提交 6c16858f 编写于 作者: S sandyhouse

update, test=develop

上级 a6344af2
......@@ -441,14 +441,14 @@ class SectionWorker : public DeviceWorker {
void SetSkipVars(const std::vector<std::string>& skip_vars) {
skip_vars_ = skip_vars;
void SetStartCpuCoreId(int id) { cpu_id_ = id; }
// static void ResetBatchId() { batch_id_ = 0; }
static std::atomic<int> cpu_id_;
void AutoSetCPUAffinity(bool reuse);
int section_id_;
int thread_id_;
int cpu_id_;
int num_microbatches_;
std::vector<Scope*> microbatch_scopes_;
std::vector<std::string> skip_vars_;
......@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ void PipelineTrainer::Initialize(const TrainerDesc& trainer_desc,
// get filelist from trainer_desc here
// const std::vector<paddle::framework::DataFeed*> readers =
// VLOG(3) << "Number of program sections: " << section_num_;
// dataset->GetReaders();
// VLOG(3) << "Number of program sections: " << section_num_;
// VLOG(3) << "readers num: " << readers.size();
// int num_readers = readers.size();
// PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(num_readers, 1,
......@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ void PipelineTrainer::Initialize(const TrainerDesc& trainer_desc,
// set debug here
......@@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ void PipelineTrainer::CopyParameters(int microbatch_id,
} else if (!var->Persistable() && !is_param_grad) {
auto* ptr = microbatch_scopes_[microbatch_id]->Var(var->Name());
VLOG(3) << "Create variable " << var->Name() << " microbatch "
<< ", which pointer is " << ptr;
<< microbatch_id << ", which pointer is " << ptr;
InitializeVariable(ptr, var->GetType());
......@@ -235,39 +236,40 @@ void PipelineTrainer::CopyParameters(int microbatch_id,
// }
// }
void PipelineTrainer::GetSkipVars(const ProgramDesc& program) {
auto& global_block = program.Block(0);
for (auto& op : global_block.AllOps()) {
if (op->Type() != "c_send") {
auto input_arg_names = op->InputArgumentNames();
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(input_arg_names.size(), 1,
"Number of input arguments for c_send op must be 1, "
"but the value given is %d.",
std::string input_arg_name = input_arg_names[0];
if (input_arg_name.rfind("@GRAD") != input_arg_name.size() - 5) {
VLOG(3) << "add skip var name: " << input_arg_name;
// void PipelineTrainer::GetSkipVars(const ProgramDesc& program) {
// auto& global_block = program.Block(0);
// for (auto& op : global_block.AllOps()) {
// if (op->Type() != "c_send") {
// continue;
// }
// auto input_arg_names = op->InputArgumentNames();
// PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(input_arg_names.size(), 1,
// platform::errors::InvalidArgument(
// "Number of input arguments for c_send op must be 1,
// "
// "but the value given is %d.",
// input_arg_names.size()));
// std::string input_arg_name = input_arg_names[0];
// if (input_arg_name.rfind("@GRAD") != input_arg_name.size() - 5) {
// skip_vars_.emplace_back(input_arg_name);
// VLOG(3) << "add skip var name: " << input_arg_name;
// }
// }
// }
void PipelineTrainer::InitTrainerEnv(const ProgramDesc& main_program,
const platform::Place& place) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(root_scope_, platform::errors::InvalidArgument(
"root_scope_ can not be nullptr"));
auto start_cpu_id = trainer_desc_.section_param().start_cpu_core_id();
// auto start_cpu_id = trainer_desc_.section_param().start_cpu_core_id();
// SectionWorker::cpu_id_.store(start_cpu_id);
// minibatch_scopes_.resize(section_num_);
// microbatch_scopes_.resize(section_num_);
// minibatch_scopes_.resize(1);
// skip_vars_.resize(section_num_);
VLOG(3) << "Init ScopeQueues and create all scopes";
VLOG(3) << "Create minibatch and microbatch scopes...";
// for (int i = 0; i < section_num_; ++i) {
minibatch_scope_ = &root_scope_->NewScope();
std::shared_ptr<framework::ProgramDesc> program;
......@@ -282,7 +284,7 @@ void PipelineTrainer::InitTrainerEnv(const ProgramDesc& main_program,
CopyParameters(j, *program, place_);
