subgraph_detector.h 5.8 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.

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 * This file defines the the class to partition a graph.

#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_traits.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/node.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/argument.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/inference/analysis/helper.h"

namespace paddle {
namespace inference {
namespace analysis {

using framework::ir::Graph;

const char kIsFunctionNode[] = "__is_function_node__";
const char kFunctionNodeSubGraph[] = "__function_node_sub_graph__";
const char kSubgraphSplitterMarkerAttrName[] =

 * Detect the nodes in a sub-graph that meet some conditions. This class doesn't
 * modify the graph.
class SubgraphDetector {
  // Tell whether a node is inside a sub-graph.
  using NodeInsideSubgraphTeller =
      std::function<bool(const framework::ir::Node *)>;

  SubgraphDetector(Graph *graph, const NodeInsideSubgraphTeller &teller)
      : graph_(graph), node_inside_subgraph_teller_(teller) {}

  std::vector<std::vector<framework::ir::Node *>> operator()();

  // Mark the nodes inside the accepted sub-graph using
  // node_inside_subgraph_teller.
  void MarkNodesInsideSubGraph();

  // Merge the marked nodes into sub-graphs and return the sub-graphs.
  std::vector<std::vector<framework::ir::Node *>> ExtractSubGraphs();

  Graph *graph_;
  NodeInsideSubgraphTeller node_inside_subgraph_teller_;

 * SubGraphFuser - Replace some nodes with the sub-graph node they are inside.
 * To some extent, the TensorRT engine is just a fusion op for a model.
class SubGraphFuser {
  using NodeInsideSubgraphTeller = SubgraphDetector::NodeInsideSubgraphTeller;

  SubGraphFuser(Graph *graph, const NodeInsideSubgraphTeller &teller,
                int min_subgraph_size)
      : graph_(graph),
        min_subgraph_size_{min_subgraph_size} {}

  // The main method which run all the logic.
  void operator()();

  // Remove the nodes inside sub-graphs and replace with the SubGraphNode.
  void ReplaceNodesWithSubGraphs();

  Graph *graph_;
  NodeInsideSubgraphTeller node_inside_subgraph_teller_;
  int min_subgraph_size_;

struct NodeWrapper {
  bool deleted{false};
  bool marked{false};
  int union_find_parent{-1};
  std::vector<framework::ir::Node *> subgraph;

 * ir::Node agent for subgraph detector.
struct Agent {
  explicit Agent(framework::ir::Node *x) : x_(x) {}

  NodeWrapper &wrapper() {
    if (!x_->IsWrappedBy<NodeWrapper>()) {
      x_->WrappedBy<NodeWrapper>(new NodeWrapper);
    return x_->template Wrapper<NodeWrapper>();

  bool deleted() { return wrapper().deleted; }
  void set_deleted(bool x) { wrapper().deleted = x; }

  bool marked() { return wrapper().marked; }
  void set_marked(bool x) { wrapper().marked = x; }

  void set_subgraph(const std::vector<framework::ir::Node *> &x) {
    wrapper().subgraph = x;

  int union_find_parent() { return wrapper().union_find_parent; }
  void set_union_find_parent(int v) { wrapper().union_find_parent = v; }

  std::vector<framework::ir::Node *> *subgraph() { return &wrapper().subgraph; }
  std::vector<framework::ir::Node *> &inputs() { return x_->inputs; }
  std::vector<framework::ir::Node *> &outputs() { return x_->outputs; }

  framework::ir::Node *x_;

// Topological sorting iterator on nodes.
struct NodesTSIterator
    : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, framework::ir::Node *> {
  NodesTSIterator() = default;
  explicit NodesTSIterator(const std::vector<framework::ir::Node *> &source);
  NodesTSIterator(NodesTSIterator &&other)
      : sorted_(std::move(other.sorted_)), cursor_(other.cursor_) {
    other.cursor_ = 0;
  NodesTSIterator(const NodesTSIterator &other);

  framework::ir::Node &operator*();
  NodesTSIterator &operator++();
  // TODO(Superjomn) current implementation just compare the first
  // element, need to compare the graph and all the elements in the queue and
  // set.
  NodesTSIterator &operator=(const NodesTSIterator &other);
  bool operator==(const NodesTSIterator &other);
  bool operator!=(const NodesTSIterator &other) { return !(*this == other); }
  framework::ir::Node *operator->();

  std::vector<framework::ir::Node *> sorted_;
  size_t cursor_{0};

// The nodes those have no input will be treated as start points.
static std::vector<framework::ir::Node *> ExtractStartPoints(const Graph &g) {
  std::vector<framework::ir::Node *> result;
  for (auto *node : g.Nodes()) {
    if (node->inputs.empty()) {
  return result;

static iterator_range<NodesTSIterator> TopologicalSort(const Graph &g) {
  auto start_points = ExtractStartPoints(g);
  NodesTSIterator x(start_points);
  return iterator_range<NodesTSIterator>(NodesTSIterator(start_points),

}  // namespace analysis
}  // namespace inference
}  // namespace paddle