.elementwise_mul(out, weight, 'axis', -1)
out = _C_ops.elementwise_mul(out, weight, 'axis', -1)
if reduction == 'sum':
return core.ops.reduce_sum(out, 'dim', [0], 'keep_dim', False,
"reduce_all", True)
return _C_ops.reduce_sum(out, 'dim', [0], 'keep_dim', False,
"reduce_all", True)
elif reduction == 'mean':
return core.ops.mean(out)
return _C_ops.mean(out)
return out
......@@ -250,22 +251,23 @@ def binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(logit,
if in_dygraph_mode():
one = _varbase_creator(dtype=logit.dtype)
core.ops.fill_constant(one, 'value',
float(1.0), 'force_cpu', False, 'dtype',
one.dtype, 'str_value', '1.0', 'shape', [1])
out = core.ops.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logit, label)
_C_ops.fill_constant(one, 'value',
float(1.0), 'force_cpu', False, 'dtype', one.dtype,
'str_value', '1.0', 'shape', [1])
out = _C_ops.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logit, label)
if pos_weight is not None:
log_weight = core.ops.elementwise_add(
label, core.ops.elementwise_sub(pos_weight, one)), one)
out = core.ops.elementwise_mul(out, log_weight)
log_weight = _C_ops.elementwise_add(
_C_ops.elementwise_sub(pos_weight, one)),
out = _C_ops.elementwise_mul(out, log_weight)
if weight is not None:
out = core.ops.elementwise_mul(out, weight)
out = _C_ops.elementwise_mul(out, weight)
if reduction == "sum":
return core.ops.reduce_sum(out, 'reduce_all', True)
return _C_ops.reduce_sum(out, 'reduce_all', True)
elif reduction == "mean":
return core.ops.mean(out)
return _C_ops.mean(out)
return out
......@@ -393,7 +395,7 @@ def hsigmoid_loss(input,
if in_dygraph_mode():
out, _, _ = core.ops.hierarchical_sigmoid(
out, _, _ = _C_ops.hierarchical_sigmoid(
input, weight, label, path_table, path_code, bias, 'num_classes',
num_classes, 'is_sparse', is_sparse, 'remote_prefetch', is_sparse)
return out
......@@ -570,16 +572,16 @@ def margin_ranking_loss(input,
"The value of 'reduction' in MarginRankingLoss should be 'sum', 'mean' or 'none', but "
"received %s, which is not allowed." % reduction)
if fluid.framework.in_dygraph_mode():
out = core.ops.elementwise_sub(other, input)
out = core.ops.elementwise_mul(out, label)
out = _C_ops.elementwise_sub(other, input)
out = _C_ops.elementwise_mul(out, label)
if margin != 0.0:
margin = fluid.dygraph.base.to_variable([margin], dtype=out.dtype)
out = core.ops.elementwise_add(out, margin)
out = core.ops.relu(out)
out = _C_ops.elementwise_add(out, margin)
out = _C_ops.relu(out)
if reduction == 'sum':
return core.ops.reduce_sum(out, 'reduce_all', True)
return _C_ops.reduce_sum(out, 'reduce_all', True)
elif reduction == 'mean':
return core.ops.mean(out)
return _C_ops.mean(out)
return out
helper = LayerHelper("margin_ranking_loss", **locals())
......@@ -690,10 +692,10 @@ def l1_loss(input, label, reduction='mean', name=None):
unreduced = _elementwise_op_in_dygraph(
input, label, axis=-1, act='abs', op_name='elementwise_sub')
if reduction == 'mean':
return core.ops.mean(unreduced)
return _C_ops.mean(unreduced)
elif reduction == 'sum':
return core.ops.reduce_sum(unreduced, 'dim', [0], 'keep_dim', False,
'reduce_all', True)
return _C_ops.reduce_sum(unreduced, 'dim', [0], 'keep_dim', False,
'reduce_all', True)
return unreduced
......@@ -778,14 +780,14 @@ def nll_loss(input,
c = input_shape[1]
if in_dygraph_mode():
if input_dims != 2 and input_dims != 4:
input, _ = core.ops.reshape2(input, None, 'shape', [n, c, 1, -1])
label, _ = core.ops.reshape2(label, None, 'shape', [n, 1, -1])
input, _ = _C_ops.reshape2(input, None, 'shape', [n, c, 1, -1])
label, _ = _C_ops.reshape2(label, None, 'shape', [n, 1, -1])
out_shape = [n] + input_shape[2:]
out, total_weight = core.ops.nll_loss(input, label, weight,
'ignore_index', ignore_index,
'reduction', reduction)
out, total_weight = _C_ops.nll_loss(input, label, weight,
'ignore_index', ignore_index,
'reduction', reduction)
if input_dims != 2 and input_dims != 4 and reduction == 'none':
out, _ = core.ops.reshape2(out, None, 'shape', out_shape)
out, _ = _C_ops.reshape2(out, None, 'shape', out_shape)
return out
helper = LayerHelper('nll_loss', **locals())
......@@ -903,7 +905,7 @@ def kl_div(input, label, reduction='mean', name=None):
label = fluid.layers.cast(label, 'float64')
if paddle.in_dynamic_mode():
out = core.ops.kldiv_loss(input, label, 'reduction', reduction)
out = _C_ops.kldiv_loss(input, label, 'reduction', reduction)
return out
helper = LayerHelper('kl_div', **locals())
......@@ -1386,7 +1388,7 @@ def cross_entropy(input,
if input_dims - 1 == label_dims:
label = paddle.unsqueeze(label, axis=axis)
if in_dygraph_mode():
_, out = core.ops.softmax_with_cross_entropy(
_, out = _C_ops.softmax_with_cross_entropy(
input, label, 'soft_label', soft_label, 'ignore_index',
ignore_index, 'numeric_stable_mode', True, 'axis', axis,
'use_softmax', use_softmax)
......@@ -1408,7 +1410,7 @@ def cross_entropy(input,
weight_gather_reshape = reshape(weight_gather, shape=out_shape)
out = paddle.cast(out, weight_gather_reshape.dtype)
out = core.ops.elementwise_mul(out, weight_gather_reshape)
out = _C_ops.elementwise_mul(out, weight_gather_reshape)
label_min = paddle.min(label)
......@@ -1418,18 +1420,18 @@ def cross_entropy(input,
'Expected 0 <= label_value < class_dimension({}), but got {} <= label_value <= {} '.