// GetSkipVars(i, *program);
// GetSkipVars(*program);
// }
// for (int i = 0; i < section_num_; ++i) {
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ limitations under the License. */
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
std::atomic<int> SectionWorker::cpu_id_(0);
// std::atomic<int> SectionWorker::cpu_id_(0);
// std::mutex SectionWorker::thread_mutex;
// std::mutex SectionWorker::cout_mutex;
// std::condition_variable SectionWorker::thread_condition;
......@@ -48,18 +48,20 @@ void SectionWorker::Initialize(const TrainerDesc& desc) {
void SectionWorker::AutoSetCPUAffinity(bool reuse) {
int thread_cpu_id = cpu_id_.fetch_add(1);
// int thread_cpu_id = cpu_id_.fetch_add(1);
unsigned concurrency_cap = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
unsigned proc = thread_cpu_id;
// unsigned proc = thread_cpu_id;
unsigned proc = cpu_id_;
if (proc >= concurrency_cap) {
if (reuse) {
proc %= concurrency_cap;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "All " << concurrency_cap
<< " CPUs have been set affinities. Fail to set "
<< thread_cpu_id << "th thread";
<< " CPUs have been set affinities. Fail to set " << cpu_id_
<< "th thread.";
// << thread_cpu_id << "th thread";
......@@ -78,7 +80,8 @@ void SectionWorker::AutoSetCPUAffinity(bool reuse) {
(0 == CPU_ISSET(proc, &mask))) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Fail to set thread affinity to CPU " << proc;
VLOG(3) << "Set " << thread_cpu_id << "th thread affinity to CPU " << proc;
// VLOG(3) << "Set " << thread_cpu_id << "th thread affinity to CPU " << proc;
VLOG(3) << "Set " << cpu_id_ << "th thread affinity to CPU " << proc;
void SectionWorker::TrainFiles() {
......@@ -141,7 +144,8 @@ void SectionWorker::TrainFiles() {
VLOG(3) << "thread completed.";
// VLOG(3) << "called notify all";
// thread_condition.notify_all();
VLOG(0) << "EOF encountered";
VLOG(3) << "EOF encountered";
// throw platform::EOFException();
......@@ -191,8 +195,8 @@ void SectionWorker::TrainFilesWithProfiler() {
platform::Timer batch_timer;
platform::Timer timeline;
std::vector<double> op_total_time;
std::vector<std::string> op_name;
std::vector<double> op_total_time;
std::vector<double> op_max_time;
std::vector<double> op_min_time;
std::vector<uint64_t> op_count;
......@@ -204,6 +208,7 @@ void SectionWorker::TrainFilesWithProfiler() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < op_min_time.size(); ++i) {
op_min_time[i] = DBL_MAX;
op_max_time[i] = 0.0;
......@@ -235,7 +240,7 @@ void SectionWorker::TrainFilesWithProfiler() {
struct timeval micro_end;
// Start a minibatch.
int real_microbatch_num = 0;
// int real_microbatch_num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_microbatches_; ++i) {
try {
int op_idx = 0;
......@@ -253,8 +258,9 @@ void SectionWorker::TrainFilesWithProfiler() {
op_role == (static_cast<int>(OpRole::kForward) |
if ((i == 0 && run_first_mbatch) || (i != 0 && run_others)) {
VLOG(3) << "running an op " << op->Type() << " for " << thread_id_
<< " for scope " << i;
// VLOG(3) << "running an op " << op->Type() << " for " << thread_id_
// << " for scope " << i;
VLOG(3) << "running an op " << op->Type() << " for scope " << i;
op->Run(*microbatch_scopes_[i], place_);
if (gc) {
......@@ -365,11 +371,11 @@ void SectionWorker::TrainFilesWithProfiler() {
if (real_microbatch_num == 0) {
VLOG(0) << "batch time: " << batch_timer.ElapsedUS();
// if (real_microbatch_num == 0) {
// batch_timer.Pause();
// VLOG(0) << "batch time: " << batch_timer.ElapsedUS();
// return;
// }
// update pass
int op_idx = 0;
gettimeofday(&micro_start, NULL);
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ message DownpourWorkerParameter {
message SectionWorkerParameter {
SectionConfig section_config = 1;
optional SectionConfig section_config = 1;
optional int32 queue_size = 2 [ default = 1 ];
optional int64 sync_steps = 3 [ default = 1 ];
optional int32 start_cpu_core_id = 4 [ default = 1 ];
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/collective/c_recv_op.h"
