@@ -236,39 +236,38 @@ def elementwise_div(x, y, axis=-1, name=None):
The layer to compute the trace for a complex number tensor. input :attr:`input` must be a ComplexVariable.
The layer to compute the trace for a complex number tensor. x :attr:`x` must be a ComplexVariable.
See the detailed description for the function and other arguments
in :ref:`api_tensor_math_trace` .
input(ComplexVariable): The input ComplexVariable. Must be at least 2-dimensional.
x(ComplexVariable): The input ComplexVariable x. Must be at least 2-dimensional.
The supported data types include complex64 and complex128.
offset(int, optional): Which diagonals in input tensor will be taken. Default: 0 (main diagonals).
dim1(int, optional): The first dimension with respect to take diagonal. Default: 0.
dim2(int, optional): The second dimension with respect to take diagonal. Default: 1.
offset(int, optional): Which diagonals in input tensor x will be taken. Default: 0 (main diagonals).
axis1(int, optional): The first axis with respect to take diagonal. Default: 0.
axis2(int, optional): The second axis with respect to take diagonal. Default: 1.
name (str, optional): Normally there is no need for user to set this property. For more information, please refer to :ref:`api_guide_Name`. Default: None.
ComplexVariable: The trace result of input tensor, it's data type is the same as input data type.
ComplexVariable: The trace result of input tensor x, it's data type is the same as input data type.
This OP computes the sum along diagonals of the input tensor.
This OP computes the sum along diagonals of the input tensor x.
If ``input`` is 2D, returns the sum of diagonal.
If ``x`` is 2D, returns the sum of diagonal.
If ``input`` has larger dimensions, then returns an tensor of diagonals sum, diagonals be taken from
the 2D planes specified by dim1 and dim2. By default, the 2D planes formed by the first and second dimensions
of the input tensor.
If ``x`` has larger dimensions, then returns an tensor of diagonals sum, diagonals be taken from
the 2D planes specified by axis1 and axis2. By default, the 2D planes formed by the first and second axes
of the input tensor x.
The argument ``offset`` determines where diagonals are taken from input tensor:
The argument ``offset`` determines where diagonals are taken from input tensor x:
- If offset = 0, it is the main diagonal.
- If offset > 0, it is above the main diagonal.
- If offset < 0, it is below the main diagonal.
input(Variable): The input tensor. Must be at least 2-dimensional. The input data type should be float32, float64, int32, int64.
offset(int, optional): Which diagonals in input tensor will be taken. Default: 0 (main diagonals).
dim1(int, optional): The first dimension with respect to take diagonal. Default: 0.
dim2(int, optional): The second dimension with respect to take diagonal. Default: 1.
x(Variable): The input tensor x. Must be at least 2-dimensional. The input data type should be float32, float64, int32, int64.
offset(int, optional): Which diagonals in input tensor x will be taken. Default: 0 (main diagonals).
axis1(int, optional): The first axis with respect to take diagonal. Default: 0.
axis2(int, optional): The second axis with respect to take diagonal. Default: 1.
name (str, optional): Normally there is no need for user to set this property. For more information, please refer to :ref:`api_guide_Name`. Default: None.