label_min.numpy(), label_max.numpy()))
weight_gather = core.ops.gather_nd(weight, label)
weight_gather = _C_ops.gather_nd(weight, label)
input_shape = list(label.shape)
weight_gather_reshape = reshape(
weight_gather, shape=input_shape)
out = paddle.cast(out, weight_gather_reshape.dtype)
out = core.ops.elementwise_mul(out, weight_gather_reshape)
out = _C_ops.elementwise_mul(out, weight_gather_reshape)
if reduction == "sum":
# because of fluid_softmax_with_cross_entropy op's inner logic,
# in the out tensor of this op, the loss of sample with class_index==ignore_index is 0
# so, reduce_sum all directly is ok
return core.ops.reduce_sum(out, 'reduce_all', True)
return _C_ops.reduce_sum(out, 'reduce_all', True)
elif reduction == "mean":
#1. if weight==none,
# numerator: reduce_sum all loss directly is ok causeof fluid_softmax_with_cross_entropy's inner logic
......@@ -1438,30 +1440,30 @@ def cross_entropy(input,
# numerator: loss's weighted sum
# denominator: cal the sum of weight where the sample's class_index!=ignore_index
if ignore_index != -100:
out_sum = core.ops.reduce_sum(out, 'reduce_all', True)
out_sum = _C_ops.reduce_sum(out, 'reduce_all', True)
#for each label[i],set 1 or 0, according to ignore_index
#mask[i]=0, if label[i]==ignore_index
#mask[i]=1, otherwise
mask = (label != ignore_index)
if weight is None:
mask = paddle.cast(mask, dtype=out_sum.dtype)
count = core.ops.reduce_sum(mask, 'reduce_all', True)
count = _C_ops.reduce_sum(mask, 'reduce_all', True)
ret = out_sum / (count + (count == 0.0))
mask = paddle.cast(mask, weight_gather_reshape.dtype)
weight_ignored = core.ops.elementwise_mul(
weight_ignored = _C_ops.elementwise_mul(
mask, weight_gather_reshape)
weight_sum = core.ops.reduce_sum(weight_ignored,
'reduce_all', True)
weight_sum = _C_ops.reduce_sum(weight_ignored, 'reduce_all',
ret = out_sum / (weight_sum + (weight_sum == 0.0))
return ret
elif weight is not None:
out_sum = core.ops.reduce_sum(out, 'reduce_all', True)
total_weight = core.ops.reduce_sum(weight_gather_reshape,
'reduce_all', True)
out_sum = _C_ops.reduce_sum(out, 'reduce_all', True)
total_weight = _C_ops.reduce_sum(weight_gather_reshape,
'reduce_all', True)
return out_sum / (total_weight + (total_weight == 0.0))
return core.ops.mean(out)
return _C_ops.mean(out)
if input_dims - 1 == label_dims:
......@@ -1645,38 +1647,37 @@ def sigmoid_focal_loss(logit,
if in_dygraph_mode():
one = _varbase_creator(dtype=logit.dtype)
core.ops.fill_constant(one, 'value',
float(1.0), 'force_cpu', False, 'dtype',
one.dtype, 'str_value', '1.0', 'shape',
loss = core.ops.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logit, label)
pred = core.ops.sigmoid(logit)
p_t = core.ops.elementwise_add(
core.ops.elementwise_mul(pred, label),
core.ops.elementwise_sub(one, pred),
core.ops.elementwise_sub(one, label)))
_C_ops.fill_constant(one, 'value',
float(1.0), 'force_cpu', False, 'dtype', one.dtype,
'str_value', '1.0', 'shape', logit.shape)
loss = _C_ops.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logit, label)
pred = _C_ops.sigmoid(logit)
p_t = _C_ops.elementwise_add(
_C_ops.elementwise_mul(pred, label),
_C_ops.elementwise_sub(one, pred),
_C_ops.elementwise_sub(one, label)))
alpha = fluid.dygraph.base.to_variable([alpha], dtype=loss.dtype)
alpha_t = core.ops.elementwise_add(
core.ops.elementwise_mul(alpha, label),
core.ops.elementwise_sub(one, alpha),
core.ops.elementwise_sub(one, label)))
loss = core.ops.elementwise_mul(alpha_t, loss)
alpha_t = _C_ops.elementwise_add(
_C_ops.elementwise_mul(alpha, label),
_C_ops.elementwise_sub(one, alpha),
_C_ops.elementwise_sub(one, label)))
loss = _C_ops.elementwise_mul(alpha_t, loss)
gamma = fluid.dygraph.base.to_variable([gamma], dtype=loss.dtype)
gamma_t = core.ops.elementwise_pow(
core.ops.elementwise_sub(one, p_t), gamma)
loss = core.ops.elementwise_mul(gamma_t, loss)
gamma_t = _C_ops.elementwise_pow(
_C_ops.elementwise_sub(one, p_t), gamma)
loss = _C_ops.elementwise_mul(gamma_t, loss)
if normalizer is not None:
loss = core.ops.elementwise_div(loss, normalizer)
loss = _C_ops.elementwise_div(loss, normalizer)
if reduction == "sum":
return core.ops.reduce_sum(loss, 'reduce_all', True)
return _C_ops.reduce_sum(loss, 'reduce_all', True)
elif reduction == "mean":
return core.ops.mean(loss)
return _C_ops.mean(loss)
return loss
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from ...fluid.initializer import Constant
from ...fluid.param_attr import ParamAttr
from ...fluid import core, dygraph_utils
import numbers
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -79,9 +80,9 @@ def normalize(x, p=2, axis=1, epsilon=1e-12, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
eps = fluid.dygraph.base.to_variable([epsilon], dtype=x.dtype)
out = core.ops.p_norm(x, 'axis', axis, 'porder',
float(p), 'keepdim', True, 'epsilon', epsilon)
return x / core.ops.elementwise_max(out, eps)
out = _C_ops.p_norm(x, 'axis', axis, 'porder',
float(p), 'keepdim', True, 'epsilon', epsilon)
return x / _C_ops.elementwise_max(out, eps)
check_type(p, 'p', (float, int), 'normalize')
check_type(axis, 'axis', (int), 'normalize')
......@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ def batch_norm(x,
not training, "data_layout", data_format, "use_mkldnn", False,
"fuse_with_relu", False, "use_global_stats", use_global_stats,
"trainable_statistics", trainable_statistics)
batch_norm_out, _, _, _, _, _ = core.ops.batch_norm(
batch_norm_out, _, _, _, _, _ = _C_ops.batch_norm(
x, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var, mean_out, variance_out,
return dygraph_utils._append_activation_in_dygraph(
......@@ -301,8 +302,8 @@ def layer_norm(x,
1:] + ', but got input shape ' + str(input_shape))
if in_dygraph_mode():
pre_act, _, _ = core.ops.layer_norm(x, weight, bias, 'epsilon', epsilon,
'begin_norm_axis', begin_norm_axis)
pre_act, _, _ = _C_ops.layer_norm(x, weight, bias, 'epsilon', epsilon,
'begin_norm_axis', begin_norm_axis)
return dygraph_utils._append_activation_in_dygraph(pre_act, act=None)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'input', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -385,9 +386,9 @@ def instance_norm(x,
if in_dygraph_mode():
out, _, _ = core.ops.instance_norm(x, weight, bias, "epsilon", eps,
"momentum", momentum, "data_format",
out, _, _ = _C_ops.instance_norm(x, weight, bias, "epsilon", eps,
"momentum", momentum, "data_format",
return out
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'input', ['float32', 'float64'], "InstanceNorm")
......@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ from ...fluid import core
from ...fluid.framework import in_dygraph_mode
from ...fluid.layers import utils, LayerHelper, unsqueeze, squeeze
from ...fluid.data_feeder import check_type, check_variable_and_dtype
from paddle import _C_ops
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ def avg_pool1d(x,
padding = _expand_low_nd_padding(padding)
if in_dygraph_mode():
output = core.ops.pool2d(
output = _C_ops.pool2d(
x, 'pooling_type', 'avg', 'ksize', kernel_size, 'global_pooling',
False, 'strides', stride, 'paddings', padding, 'padding_algorithm',
padding_algorithm, 'use_cudnn', True, 'ceil_mode', ceil_mode,
......@@ -327,12 +329,12 @@ def avg_pool2d(x,
padding, 2, channel_last, ceil_mode=ceil_mode)
if in_dygraph_mode():
output = core.ops.pool2d(
x, 'pooling_type', 'avg', 'ksize', kernel_size, 'global_pooling',
False, 'padding_algorithm', padding_algorithm, 'strides', stride,
'paddings', padding, 'use_cudnn', True, 'ceil_mode', ceil_mode,
'use_mkldnn', False, 'exclusive', exclusive, 'data_format',
output = _C_ops.pool2d(x, 'pooling_type', 'avg', 'ksize', kernel_size,
'global_pooling', False, 'padding_algorithm',
padding_algorithm, 'strides', stride, 'paddings',
padding, 'use_cudnn', True, 'ceil_mode',
ceil_mode, 'use_mkldnn', False, 'exclusive',
exclusive, 'data_format', data_format)
if divisor_override is None:
return output
......@@ -446,7 +448,7 @@ def avg_pool3d(x,