#include <string>
namespace paddle {
namespace operators {
......@@ -33,14 +34,36 @@ class CRecvOp : public framework::OperatorWithKernel {
ring_id, 0,
"The ring_id (%d) for c_send_op must be non-negative.", ring_id));
auto out_shape = ctx->Attrs().Get<std::vector<int>>("out_shape");
PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE(out_shape.size(), 1,
"The size of the output shape must be greater than 0 "
"but the value given is %d.",
framework::OpKernelType GetExpectedKernelType(
const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) const override {
auto out = ctx.Output<framework::LoDTensor>("Out");
auto dtype = out->type();
return framework::OpKernelType(dtype, ctx.GetPlace());
VLOG(0) << "wow1";
std::string dtype = ctx.Attr<std::string>("dtype");
framework::proto::VarType::Type type;
if (dtype == "fp32") {
type = framework::proto::VarType::FP32;
} else if (dtype == "fp64") {
type = framework::proto::VarType::FP64;
} else if (dtype == "fp16") {
type = framework::proto::VarType::FP16;
} else if (dtype == "int32") {
type = framework::proto::VarType::INT32;
} else if (dtype == "int64") {
type = framework::proto::VarType::INT64;
} else {
"Unknown data type %s for c_recv op.", dtype));
VLOG(0) << "wow2";
return framework::OpKernelType(type, ctx.GetPlace());
// OperatorWithKernel::IndicateVarDataType(ctx, "Out"), ctx.GetPlace());
......@@ -52,6 +75,11 @@ class CRecvOpMaker : public framework::OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
AddAttr<int>("ring_id", "(int default 0) nccl communication ring id.")
AddAttr<int>("peer", "(int default 0) rank id for sender.").SetDefault(0);
"(std::string default fp32) data type of tensor.")
AddAttr<std::vector<int>>("out_shape", "shape of the output tensor.")
"(bool default false) eject CUDA operations to calculation stream.")
......@@ -27,13 +27,20 @@ class CRecvOpCUDAKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
void Compute(const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) const override {
#if defined(PADDLE_WITH_NCCL)
VLOG(0) << "here1";
auto out = ctx.Output<framework::LoDTensor>("Out");
int numel = out->numel();
ncclDataType_t dtype = platform::ToNCCLDataType(out->type());
VLOG(0) << "here2";
auto out_shape = ctx.Attr<std::vector<int>>("out_shape");
auto out_dims = paddle::framework::make_ddim(out_shape);
int rid = ctx.Attr<int>("ring_id");
auto place = ctx.GetPlace();
auto comm = platform::NCCLCommContext::Instance().Get(rid, place);
out->mutable_data<T>(out_dims, place);
VLOG(0) << "out_dims:" << out_dims;
ncclDataType_t dtype = platform::ToNCCLDataType(out->type());
int numel = out->numel();
VLOG(0) << "numel:" << numel;
cudaStream_t stream = nullptr;
if (ctx.Attr<bool>("use_calc_stream")) {
......@@ -49,9 +56,10 @@ class CRecvOpCUDAKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
platform::errors::InvalidArgument("The value of peer (%d) you set must "
"be less than comm->nranks (%d).",
peer, comm->nranks()));
VLOG(0) << "here3";
out->data<T>(), numel, dtype, peer, comm->comm(), stream));
VLOG(3) << "rank " << comm->rank() << " recv "
VLOG(0) << "rank " << comm->rank() << " recv "
<< framework::product(out->dims()) << " from " << peer;
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
import paddle.fluid as fluid
from paddle.fluid import core, unique_name
......@@ -21,9 +22,50 @@ from .meta_optimizer_base import MetaOptimizerBase
from .common import OpRole, OP_ROLE_KEY, OP_ROLE_VAR_KEY, CollectiveHelper, is_update_op, is_loss_grad_op, is_backward_op, is_optimizer_op
class PipelineHelper(CollectiveHelper):
def __init__(self, role_maker, nrings=1, wait_port='6174'):
super(PipelineHelper, self).__init__(role_maker, nrings, wait_port)
def _get_node_num(endpoints):
ss = set()
for ep in endpoints:
ip = ep.split(":")[0].strip()
if ip not in ss:
return len(ss)
class PipelineHelper(object):
def __init__(self, role_maker, wait_port='6174'):
self.wait_port = wait_port
self.role_maker = role_maker
def update_startup_program(self, startup_program=None):
