提交 5502abb9 编写于 作者: P peterzhang2029

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上级 9580c450
......@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ namespace paddle {
REGISTER_LAYER(cudnn_batch_norm, CudnnBatchNormLayer);
const double CudnnBatchNormLayer::MIN_EPS = 1E-5;
bool CudnnBatchNormLayer::init(const LayerMap& layerMap,
const ParameterMap& parameterMap) {
/* Initialize the basic parent class */
......@@ -61,14 +59,8 @@ void CudnnBatchNormLayer::forward(PassType passType) {
real* movingMean = movingMean_->getW()->getData();
real* movingVar = movingVar_->getW()->getData();
* If epsilon_ equals to 1e-5 and eps_ is assigned the value of
* static_cast<double>(epsilon_), The CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM error
* will occur due to eps_ value is less than
* The following code is to ensure that the eps_ meets requirement.
eps_ = std::max(MIN_EPS, static_cast<double>(epsilon_));
// cuDNN does not allow an epsilon value less than CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON.
eps_ = std::max(CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON, static_cast<double>(epsilon_));
if (!useGlobalStats_) {
REGISTER_TIMER_INFO("CudnnBatchFwTimer", getName().c_str());
......@@ -137,14 +129,8 @@ void CudnnBatchNormLayer::backward(const UpdateCallback& callback) {
real* savedMean = savedMean_->getData();
real* savedInvVar = savedInvVar_->getData();
* If epsilon_ equals to 1e-5 and eps_ is assigned the value of
* static_cast<double>(epsilon_), The CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM error
* will occur due to eps_ value is less than
* The following code is to ensure that the eps_ meets requirement.
eps_ = std::max(MIN_EPS, static_cast<double>(epsilon_));
// cuDNN does not allow an epsilon value less than CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON.
eps_ = std::max(CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON, static_cast<double>(epsilon_));
auto create = [](MatrixPtr& m, size_t h, size_t w, real** p) {
Matrix::resizeOrCreate(m, h, w, false, true);
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ limitations under the License. */
#pragma once
#include <cudnn.h>
#include "BatchNormBaseLayer.h"
#include "Layer.h"
#include "paddle/utils/Stat.h"
......@@ -46,9 +47,6 @@ public:
void backward(const UpdateCallback& callback = nullptr) override;
/// Minimum allowed value is CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON defined in cudnn.h.
static const double MIN_EPS;
/// Epsilon value used in the batch normalization formula.
/// Same epsilon value should be used in forward and backward functions.
double eps_;
......@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ message LayerConfig {
optional ReshapeConfig reshape_conf = 59;
// for batch normalization layer
// small constant added to the variance to avoid numerical problems.
// The small constant added to the variance to improve numeric stability.
optional double epsilon = 60 [ default = 0.00001 ];
......@@ -2483,8 +2483,9 @@ class BatchNormLayer(LayerBase):
self.config.use_global_stats = use_global_stats
if moving_average_fraction is not None:
self.config.moving_average_fraction = moving_average_fraction
self.config.epsilon = epsilon
if epsilon is not None:
assert epsilon >= 1e-5, "epsilon must be no less than 1e-5."
self.config.epsilon = epsilon
input_layer = self.get_input_layer(0)
image_conf = self.config.inputs[0].image_conf
......@@ -3107,7 +3107,7 @@ def batch_norm_layer(input,
will use the mean and variance of the current batch
of test data.
:type use_global_stats: bool | None.
:param epsilon: Small constant added to the variance to avoid numerical problems.
:param epsilon: The small constant added to the variance to improve numeric stability.
:type epsilon: float.
:param moving_average_fraction: Factor used in the moving average computation.
:math:`runningMean = newMean*(1-factor) + runningMean*factor`
......@@ -3127,8 +3127,6 @@ def batch_norm_layer(input,
(batch_norm_type == "mkldnn_batch_norm") or \
(batch_norm_type == "cudnn_batch_norm")
assert epsilon >= 1e-5, "epsilon must be no less than 1e-5."
l = Layer(
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