padding, 3, channel_last=channel_last, ceil_mode=ceil_mode)
if in_dygraph_mode():
output = core.ops.pool3d(
output = _C_ops.pool3d(
x, 'pooling_type', 'avg', 'ksize', kernel_size, 'strides', stride,
'paddings', padding, 'global_pooling', False, 'padding_algorithm',
padding_algorithm, 'use_cudnn', True, 'ceil_mode', ceil_mode,
......@@ -566,7 +568,7 @@ def max_pool1d(x,
if in_dygraph_mode():
if return_mask:
pool_out = core.ops.max_pool2d_with_index(
pool_out = _C_ops.max_pool2d_with_index(
x, 'ksize', kernel_size, 'global_pooling', False, 'strides',
stride, 'paddings', padding, 'padding_algorithm',
padding_algorithm, 'use_cudnn', True, 'ceil_mode', ceil_mode,
......@@ -576,7 +578,7 @@ def max_pool1d(x,
[2])) if return_mask else squeeze(pool_out[0], [2])
pool_out = core.ops.pool2d(
pool_out = _C_ops.pool2d(
x, 'pooling_type', 'max', 'ksize', kernel_size,
'global_pooling', False, 'padding_algorithm', padding_algorithm,
'strides', stride, 'paddings', padding, 'use_cudnn', True,
......@@ -704,7 +706,7 @@ def max_pool2d(x,
if in_dygraph_mode():
if return_mask:
output = core.ops.max_pool2d_with_index(
output = _C_ops.max_pool2d_with_index(
x, 'ksize', kernel_size, 'global_pooling', False, 'strides',
stride, 'paddings', padding, 'padding_algorithm',
padding_algorithm, 'use_cudnn', True, 'ceil_mode', ceil_mode,
......@@ -712,7 +714,7 @@ def max_pool2d(x,
return output if return_mask else output[0]
output = core.ops.pool2d(
output = _C_ops.pool2d(
x, 'pooling_type', 'max', 'ksize', kernel_size,
'global_pooling', False, 'padding_algorithm', padding_algorithm,
'strides', stride, 'paddings', padding, 'use_cudnn', True,
......@@ -835,7 +837,7 @@ def max_pool3d(x,
if in_dygraph_mode():
if return_mask:
output = core.ops.max_pool3d_with_index(
output = _C_ops.max_pool3d_with_index(
x, 'pooling_type', 'max', 'ksize', kernel_size, 'strides',
stride, 'paddings', padding, 'global_pooling', False,
'padding_algorithm', padding_algorithm, 'use_cudnn', True,
......@@ -843,7 +845,7 @@ def max_pool3d(x,
'data_format', data_format)
return output if return_mask else output[0]
output = core.ops.pool3d(
output = _C_ops.pool3d(
x, 'pooling_type', 'max', 'ksize', kernel_size,
'global_pooling', False, 'padding_algorithm', padding_algorithm,
'strides', stride, 'paddings', padding, 'use_cudnn', True,
......@@ -932,8 +934,8 @@ def adaptive_avg_pool1d(x, output_size, name=None):
x = unsqueeze(x, [2])
if in_dygraph_mode():
pool_out = core.ops.pool2d(x, 'pooling_type', pool_type, 'ksize',
pool_size, 'adaptive', True)
pool_out = _C_ops.pool2d(x, 'pooling_type', pool_type, 'ksize',
pool_size, 'adaptive', True)
return squeeze(pool_out, [2])
l_type = "pool2d"
......@@ -1031,9 +1033,9 @@ def adaptive_avg_pool2d(x, output_size, data_format='NCHW', name=None):
output_size[1] = in_w
if in_dygraph_mode():
output = core.ops.pool2d(x, 'pooling_type', 'avg', 'ksize', output_size,
'global_pooling', False, 'adaptive', True,
'data_format', data_format)
output = _C_ops.pool2d(x, 'pooling_type', 'avg', 'ksize', output_size,
'global_pooling', False, 'adaptive', True,
'data_format', data_format)
return output
l_type = 'pool2d'
......@@ -1137,9 +1139,9 @@ def adaptive_avg_pool3d(x, output_size, data_format='NCDHW', name=None):
output_size[2] = in_w
if in_dygraph_mode():
output = core.ops.pool3d(x, 'pooling_type', 'avg', 'ksize', output_size,
'global_pooling', False, 'adaptive', True,
'data_format', data_format)
output = _C_ops.pool3d(x, 'pooling_type', 'avg', 'ksize', output_size,
'global_pooling', False, 'adaptive', True,
'data_format', data_format)
return output
l_type = 'pool3d'
......@@ -1221,7 +1223,7 @@ def adaptive_max_pool1d(x, output_size, return_mask=False, name=None):
x = unsqueeze(x, [2])
if in_dygraph_mode():
pool_out = core.ops.max_pool2d_with_index(
pool_out = _C_ops.max_pool2d_with_index(
x, 'pooling_type', pool_type, 'ksize', pool_size, 'adaptive', True)
return (squeeze(pool_out[0], [2]), squeeze(
pool_out[1], [2])) if return_mask else squeeze(pool_out[0], [2])
......@@ -1310,7 +1312,7 @@ def adaptive_max_pool2d(x, output_size, return_mask=False, name=None):
output_size[1] = in_w
if in_dygraph_mode():
pool_out = core.ops.max_pool2d_with_index(
pool_out = _C_ops.max_pool2d_with_index(
x, 'pooling_type', 'max', 'ksize', output_size, 'adaptive', True)
return pool_out if return_mask else pool_out[0]
......@@ -1403,7 +1405,7 @@ def adaptive_max_pool3d(x, output_size, return_mask=False, name=None):
output_size[2] = in_w
if in_dygraph_mode():
pool_out = core.ops.max_pool3d_with_index(
pool_out = _C_ops.max_pool3d_with_index(
x, 'pooling_type', 'max', 'ksize', output_size, 'adaptive', True)
return pool_out if return_mask else pool_out[0]
......@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ from ...fluid.layer_helper import LayerHelper
from ...fluid.data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype
from ...fluid import dygraph_utils
import numpy as np
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -91,9 +92,9 @@ def affine_grid(theta, out_shape, align_corners=True, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
_out_shape = out_shape.numpy().tolist() if isinstance(
out_shape, Variable) else out_shape
return core.ops.affine_grid(theta, "output_shape", _out_shape,
"align_corners", align_corners, "use_cudnn",
return _C_ops.affine_grid(theta, "output_shape", _out_shape,
"align_corners", align_corners, "use_cudnn",
helper = LayerHelper('affine_grid')
check_variable_and_dtype(theta, 'theta', ['float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ def grid_sample(x,
if in_dygraph_mode():
attrs = ('mode', mode, 'padding_mode', padding_mode, 'align_corners',
align_corners, 'use_cudnn', use_cudnn)
out = getattr(core.ops, 'grid_sampler')(x, grid, *attrs)
out = getattr(_C_ops, 'grid_sampler')(x, grid, *attrs)
helper = LayerHelper("grid_sample", **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64'], 'grid_sample')
......@@ -328,8 +329,8 @@ def pixel_shuffle(x, upscale_factor, data_format="NCHW", name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.pixel_shuffle(x, "upscale_factor", upscale_factor,
"data_format", data_format)
return _C_ops.pixel_shuffle(x, "upscale_factor", upscale_factor,
"data_format", data_format)
helper = LayerHelper("pixel_shuffle", **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64'], 'pixel_shuffle')
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ from ...fluid.dygraph import layers
from ...fluid.framework import core, in_dygraph_mode
from ...fluid.data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype, check_type
from ...fluid.layer_helper import LayerHelper
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -78,9 +79,9 @@ class PairwiseDistance(layers.Layer):
def forward(self, x, y):
if in_dygraph_mode():
sub = core.ops.elementwise_sub(x, y)
return core.ops.p_norm(sub, 'axis', 1, 'porder', self.p, 'keepdim',
self.keepdim, 'epsilon', self.epsilon)
sub = _C_ops.elementwise_sub(x, y)
return _C_ops.p_norm(sub, 'axis', 1, 'porder', self.p, 'keepdim',
self.keepdim, 'epsilon', self.epsilon)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import numbers
import warnings
from ...fluid.dygraph.base import no_grad
from .. import functional as F
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -1083,7 +1084,7 @@ class SyncBatchNorm(_BatchNormBase):
self._data_format, "use_mkldnn", False, "fuse_with_relu",
False, "use_global_stats", False, 'trainable_statistics',
sync_batch_norm_out, _, _, _, _, _ = core.ops.sync_batch_norm(
sync_batch_norm_out, _, _, _, _, _ = _C_ops.sync_batch_norm(
x, self.weight, self.bias, self._mean, self._variance, mean_out,
variance_out, *attrs)
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ from paddle.fluid.dygraph import Layer, LayerList
from paddle.fluid.layers import utils
from paddle.fluid.layers.utils import map_structure, flatten, pack_sequence_as
from paddle.fluid.data_feeder import convert_dtype
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -981,7 +981,7 @@ class RNNBase(LayerList):