self.startup_program = startup_program
if startup_program is None:
self.startup_program = fluid.default_startup_program()
endpoints = self.role_maker.get_trainer_endpoints()
current_endpoint = endpoints[self.role_maker.worker_index()]
node_num = _get_node_num(endpoints)
assert len(endpoints) % node_num == 0
gpus_per_node = len(endpoints) // node_num
# Create a global ring for all gpus
print("current_endpoint:", current_endpoint)
print("endpoints:", endpoints)
print("rank:", self.role_maker.worker_index())
self.startup_program, current_endpoint, endpoints,
self.role_maker.worker_index(), 0, self.wait_port)
if node_num == 1: return
# Create rings for gpus with the same gpu id
eps = []
local_rank = self.role_maker.worker_index() % gpus_per_node
ring_id = local_rank + 1
for i in range(node_num):
eps.append(endpoints[i * gpus_per_node + local_rank])
temp_rank = self.role_maker.worker_index() // node_num
self._init_communicator(self.startup_program, current_endpoint, eps,
temp_rank, ring_id, self.wait_port)
def _init_communicator(self, program, current_endpoint, endpoints, rank,
ring_id, wait_port):
......@@ -46,9 +88,8 @@ class PipelineHelper(CollectiveHelper):
'rank': rank,
'endpoint': current_endpoint,
'other_endpoints': other_endpoints,
OP_ROLE_KEY: OpRole.Forward
OP_ROLE_KEY: OpRole.Forward,
inputs={'X': nccl_id_var},
......@@ -58,12 +99,10 @@ class PipelineHelper(CollectiveHelper):
'rank': rank,
'ring_id': ring_id,
OP_ROLE_KEY: OpRole.Forward,
'device_id': OpRole.Forward
def _broadcast_params(self):
def _broadcast_params(self, ring_id):
block = self.startup_program.global_block()
ring_id = 0
for param in block.iter_parameters():
if param.is_distributed:
......@@ -78,7 +117,6 @@ class PipelineHelper(CollectiveHelper):
OP_ROLE_KEY: OpRole.Forward
for ring_id in range(self.nrings):
inputs={'X': param},
......@@ -100,7 +138,12 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(MetaOptimizerBase):
super(PipelineOptimizer, self)._set_basic_info(
loss, role_maker, user_defined_optimizer, user_defined_strategy)
num_microbatches = user_defined_strategy.pipeline_configs['micro_batch']
self.wrapped_opt = PO(self.inner_opt, num_microbatches=num_microbatches)
endpoints = role_maker.get_trainer_endpoints()
current_endpoint = endpoints[role_maker.worker_index()]
self.local_rank = self._get_local_rank(current_endpoint, endpoints)
self.wrapped_opt = PO(self.inner_opt,
def _can_apply(self):
if self.user_defined_strategy.pipeline == True:
......@@ -111,23 +154,37 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(MetaOptimizerBase):
dist_strategy.pipeline = False
dist_strategy.pipeline_configs = {}
def _get_local_rank(self, current_endpoint, endpoints):
cur_node_endpoints = []
cur_ip = current_endpoint.split(':')[0].strip()
for ep in endpoints:
if cur_ip == ep.split(':')[0].strip():
return cur_node_endpoints.index(current_endpoint)
def minimize_impl(self,
optimize_ops, params_grads, prog_list = \
self.wrapped_opt.minimize(loss, startup_program,
parameter_list, no_grad_set)
if self.role_maker.worker_num() == 1:
return optimize_ops, params_grads
endpoints = self.role_maker.get_trainer_endpoints()
current_endpoint = endpoints[self.role_maker.worker_index()]
node_num = _get_node_num(endpoints)
gpus_per_node = len(endpoints) // node_num
self.startup_program = startup_program
self.local_rank = self._get_local_rank(current_endpoint, endpoints)
if startup_program is None:
self.startup_program = fluid.default_startup_program()
if self.role_maker.worker_num() == 1:
return self.inner_opt.minimize(loss, startup_program,
parameter_list, no_grad_set)
loss.block.program._pipeline_opt = dict()
loss.block.program._pipeline_opt['local_rank'] = self.local_rank
optimize_ops, params_grads, prog_list = \
self.wrapped_opt.minimize(loss, startup_program,
parameter_list, no_grad_set)
assert prog_list
self.main_program_list = prog_list
self.main_program = loss.block.program
......@@ -139,24 +196,24 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(MetaOptimizerBase):
