未验证 提交 bc385a29 编写于 作者: C Chen Weihang 提交者: GitHub

fix softmax_with_cross_entropy_fix bug, test=develop (#21810) (#22183)

上级 515b206d
......@@ -415,6 +415,12 @@ class SoftmaxWithCrossEntropyCUDAKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
const int axis = CanonicalAxis(context.Attr<int>("axis"), rank);
int axis_dim = logits->dims()[axis];
const int n = SizeToAxis(axis, logits->dims());
const int d = SizeFromAxis(axis, logits->dims());
auto* softmax_data = softmax->mutable_data<T>(context.GetPlace());
auto* loss_data = loss->mutable_data<T>(context.GetPlace());
if (axis_dim == 1) {
math::SetConstant<platform::CUDADeviceContext, T> set_constant;
set_constant(context.cuda_device_context(), softmax, static_cast<T>(1));
......@@ -422,12 +428,6 @@ class SoftmaxWithCrossEntropyCUDAKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
const int n = SizeToAxis(axis, logits->dims());
const int d = SizeFromAxis(axis, logits->dims());
auto* softmax_data = softmax->mutable_data<T>(context.GetPlace());
auto* loss_data = loss->mutable_data<T>(context.GetPlace());
auto soft_label = context.Attr<bool>("soft_label");
auto ignore_index = context.Attr<int>("ignore_index");
......@@ -280,6 +280,23 @@ class TestSoftmaxWithCrossEntropyOpAxis4(TestSoftmaxWithCrossEntropyOp):
self.shape = [3, 5, 7, 11]
class TestSoftmaxWithCrossEntropyOpAxisDimEqualOne(
Test softmax with cross entropy operator with discreate one-hot labels.
Given axis != -1
def initParams(self):
self.op_type = "softmax_with_cross_entropy"
self.numeric_stable_mode = True
self.soft_label = False
self.dtype = np.float64
self.axis = -1
self.ignore_index = -1
self.shape = [3, 5, 7, 1]
class TestSoftmaxWithCrossEntropyOpNoCudnnFp16Axis1(
def initParams(self):
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