inputs = paddle.tensor.transpose(inputs, [1, 0, 2])
if fluid.framework.in_dygraph_mode():
_, _, out, state = framework.core.ops.rnn(
_, _, out, state = _C_ops.rnn(
inputs, initial_states, self._all_weights, sequence_length,
self._dropout_state, self.state_components, 'dropout_prob',
self.dropout, 'is_bidirec', self.num_directions == 2,
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from paddle.fluid.data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype
from paddle.nn import functional as F
import logging
from paddle.fluid.log_helper import get_logger
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = [
......@@ -91,8 +92,8 @@ class FakeQuantAbsMax(layers.Layer):
out_scale.stop_gradient = True
out, _, = core.ops.fake_quantize_dequantize_abs_max(
input, quant_out, out_scale, *attrs)
out, _, = _C_ops.fake_quantize_dequantize_abs_max(input, quant_out,
out_scale, *attrs)
return out
check_variable_and_dtype(input, 'input', ['float32'], "FakeQuantAbsMax")
......@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ class FakeQuantMovingAverageAbsMax(layers.Layer):
state = self._state if self.training else None
accum = self._accum if self.training else None
out, _, _, _ = core.ops.fake_quantize_dequantize_moving_average_abs_max(
out, _, _, _ = _C_ops.fake_quantize_dequantize_moving_average_abs_max(
input, self._scale, accum, state, quant_out, self._scale, state,
accum, *attrs)
return out
......@@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ class FakeQuantChannelWiseAbsMax(layers.Layer):
out_scale.stop_gradient = True
out, _, = core.ops.fake_channel_wise_quantize_dequantize_abs_max(
out, _, = _C_ops.fake_channel_wise_quantize_dequantize_abs_max(
input, quant_out, out_scale, *attrs)
return out
......@@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ class MovingAverageAbsMaxScale(layers.Layer):
out, _, _, _ = core.ops.moving_average_abs_max_scale(
out, _, _, _ = _C_ops.moving_average_abs_max_scale(
input, accum, state, quant_out, self._scale, state, accum,
return out
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from ..fluid.dygraph import base as imperative_base
from collections import defaultdict
import paddle
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ class Adam(Optimizer):
self._beta1, Variable) else self._beta1.numpy().item(0)
_beta2 = self._beta2 if not isinstance(
self._beta2, Variable) else self._beta2.numpy().item(0)
_, _, _, _, _ = core.ops.adam(
_, _, _, _, _ = _C_ops.adam(
param_and_grad[0], param_and_grad[1], lr, moment1, moment2,
beta1_pow_acc, beta2_pow_acc, param_and_grad[0], moment1,
moment2, beta1_pow_acc, beta2_pow_acc, 'epsilon', self._epsilon,
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from .optimizer import Optimizer
from ..fluid import core
from ..fluid import framework
from ..fluid.framework import Variable
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ class Lamb(Optimizer):
lr = self._create_param_lr(param_and_grad)
if framework.in_dygraph_mode():
_, _, _, _, _ = core.ops.lamb(
_, _, _, _, _ = _C_ops.lamb(
param_and_grad[0], param_and_grad[1], lr, moment1, moment2,
beta1_pow_acc, beta2_pow_acc, param_and_grad[0], moment1,
moment2, beta1_pow_acc, beta2_pow_acc, 'beta1', self._beta1,
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from ..fluid import unique_name
from ..fluid import layers
import paddle.fluid as fluid
from paddle.fluid.regularizer import L2DecayRegularizer
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ class Momentum(Optimizer):
if framework.in_dygraph_mode():
if isinstance(param_and_grad, dict):
_, _ = core.ops.momentum(
_, _ = _C_ops.momentum(
param_and_grad[0], param_and_grad[1], velocity_acc, lr,
param_and_grad[0], velocity_acc, 'mu', self._momentum,
'use_nesterov', self._use_nesterov, 'regularization_method',
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ from ..fluid.wrapped_decorator import signature_safe_contextmanager
from .. import compat as cpt
from .lr import LRScheduler
import copy
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -916,7 +917,7 @@ class Optimizer(object):
assert regularization_term is not None
if framework.in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.sum([grad, regularization_term])
return _C_ops.sum([grad, regularization_term])
new_grad = grad
if grad.type == core.VarDesc.VarType.SELECTED_ROWS:
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from ..fluid import core
from ..fluid import framework
from ..fluid.framework import Variable, name_scope
from ..fluid.dygraph import no_grad
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -91,8 +92,8 @@ class SGD(Optimizer):
param_and_grad = self._update_param_group(param_and_grad)
lr = self._create_param_lr(param_and_grad)
if framework.in_dygraph_mode():
core.ops.sgd(param_and_grad[0], lr, param_and_grad[1],
_C_ops.sgd(param_and_grad[0], lr, param_and_grad[1],
return None
assert isinstance(block, framework.Block)
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from ..fluid.data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype
# TODO: define functions to get tensor attributes
from ..fluid.layers import rank # noqa: F401
from ..fluid.layers import shape # noqa: F401
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ def real(x, name=None):
# [4., 5., 6.]])
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.real(x)
return _C_ops.real(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['complex64', 'complex128'], 'real')
helper = LayerHelper('real', **locals())
......@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ def imag(x, name=None):
# [3., 2., 1.]])
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.imag(x)
return _C_ops.imag(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['complex64', 'complex128'], 'imag')
helper = LayerHelper('imag', **locals())
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from ..fluid.framework import convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_, in_dygraph_mode, _varb
# TODO: define functions to get create a tensor
from ..fluid.layers import linspace # noqa: F401
import paddle
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ def full_like(x, fill_value, dtype=None, name=None):
dtype = convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_(dtype)
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.fill_any_like(x, 'value', fill_value, 'dtype', dtype)
return _C_ops.fill_any_like(x, 'value', fill_value, 'dtype', dtype)
helper = LayerHelper("full_like", **locals())
......@@ -639,7 +640,7 @@ def tril(x, diagonal=0, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
op = getattr(core.ops, 'tril_triu')
op = getattr(_C_ops, 'tril_triu')
return op(x, 'diagonal', diagonal, "lower", True)
return _tril_triu_op(LayerHelper('tril', **locals()))
......@@ -706,7 +707,7 @@ def triu(x, diagonal=0, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
op = getattr(core.ops, 'tril_triu')
op = getattr(_C_ops, 'tril_triu')
return op(x, 'diagonal', diagonal, "lower", False)
return _tril_triu_op(LayerHelper('triu', **locals()))
......@@ -749,7 +750,7 @@ def meshgrid(*args, **kwargs):
args = args[0]
if in_dygraph_mode():
num = len(args)
out = core.ops.meshgrid(list(args), num)
out = _C_ops.meshgrid(list(args), num)
return out
name = kwargs.get("name", None)
......@@ -854,13 +855,13 @@ def diagflat(x, offset=0, name=None):
padding_value = 0
if in_dygraph_mode():
if len(x.shape) == 1:
return core.ops.diag_v2(x, "offset", offset, "padding_value",
return _C_ops.diag_v2(x, "offset", offset, "padding_value",
y, _ = core.ops.flatten_contiguous_range(x, "start_axis", 0,
"stop_axis", -1)
return core.ops.diag_v2(y, "offset", offset, "padding_value",
y, _ = _C_ops.flatten_contiguous_range(x, "start_axis", 0,
"stop_axis", -1)
return _C_ops.diag_v2(y, "offset", offset, "padding_value",
check_type(x, 'x', (Variable), 'diagflat')
check_dtype(x.dtype, 'x', ['float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -967,8 +968,8 @@ def diag(x, offset=0, padding_value=0, name=None):