self.endpoints = endpoints
self.current_endpoint = current_endpoint
pipeline_helper = PipelineHelper(self.role_maker, nrings=self.nrings)
pipeline_helper = PipelineHelper(self.role_maker)
self._transpile_main_program(loss, node_num, gpus_per_node)
return optimize_ops, params_grads
def _transpile_main_program(self):
for ring_id in range(self.nrings):
def _transpile_main_program(self, loss, node_num, gpus_per_node):
self._insert_loss_grad_ops(loss, gpus_per_node, node_num)
for ring_id in range(1, node_num + 1):
def _insert_loss_grad_ops(self):
def _insert_loss_grad_ops(self, loss, gpus_per_node, node_num):
In order to keep the learning rate consistent in different numbers of
training workers, we scale the loss grad by the number of workers
block = self.main_program_list[self.nrings - 1]['program'].global_block(
block = self.main_program_list[gpus_per_node - 1][
for idx, op in reversed(list(enumerate(block.ops))):
if is_loss_grad_op(op):
loss_grad_var = block.vars[op.output_arg_names[0]]
......@@ -166,12 +223,12 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(MetaOptimizerBase):
inputs={'X': loss_grad_var},
outputs={'Out': loss_grad_var},
'scale': 1.0 / self.nranks,
'scale': 1.0 / node_num,
OP_ROLE_KEY: OpRole.Backward
def _insert_allreduce_ops(self, ring_id):
block = self.main_program_list[ring_id]['program'].global_block()
block = self.main_program_list[ring_id - 1]['program'].global_block()
origin_block = self.main_program.global_block()
grad = None
for idx, op in reversed(list(enumerate(block.ops))):
......@@ -406,14 +406,14 @@ class Section(DeviceWorker):
section_param = trainer_desc.section_param
section_param.num_microbatches = pipeline_opt["num_microbatches"]
section_param.start_cpu_core_id = pipeline_opt["start_cpu_core_id"]
for i, program in enumerate(pipeline_opt["section_program_list"]):
cfg = section_param.section_config.add()
cfg = section_param.section_config
program = pipeline_opt["section_program"]
# TODO: why does not work
# cfg.program_desc.CopyFrom(program.program._get_desc())
place = pipeline_opt["place_list"][i]
place_id = pipeline_opt["place_id_list"][i]
place = pipeline_opt["place"]
place_id = pipeline_opt["place_id"]
if isinstance(place, core.CPUPlace):
cfg.place = cfg.CPUPlace
elif isinstance(place, core.CUDAPlace):
......@@ -425,6 +425,25 @@ class Section(DeviceWorker):
"SectionWorker only supports CPUPlace, CUDAPlace and CUDAPinnedPlace now."
cfg.place_id = place_id
# for i, program in enumerate(pipeline_opt["section_program_list"]):
# cfg = section_param.section_config.add()
# cfg.program_desc.ParseFromString(program["program"]._get_desc()
# .serialize_to_string())
# # TODO: why does not work
# # cfg.program_desc.CopyFrom(program.program._get_desc())
# place = pipeline_opt["place_list"][i]
# place_id = pipeline_opt["place_id_list"][i]
# if isinstance(place, core.CPUPlace):
# cfg.place = cfg.CPUPlace
# elif isinstance(place, core.CUDAPlace):
# cfg.place = cfg.CUDAPlace
# elif isinstance(place, core.CUDAPinnedPlace):
# cfg.place = cfg.CUDAPinnedPlace
# else:
# raise NotImplementedError(
# "SectionWorker only supports CPUPlace, CUDAPlace and CUDAPinnedPlace now."
# )
# cfg.place_id = place_id
class DeviceWorkerFactory(object):
......@@ -3818,6 +3818,24 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(object):
return programs
def _split_startup_program(self, startup_program, local_rank):
block = startup_program.block(0)
new_startup_program = Program()
for op in block.ops:
device = op.attr(self._op_device_key)
if device:
device_index = int(device.split(":")[1])
device_index = 0
if device_index != local_rank: continue
op_role = op.attr(self._op_role_key)
op_desc = op.desc
ap_op = new_startup_program.block(0).desc.append_op()
ap_op._set_attr(self._op_device_key, device)
self._create_vars(new_startup_program.block(0), startup_program)
return new_startup_program
def _find_post_op(self, ops, cur_op, var_name):
Find the real post op that has variable named var_name as input.
