The PaddlePaddle V2 API is designed to provide a modern user interface for PaddlePaddle V1(the original layer-based platform of PaddlePaddle),
it proposes some high-level concepts such as `Layers <>`_ , `Optimizer <>`_ , `Evaluator <>`_ and `Data Reader <>`_ to make the model configuration more familiar to users.
A model is composed of the computation described by a group of `Layers`, with `Evaluator` to define the error, `Optimizer` to update the parameters and `Data Reader` to feed in the data.
We also provide the `interface for Training and Inference <>`_ to help control the training and inference phrase,
it has several easy to use methods
- `paddle.train`
- `paddle.test`
- `paddle.infer`
to better expose the internal running details, different `events <>`_ are available to users by writing some callbacks.
<h1>API Overview<aclass="headerlink"href="#api-overview"title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<h1>V2 API Overview<aclass="headerlink"href="#v2-api-overview"title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p>The PaddlePaddle V2 API is designed to provide a modern user interface for PaddlePaddle V1(the original layer-based platform of PaddlePaddle),
it proposes some high-level concepts such as <aclass="reference external"href="">Layers</a> , <aclass="reference external"href="">Optimizer</a> , <aclass="reference external"href="">Evaluator</a> and <aclass="reference external"href="">Data Reader</a> to make the model configuration more familiar to users.</p>
<p>A model is composed of the computation described by a group of <cite>Layers</cite>, with <cite>Evaluator</cite> to define the error, <cite>Optimizer</cite> to update the parameters and <cite>Data Reader</cite> to feed in the data.</p>
<p>We also provide the <aclass="reference external"href="">interface for Training and Inference</a> to help control the training and inference phrase,
it has several easy to use methods</p>
<p>to better expose the internal running details, different <aclass="reference external"href="">events</a> are available to users by writing some callbacks.</p>