# [4]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.diag_v2(x, "offset", offset, "padding_value",
return _C_ops.diag_v2(x, "offset", offset, "padding_value",
check_type(x, 'x', (Variable), 'diag_v2')
check_dtype(x.dtype, 'x', ['float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -1049,8 +1050,8 @@ def empty(shape, dtype=None, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
shape = utils.convert_shape_to_list(shape)
out = core.ops.empty('shape', shape, 'dtype',
out = _C_ops.empty('shape', shape, 'dtype',
out.stop_gradient = True
return out
......@@ -1116,8 +1117,8 @@ def empty_like(x, dtype=None, name=None):
dtype = convert_dtype(dtype)
if in_dygraph_mode():
out = core.ops.empty('shape', x.shape, 'dtype',
out = _C_ops.empty('shape', x.shape, 'dtype',
out.stop_gradient = True
return out
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from ..fluid.framework import in_dygraph_mode, _varbase_creator
from ..fluid.layers import transpose # noqa: F401
from paddle.common_ops_import import core
from paddle.common_ops_import import VarDesc
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ def matmul(x, y, transpose_x=False, transpose_y=False, name=None):
op_type = 'matmul_v2'
if in_dygraph_mode():
op = getattr(core.ops, op_type)
op = getattr(_C_ops, op_type)
return op(x, y, 'trans_x', transpose_x, 'trans_y', transpose_y)
attrs = {
......@@ -244,10 +245,10 @@ def norm(x, p='fro', axis=None, keepdim=False, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
if dim is None:
return core.ops.frobenius_norm(input, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
'reduce_all', True)
return core.ops.frobenius_norm(input, 'dim', dim, 'keep_dim',
keepdim, 'reduce_all', False)
return _C_ops.frobenius_norm(input, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
'reduce_all', True)
return _C_ops.frobenius_norm(input, 'dim', dim, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
'reduce_all', False)
attrs = {'dim': dim, 'keep_dim': keepdim, 'reduce_all': False}
if dim is None:
attrs['reduce_all'] = True
......@@ -281,8 +282,8 @@ def norm(x, p='fro', axis=None, keepdim=False, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
if axis is None: axis = -1
return core.ops.p_norm(input, 'porder', porder, 'axis', axis,
'keepdim', keepdim, 'asvector', asvector)
return _C_ops.p_norm(input, 'porder', porder, 'axis', axis,
'keepdim', keepdim, 'asvector', asvector)
if porder is not None:
check_type(porder, 'porder', (float, int), 'p_norm')
if axis is not None:
......@@ -576,7 +577,7 @@ def dot(x, y, name=None):
op_type = 'dot'
# skip var type check in dygraph mode to improve efficiency
if in_dygraph_mode():
op = getattr(core.ops, op_type)
op = getattr(_C_ops, op_type)
return op(x, y)
assert x is not None, 'x cannot be None in {}'.format(op_type)
......@@ -651,7 +652,7 @@ def t(input, name=None):
return input
# 2-D tensor
perm = [1, 0]
out, _ = core.ops.transpose2(input, 'axis', perm)
out, _ = _C_ops.transpose2(input, 'axis', perm)
return out
......@@ -713,9 +714,9 @@ def cross(x, y, axis=None, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
if axis is not None:
return core.ops.cross(x, y, 'dim', axis)
return _C_ops.cross(x, y, 'dim', axis)
return core.ops.cross(x, y)
return _C_ops.cross(x, y)
helper = LayerHelper("cross", **locals())
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(x.dtype)
......@@ -771,7 +772,7 @@ def cholesky(x, upper=False, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.cholesky(x, "upper", upper)
return _C_ops.cholesky(x, "upper", upper)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'dtype', ['float32', 'float64'], 'cholesky')
check_type(upper, 'upper', bool, 'cholesky')
helper = LayerHelper('cholesky', **locals())
......@@ -834,7 +835,7 @@ def bmm(x, y, name=None):
format(x_shape, y_shape))
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.bmm(x, y)
return _C_ops.bmm(x, y)
helper = LayerHelper('bmm', **locals())
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype=x.dtype)
......@@ -867,7 +868,7 @@ def histogram(input, bins=100, min=0, max=0):
print(result) # [0, 2, 1, 0]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.histogram(input, "bins", bins, "min", min, "max", max)
return _C_ops.histogram(input, "bins", bins, "min", min, "max", max)
helper = LayerHelper('histogram', **locals())
......@@ -914,7 +915,7 @@ def mv(x, vec, name=None):
out = paddle.mv(x, vec)
if in_dygraph_mode():
out = core.ops.mv(x, vec)
out = _C_ops.mv(x, vec)
return out
def __check_input(x, vec):
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from ..fluid.layers import logical_or # noqa: F401
from ..fluid.layers import logical_xor # noqa: F401
from paddle.common_ops_import import core
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ def equal_all(x, y, name=None):
print(result2) # result2 = [False ]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.equal_all(x, y)
return _C_ops.equal_all(x, y)
helper = LayerHelper("equal_all", **locals())
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype='bool')
......@@ -123,9 +124,9 @@ def allclose(x, y, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.allclose(x, y, 'rtol',
str(rtol), 'atol',
str(atol), 'equal_nan', equal_nan)
return _C_ops.allclose(x, y, 'rtol',
str(rtol), 'atol',
str(atol), 'equal_nan', equal_nan)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, "input", ['float32', 'float64'], 'allclose')
check_variable_and_dtype(y, "input", ['float32', 'float64'], 'allclose')
......@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ def equal(x, y, name=None):
print(result1) # result1 = [True False False]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.equal(x, y)
return _C_ops.equal(x, y)
x, "x", ["bool", "float32", "float64", "int32", "int64"], "equal")
......@@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ def greater_equal(x, y, name=None):
print(result1) # result1 = [True False True]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.greater_equal(x, y)
return _C_ops.greater_equal(x, y)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, "x",
["bool", "float32", "float64", "int32", "int64"],
......@@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ def greater_than(x, y, name=None):
print(result1) # result1 = [False False True]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.greater_than(x, y)
return _C_ops.greater_than(x, y)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, "x",
["bool", "float32", "float64", "int32", "int64"],
......@@ -309,7 +310,7 @@ def less_equal(x, y, name=None):
print(result1) # result1 = [True True False]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.less_equal(x, y)
return _C_ops.less_equal(x, y)
x, "x", ["bool", "float32", "float64", "int32", "int64"], "less_equal")
......@@ -352,7 +353,7 @@ def less_than(x, y, name=None):
print(result1) # result1 = [False True False]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.less_than(x, y)
return _C_ops.less_than(x, y)
x, "x", ["bool", "float32", "float64", "int32", "int64"], "less_than")
......@@ -395,7 +396,7 @@ def not_equal(x, y, name=None):
print(result1) # result1 = [False True True]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.not_equal(x, y)
return _C_ops.not_equal(x, y)
x, "x", ["bool", "float32", "float64", "int32", "int64"], "not_equal")
......@@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ def is_tensor(x):
def _bitwise_op(op_name, x, y, out=None, name=None, binary_op=True):
if in_dygraph_mode():
op = getattr(core.ops, op_name)
op = getattr(_C_ops, op_name)
if binary_op:
return op(x, y)
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ from ..fluid.layers import shard_index # noqa: F401
from ..fluid import layers
from ..fluid.dygraph.inplace_utils import inplace_apis_in_dygraph_only
import paddle
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ def broadcast_tensors(input, name=None):
