提交 8086d7ce 编写于 作者: Peacoor Zomboss's avatar Peacoor Zomboss

Add static link option for binary

上级 2864d7d4
vpath %.cpp ../src
cxx = g++
cxxflags = -c -O1 -I ../inc
linkflags = -shared -l ws2_32
linkflags = -shared -static -l ws2_32
cxx32prefix = i686-w64-mingw32-
cxx64prefix = x86_64-w64-mingw32-
objdir = ./obj/
......@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ target64 = $(bindir)injector64.exe
all: check $(target32) $(target64)
$(target32): $(obj32)
$(cxx32prefix)$(cxx) -o $@ $^
$(cxx32prefix)$(cxx) -o $@ $^ -static
$(target64): $(obj64)
$(cxx64prefix)$(cxx) -o $@ $^
$(cxx64prefix)$(cxx) -o $@ $^ -static
$(objdir)%_32.o: %.cpp
$(cxx32prefix)$(cxx) $(cxxflags) -o $@ $<
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