未验证 提交 14b60947 编写于 作者: W Wilber 提交者: GitHub

fix compile error on ARM (#30390)

上级 4cc0337f
......@@ -278,11 +278,12 @@ else:
# copy the openblas.dll
shutil.copy('${OPENBLAS_SHARED_LIB}', libs_path)
package_data['paddle.libs'] += ['openblas' + ext_name]
elif os.name == 'posix' and platform.machine() == 'aarch64':
elif os.name == 'posix' and platform.machine() == 'aarch64' and '${OPENBLAS_LIB}'.endswith('so'):
# copy the libopenblas.so on linux+aarch64
# special: core_noavx.so depends on 'libopenblas.so.0', not 'libopenblas.so'
shutil.copy('${OPENBLAS_LIB}' + '.0', libs_path)
package_data['paddle.libs'] += ['libopenblas.so.0']
if os.path.exists('${OPENBLAS_LIB}' + '.0'):
shutil.copy('${OPENBLAS_LIB}' + '.0', libs_path)
package_data['paddle.libs'] += ['libopenblas.so.0']
if '${WITH_LITE}' == 'ON':
shutil.copy('${LITE_SHARED_LIB}', libs_path)
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