num_inputs = len(input)
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.broadcast_tensors(input, num_inputs)
return _C_ops.broadcast_tensors(input, num_inputs)
check_type(input, 'input', (list, tuple), 'broadcast_tensors')
if num_inputs < 1:
......@@ -361,8 +362,8 @@ def flatten(x, start_axis=0, stop_axis=-1, name=None):
raise ValueError("The stop_axis should be larger than stat_axis")
if in_dygraph_mode():
dy_out, _ = core.ops.flatten_contiguous_range(
x, 'start_axis', start_axis, 'stop_axis', stop_axis)
dy_out, _ = _C_ops.flatten_contiguous_range(x, 'start_axis', start_axis,
'stop_axis', stop_axis)
return dy_out
helper = LayerHelper('flatten', **locals())
......@@ -403,8 +404,8 @@ def flatten_(x, start_axis=0, stop_axis=-1, name=None):
if start_axis > stop_axis:
raise ValueError("The stop_axis should be larger than stat_axis")
dy_out, _ = core.ops.flatten_contiguous_range_(x, 'start_axis', start_axis,
'stop_axis', stop_axis)
dy_out, _ = _C_ops.flatten_contiguous_range_(x, 'start_axis', start_axis,
'stop_axis', stop_axis)
return dy_out
......@@ -460,7 +461,7 @@ def roll(x, shifts, axis=None, name=None):
axis = []
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.roll(x, 'axis', axis, 'shifts', shifts)
return _C_ops.roll(x, 'axis', axis, 'shifts', shifts)
helper = LayerHelper("roll", **locals())
check_type(axis, 'axis', (list, tuple), 'roll')
......@@ -705,7 +706,7 @@ def squeeze_(x, axis=None, name=None):
elif isinstance(axis, tuple):
axis = list(axis)
out, _ = core.ops.squeeze2_(x, 'axes', axis)
out, _ = _C_ops.squeeze2_(x, 'axes', axis)
return out
......@@ -766,7 +767,7 @@ def unique(x,
axis = [axis]
attr_dtype = convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_(dtype)
if in_dygraph_mode():
out, inverse, indices, counts = core.ops.unique(
out, inverse, indices, counts = _C_ops.unique(
x, 'dtype', attr_dtype, 'return_index', return_index,
'return_inverse', return_inverse, 'return_counts', return_counts,
'axis', axis, "is_sorted", True)
......@@ -897,7 +898,7 @@ def unsqueeze_(x, axis, name=None):
item.numpy().item(0) if isinstance(item, Variable) else item
for item in axis
out, _ = core.ops.unsqueeze2_(x, 'axes', axis)
out, _ = _C_ops.unsqueeze2_(x, 'axes', axis)
return out
......@@ -951,7 +952,7 @@ def gather(x, index, axis=None, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
axis = axis.item() if isinstance(axis, paddle.Tensor) else axis
return core.ops.gather(x, index, None, "axis", axis, "overwrite", False)
return _C_ops.gather(x, index, None, "axis", axis, "overwrite", False)
x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8'],
......@@ -1024,7 +1025,7 @@ def unbind(input, axis=0):
axis_ = axis if axis >= 0 else len(input_shape) + axis
num = input_shape[axis_]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.unbind(input, num, 'axis', axis)
return _C_ops.unbind(input, num, 'axis', axis)
helper = LayerHelper("unbind", **locals())
check_type(input, 'input', (Variable), 'unbind')
......@@ -1116,7 +1117,7 @@ def scatter(x, index, updates, overwrite=True, name=None):
# [1., 1.]]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.scatter(x, index, updates, 'overwrite', overwrite)
return _C_ops.scatter(x, index, updates, 'overwrite', overwrite)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'dtype', ['float32', 'float64'], 'scatter')
check_type(overwrite, 'overwrite', bool, 'scatter')
......@@ -1138,7 +1139,7 @@ def scatter_(x, index, updates, overwrite=True, name=None):
Inplace version of ``scatter`` API, the output Tensor will be inplaced with input ``x``.
Please refer to :ref:`api_paddle_tensor_scatter`.
return core.ops.scatter_(x, index, updates, 'overwrite', overwrite)
return _C_ops.scatter_(x, index, updates, 'overwrite', overwrite)
def scatter_nd_add(x, index, updates, name=None):
......@@ -1293,7 +1294,7 @@ def tile(x, repeat_times, name=None):
# [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.tile(x, 'repeat_times', repeat_times)
return _C_ops.tile(x, 'repeat_times', repeat_times)
check_type(repeat_times, 'repeat_times', (list, tuple, Variable), 'tile')
if isinstance(repeat_times, Variable):
assert len(repeat_times.shape) == 1, (
......@@ -1376,7 +1377,7 @@ def expand_as(x, y, name=None):
# [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.expand_as_v2(x, 'target_shape', y.shape)
return _C_ops.expand_as_v2(x, 'target_shape', y.shape)
x, 'x', ['bool', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'], 'expand_as')
......@@ -1430,7 +1431,7 @@ def broadcast_to(x, shape, name=None):
# [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.expand_v2(x, 'shape', shape)
return _C_ops.expand_v2(x, 'shape', shape)
if isinstance(shape, Variable):
assert len(shape.shape) == 1, ('shape must be an 1-D Tensor.')
......@@ -1517,7 +1518,7 @@ def expand(x, shape, name=None):
# [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.expand_v2(x, 'shape', shape)
return _C_ops.expand_v2(x, 'shape', shape)
if isinstance(shape, Variable):
assert len(shape.shape) == 1, ('shape must be an 1-D Tensor.')
......@@ -1663,11 +1664,11 @@ def reshape_(x, shape, name=None):
item.numpy().item(0) if isinstance(item, Variable) else item
for item in shape
out, _ = core.ops.reshape2_(x, None, 'shape', shape)
out, _ = _C_ops.reshape2_(x, None, 'shape', shape)
return out
elif isinstance(shape, Variable):
shape.stop_gradient = True
out, _ = core.ops.reshape2_(x, shape)
out, _ = _C_ops.reshape2_(x, shape)
return out
......@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ from ..fluid.layers import lgamma # noqa: F401
from ..fluid.layers import multiplex # noqa: F401
from ..fluid import layers
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ def scale_(x, scale=1.0, bias=0.0, bias_after_scale=True, act=None, name=None):
Please refer to :ref:`api_tensor_scale`.
_scale = scale.numpy().item(0) if isinstance(scale, Variable) else scale
return core.ops.scale_(x, 'scale',
return _C_ops.scale_(x, 'scale',
float(_scale), 'bias',
float(bias), 'bias_after_scale', bias_after_scale)
......@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ def pow(x, y, name=None):
# in dynamic graph mode
if in_dygraph_mode():
if isinstance(y, (int, float)):
return core.ops.pow(x, 'factor', y)
return _C_ops.pow(x, 'factor', y)
elif isinstance(y, (paddle.Tensor, Variable)):
return _elementwise_op_in_dygraph(
x, y, axis=-1, act=None, op_name='elementwise_pow')
......@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ def _elementwise_op_in_dygraph(x,
op = getattr(core.ops, op_name)
op = getattr(_C_ops, op_name)
out = op(x, y, 'axis', axis, 'use_mkldnn', use_mkldnn)
return dygraph_utils._append_activation_in_dygraph(
......@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ def add(x, y, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.elementwise_add(x, y)
return _C_ops.elementwise_add(x, y)
return _elementwise_op(LayerHelper('elementwise_add', **locals()))
......@@ -725,12 +726,12 @@ def sum(x, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdim=False, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
axis = axis if axis != None and axis != [] else [0]
if dtype_flag:
return core.ops.reduce_sum(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
return _C_ops.reduce_sum(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
'reduce_all', reduce_all_flag, 'in_dtype',
x.dtype, 'out_dtype',
return core.ops.reduce_sum(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
return _C_ops.reduce_sum(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
'reduce_all', reduce_all_flag)
attrs = {
......@@ -839,7 +840,7 @@ def add_n(inputs, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
if isinstance(inputs, Variable):
inputs = [inputs]
return core.ops.sum(inputs, 'use_mkldnn', False)
return _C_ops.sum(inputs, 'use_mkldnn', False)
helper = LayerHelper('add_n', **locals())
check_type(inputs, 'inputs', (Variable, tuple, list), 'add_n')
......@@ -893,7 +894,7 @@ def trunc(input, name=None):