......@@ -3933,6 +3951,7 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(object):
if op.type == "read":
first_dev_spec = devices[0]
first_dev_index = int(first_dev_spec.split(':')[1])
for var_name in data_devices_map.keys():
for device in data_devices_map[var_name]:
if device == first_dev_spec: continue
......@@ -3940,13 +3959,15 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(object):
assert main_var.is_data
if not var_name in first_block.vars:
self._create_var(first_block, main_var, var_name)
dev_index = int(device.split(':')[1])
inputs={'X': first_block.var(var_name)},
self._op_device_key: first_dev_spec,
self._op_role_key: self._op_role.Forward
self._op_role_key: self._op_role.Forward,
'peer': dev_index
# Get the device that that data on
assert device in devices
......@@ -3961,8 +3982,10 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(object):
outputs={'Out': [new_var]},
'out_shape': new_var.shape,
self._op_device_key: device,
self._op_role_key: self._op_role.Forward,
'peer': first_dev_index
def _strip_grad_suffix(self, name):
......@@ -4105,13 +4128,16 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(object):
op_role = op.all_attrs()[self._op_role_key]
var = block.vars[var_name]
prev_device_index = int(prev_device_spec.split(':')[1])
cur_device_index = int(cur_device_spec.split(':')[1])
index=index + extra_index,
inputs={'X': var},
self._op_device_key: prev_device_spec,
self._op_role_key: op_role
self._op_role_key: op_role,
'peer': prev_device_index
extra_index += 1
......@@ -4119,8 +4145,10 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(object):
outputs={'Out': [var]},
'out_shape': var.shape,
self._op_device_key: cur_device_spec,
self._op_role_key: op_role
self._op_role_key: op_role,
'peer': cur_device_index
extra_index += 1
......@@ -4271,9 +4299,13 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(object):
write_prog = write_info[var_name]
write_block = write_prog.block(0)
write_device = self._get_device_info(write_block)
write_dev_index = int(write_device.split(':')[1])
all_progs = var_info[var_name]
for prog in all_progs:
if prog == write_prog: continue
read_block = prog.block(0)
read_device = self._get_device_info(read_block)
read_dev_index = int(read_device.split(':')[1])
......@@ -4283,19 +4315,20 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(object):
self._op_device_key: write_device,
# A trick to make the role LRSched to avoid copy every
# microbatch
self._op_role_key: self._op_role.LRSched
self._op_role_key: self._op_role.LRSched,
'peer': read_dev_index
read_block = prog.block(0)
read_device = self._get_device_info(read_block)
outputs={'Out': [read_block.var(var_name)]},
'out_shape': read_block.var(var_name).shape,
self._op_device_key: read_device,
# A trick to make the role LRSched to avoid copy every
# microbatch
self._op_role_key: self._op_role.LRSched,
'peer': write_dev_index
def minimize(self,
......@@ -4363,12 +4396,25 @@ class PipelineOptimizer(object):
# Step7: Add sub blocks for section programs
self._add_sub_blocks(main_block, program_list)
assert (main_program._pipeline_opt and
isinstance(main_program._pipeline_opt, dict) and
'local_rank' in main_program._pipeline_opt), \
"You must use pipeline with fleet"
local_rank = main_program._pipeline_opt['local_rank']
# Step8: Split startup program
startup_program = self._split_startup_program(
startup_program, program_list[local_rank]['program'])
with open("startup_prog_%d" % local_rank, 'w') as f:
with open("main_prog_%d" % local_rank, 'w') as f:
main_program._pipeline_opt = {
"trainer": "PipelineTrainer",
"device_worker": "Section",
"section_program_list": program_list,
"place_list": place_list,
"place_id_list": place_id_list,
"section_program": program_list[local_rank],
"place": place_list[local_rank],
"place_id": place_id_list[local_rank],
"sync_steps": -1,
"num_microbatches": self._num_microbatches,
"start_cpu_core_id": self._start_cpu_core_id,
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