• W
    Optimize memblock timing (#1268) · a98b054b
    William Wang 提交于
    * sbuffer: do flush correctly while draining sbuffer
    * mem: disable EnableFastForward for timing reasons
    * sbuffer: optimize forward mask gen timing
    * dcache: block main pipe req if refill req is valid
    Refill req comes from refill arbiter. There is not time left for index
    conflict check. Now we block all main pipe req when refill
    req comes from miss queue.
    * dcache: delay some resp signals for better timing
    * dcache: optimize wbq enq entry select timing
    * dcache: decouple missq req.valid to valid & cancel
    * valid is fast, it is used to select which miss req will be sent to
    miss queue
    * cancel can be slow to generate, it will cancel miss queue req in the
    last moment
    * sbuffer: optimize noSameBlockInflight check timing
DCacheWrapper.scala 26.9 KB