# [0., 0.]]))
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.trunc(input)
return _C_ops.trunc(input)
inputs = {"X": input}
attrs = {}
......@@ -948,7 +949,7 @@ def mm(input, mat2, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
out = _varbase_creator(dtype=input.dtype)
core.ops.matmul(input, mat2, out)
_C_ops.matmul(input, mat2, out)
return out
def __check_input(x, y):
......@@ -1054,7 +1055,7 @@ def addmm(input, x, y, beta=1.0, alpha=1.0, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
out = core.ops.addmm(input, x, y, "Alpha", alpha, "Beta", beta)
out = _C_ops.addmm(input, x, y, "Alpha", alpha, "Beta", beta)
return out
inputs = {'Input': input, "X": x, "Y": y}
......@@ -1121,7 +1122,7 @@ def logsumexp(x, axis=None, keepdim=False, name=None):
axis = [0]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.logsumexp(x, 'axis', axis, 'keepdim', keepdim, 'reduce_all', reduce_all)
return _C_ops.logsumexp(x, 'axis', axis, 'keepdim', keepdim, 'reduce_all', reduce_all)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x',
['float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -1165,7 +1166,7 @@ def inverse(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.inverse(x)
return _C_ops.inverse(x)
def _check_input(x):
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x',
......@@ -1256,7 +1257,7 @@ def max(x, axis=None, keepdim=False, name=None):
reduce_all = True if axis == None or axis == [] else False
axis = axis if axis != None and axis != [] else [0]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.reduce_max(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
return _C_ops.reduce_max(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
'reduce_all', reduce_all)
helper = LayerHelper('max', **locals())
......@@ -1345,7 +1346,7 @@ def min(x, axis=None, keepdim=False, name=None):
reduce_all = True if axis == None or axis == [] else False
axis = axis if axis != None and axis != [] else [0]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.reduce_min(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
return _C_ops.reduce_min(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
'reduce_all', reduce_all)
helper = LayerHelper('min', **locals())
......@@ -1391,7 +1392,7 @@ def log1p(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.log1p(x)
return _C_ops.log1p(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64'], "log1p")
inputs = {'X': [x]}
......@@ -1440,7 +1441,7 @@ def log2(x, name=None):
print(res) # [1.0]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.log2(x)
return _C_ops.log2(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], "log2")
inputs = {'X': [x]}
......@@ -1490,7 +1491,7 @@ def log10(x, name=None):
print(res) # [1.0]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.log10(x)
return _C_ops.log10(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], "log10")
inputs = {'X': [x]}
......@@ -1557,7 +1558,7 @@ def clip(x, min=None, max=None, name=None):
max = max.numpy().item(0)
min = min_ if min is None else min
max = max_ if max is None else max
return core.ops.clip(x, "min", min, "max", max)
return _C_ops.clip(x, "min", min, "max", max)
if min is not None:
check_type(min, 'min', (float, int, Variable), 'clip')
......@@ -1610,7 +1611,7 @@ def clip_(x, min=None, max=None, name=None):
max = max.numpy().item(0)
min = fmin if min is None else min
max = fmax if max is None else max
return core.ops.clip_(x, "min", min, "max", max)
return _C_ops.clip_(x, "min", min, "max", max)
......@@ -1656,7 +1657,7 @@ def trace(x, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1, name=None):
data3 = paddle.trace(case3, offset=-3, axis1=1, axis2=-1) # data2.shape = [3, 5]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.trace(x, 'offset', offset, 'axis1', axis1, 'axis2', axis2)
return _C_ops.trace(x, 'offset', offset, 'axis1', axis1, 'axis2', axis2)
inputs = {'Input': [x]}
attrs = {'offset': offset, 'axis1': axis1, 'axis2': axis2}
......@@ -1768,7 +1769,7 @@ def diagonal(x, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.diagonal(x, 'offset', offset, 'axis1', axis1, 'axis2', axis2)
return _C_ops.diagonal(x, 'offset', offset, 'axis1', axis1, 'axis2', axis2)
def __check_input(input, offset, dim1, dim2):
check_dtype(x.dtype, 'Input',
......@@ -1845,7 +1846,7 @@ ${comment}
# [21, 24, 27, 28, 32, 36]])
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.kron(x, y)
return _C_ops.kron(x, y)
helper = LayerHelper('kron', **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'], 'kron')
......@@ -1906,9 +1907,9 @@ def cumsum(x, axis=None, dtype=None, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
if axis is None:
return core.ops.cumsum(x, 'flatten', flatten)
return _C_ops.cumsum(x, 'flatten', flatten)
return core.ops.cumsum(x, 'axis', axis, 'flatten', flatten)
return _C_ops.cumsum(x, 'axis', axis, 'flatten', flatten)
check_type(x, 'x', (Variable), 'cumsum')
locals_var = locals().copy()
......@@ -1941,7 +1942,7 @@ def isfinite(x, name=None):
print(out) # [False True True False True False False]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.isfinite_v2(x)
return _C_ops.isfinite_v2(x)
helper = LayerHelper("isfinite_v2", **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'], 'isfinite')
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference('bool')
......@@ -1969,7 +1970,7 @@ def isinf(x, name=None):
print(out) # [ True False False True False False False]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.isinf_v2(x)
return _C_ops.isinf_v2(x)
helper = LayerHelper("isinf_v2", **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'], 'isinf')
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype='bool')
......@@ -1997,7 +1998,7 @@ def isnan(x, name=None):
print(out) # [False False False False False True True]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.isnan_v2(x)
return _C_ops.isnan_v2(x)
helper = LayerHelper("isnan_v2", **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'], 'isnan')
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype='bool')
......@@ -2094,7 +2095,7 @@ def sign(x, name=None):
print(out) # [1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.sign(x)
return _C_ops.sign(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'sign')
helper = LayerHelper("sign", **locals())
......@@ -2131,7 +2132,7 @@ def tanh(x, name=None):
# [-0.37994896 -0.19737532 0.09966799 0.29131261]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.tanh(x)
return _C_ops.tanh(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'tanh')
check_type(x, 'x', (Variable), 'tanh')
......@@ -2146,7 +2147,7 @@ def tanh_(x, name=None):
Inplace version of ``tanh`` API, the output Tensor will be inplaced with input ``x``.
Please refer to :ref:`api_tensor_tanh`.
return core.ops.tanh_(x)
return _C_ops.tanh_(x)
def increment(x, value=1.0, name=None):
......@@ -2173,7 +2174,7 @@ def increment(x, value=1.0, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.increment(x, 'step', value)
return _C_ops.increment(x, 'step', value)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -2255,7 +2256,7 @@ def all(x, axis=None, keepdim=False, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
axis = axis if axis != None and axis != [] else [0]
return core.ops.reduce_all(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
return _C_ops.reduce_all(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
'reduce_all', reduce_all_flag)
attrs = {
......@@ -2263,7 +2264,6 @@ def all(x, axis=None, keepdim=False, name=None):
'keep_dim': keepdim,
'reduce_all': reduce_all_flag
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['bool'], 'all')
......@@ -2348,7 +2348,7 @@ def any(x, axis=None, keepdim=False, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
axis = axis if axis != None and axis != [] else [0]
return core.ops.reduce_any(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
return _C_ops.reduce_any(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
'reduce_all', reduce_all_flag)
attrs = {
......@@ -2428,7 +2428,7 @@ def conj(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.conj(x)
return _C_ops.conj(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, "x", ['complex64', 'complex128', 'float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'], 'conj')
......@@ -2467,7 +2467,7 @@ def digamma(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.digamma(x)
return _C_ops.digamma(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64'], 'digamma')
helper = LayerHelper('digamma', **locals())
......@@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ def atan2(y, x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.atan2(y, x)
return _C_ops.atan2(y, x)
check_variable_and_dtype(y, 'y', ['int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'atan2')
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64'], 'atan2')
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from ..fluid.layer_helper import LayerHelper
from ..fluid.data_feeder import check_variable_and_dtype, check_type, check_dtype, check_shape
from ..fluid.layers import utils
import paddle
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ def bernoulli(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.bernoulli(x)
return _C_ops.bernoulli(x)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, "x", ["float32", "float64"], "bernoulli")
......@@ -130,8 +131,8 @@ def multinomial(x, num_samples=1, replacement=False, name=None):
"multinomial op is not supported on ROCM yet.")
