# backend : str, the names of param to choose the kernel backend, default is None
# backend : str, the names of param to choose the kernel backend, default is None
# layout : str, the names of param to choose the kernel layout, default is None
# layout : str, the names of param to choose the kernel layout, default is None
# data_type : str, the names of param to choose the kernel data_type, default is None
# data_type : str, the names of param to choose the kernel data_type, default is None
# dispatch : {}, the key is kernel_func, the value is type of inputs and outputs for kernel (example: {kernel_name : (['dense','sparse_coo']#input,['sparse_coo']#output)})
f"{self.api} : Kernel func error: If kernel has two func config, the name of second func should be a selected_rows kernel (the func name endwith '_sr'), \