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.multinomial(x, 'num_samples', num_samples,
'replacement', replacement)
return _C_ops.multinomial(x, 'num_samples', num_samples, 'replacement',
check_variable_and_dtype(x, "x", ["float32", "float64"], "multinomial")
......@@ -189,10 +190,9 @@ def gaussian(shape, mean=0.0, std=1.0, dtype=None, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
shape = utils.convert_shape_to_list(shape)
return core.ops.gaussian_random('shape', shape, 'mean',
float(mean), 'std',
float(std), 'seed', seed, 'dtype',
return _C_ops.gaussian_random('shape', shape, 'mean',
float(mean), 'std',
float(std), 'seed', seed, 'dtype', dtype)
check_shape(shape, op_type_for_check)
check_dtype(dtype, 'dtype', ['float32', 'float64'], op_type_for_check)
......@@ -499,9 +499,9 @@ def uniform(shape, dtype=None, min=-1.0, max=1.0, seed=0, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
shape = utils.convert_shape_to_list(shape)
return core.ops.uniform_random('shape', shape, 'min',
float(min), 'max',
float(max), 'seed', seed, 'dtype', dtype)
return _C_ops.uniform_random('shape', shape, 'min',
float(min), 'max',
float(max), 'seed', seed, 'dtype', dtype)
check_type(shape, 'shape', (list, tuple, Variable), 'uniform/rand')
check_dtype(dtype, 'dtype', ('float32', 'float64'), 'uniform/rand')
......@@ -599,8 +599,8 @@ def randint(low=0, high=None, shape=[1], dtype=None, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
shape = utils.convert_shape_to_list(shape)
return core.ops.randint('shape', shape, 'low', low, 'high', high,
'seed', 0, 'dtype', dtype)
return _C_ops.randint('shape', shape, 'low', low, 'high', high, 'seed',
0, 'dtype', dtype)
check_shape(shape, 'randint')
check_dtype(dtype, 'dtype', ['int32', 'int64'], 'randint')
......@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ def randperm(n, dtype="int64", name=None):
dtype = convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_(dtype)
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.randperm('n', n, 'seed', 0, 'dtype', dtype)
return _C_ops.randperm('n', n, 'seed', 0, 'dtype', dtype)
if n < 1:
raise ValueError("The input n should be greater than 0 in randperm op.")
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from paddle.common_ops_import import in_dygraph_mode
from paddle.common_ops_import import convert_np_dtype_to_dtype_
from paddle.common_ops_import import Variable
from paddle.common_ops_import import VarDesc
from paddle import _C_ops
# TODO: define searching & indexing functions of a tensor
# from ..fluid.layers import has_inf #DEFINE_ALIAS
......@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ def argsort(x, axis=-1, descending=False, name=None):
# [0 2 1 1]]]
if in_dygraph_mode():
_, ids = core.ops.argsort(x, 'axis', axis, 'descending', descending)
_, ids = _C_ops.argsort(x, 'axis', axis, 'descending', descending)
return ids
x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'uint8'],
......@@ -165,8 +166,8 @@ def argmax(x, axis=None, keepdim=False, dtype="int64", name=None):
axis = 0
if in_dygraph_mode():
out = core.ops.arg_max(x, 'axis', axis, 'dtype', var_dtype, 'keepdims',
keepdim, 'flatten', flatten)
out = _C_ops.arg_max(x, 'axis', axis, 'dtype', var_dtype, 'keepdims',
keepdim, 'flatten', flatten)
return out
helper = LayerHelper("argmax", **locals())
......@@ -242,8 +243,8 @@ def argmin(x, axis=None, keepdim=False, dtype="int64", name=None):
axis = 0
if in_dygraph_mode():
out = core.ops.arg_min(x, 'axis', axis, 'dtype', var_dtype, 'keepdims',
keepdim, 'flatten', flatten)
out = _C_ops.arg_min(x, 'axis', axis, 'dtype', var_dtype, 'keepdims',
keepdim, 'flatten', flatten)
return out
helper = LayerHelper("argmin", **locals())
......@@ -302,7 +303,7 @@ def index_select(x, index, axis=0, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.index_select(x, index, 'dim', axis)
return _C_ops.index_select(x, index, 'dim', axis)
helper = LayerHelper("index_select", **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ def nonzero(x, as_tuple=False):
rank = len(shape)
if in_dygraph_mode():
outs = core.ops.where_index(x)
outs = _C_ops.where_index(x)
outs = layers.where(x)
......@@ -452,7 +453,7 @@ def sort(x, axis=-1, descending=False, name=None):
# [5. 7. 7. 9.]]]
if in_dygraph_mode():
out, _ = core.ops.argsort(x, 'axis', axis, 'descending', descending)
out, _ = _C_ops.argsort(x, 'axis', axis, 'descending', descending)
return out
helper = LayerHelper("sort", **locals())
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(
......@@ -517,7 +518,7 @@ def where(condition, x, y, name=None):
y_shape = list(y.shape)
if x_shape == y_shape:
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.where(condition, x, y)
return _C_ops.where(condition, x, y)
helper = LayerHelper("where", **locals())
out = helper.create_variable_for_type_inference(dtype=x.dtype)
......@@ -612,7 +613,7 @@ def index_sample(x, index):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.index_sample(x, index)
return _C_ops.index_sample(x, index)
helper = LayerHelper("index_sample", **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -660,7 +661,7 @@ def masked_select(x, mask, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.masked_select(x, mask)
return _C_ops.masked_select(x, mask)
helper = LayerHelper("masked_select", **locals())
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x', ['float32', 'float64', 'int32', 'int64'],
......@@ -732,13 +733,13 @@ def topk(x, k, axis=None, largest=True, sorted=True, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
k = k.numpy().item(0) if isinstance(k, Variable) else k
if axis is None:
out, indices = core.ops.top_k_v2(x, 'k',
int(k), 'largest', largest,
'sorted', sorted)
out, indices = _C_ops.top_k_v2(x, 'k',
int(k), 'largest', largest, 'sorted',
out, indices = core.ops.top_k_v2(x, 'k',
int(k), 'axis', axis, 'largest',
largest, 'sorted', sorted)
out, indices = _C_ops.top_k_v2(x, 'k',
int(k), 'axis', axis, 'largest',
largest, 'sorted', sorted)
return out, indices
helper = LayerHelper("top_k_v2", **locals())
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from ..fluid import layers
from .search import where
from ..fluid.data_feeder import convert_dtype, check_variable_and_dtype, check_type, check_dtype
import paddle
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = []
......@@ -88,8 +89,8 @@ def mean(x, axis=None, keepdim=False, name=None):
axis = [0]
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.reduce_mean(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
'reduce_all', reduce_all)
return _C_ops.reduce_mean(x, 'dim', axis, 'keep_dim', keepdim,
'reduce_all', reduce_all)
check_variable_and_dtype(x, 'x/input', ['float32', 'float64'],
......@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ def numel(x, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.size(x)
return _C_ops.size(x)
if not isinstance(x, Variable):
raise TypeError("x must be a Tensor in numel")
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from ..nn import Layer
from ..fluid.initializer import Normal
from paddle.common_ops_import import *
from paddle import _C_ops
__all__ = [ #noqa
......@@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ def yolo_loss(x,
if in_dygraph_mode() and gt_score is None:
loss = core.ops.yolov3_loss(
loss = _C_ops.yolov3_loss(
x, gt_box, gt_label, 'anchors', anchors, 'anchor_mask', anchor_mask,
'class_num', class_num, 'ignore_thresh', ignore_thresh,
'downsample_ratio', downsample_ratio, 'use_label_smooth',
......@@ -372,7 +373,7 @@ def yolo_box(x,
if in_dygraph_mode():
boxes, scores = core.ops.yolo_box(
boxes, scores = _C_ops.yolo_box(
x, img_size, 'anchors', anchors, 'class_num', class_num,
'conf_thresh', conf_thresh, 'downsample_ratio', downsample_ratio,
'clip_bbox', clip_bbox, 'scale_x_y', scale_x_y, 'iou_aware',
......@@ -551,11 +552,10 @@ def deform_conv2d(x,
'im2col_step', 1)
if use_deform_conv2d_v1:
op_type = 'deformable_conv_v1'
pre_bias = getattr(core.ops, op_type)(x, offset, weight, *attrs)
pre_bias = getattr(_C_ops, op_type)(x, offset, weight, *attrs)
op_type = 'deformable_conv'
pre_bias = getattr(core.ops, op_type)(x, offset, mask, weight,
pre_bias = getattr(_C_ops, op_type)(x, offset, mask, weight, *attrs)
if bias is not None:
out = nn.elementwise_add(pre_bias, bias, axis=1)
......@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ def read_file(filename, name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.read_file('filename', filename)
return _C_ops.read_file('filename', filename)
inputs = dict()
attrs = {'filename': filename}
......@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ def decode_jpeg(x, mode='unchanged', name=None):
if in_dygraph_mode():
return core.ops.decode_jpeg(x, "mode", mode)
return _C_ops.decode_jpeg(x, "mode", mode)
inputs = {'X': x}
attrs = {"mode": mode}
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